Chiaroscuro and Shading
Difference between things
line quality
a description of the type or characteristics of a line -thick/thin, light/dark...
value scale
a diagram (bar) depicting a range of values from light to dark; typically 0 to 10
a geometric solid having four triangular sides ; a pyramid
creating values with 2 or more sets of intersecting straight or curved lines
creating values with dots; also known as POINTILLISM
degree of light or dark, often expressed in terms of a grayscale
having the three dimensions of length, width, and depth. Also referred to as a SOLID.
reflected light
light that bounces off the ground plane (surface) and back onto the object
lines that define the edges and general shape or form of an object
means "light & dark" in Italian; the use of light and shadow to create the illusion of realistic, 3D form in a 2D artwork (developed during the Renaissance, used by Leonardo da Vinci)
place where direct light hits and reflects off of an object.
series of lines in one direction for shading
contour hatching
shading by following the shape of a form with parallel or intersecting lines
cast shadow
shadow that falls on the ground plane, under the object and opposite the light source.
ambient shadow
shadows around and behind an object; created with values lighter than core or cast shadows
smooth, gradual transition from light to dark; also called GRADATION
core shadow
the darkest area of shadow on an object; second darkest area on the artwork
light source
the direction from which a dominant light originates. It can be artificial (light bulb) or natural (sun); the placement of this light source affects every aspect of a drawing; first step in understanding shading
the middle of the value scale, neither dark nor light.