child psych exam 2

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Many of the negative effects of divorce are really caused by marital conflict before the divorce.


Many scientists believe that evolution has predisposed humans to cooperate and to be concerned for others.

Caitlin and Alyssa, 16-year-old girls

For which pair of friends is intimacy most likely to be an important part of their friendship?


Which is the most common form of temperament, as found in studies by Chess and Thomas?

Devinia, who is discouraged by her parents from volunteering at the YMCA

Which of the following children is LEAST likely to engage in prosocial behavior?

parents emphasize that often life comes down to having a win at all costs mentality

Which of the following is NOT a parental influence that increases prosocial behavior in children?

Both heredity and environment determine intelligence

Which of the following statements BEST describes hereditary and environmental influences on intelligence?

Infant tests do not predict later IQ very well

Which of the following statements BEST describes the relation between infant intelligence tests and later IQ?

A child saving her allowance for two months to buy something she really wants

Which of these exemplifies self-control?

Psychological outcomes for children growing up with gay and lesbian parents are no different than those of children growing up with heterosexual parents.

Which statement about children raised by gay or lesbian parents is true?

By 12 months of age, infants have become native language specialists.

Which statement accurately describes the progression of language skills over the first year?

Children respond most negatively in the first year following divorce.

Which statement accurately reflects children's response to their parents' divorce?

Infants and toddlers who scored high on behavioral inhibition were more likely to be shy in childhood and adolescence than infants and toddlers who scored low on behavioral inhibition.

Which statement accurately represents the findings of Kagan's longitudinal studies on behavioral inhibition?

Newborns show a preference for their mother's native language to a foreign language.

Which statement is true regarding infants' language preferences?


While peering into the lighted tanks at the pet store, inquisitive 2-year-old Abby excitedly squeals, "Mommy, look at the mouses!! Mommy, mouses!! Come see!!" Abby's use of the word "mouses" illustrates the grammatical mistake of __________.

Orlando, who is socially skilled

Who is most likely to be popular with other children?

When a test is culture specific, it will disadvantage those who are not as familiar with that culture

Williams data from the Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity demonstrate that..


With experience, babies babbling tends to drift toward the language he/she will ultimately speak.

Authoritarian parents

__________ are parents who are high in demandingness but low in responsiveness.


__________ children are disliked by many classmates.


__________ is a person's view and evaluation of her- or himself.

Fluid intelligence; crystallized intelligence

___________ refers to the ability to perceive relations among stimuli whereas ___________ comprises a person's culturally influenced accumulated knowledge and skills.

self-esteem; self-acceptance

_____________ is often linked to social comparisons, while _____________emphasizes inherent worth rather than conditional or comparative evaluations.

guilt, envy, embarrassment

Which is a list of self-conscious emotions?


Adults use of a clear and simple language style when directing speech to infants is called babytalk and appears to serve no useful function in the language acquisition process.


Children's interests, attitudes, and self-concepts are more traditional when their parents have traditional views and more gender-neutral when their parents have nontraditional views.


Class opinion is split about Shannon. Some of her classmates really like her, but others can't stand her. Shannon would be considered:

social comparison

A 9-year-old declares, "I am the best skateboarder in my class, although there is one other guy just as good as I am." This statement best illustrates the concept of __________.

instrumental lie

A child who lies to avoid getting in trouble told a(n)...


A distinctive characteristic of __________ parents is that they take the time to explain the reasons for their rules and regulations and through parent-child discussions, sometimes negotiate and compromise disciplinary outcomes.


A gap of __________ years between siblings is most common worldwide.

more absract

Abby is 6 years old while Sheena is 13 years old. Compared to Abby's self-description, Sheena's self-description is likely to be:


Amal's parents are rarely present, choosing instead to allow Amal and her siblings to spend large chunks of time without parental monitoring. When they are home, her parents show little interest or affection toward the children and remain emotionally detached. Amal's parents exemplify the __________ parenting style.

me, mine, I

Around the same time that self-recognition appears, toddlers begin to use personal pronouns, such as __________.

what clothes to buy.

Ashley is most likely to yield to peer pressure when trying to decide:

Babies begin to label everything in sight which is called the naming explosion.

At around 18-months of age...

identify children who are likely to have challenges succeeding in school

Binet and Simon developed an intelligence test in order to...


Children are more likely to act prosocially when they do NOT feel responsible for the person in need.

like themselves

Children typically choose children who are __________ to be their friends.


Coralie and her older brother Paxton are playing on the swings at the park. Suddenly, a young toddler on another swing falls onto the gravel and begins to cry. Coralie jumps off her swing, runs over to the young child, and comforts him until his mother comes to his aid. Coralie is expressing __________.

display rules

Cortland is very excited to be at his tenth birthday party. While ripping through the many gift boxes, he opens a box from his grandmother filled with athletic socks and underwear. Not wishing to show his disappointment, Cortland smiles, reaches to hug his grandmother, and says, "Thank you, grandma! I needed some new socks and underwear!" Cortland's sensitivity to his grandmother illustrates understanding of __________.


David and Charles believe childhood should be a time of carefree discovery and freedom of expression. They rarely discipline their three-year-old twins, Ryder and Bennett, believing control or discipline will suppress creativity and self-expression. David and Charles adhere to which parenting style?


Deborah has an average FSIQ on the WISC, but is an exceptionally talented dancer. Which theorist would consider her exceptional body control to represent a distinct form of intelligence?

goodness of fit

Dericia and Javante are parents of a difficult infant. In response to the child's temperament, they become more available and more responsive. As a result, their child becomes gradually less difficult to handle. This is an example of:

autobiographical memory

Development of a permanent sense of self appear relevant to developing...


Displaying knowledge of the meaning of words and phrases is to understand __________.


Dominic is well-liked by many of his classmates. Dominic would best be described as:

children with hormonal abnormalities

Evidence for a hormonal influence on human gender differences comes from studies of __________.

initial-preattachment phase

Farah is 2 months old. At a recent family reunion, she was passed around for multiple relatives to hold. Emily showed no particular preference for her mother, father, or any other relative. In which of Ainsworth's phases of attachment is Brenna?


Global self-esteem tends to be higher in adolescence than the school-age years.

moderately stable from toddlerhood onward

How stable is temperament?

a clique.

Imani, Shanice, Deja, and Halle are all 12-year-old African-American girls who are good friends. They enjoy spending time together and tend to dress alike and act alike. The four girls would be considered:

Intuitive moral judgments

Immediate reactions of approval or disapproval without conscious processing are called

gender segregation

In elementary school children show a pronounced preference for same-sex play groups. This is referred to as __________.


In research where infants watch a video in which a character climbing a hill either receives assistance from another character (the "helper") or is prevented from climbing by a "hinderer," infants show preferential looking at the hinderer and greater selection of a plush toy that looks like the hinderer.

A crowd is a larger group than a clique.

In what way does a crowd differ from a clique?


Infants as young as 1 month are capable of distinguishing the phoneme /ba/ from /pa/.


Masculine development occurs in fetuses exposed to __________ during prenatal development.


Mason was assigned the male sex at birth. This has never felt right. As an adolescent Mason likes to wear pink fingernail polish, pearls, and skirts. When asked about these choices, Mason responds, "I feel like a female inside. I might have been born an anatomical male, but in my brain, I am a female." Mason likely self-identifies as __________.

gender role stereotypes

Michael taunts his classmate, Phoenix, that he looks like a girl with his long hair and that he should get his hair cut so their other classmates don't mistake him for a girl. Michael is expressing his strict understanding of ___________.


On the WISC the subtests with the highest cultural load do not correlate more strongly with estimates of g than subtests with lower cultural load.

gender identity

Overtime children forge a ____________________, which is their perception of the self as either male or female.


Parental socialization of toy choices seems to be most pronounced among mothers who especially steer their sons toward gender typical toys and activities.

imaginary audience

Sixteen-year-old Ingrid discovered a spot on her blouse after she arrived at school. Ingrid is afraid that everyone will notice the spot and think she is stupid. Which of the following best describes Ingrid's beliefs?


Some of adolescent risk taking appears to be accounted for by the fact that the cognitive control centers of the brain develop before the reward circuits.

interest, sadness, joy, anger, disgust, and fear

Some researchers consider there to be a set of primary/basic emotions displayed by infants across cultures, these include: _________.


Sternberg defines successful intelligence as using one's abilities skillfully to achieve one's personal goals.

Deliberate moral reasoning

The Runaway Trolley Test examines...

how the infant responds when the mother leaves the room. how the infant responds to the presence of a stranger. how the infant responds when the mother returns. all of these.

The Strange Situation assesses:


The __________, located lower in the throat, is the structure in the vocal apparatus that is responsible for spoken language in humans.


The degree to which parents are sensitive to their children's needs and express love, caring, and concern for them is referred to as __________.

better than being rigidly masculine or feminine

The encouraging valuable traits perspective suggests that possessing both feminine and masculine characteristics is __________.


The finding that male rhesus monkeys chose to interact more with vehicle toys that stuffed animal toys is consistent with the idea that gender role behavior is to some extent ____________ influenced.


The idea that a general factor for intelligence, or g, is at least partly responsible for performance on all mental tests is most consistent with the theorizing of...


The overall function of morality is to suppress or regulate selfishness and promote prosociality within groups?

Carmen will reach toward her reflection in the mirror in an effort to touch the nose.

Twelve-month-old Carmen was placed in front of a mirror. Unbeknownst to Carmen, her nose had been dabbed with a red spot. How will Carmen respond to the red dot?


Two year olds are able to express with words more than they can actually comprehend/understand.


Vihaan has irregular sleep and feeding schedules, he responds to frustrations with tantrums and loud crying, and he takes a long time to adjust to new routines. Which temperament classification most accurately describes Vihaan?


When children perform at the average for their age, their IQ is 120?


When parents are authoritarian, children are more likely to have high self-esteem.

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