Child Psych Exam 2

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Which category of attachment fits the following description of behavior in the Strange Situation? The infant clings to the mother and fails to explore the room. S/he is quite distressed when the mother leaves, and when she returns s/he alternates between seeking contact with her and angrily resisting being held.

insecure-ambivalent attachment

Michael is very intrusive when he responds to his infant's cries and smiles, and he tends to disrupt the infant's activities when he attends to him. Based on this information, Michael's child may develop __________ attachment.


Nine-month-old Carter's mother turned her head suddenly as the dog approached from behind. Carter was watching his mother's face and turned in the same direction. Carter and his mother are showing __________.

joint attention

Early warning signs of autism spectrum disorder include __________.

lack of response when the child's name is called

Anger/irritability and behavioral inhibition are temperamental components of __________.

negative emotionality

Vivian displays a high degree of anger and irritability, traits categorized as __________ on the hierarchy of temperament traits.

negative emotionality

Kagan and colleagues found that behaviorally inhibited toddlers showed __________ a stimulating mobile toy.

negative responses to

To reduce the risk of SIDS, experts recommend __________.

not exposing babies to environmental factors that impact breathing, such as excess heat or secondhand smoke

Six-month-old infants habituated to seeing several random arrays of 8 dots displayed greater interest when shown an array with at least 16 dots. This ability to distinguish sets of items with a 1:2 ratio indicates that infants may have a(n) __________ system.

numerical estimation

The Goldilocks principle refers to the finding that infants pay more attention to __________.

stimuli of moderate complexity

Distress reactions to unfamiliar individuals are referred to as __________.

stranger anxiety

Instead of screaming at Julian when he takes Ramu's toy truck, Ramu reacts with __________ and suppresses this impulse.

inhibitory control

Before infants can speak actual words, they engage in __________, making repetitive, meaningless sounds, often in consonant-vowel combinations.


When babies are put to sleep on their backs, it reduces the exposure they have to __________, which is important in learning how to crawl.

"tummy time"

Approximately __________ percent of children under the age of 3 are not fully vaccinated in the United States.


Children can generally master toilet training at __________ months of age.

24 to 36 or more

__________ involves gradually overcoming disequilibrium by using and modifying schemes through interactions with the environment.


__________ refers to adjusting or controlling emotional reactions in order to achieve one's goals.

Emotion regulation

__________ is the extent to which the environment accommodates for temperament in a way that increases a child's adaptive functioning.

Goodness of fit

__________ are movements of the large muscles of the body.

Gross motor movements

As Mya watches her baby sleep, she notices that his eyes move back and forth while he sleeps. This type of sleep is __________.

REM sleep

__________ refers to a condition in which a sleeping infant suddenly stops breathing and dies without an apparent cause.

Sudden infant death syndrome

An evolutionary theorist might argue that infants' facial expressions look similar and are interpreted similarly by adults across cultures because __________.

facial expressions help increase the chances that adults will provide care for the child

Nine-month-old Elizabeth's mother speaks to her a great deal throughout the day, even though Elizabeth cannot yet speak intelligible words herself. Studies have shown that until infants have started to produce words on their own, spoken words __________.

help infants to group items within categories

Sid was 18 months old and could say a lot. But his parents could not understand some of what he said. Sid had to improve his __________ to produce adult speech accurately enough for adults to understand.


In studies of temperament, a high activity level is one of the characteristics of __________.

positive emotionality

What is the least developed sense at birth?


Even before infants begin to say actual words, they can understand __________.

word meanings

In their cross-cultural study of infant development, Callaghan et al. (2011) found that infants in three different cultures displayed about the same amount of __________.

communicative pointing

Growth from the center of the body outward is called __________.

a proximodistal pattern

When 7-week-old Bella's mother picked her up, the baby smiled. Bella's smile in response to her mother illustrates __________.

a social smile

Findings of a correlation between attachment security in infancy and toddlerhood and later externalizing and internalizing problems suggest that infants with insecure attachments are more likely than those with secure attachments to be __________.

anxious and aggressive in childhood

Studies of deaf children whose parents did not expose them to sign language found that the children invented their own signs and used them in sentences by age 2 to 3 years. Researchers found that the structure of the home sign sentences invented by children __________.

appeared to get stuck at the telegraphic phase (two to three words in length)

Paco has recently been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. When is the best time for him to begin treatment?

as early as a diagnosis can be made

Baby James has never seen a tiger before, but his family has a pet cat. The first time he sees a tiger, he calls it a "kitty." According to Piaget, James calling the tiger a kitty illustrates the concept of __________.


Separation anxiety is present __________.

at about 6 to 9 months of age

Researchers found that initiating potty training between 17 and 19 months leads to __________.

earlier success but a longer period of training than waiting until 27 months

When 10-month-old Kerri feels anxious, she starts sucking on her thumb. This self-soothing motion exemplifies the concept of __________.

emotion regulation

Sasha, almost 2 years old, saw her mother cut herself while slicing vegetables. In response to her mother's pain, Sasha presented her with a favorite toy to help her feel better. Sasha is exhibiting __________.


A 16-month-old infant can respond to the request to "put all the cars here and all the animals there" by sorting objects into different piles, even when they look dissimilar (such as a mouse and a giraffe). This provides evidence of sorting on the basis of __________.

conceptual categories

Observers have found that 2-year-olds __________.

cooperate with requests by parents more often than they resist

The left and right cerebral hemispheres are connected by a large bundle of axons called the __________.

corpus callosum

Baby Julita, 8 days old, stuck out her tongue while her mother was holding her. The purpose of such newborn imitation seems to be to __________.

engage other people

Researchers used infrared cameras to find out exactly where and for how long infants scanned and fixated their eyes on drawings of human faces. They found a transition in which 1-month-olds __________.

fixated on the outer contours of faces and 2-month-olds on the eyes and mouth

One criticism of Piaget's work is that __________.

he underestimated the cognitive abilities of young infants

The specialized form of speech that adults use with very young infants is known as __________.

infant-directed speech

The still face procedure in which a caregiver interacts in a normal manner and then suddenly stops responding to the infant shows that __________.

infants expect normal give and take in social interactions with their caregivers

In the Dutch study by van den Boom (1994), mothers of temperamentally irritable infants were randomly assigned to either be trained in sensitivity and responsiveness or to a control group that received no intervention. Several months later, infants in the experimental group were __________.

more likely to be securely attached to their mothers than infants in the control group

In the Gibsons' ecological theory, motor skills involve a tight coordination of __________ information and motor responses.


According to Robert Fantz's classic "looking chamber" studies, newborns __________.

prefer to look at face-like stimuli over other similarly complex stimuli

Lila is very fast at looking at a stimulus on the right or left side of a computer screen. Lila is skilled in __________.

processing speed

Researchers found that infants could still reach accurately for a glow-in-the dark toy even when the lights were suddenly turned out so that they could see the toy but not their own hands. This finding specifically shows that infants use __________ to help guide their reaching.

proprioceptive cues

Baby Eliza has more control over her trunk than over her arms and legs. This exemplifies the __________ pattern of development.


The elimination of extra synapses during development is called __________.


Infants generally have greater __________ skills compared to __________ skills.

receptive language; expressive language

A __________ is an automatic motor action that always occurs in response to a specific stimulus.


Most U.S. and Canadian children who are 12 to 18 months of age display __________ attachment.


At birth, infants show a preference for __________ flavors.


Neurons do not touch; the space between two neurons is known as the __________.


Pruning refers to the elimination of __________.

synapses that are not used

One way to test the accuracy of Piaget's claims is to use __________, whereby infants are exposed to an event that goes against a principle (such as object permanence) and their reactions are studied.

the violation-of-expectation method

Researchers who counted the number of synapses in the brains of individuals who were autopsied after death found that __________.

the visual, auditory, and prefrontal cortex reached a peak at different ages

Longitudinal studies of deaf children whose parents did not expose them to sign language found that at about 12 months of age __________.

they used a single sign to stand for an object, comparable to hearing children producing their first word

Aaron is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. His brain may show __________.

thinner cortical areas within the "social brain" areas

Spoken language is best learned __________.

through meaningful social interactions

Tiana has a small dog at home that she calls "doggie," but when she visits her aunt's house, she does not call her aunt's dog "doggie." Limiting the word "doggie" to only her own dog is an example of __________.


__________ is the fusing of input from two eyes to create a perception of an object in depth.


Before adding other foods, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first __________.

6 months

__________ is the tendency for development to follow a course largely determined by genes, and to return to that course after deviating from it.


In neurons, __________ receive electrical impulses from other neurons.


Colic seems to be caused by __________.

differences in babies' ability to self-soothe or respond to soothing stimulation

Naturalistic observational studies of novice walkers reveal that babies typically __________.

fall an average of 100 times per day

In Jamaica and some African countries, babies have traditionally been expected to __________.

walk rather than crawl

Babies show a developmental progression in the type of grasping that seems to follow a trend from __________.

whole hand grasping to grasping with the palm, and eventually involving the forefinger

__________ refer(s) to capabilities present early in development that may develop with no or little experience.

Core knowledge systems

__________ proposes that motor and other skills are influenced by different components of development that work together in different ways as skills are learned.

Dynamic systems theory

__________ refers to the processing and storage of information into long-term memory.


__________ involves the largely unconscious learning of a response or skill.

Implicit memory

Which of the following is an accurate statement about infant nutrition?

In the United States, children 6 months and older do not get enough fruits and vegetables.

__________ area in the left hemisphere of the brain seems to be involved in comprehending the meanings of words and sentences.


From an early age, emotions of pride tend to be encouraged in __________.

Western cultures

Japanese and Chinese infants cry and smile less often than infants in the United States, reflecting __________.

a belief in Japan and China that emotions should be displayed only when socially appropriate

Over time, lowered activation of social brain circuitry in autism may lead to impaired social communication, which may lead to further delays in development of the social brain. This is an example of __________.

a bidirectional effect involving brain development and social experience

Lucas says to his mom, "Go!" For Lucas, the word "Go!" is intended to mean, "I would like to go outside." This is an example of __________.

a holophrase

Erik Erikson believed that infants are driven in their first year by __________.

a need for someone to respond to their physical and emotional needs

To understand that a cat and a dog are two different animals, Susie needed to expand her existing scheme for animals that can live in the house. According to Piaget, Susie needed to use __________.


Of all of the temperamental traits, which one has the strongest evidence for hormonal influences relating to gender differences?

activity level

Toddlers have an understanding of ownership but their communication skills are limited in encounters with other toddlers over toys, sometimes leading to __________.

aggressive exchanges over toys

The sheer amount of conversation between adults and children in a home seems to have __________.

an enormous impact on language skills and IQ

Baby Clara showed surprise when an experimenter took her toy and placed it behind a small screen. Clara pushed the screen aside and grabbed the toy back. Clara was using __________.

goal-directed behavior

The development of the prefrontal cortex in human infants at around 8 to 12 months of age appears to coincide with the development of related skills, such as __________.

goal-oriented problem solving

Based on the research you have read, learning to walk and crawl seem to be __________.

good examples of neuroplasticity

Crawling and walking represent __________, and grasping involves __________.

gross motor skills; fine motor skills

Noam Chomsky used the term __________ to describe structures and processes in the brain that are specifically designed for learning language.

language acquisition device

Studies of people who immigrated to the United States at different ages or began using sign language at different ages indicate that __________.

language is easier to learn at younger ages but there is not a definitive cut-off age for the learning of a language

Meg, who is learning to talk, made the error of __________ when she called her male pediatrician "Daddy."


Baby Max knows that even when his dad is not physically visible, he still continues to exist. According to Piaget, Max has developed __________.

object permanence

Abdullah, a little over 2 years old, has always liked a little statue of a horse on his father's desk. One day when Abdullah picked it up, the base broke off the horse and fell onto the floor. He frowned, hung his head, and would not look at his father, signifying the emotion of __________.


Baby Julia was shown the same picture over and over again. At first, she looked with great interest, but after looking at it repeatedly, she because bored with it. Julia's reaction illustrates __________.


For premature or low-birth-weight babies, breastfeeding __________.

has even greater short-term benefits than it does for full-term babies

Pam's mother shows sensitive-responsive caregiving when she interacts with Pam. According to Ainsworth, sensitive-responsive caregiving __________.

helps infants explore their environments with confidence

Dramatic improvements in explicit memory from 12 to 24 months are correlated with developmental changes in regions of the brain known to affect memory formation, including the __________.


Children's first words usually refer to __________.

important people or objects

When parents recast a child's imperfect sentences, it __________.

improves children's grammatical usage

In the fMRI study by Schwartz et al. (2003) of adolescents who had been classified as inhibited or uninhibited at age 2, __________.

inhibited individuals showed higher amygdala activity with novel than familiar faces, but uninhibited individuals showed the same level of activity with both types of faces

As a caregiver, Drew sometimes responds to his infant's cries, but other times he ignores them. This inconsistency in Drew's response may result in __________ attachment.


Leo has developed a system of what he expects from his caregivers in terms of responsiveness, availability, consistency, and sensitivity. This represents Leo's __________.

internal working model

Oscar and his mother are looking at a picture book. When she points to the duck and labels it by name, Oscar also looks at the duck. Oscar and his mother are demonstrating __________.

joint attention

In a developmental systems framework, the increasing stability of temperament over time is likely due to __________.

joint influences of genes and environment that increase over time

One important function of REM sleep in newborns is to __________.

keep the brain stimulated during long periods of sleep

Todd and Tina are playing in the sandbox next to each other. They are happily building a series of small sand castles, but they are not talking to one another. They are engaged in __________ play.


An insecure attachment at age 12 months has been associated with __________.

parental use of alcohol and drugs

Observations in several cultures have revealed certain core features of attachment are found in virtually every culture studied, __________.

particularly use of the attachment figure as a secure base

The active process of organizing and interpreting sensory information is __________.


The study by Bar-Haim et al. (2006) showed that between 3 and 6 months of age, infants __________.

prefer faces of people from their own racial group unless they are frequently exposed to people from other racial groups

When little Karen heard a loud noise, she quickly hugged her mother tightly. Karen may do this to __________.

regulate her emotions

Prior to the 1960s, many learning theorists explained language development as a function of __________.

reinforcement and imitation

The specific symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are __________.

restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, and atypical communication

With the __________ reflex, an infant turns in the direction of a food source when the infant's cheek is touched.


Brendan, 24 months old, is participating in the rouge test of self-recognition. We can expect that Brendan will __________.

rub his nose to get the rouge off

Mei responds to her infant's cries by comforting her baby quickly, without being intrusive in the infant's activities. This suggests that Mei's infant will most likely develop __________ attachment.


Alonso explores the living room, but he makes sure he does not go too far away from his mother. Alonso is using his mother as a(n) __________.

secure base

The most common attachment pattern is __________ attachment to the mother __________.

secure; across cultures

According to dynamic systems theory, motor skills are __________.


The longer surgeons wait to remove congenital cataracts from the eyes of babies, the worse their vision as adults. This finding illustrates the concept of __________.

sensitive periods

Jax becomes very upset when his primary caregiver, his father, leaves the room. Jax's reaction demonstrates __________.

separation anxiety

Conclusions that can be drawn from Robert Fantz's classic "looking chamber" studies include that newborns __________.

show an innate preference for looking at human faces

According to the longitudinal study by Rose et al. (2012), specific information-processing skills, such as memory, attention, and processing speed, __________.

show continuity across an 11-year age span

According to the series of studies by Karen Adolph and colleagues, infants who are learning to negotiate different surfaces, gaps, and slopes will __________.

show little fear, and will actively explore the edges of slopes and drop-offs to test whether they can safely extend a limb

Many of the first 50 words that infants speak are __________.

similar in meaning across infants and across language communities

Louise and Mary are playing puppies and take turns making whining sounds and crawling around in the sandbox imitating one another. This is best described as __________ play.

simple social

In the long term, breastfed babies have a __________ than formula-fed babies.

slightly higher IQ

Jin takes some time to adjust to her new child care center. In the Thomas and Chess (1963) study, Jin would be considered a(n) __________ child.


In Karen Wynn's experiment, 5-month-old infants habituated to seeing two mice hidden behind a screen looked a little longer when the screen was lowered to reveal only one mouse instead of two. The experiment indicates that young infants have a(n) __________ system.

object tracking

A period of severe malnutrition followed by a period of normal nutrition in infancy __________.

slows the growth rate during the period of malnutrition, but typically the child grows at a faster rate when nutrition is restored

Shen, who has never seen a dog before, visits a neighbor who has a large dog. Through __________, the calm voices and faces of his parents encourage Shen to approach the friendly dog and accept being licked in the face.

social referencing

No two acts of walking or crawling are the same, and motor skills are adapted in the moment to a variety of factors in the environment, such as steepness of a slope or smoothness of the floor. This is called __________.

soft assembly

One reason for the low rate of child vaccinations in the United States is that __________.

some parents believe vaccines cause autism

Newborn infants prefer to listen to __________.

sounds in the frequency range of the human voice

By 7 months of age, infants can pick out sequences of sound that repeat in a string of nonsense words or real words in a foreign language. For example, a baby could recognize that bada is a familiar "word" in the string "badazugubadaguzubadagadu." This ability is called __________.

statistical learning

What is the primary method that Piaget used to study cognitive development?

structured observation

During the process of __________, new synapses form on dendrites.


Genetically initiated formation of massive amounts of new synapses is referred to as __________.


Gabe has difficulty putting together sentences that follow grammatical rules, meaning he has difficulty with __________.


Brooklyn is talking to her doll in the car as they head to the supermarket with her mother. "Sit. You sit," Brooklyn says to the doll. Then she turns to her mother and says, "Mom go store." Brooklyn's language is an example of __________.

telegraphic speech

At least partly based in biology, __________ refers to early-appearing differences among infants in emotions, activity, and attention.


According to a study by Barr (1990), the peak period of crying is reached at about __________ weeks of age.


__________ refers to a group of developmental disorders that includes deficits in social function and interaction.

Autism spectrum disorder

In the brain, __________ contributes to the production of fluent, grammatically well-structured sentences.

Broca's area

__________ refers to the return of development to a genetically predetermined pathway after restoration of normal nutrition.

Catch-up growth

__________ coats axons with layers of fatty insulating material.


What did Piaget call the process of the infant changing existing schemes to fit experience?


Using words that make sense in the context is known as __________.


In an experiment conducted in France, babies whose mothers consumed anise-flavored foods during the pregnancy preferred anise over other flavors in a taste test, whereas babies of non-anise-consuming mothers showed no preference for anise. This finding supports the conclusion that __________.

the fetus can form a preference for certain food flavors from tasting the amniotic fluid

Studies of the brains of violinists found that __________.

the somatosensory cortex was bigger in an area representing fingers of the left hand

Maternal sensitivity-responsivity has been found to be reduced by __________.

food insecurity

For a mother with HIV, the best choice for feeding her infant is __________.

formula bottle feeding

James, a 5-month-old, gazed in fascination at a small toy, and then pressed it into his mouth. Such an action is known as __________.

object engagement

Currently, the most prominent theory of human attachment stems from the work of __________.

John Bowlby

Baby Helena heard a loud noise and seemed startled-her arms and legs flailed out. Baby Helena is exhibiting the __________ reflex.


The newborn's brain and body grow mostly during __________.

NREM sleep

__________ means that the brain can be modified by experience.


__________ is the process by which receptors related to touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing receive signals from the environment and transmit them to functional areas of the brain.


__________ refers to the process by which parents and other adults teach children the behaviors that are appropriate in their family and culture.


Which of the following statements is true about reflexes?

Some newborn behavior is under the control of reflexes.

Mary Ainsworth created the __________ to test the nature of child-caregiver attachment.

Strange Situation

The Beng people of the Ivory Coast, Africa, are traditionally very open and welcoming with strangers. How does this affect the rate of stranger anxiety among their infants at 6 to 9 months of age?

Their infants typically do not show much stranger anxiety.

Why have young infants been called "citizens of the world"?

They can differentiate among nearly all sounds found in the world's languages.

How do children with autism spectrum disorder differ as a group from typically developing children at 18 to 24 months of age?

They display less interest in symbolic play.

Studies suggest that an infant can discriminate language from non-language sounds __________.

at birth

Luis diligently attempts to build a tower of blocks, which topples over each time he places the eighth block. Undeterred, he begins rebuilding the tower each time it falls. Luis is demonstrating __________, part of effortful control.


"Blue hat," Brady says when he sees a baseball player. In telegraphic speech, this would be classified as an example of __________.

attribute + entity

Infants who have been crawling for at least three weeks __________.

avoid the "cliff" in the visual cliff test

In neurons, the extending fiber that electrical impulses travel down is called the __________.


Ten-year-old Joe had an insecure attachment to both parents in infancy. According to longitudinal studies, he is likely to __________.

be aggressive with peers

Studies show that between 3 and 9 months of age, infants __________.

become better at perceiving faces from their own racial group and worse at perceiving faces from other racial groups

Thomas clung to his mother's leg when a stranger walked into the house. His mother looked down and asked Thomas to introduce himself. In a very quiet voice, he whispered his name. According to Kagan and colleagues, Thomas's behavior indicates __________.

behavioral inhibition

Longitudinal studies show that more positive developmental outcomes are associated with __________.

both security of attachment in infancy and parental sensitivity at age 2 years

Louisa and Elena consult their pediatrician about sleeping arrangements for their newborn. The pediatrician says the general consensus today is that co-sleeping __________.

causes no harm to infant development

In the __________ pattern, growth tends to proceed from the head downward to the rest of the body.


Jamal notices that his baby's head seems to grow faster than the rest of the baby's body. This exemplifies the __________ pattern of development.


The __________ is the outer layer of the brain.

cerebral cortex

The mirror neuron system, first discovered in monkeys, is proposed by researchers to be a built-in system for __________.

coordinating a baby's behavior with others

Researchers have shown that in monolingual infants between 6 and 12 months of age, the ability to perceive phonemes in languages other than the native language __________.

decreases well below the level of native language phoneme perception

Artesemia observed her mother shake her finger at the dog's face and say, "No, no." The next day, by herself, Artesemia repeats the exact same action, indicating that she is able to use __________.

deferred imitation

In the study by Deoni et al. (2011), researchers obtained MRI scans of infants between 3 and 11 months of age. They found that myelin growth developed __________.

first in lower regions deep inside the brain (such as the brain stem) and spread upward and outward

According to researchers in the dynamic systems framework, learning to reach for a toy involves __________.

different "styles" of movement across babies that eventually end up in a similar reaching movement

Two-year-old J.J. reacts negatively to new people, sleeps irregularly, and has a tough time adapting to changes in routine. In the Thomas and Chess (1963) study, J.J. would be classified as a(n) __________ child.


Neglected or abused infants are likely to develop a(n) __________ attachment.


Yani is cheerful, adaptable, and has a regular eating and sleep schedule. Yani would be categorized as a(n) __________ child in the Thomas and Chess (1963) study.


Jada's parents lavishly praise her in front of visiting relatives for her ability to brush her teeth. Such lavish praise may make Jada feel the self-conscious emotion of __________.


Subsequent researchers have found evidence that some cognitive abilities identified by Piaget __________.

emerge earlier in development than Piaget thought

A characteristic of infant-directed speech, which is shared in many languages, is __________.

exaggerated stress

Jonah grows up in a family that is very musical-his parents both play instruments, and there is always music playing in the house. The influence of music on Jonah's brain represents __________.

experience-dependent brain development

Studies of the brains of violinists that show the somatosensory cortex was bigger in an area representing fingers of the left hand demonstrate the role of __________.

experience-dependent brain development

Baby Mia's brain is prewired to respond to certain common experiences, such as visual stimulation. This represents __________.

experience-expectant brain development

The fact that cochlear devices are more effective if implanted in the ear prior to age 2 provides evidence supporting __________.

experience-expectant learning

Nina consciously tries to remember the name of her friend from daycare so she can tell her mom all about it. Nina is relying on __________.

explicit memory

The decline of the ability to distinguish phonemes from other languages is most noticeable in infants __________.

exposed to only one language

According to research studies, a short-term benefit to infants of breastfeeding is __________.

fewer allergic reactions

Researchers who lesioned a region of the brain in baby monkeys called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex found that the monkeys had trouble __________.

finding hidden objects after a delay

Wilma lay in her crib and moved first one finger, then the next, and then the next, one after the other, without moving her hand or her arm. This shows __________.

fine motor movement

Becky has never tasted vanilla ice cream. As she tries her first spoonful, a smile slowly broadens on her face. Becky is exhibiting __________, which is an aspect of positive emotionality.

low-intensity pleasure

Research indicates that breastfeeding is linked to __________.

lower likelihood of the infant being overweight

An important aspect of successful toilet training is to __________.

make it a positive experience for the child

Co-sleeping has been the norm for centuries in __________.

many Asian countries

Cross-cultural studies employing the mirror self-recognition test reveal that self-recognition __________.

may occur earlier in cultures that prize individuality

According to researchers, learning to walk is a result of many contributing factors, including increases in leg strength, learning to balance briefly on one leg, and __________.

monitoring the amount of body sway to avoid falling

Based on autopsy studies of human brains, we can infer that Kelly, who is 12 months old and has been developing normally, has __________.

more synapses than her father in most areas of the brain

Autism spectrum disorder seems to be caused by __________.

multiple genetic and environmental factors

The sequence of language development is __________.

nearly universal across cultures

Baby Magnus has been crawling for a while and now is learning to walk. If Magnus is like most babies who are learning to walk, he will __________.

need to walk for quite a while before developing the same skill in negotiating cliffs and ramps as he did when crawling

Neurons communicate using __________, or chemical messengers.


In recent large-scale longitudinal studies by the NICHD, infants whose mothers work outside the home are __________ than infants whose mothers do not work outside the home.

no less likely to be securely attached

Jocelyn is participating in a preferential looking procedure in a lab. She sits in her mother's lap and hears a voice from a speaker say sentences like "The girl patted the dog." She shows a preference for looking at pictures that match the spoken sentence rather than at pictures that do not match (e.g., a girl walking a dog on a leash). Based on studies using the preferential looking procedure and also naturalistic observations, Jocelyn's spontaneous spoken language is likely to contain many sentences __________.

that are shorter and less syntactically complex than the test sentences, such as "Girl pat dog."

Longitudinal studies comparing children with secure and insecure attachments have found __________.

that securely attached children had more positive outcomes later in childhood and in adulthood

Baby Elaine looks for a hidden ball where her mother first hid it, beneath a chair, even after she watches her mother hide it in a new place, behind the sofa. Her actions demonstrate __________.

the A-not-B search error

Baby Deon and his mother have a close emotional bond, which best demonstrates __________.

the attachment relationship

Jay's mother is an emergency room nurse who works long hours due to understaffing at her hospital. Jay's father is able to run his internet business from home, so he spends more time taking care of Jay than Jay's mother. Jay has a babysitter for a few hours each week when Dad has meetings. Jay would be more likely to treat __________ as his primary attachment figure(s).

the babysitter and his father

One of the risk factors in the triple-risk hypothesis of sudden infant death syndrome is __________.

the infant has a neurological vulnerability stemming from preterm birth or prenatal exposure to teratogens such as cigarettes

When Ruth's newborn, Jenna, wakes up crying, Ruth's breast milk begins to flow. The release of breast milk is caused by __________.

the let-down reflex

An infant deliberately varies his existing schemes in order to observe the results in __________.

the tertiary circular reaction

The findings of researchers who studied brain scans of 3- to 11-month-old infants imply that __________.

there is increasing communication between brain areas as myelin grows across the first 11 months

Researchers scanned the brains of infants longitudinally as they slept. They found that areas growing the most rapidly in the first year were those that control __________.

visual and language abilities

Studies in the Israeli kibbutzim found that the lowest rate of secure attachment was found in settings where infants __________.

were supervised during the day by non-parental caregivers, and slept in a common room with other infants away from parents

Time spent in child care has been associated with insecure attachment __________.

when combined with less sensitive maternal caregiving

Follow-up studies of Piaget's work on imitation indicate that infants __________.

younger than 18 months of age can imitate actions they witnessed up to four months earlier

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