Child Development Chapter 3

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Mothers usually detect fetal movements during the ______ month?

4th or 5th

What is the percentage of babies who survive being born at 22-25 weeks?



A male sex hormone produced by the testes that promotes the development of male sexual characteristics and sperm


A viral infection that can cause retardation and heart disease in the embryo. Also called German measles.


Abbreviation for diethylstilbestrol, an estrogen that has been linked to cancer in the reproductive organs of children of women who used it when pregnant.

During the fetal stage at 9-12 weeks, what happens?

All major organs, fingers, toes are formed. Yes can be clearly distinguished. Sex of fetus is determined. Mouth opens and closes, responds to external stimulation and is 1 ounce and 3 inches long.

The embryo and fetus develop within an ______________sac, which functions as a shock absorber, among other things.


Toxemia is mainly characterized as high _______pressure


Woman can or cannot be successfully treated for syphilis during pregnancy?

Can, but it seems risky.

The babies of woman who regularly used __________ during pregnancy have been found to show increased tremors and startling?


_________ was once prescribed to help woman maintain their pregnancies, but it caused cervical and testicular cancer in some of their children

DES or diethylstilbestrol

How much weight should a woman gain during pregnancy?

Different for woman of different weights. obese women, only 11-20 lbs, a slimmer woman 28-40 is recommended.

First two week of the ovum, what happens?

Dividing cluster of cells enters and moves around the uterus, living off the yolk of the egg cell. Also, Blastocyst becomes implanted in the wall of the uterus, sometimes accompanied by implantation bleeding.

At 21-24 weeks what happens?

Eyes open and shut, light and sounds can be perceived, skin looks ruddy, survival rate is low if born. weighs 2 pounds.

True of False, older fathers are less likely to produce abnormal sperm, which can lean to fertility problems?


Without sex hormones, all embryos would develop the appearance of males or females?


Heavy maternal use of alcohol is lined to _________ alcohol syndrome?



HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which cripples the body's immune system. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a condition in which the immune system is weakened such that it is vulnerable to diseases it would otherwise fight off

at 17-20 weeks, what happens?

Hair develops on head, hair covers body., fetus sucks thumb and hiccups, heartbeat can be heard.

At weeks 5-8, what happens to embryo

Hands, feet, sex organs, teeth buds, bone cells appear. head is half the size of body.

At 3 week of the ovum, what happens?

Head and blood vessels form, and brain begins to develop

At 4 week, what happens?

Heart begins to beat and pump, arm and leg buds appear, eyes, ears and mouth form. Nerves develop, umbilical cord functions.

At 13-16 weeks, what occurs?

Mother can feel movement, many reflexes are present, fingernails and toenails form, head is 1/4th of body

Mothers who ingest folic acid, reduce their risk of giving birth to babies with _________tube defects:


At 25-28 weeks what happens?

Organ systems continue to mature, fatty layer begins to develop beneath skin, fetus turns head down in uterus, fetus cries, swallows and sucks thumb, weights 3-4 pounds and has good survival chance if born.

At 29-38 weeks what happens?

Organ systems function well, fatty layer keeps developing, fetal activity decreases in the weeks before birth because of crowding, weight increases to an average of 7 lbs.

Women who smoke during pregnancy deprive their fetuses of _________, sometimes resulting in stillbirth or persistent academic problems.


The _______ permits the embryo to exchange nutrients and wastes with the mother.


In _______ incompatibility, antibodies produced by the mother are transmitted to a fetus of newborn infant and cause brain damage or death


Fetal exposure to the heavy metals lead and mercury can (slow or accelerate) mental development?


________ are environmental agents that can harm the developing embryo or fetus.


True of false, the outer layer of cells of the ectoderm develops into the nervous system, the sensory organs, and the outer layer of skin.


Rh incompatibility

a condition in which antibodies produced by the mother are transmitted to the child, possibly causing brain damage or death

neural tube

a hollowed-out area in the blastocyst from which the nervous system develops


a hormone that is used to maintain pregnancy and can cause masculinization to the fetus


a life-threatening disease that can afflict pregnant women; it is characterized by high blood pressure

critical period

a period during which an embryo is particularly vulnerable to a certain teratogen.


a sedative used in the 1960s that has been linked to birth defects, especially deformed or absent limbs


a sexually transmitted infection that can attack major organ systems

umbilical cord

a tube containing the blood vessels connecting the fetus and placenta


an organ connected to the uterine wall and to the fetus by the umbilical cord. The placenta serves as a relay station between the mother and the fetus for an exchange of nutrients and wastes.

A few days into the germinal stage, the dividing cell mass becomes a fluid filled ball of cells called what?



born before 37 weeks


environmental influences or agents that can damage the embryo or fetus

amniotic fluid

fluid within the amniotic sac that surrounds and protects the fetus


head to toe

The dividing cluster of cells is nourished by the yolk of the ovum before _________

implantation, or the embryotic stage

What is a stillbirth?

infant born dead after 20 weeks gestation


inner layer of the embryo, which becomes the lungs and digestive system, and other internal organs


male sex hormones


near to far


present at birth

Development follows two general trends: cephalocaudal and



stage of early development in mammals that consists of a hollow ball of cells

germinal stage

the 2-week period of prenatal development that begins at conception


the central layer of the embryo from which the bones, digestive track, and muscles develop

The fetal stage is characterized by:

the further maturation of organ systems, and gains in size and weight.


the outer part of the blastocyst from which the amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord develop


the outermost cell layer of the newly formed embryo from which the skin and nervous system develop

embryonic disk

the platelike inner part of the blastocyst that differentiates into the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm of the embryo

amniotic sac

the sac containing the fetus

fetal stage

the stage of development that lasts from the beginning of the ninth week of pregnancy through birth

embryonic stage

the stage of prenatal development from implantation through about the eighth week of pregnancy during which the major organ systems begin to form

The outer part of the blastocyst--called the ________, differentiates into membranes that will protect and nourish the embryo.


The embryo and fetus are connected to the placenta by an_____________

umbilical cord.

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