Chemistry Final Practice Exam

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A compound has an empirical formula CH2O. An independent analysis gave a value of 150.13 for its molar mass. What is the correct molecular formula? a) C5H10O5 b) C6H12O6 c) C11H2O d) C6H6O8 e) C9H10O2


Arrange the following ions in order of increasing ionic radius: K+, p^3-, s^2-, Cl- a) K+< Cl- < S^2- < p^3- b) K+ < p^3- < s^2- < Cl- c) p^3- < S^2- < Cl- < K+ d) Cl- <S^2- < K+ <p^3- e) Cl- < S^2- <K+ < p^3-


Classify the Ca -- Cl bond in CaCl2, as ionic, polar covalent, or nonpolar covalent. a) ionic b) polar covalent c) nonpolar covalent


If equal masses if O2(g) and HBr (g) are in separate containers of equal volume and temperature, which one of the following statements is true? a) The pressure in the O2 container is greater than that in the HBr container b) There are more HBr molecules that O2 molecules c ) The average velocity of the O2 molecules is less than that of the HBr molecules d) The average kinetic energy of HBr molecules is greater than that of O2 molecules e) The pressure of both gases are the same


The atomic weight of aluminum is 26.982. How many aluminum atoms are there in a 4.55 g sample of aluminum? a) 1.02 x 10^23 b) 1.32 x 10^23 c) 2.74 x 10^24 d) 3.57 x 10^24 e) 8.01 x 10^23


The atomic weight of aluminum is 26.982. how many moles of Al are there in a 4.55 g sample of aluminum? a) 0.169 moles b) 0.220 moles c) 4.55 moles d) 4.55 moles e) 5.93 moles


The geometry of the Cs2 molecule is best described as a) linear b) trigonal planar c) tetrahedral d) bent e) trigonal pyramidal


What is the charge on all the simple ions of metals of group IA? a) +1 b) +2 c) -1 d) -2 e) +4


What volume of oxygen gas at 320 K and 680 torr will react completely with 2.50 L if NO gas at the same temperature pressure (1 atm = 760 torr) a) 1.25 L b) 2.50 L c) 3.00 L d) 1.00 L e) 5.00 L


Which element as the ground-state electron configuration [Kr] 5s^2 4d^10 5p^2 a) Sn b) Sb c) Pb d) Ge e) Te


Which one of the following contributes to the charge but does not contribute significantly to the mass of an atom? a) electrons b) nuclei c) photons d) neutrons e) protons


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A correct formula for tin(II) nitrate would be a) Sn(NO2)2 b) Sn (NO3)2 c) Sn (NO3)3 d) Sn (NO3)4 e) Sn2NO3


A neutral iodine atom has an atomic mass number = 131. Which description below fits this atom? a) 39 Protons 78 neutrons 39 electrons b) 53 Protons 78 neutrons 53 electrons c) 53 protons 78 neutrons 54 electrons d) 53 protons, 131 neutrons, 53 electrons e) 53 protons, 131 neutrons, 54 electrons


Consider the element with the electron configuration [kr]5s^2 4d^7. This element is a) a representative element b) a transition metal c) a nonmetal d) an actinide element e) a noble gas


Deviations from the ideal gas law are greater at a) low temperatures and low pressures b) low temperatures ad high pressures c) high temperatures and high pressures d) high temperatures and low pressures


How many electrons are there in the 3rd principal energy level (n=3) of a phosphorus atom a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 8 e) 10


How many grams of Fe(NO3)3 *9H2O would be required to prepare 250 mL of a solution that is 0.100 molar in Fe(NO3)3(aq) a) 6.05 grams b) 10.1 grams c) 14.3 grams d) 20.2 grams e) 52.2 grams


How many mL of 6.00 molar HCl (aq) solution required to completely consume a 27.5 g sample of zinc metal (atomic weight = 65.39) if the reaction is Zn(s) +2Hcl (aq) -> ZnCl2 (aq) + H2 (g) a) 126 ml b) 140 ml c) 280 ml d) 1.26 x 10^3 ml e) 2.52 x 10^3 ml


How many moles of 12C are there in 3.50 g sample of this substance? a) 0.286 moles b) 0.292 moles c) 1.00 moles d) 3.43 moles e) 3.50 moles


How many valence electrons does a tin (Sn) atom have a) 2 b) 4 c) 14 d) 36 e) 50


If the atomic weight of gold is 196.9665, then 0.150 mol Au = ___g Au a) 7.62 x 10^-4 g b) 29.5 g c) 29.54498 g d) 7.61551 x 10^-4 g e)0.903 g


The bond angle is Cl2O is expected to be approximately a) 90 degrees b) 109.5 degrees c) 120 degrees d) 145 degrees e) 180 degrees


The formal charge on the sufur atom in the resonance structure of sulfur doixide which has one single bond and one double bond is a) 0 b) +1 c) -1 d) +2 e) -2


The general electron configuration for atoms of the halogen group is a) ns^2np^6 b) ns^2np^5 c) ns^2np^6(n-1)d7 d) ns^1 e) ns^2np^7


The number of resonance structures for the sulfur dioxide molecule that satisfy the octet rule a)1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) none of these


The present form of the periodic table evolved from the pioneering work, in this area of? a) John Dalton b) Dmitri Mendelyev c) Isaac Newton d) J. J. Thomson e) Ernest Rutherford


The symbol "si" is used to represent the element? a) silver b) silicon c) sodium d) sulfur e) silicium


What is the correct formula for an ionic compund formed between magnesium and chlorine? a) MgCl b) MgCl2 c) Mg2Cl d.) Mg2C17 e) Mg7C12


What is the correct name for the compound CuBr2? (Remeber, for transition metals...) a) copper (I) bromide (II) b) copper (II) bromide c) copper (II) bromite d) copper dibromide e) cuprous bromide


What is the correct name for the compound Na2O? a) disodium oxide b) sodium oxide c) sodium (I) oxide d) sodium peroxide e) sodium superoxide


What is the correct name for the compound S2Cl2? a) disulfur chlorate b) disulfur dichloride c) disulfur dichlorine d) sulfur(I) Chloride e) sulfure (II) Chlorine(II)


Which of the elements listed below has the greatest atomic radius a) b b) AI c) S d) P e) Si


Which of the following elements behaves chemically similarly to potassium a) magnesium b) sodium c) beryllium d) chlorine e) iron


Which of the following elements has the greatest electron affinity (largest positive value) a) K b) Br c) As d) Ar e) I


Which of the following is most likely to be an ionic compound a) Ncl3 b) BaCl2 c) CO d) SO2 e) SF4


Which of the following is the correct name for the compound FeBr3? a) iron (I) bromide b) Iron (III) bromide c) iron bromite d) iron tribromide e) iron tribromine


Which one of the following is a physical change? a) when ignited with a match in open air, paper burns b) in cold whether, water condenses on the inside surface of single pane windows c) when treated with bleach, some dyed fabrics change color d) when heated strongly, sugar turns dark brown e) grape juice left in an open unrefrigerated container turns sour


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A ground state atom of vandium has __ unpaired electrons and is ___ a) 0, diamagnetic b) 2, diamagnetic c) 3, paramagnetic d) 5, paraagnetic e) 4, diamagnetic


A mixture of three gases has a total pressure of 1,380 mmHg at 298K. The mixture is analyzed and is found to contain 1.27 mol CO2, 3.04 mol CO, and 1.50 mol Ar. What is the partial pressure of Ar? a)0.258 atm b) 301 mmHg c) 356 mmHg d) 5,345 mmHg e) 8,020 mmHg


A theoretical model developed to explain relations between various pieces of OBSERVED data associated with natural phenomena is called? a) the scientific method b) a scientific law c) scientific theory d) hypothesis e) empirical fact


Calculate the mass, in grams, of 2.74 L of Co gas measured at 33 degrees C and 945 mmHg a)0.263 g b) 2.46 g c) 3.80 g d) 35.2 g e) 206 g


Complete this sentence: Atoms emit visible and ultraviolet light a) as electrons jump from lower energy levels to higher levels b) as the atoms condense from a gas to a liquid c) as electrons jump from higher energy levels to lower levels d) as they are heated and the solid melts to form liquid e) as the electrons move about the atom with an orbit


Consider the atoms of 26Mg and 27Al. Both of these species have the sane? a) number of electrons b) mass c) number of neutrons d) atomic mass number e) number of protons


Gases are sold in large cylinders for laboratory use. What pressure in atmosphere will be exerted by 2,500 g of oxygen gas (O2) when stored at 22 degrees C in a 40.0 L cylinder a) 3.55 atm b) 1,510 atm c) 47.3 atm d)7.56 x 10^4 atm e) 10.2 atm


How many atoms are there in one formula unit of NiSO4 *7H2O a) 9 b) 14 c) 27 d) 28 e) 33


Magnetite is a binary compound containing only iron and oxygen. The percent, by weight, of iron is 72.360%. What is the empirical formula of magnetite? a) FeO b) FeO2 c) Fe3O4 d) Fe2O3 e) Fe2O5


The electron configuration of a ground state vanadium atom is a) [Ar]4s^2 4d^3 b)[Ar}4s^2 4p^3 c)[Ar]4s^2 3d^3 d) [Ar]3d^5


The kilo is? a) unit of mass b) unit employed in medical terminology c) a decimal multiplier in the metric system d) a unit of speed e) a volume unit employed by the DEA


What is the correct name for the compound IBr3? a) bromic iodide b) iodine bromate c) iodine tribromide d) iodine tribromine e) monoiodine tribromite


What is the correct name for the compound V2O5? (Remeber, for transition metals...) a) divanadium pentoxide b) vanadic oxide c) vanadium (V) oxide d) vanadium pentoxide e) vanadous oxide


What is the energy in joules of one photon of microwave radiation with a wavelength 0.122 m (h=6.63 x 10 ^-34 j*s) a) 2.70 x 10^-43 J b 5.43 x 10^-33 J c) 1.63 x 10^-24 J d) 4.07 x 10^-10 J e) 2.46 x 10^6 J


What type of chemical bond holds the atoms together within a water molecule a) Ionic bond b) Nonpolar covalent bond c) Polar covalent bond d) Coordinate covalent bond


Which of the following is most likely to be a covalent compound a) Rb2S b) SrCl2 c) CS2 d) CaO e) MgI2


Which of the following is the electron configuration of an excited state of an oxygen a) 1s^2 2s^2 2p^4 b)1s^2 2s^2 2p^5 c) 1s^2 2s^2 2p^3 3s^1 d) 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 e) 1s2 2s^2 2p^3


Which one of the following compounds does not follow the octet rule a)Nf3 b) Cf4 c) Pf5 d) AsH3 e) HCl


Which one of the statements below is true? a) When two atoms combine, they do so in definite proportions by weights b) When two different compounds combine to form an element, they do so in definite proportions by weight c)When two different elements combine to form a compound , they do so in definite proportions by weight d) When two molecules combine, they do so in definite proportions by weight e) When two different elements combine to form a mixture, they do so in definite proportions by weight


Which set of elements below includes mostly non-metals? a) barium, calcium, strontium b) Lanthanum, lutecium, rhodium c) oxygen, selenium, tellurium d) silicon, zinc, strontium e) sodium, lithium, nitrogen


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Which of the following is a correct name for the compound CoF3 (free response, answers crossed out)

cobalt (II) flouride

150.0 grans if AsF3 was reacted with 180.0 g of CCl4 to produce AsCl3 and CCl2F2. The theoretical yield of CCl2F2 produced, in moles should be a) 0.7802 moles b) 0.5685 moles c) 1.274 moles d) 1.170 moles e) 1.705 moles


A 7.300 gram sample of aluminum combined quantitatively with some selenium to form a definite compound. The compound weighed 39.35 grams. What is the empirical formula for this compound? a) A1Se b) A12Se c) A1Se2 d) A12Se3 e) A13Se2


Complete this sentence: PCl5 molecule has: a) nonpolar bonds, and is nonpolar molecule b) nonpolar bonds, but us polar molecule c) polar bonds, and is a polar molecule d) polar bonds, but is a nonpolar molecule


How many atoms are there in one formula unit of (NH4) 4Fe (CN)6? a) 15 b) 25 c) 28 d) 33 e) 35


How many electrons are there in the 2nd principal energy level (n=2) of a phosphorus atom a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 8 e) 10


The atomic weight of boron is 10.811. What is the mass of a boron sample which contains 0.585 moles of B atoms? a) 0.00541 g b) 1.80 g c) 3.52 g d) 6.32 g e) 18.5 g


The elements in Group 2A are known by what name a) transition metals b) halogens c) alkali metals d) alkaline metals e) noble gases


The formula mass of (NH4)2SO4 is a) 84.12 b) 116.12 c) 118.13 d)132.14 e) 221.53


The gas pressure in an aerosol can is 1.8 atm at 25 degrees C. If the gas is an ideal gas, what pressure would develop in the can if it were heated to 475 degrees C. a) 0.095 atm b) 0.717 atm c) 3.26 atm d) 4.52 atm e) 34.2 atm


The number of orbitals in a d subshell is a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 e) 7


The species shown below which has 24 neutrons is a) 52 CR b) 56FE2+ c) 24Mg d) 45SC e) 51V


The total number of lone pairs in NCl3, is a) 6 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 e) 13


Thermal decomposition of KC103 (s) yields KC1 (s) and O2 (g). When 4.289 grams of KC10 (0.03500 moles) undergo this reaction, how many grams of oxygen are produced? a) 1.120 grams b) 0.5601 grams c) 2.240 grams d) 1.680 grams e) 4.288 grams


Uranium exists in nature in the form of several isotopes; the different isotopes have different? a) atomic numbers b) charges c) number of electrons d) number of neutrons e) number of protons


Use VSEPR theory to predict the geometry of the PCl3 molecule a) linear b) bent c) trigonal planar d) trigonal pyramidal e) telehedral


What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 2.10 x 10^14 s^-1 (the speed of light is 3x10^8 m/s) a) 6.30 x 10^22 m b) 7.00 x 10^2 nm c) 7.00 x 10^5 m d) 1.43 x 10^-6 m e) 3.00 x 10^8 m


Which element below occurs in nature as a a gas compound of diatomic molecules at ordinary temperatures and pressures? a) boron b) silver c) neon d) nitrogen e) sulfur


Which of the bonds below would would have the greatest polarity ( i.e., highest percent ionic character) a) Si-P b) Si-S c) Si-Se d) Si - Cl e) Si - I


Which of the following elements has the smallest first ionization energy a) Cl b) Na c) Be d) K e) As


Which of the following substances should hafe the highest boiling point a) CH4 b) Cl2 c) Kr d) CH3Cl e) N2


Which one of the following does not involve a chemical change? a) a fish that is left for some time in a unrefrigerated place decomposes b) apple juice which is left in an open bottle ferments c) a loaf of bread rises and its volume expands when it is baked in an oven d) when a lake starts to freeze in winter, ice is formed on the surface e) when sugar is fermented under certain conditions, alcohol is produced


Which one of the following molecules has a non zero dipole moment a) BeCl2 b) Br2 c) BF3 d) IBr e) CO2


Which set of elements below are all in the same period? a) Ba, Pb, As, Sn b) Fr, U, Am, Ca c) K, Na, Li, Cs d) Na, Al, P, Ar e) Nd, Dy, Pu, Os


a gas fixture is 50.00% helium and 50.00% methane, by volume. What is the mole fraction of methane in the mixture a) 0.1997 b) 0.2005 c) 0.2500 d) 0.5000 e) 0.8003


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A nonpolar covalent bond (i.e.. pure covalent) would form in which one of the following a) Na-Cl b) H-Cl c) Li-Br d) Se-Br e) Br-Br


A small bubble rises from the bottom of a lake, where the temperature and pressure are 4 degrees C and 3.0 atm, to the water's surface, where the temperature is 25 degrees C and the pressure is 0.95 atm. Calculate the final volume of the bubble if its initial volume was 2.1 mL a) 0.72 mL b) 6.2 mL c) 41.4 mL d) 22.4 mL e) 7.1 mL


An example of a chemical compound is? a) gun metal b) brass c) bronze d) granite e) table salt


Calculate the volume occupied by 35.2 g of methane gas (CH4) at 25 degrees C and 1.0 atm. (r=0.0821 L * atm/K*mol) a) 0.0186 L b) 4.5 L c) 11.2 L d) 49.2 L e) 53.7 L


Which answer best describes all neutral atoms of a given isotope of a particular element? a) They possess the same mass, only b) They possess the same chemical properties and the same mass, but nothing else in common c) The possess the same atomic number and the same mass, but have nothing else in common d) They possess the same number of electrons, the same atomic number, the same mass but nothing else in common e) They possess the same number of electrons, they same atomic number, the same mass and the same chemical properties


Which ion is isoelectronic with Ar a) Fe^2+ b) F- c) Br- d) Ga3+ e) Ca2+


Which of the following is/are characteristic(s) of gases? a) High compressibility b) Relatively large distances between molecules c) Formation of homogeneous mixtures regardless of the nature of gas d) A and B e) A, B and C


Which one of the following is definitely not an empirical formula? a) C12H16O3 b) C12H22O11 c) C3H8O2 d) C4H12N2O e) C6H12O4


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