Chemistry Chapters 13 and 14

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absolute zero temperature (in Celcius)

-273.15 C

Explain, using kinetic theory, why molecules of low molar diffuse more rapidly than molecules with a higher molar mass.


distance between particles in an enclosed gas at room temperature

10 times the diameter of a particle

Calculate the mass of nitrogen dioxide present in a 275-mL container if the pressure is 240.0 kPa and the temperature is 28 C.

2,417.3 g

A rigid container holds a gas at a pressure of 55 kPa and a temperature of 100.0 C. What will the pressure be when the temperature is increased to 200.0 C?

27.5 kPa

Standard conditions are defined as a temperature of ______ and a pressure of ______.

273 K; 101.3 kPa

Calculate the number of moles of oxygen in a 12.5-L tank if the pressure is 25,325 kPa and the temperature is 22 C.


What is the volume of a sample of CO2 at STP that has a volume of 75.0 mL at 30.0 C and 91 kPa?

60.7 mL

R is equal to ____.

8.31 (for kPa or 0.0821 for atm)

AT, ST, or NT: According to Boyle's law, when the volume of a gas at constant temperature increases, the pressure decreases.


AT, ST, or NT: According to kinetic theory, the volume of the particles in a gas is small compared to the total volume of the gas.


AT, ST, or NT: Diffusion is the tendency of molecules to move towards areas of lower concentration until the concentration is uniform throughout.


AT, ST, or NT: Four variables are used to describe a gas, P, V, T, and n, where n=number of moles.


AT, ST, or NT: The ideal gas law allows you to solve for the number of moles of a contained gas when pressure, volume, and temperature are known.


The relationship of pressure and volume is known as ______ law.


For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume of gas varies inversely with pressure.

Boyle's law

The relationship of volume and temperature is know as _______ law.


The volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature if the pressure is kept constant.

Charles' Law

The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature if the volume remains constant.

Gay-Lussac's law

________ law states that the pressure of a gas is _____ proportional to the Kelvin temperature if the volume remains constant.

Gay-Lussac's; directly

The rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its formula mass

Graham's law of effusion

AT, ST, or NT: According to Charles's law, T2 = (V1 X V2) / T2.


AT, ST, or NT: Gas flows from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure.


AT, ST, or NT: In an inverse relationship, the ratio of two variable quantities is constant.


AT, ST, or NT: The behavior of a gas is most likely to approach ideal behavior at a high pressure and a low temperature.


AT, ST, or NT: The rate of diffusion of a gas is not influenced by its molar mass.


AT, ST, or NT: The ratio (P X V)/(R X T) is equal to 1 for real gases.


AT, ST, or NT: When 20.0 L of O2 is warmed from -30.0 C to 85.0 C at constant pressure, the new volume is 29.5 L.


AT, ST, or NT: When using the combined gas law, pressure must always be in kilopascals but temperature can be in kelvins or degrees Celsius.


The ideal gas law is described by the formula _______ where the variable _______ represents the number of moles of gas and the letter R is the _______ .

PV=nRT; n; constant

AT, ST, or NT: A balloon with a volume of 60 L at 100 kPa pressure will expand to a volume of 120 L at a pressure of 50 kPa.


AT, ST, or NT: Adding air to an object will cause the object to inflate.


AT, ST, or NT: Air will rush into a sealed container when the container is opened.


AT, ST, or NT: For an ideal gas, pressure and volume are directly proportional to each other when all other factors remain constant.


AT, ST, or NT: The fraction of the pressure exerted by a gas in a mixture does not change as the temperature, pressure, or volume changes.


AT, ST, or NT: The number of moles of gas is directly proportional to the number of particles.


AT, ST, or NT: Two objects with the same mass move at the same velocity.


It can be used in situations in which only the _______ of gas is constant.


Barometers are used to measure _______ pressure.


No __________ or ________ forces exist between the particles.

attraction; repulsion

Deviations from ideal behavior at high pressures can be explained by the intermolecular ________ between particles in a gas and the actual _______ of the particles.

attractions; volume

Gas pressure results from the simultaneous ______ of billions of particles with an object.


result in pressure exerted by a gas

collisions of particles

The _______ between particles are perfectly elastic so that the total ______ remains constant.

collisions; kinetic energy

These three separate gas laws can be written as a single expression called the ________ gas law.


Gases are easily _________, or squeezed into a smaller volume because of the ___________ between particles in a gas.

compressed; space

a measure of how much the volume of matter decreases under pressure


As the temperature of an enclosed gas decreases, the pressure _______.


You can raise the pressure exerted by a contained gas by __________ its volume.


Doubling the amount of gas in a rigid container ________ the pressure.


the escape of a gas through a tiny hole in its container


During ________, a gas escapes through a tiny ______ in its container.

effusion; hole

Between gas particles, there is _________.

empty space

The theory assumes that the volume occupied by a gas is mostly _______, that the particles of gas are relatively _______, move ______ of each other, and are in constant _______ motion.

empty space; small; independent; rapid

A gas that conforms to the gas laws at all conditions of temperature and pressure in an _______.

ideal gas

a gas that follows the gas laws at all conditions of pressure and temperature

ideal gas

8.31 (L*kPa)/(K*mol)

ideal gas constant (R)


ideal gas law

If pressure or volume decreases, the other ________.


The motion of one particle in a gas is ________ of the motion of all other particles.


The pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas are _________ related.


The rate of effusion of a gas is ______ proportional to the square root of the gas's ______. This relationship is described by ______ of effusion.

inversely; molar mass; Graham's law

the SI unit of pressure


The word _____ refers to motion.


You can use _______ theory to predict and explain how gases will respond to a change in conditions.


th energy an object has because of its motion

kinetic energy

According to ______, all matter consists of tiny particles that are in constant motion. The particles in a gas are usually molecules or atoms.

kinetic theory

Molecules tend to move to areas of _______ concentration until the concentration is _____. This process is called _________.

low; uniform; diffusion

The kinetic theory describes the ______ of particles in matter and the forces of attraction between them.


The ideal gas law permits you to solve for the ________ of a contained gas when the pressure, volume, and temperature are known.

number of moles

the pressure exerted by each gas in a gaseous mixture

partial pressure

used to compress a gas in a cylinder


The volume of a fixed ______ of a gas is directly proportional to its _________ temperature.

pressure; Kelvin

The four variables 2. used to describe a gas are _______, (P), _______ (V), _______ (T), and _______ (n).

pressure; volume; temperature; number of moles

No _______ gas behaves ideally at all temperatures and pressures.


a gas that can be liquefied by applying pressure

real gas

The particles change direction only when they _______ from _______ with one another or with other objects.

rebound; collisions

According to the kinetic theory, 1. the particles in a gas are considered to be _______, _____ ______ with _________ volume, 2. The motion of the particles in a gas is _____, _______, and _______, 3. All collisions between particles in a gas are perfectly ________.

small; hard spheres; insignificant; rapid; constant; random; elastic

Gas particles travel in _______ paths until they _______ with another particle.

straight-line; collide

According to Dalton's law of partial pressures, at constant volume and temperature, the _______ pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the _______ of the partial pressures of the component gases.

total; sum

During an elastic collision, kinetic energy is _______ without loss from one particle to another, and the total kinetic energy ________.

transferred; remains constant

The path of _______ travel in a straight line is very short.


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