Children Moving:
D) balancing while using different body parts
Active ways of teaching the concept of relationships with body parts include? A) leaping B) moving obstacles C) finding partners D) balancing while using different body parts
B) Crossing arms and/or legs
All of the following are examples of twisting except: A) Rotating trunk clockwise without moving your feet B) Crossing arms and/or legs C) Extend your arms outward to the side; rotate your arms in a forward motion D) Jump over piece of equipment while making your body look like a pretzel
An appropriate cue for dodging is "fake-step or lean one way, and go the other."
A) stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis
Balance is defined as: A) stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis B) strong muscles to take weight on hands C) an extraneous motion that is pleasing to the human eye D) one-foot takeoff to a landing on the other foot
B) outdoors
Chasing or fleeing tasks are best played where? A) in the gymnasium B) outdoors C) on the concrete playground D) hallways
Most traveling in the control level of skill proficiency occurs in combinations with other skill themes.
B) relationship of body parts
Pointing the elbow to the sky is an example of which of the following teaching concepts? A) relationship of space to time B) relationship of body parts C) relationship to the environment D) relationship with objects
D) Balancing on apparatus with bend, stretch, twist and curl
Proficiency stretching, bending, twisting, and curling tasks include all of the following except: A) Stretch, catch, release B) Transferring weight to hands and forming a bridge C) Stretching, curling, bending, and twisting against multiple opponents D) Balancing on apparatus with bend, stretch, twist and curl
Skipping is defined as a combination of a step and a run in a forward direction
Solo performances by children demonstrating skills should be mandatory.
Spatial concepts are a major part of the games part of the games, gymnastics, and dance activities in which children participate.
The concept of slowness is demonstrated by which typical skill? A) cartwheel B) headstand C) front hand spring D) running
The concepts of direction, levels, and pathways are usually introduced before the concepts of self and general space
B) relationships with objects
The concepts relating to 'on and off' or "over and under" refer to which concept? A) relationship with body parts B) relationships with objects C) relationship with people D) effort
A) the extension of body parts away from the trunk
The definition of stretching is: A) the extension of body parts away from the trunk B) the creation of angles—of body parts C) the trunk to produce a pike position of the trunk, which is the angle of body parts. D) the rotations of the trunk or body parts around a stationary axis. Arms, legs, the head, and the trunk can perform the twisting action
The dodging skill can be defined as traveling quickly away from a pursuing person or object.
False (strong and Light)
The effort concept of force is characterized by the extremes of bound and free.
The following terms are considered "rising actions" except? A) turn B) blossom C) swell D) melt
False (objects)
The simplest relationship for a child to understand is the relationship with a partner.
A) quickly moving the body in a direction other than the original line of movement
The skill of Dodging refers to which of the following descriptions? A) quickly moving the body in a direction other than the original line of movement B) overtaking and traveling quickly C) traveling quickly away from a pursuing object or person D) traveling at a constant speed and direction
A) is unknown
The term 'relationship' with regards to children enrolled in Physical Education: A) is unknown B) known C) reinforced on a daily basis D) needs limited attention
C) bamboo poles
Tinikling is an activity that involves coordinated movements with what type of equipment? A) hoops B) ropes C) bamboo poles D) no equipment is needed
A) helps teach effort concepts of vibratory action.
Using words such as "Rattle" do which of the following? A) helps teach effort concepts of vibratory action B) helps children slow down C) illustrates rising action D) demonstrates traveling action
A non symmetrical shape is a shape in which each side of the body looks different.
A) dodging while maintaining possession of an object
A proficiency level for Dodging involves: A) dodging while maintaining possession of an object B) dodging stationary obstacles C) dodging with quick changes in direction D) dodging in response to a signal
A student who understands the effort qualities of movement is able to adjust his/her movements in relation to the demands of a situation.
B) your body cut alike on both sides
A symmetrical shape is which of the following examples? A) your body cut below the waist B) your body cut alike on both sides C) your arms and head pointed at an angle D) arms and legs twisted
B) the dynamic environments of games/sports, gymnastics, and dance
After mastery of the action in combination with other skills and concepts, the student is ready for: A) Initial exploration of each action B) the dynamic environments of games/sports, gymnastics, and dance C) practice in isolation D) traveling E) the action combined with other skill theme
An appropriate proficiency level task for traveling skills is the rhythmic activity tinikling.
B) gallop
An exaggerated slide is considered what form of locomotion? A) leap B) gallop C) skip D) hop
A) a headstand
An example of static balance is: A) a headstand B) traveling on low gymnastics equipment C) a jumping handspring D) traveling on a large apparatus
C. General space
An outdoor teaching space is an example of: A) constant space B) environmental space C) general space D) outer space
An understanding of self-space alone is crucial to student's developing safe movement patterns.
A) the difference between each of the actions, and the correct vocabulary for each action.
As children explore twisting, bending, stretching, and curling, they become aware of: A) the difference between each of the actions, and the correct vocabulary for each action. B) How tiring each movement can be C) The physiological benefits of performing each movement D) How each is applied to a dynamic game situation
B) requires children to coordinate several movements simultaneously
At a proficiency level, which of the following is true? A) the tasks are generally easy B) requires children to coordinate several movements simultaneously C) tasks are not dynamic D) only fifth graders should attempt
B) combining stationary balances with actions on benches
At the precontrol level, appropriate experiences include? A) exploring the use of different body parts as bases of support B) combining stationary balances with actions on benches C) using wide based to balance D) stopping in balanced positions
At the utilization and proficiency levels of skill development, traveling skills occur in games, dance, and gymnastics situations.
C) dynamic balance
Balancing on stilts is considered what type of activity? A) dynamic tension B) static balance C) dynamic balance D) static shock
B) stoppable or cautious
Bound flow actions are considered: A) uncontrollable B) stoppable or cautious C) free D) fierce
C) age 8
By what age should children be able to hop, leap, slide, gallop, and skip? A) age 4 B) age 6 C) age 8 D) age 10
Chasing, fleeing, and dodging has become a part of children's games only in recent times and, therefore, is now an important focus of skill acquisition in elementary physical education curricul
C) control
Children can jump over low obstacles at which development sequence level? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
B) kindergarteners
Children who can only jump on two feet and can ensure some form of balance are: A) preschoolers B) kindergarteners C) first graders D) second graders
Control level tasks in chasing, fleeing, and dodging allow children to practice the skills in relatively static situations, combining the skill with only one other variable.
B) traveling in different pathways
Control-level experiences include? A) meeting and parting B) traveling in different pathways C) traveling to show tradition versus change D) traveling with imagery
B) utilization
Dodging and chasing one person in a mass is an example of which developmental sequence? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
Everything we do takes place on either a low, medium, or high level.
D) skills prerequisite to becoming a capable chaser in various game situations
Experience suggests that it's best to focus on chasing skills after: A) high school B) children develop physically C) eating quick energy foods D) skills prerequisite to becoming a capable chaser in various game situations
A) operational differences of large or small; near or far
Extensions are taught through which forms of the following learning experiences? A) operational differences of large or small; near or far B) speed and direction C) traveling D) pathways
A) creative dance
Floor patterns created in dance experiences and the locomotor movements are important components of: A) creative dance B) locomotor basic skills C) expression D) kicking in soccer
Flow can be depicted by a child running full speed down a hill or pushing a heavy object.
A) running down a hill
Free flow concepts include: A) running down a hill B) pushing a heavy object C) walking on a thin line D) move like a robot
C) levels
Having children practice a drill involving placing body parts in certain positions is an example of teaching: A) pathways B) extensions C) levels D) none of the above
If a child can demonstrate the chasing, fleeing, and dodging skills, we can then assume that he/she can successfully perform these skills in a tag game.
Initially the extremes, rather than the gradations, of effort qualities are emphasized.
D) relationships with objects/and or people
Interplay, referring to soccer players working as a unit is an example of which concept? A) relationship with body parts B) relationship with the environment C) relationship with rules D) relationships with objects/and or people
C) Fatigue
It is best to give frequent rest breaks when teaching children about traveling fast due to: A) NASPE rules B) attention span C) fatigue D) All the above
D) feet do not leave ground
Jumping involves all of the following except? A) locomotor pattern B) the body propels itself off the floor C) goes into a period of flight D) feet do not leave ground
D) provide learning experiences they can accomplish in one location, without moving
Learning experiences through General Space Concepts include all of the following except: A) warming up by performing traveling exercises B) use the concepts of speed with the movements C) practice of locomotor skills D) provide learning experiences they can accomplish in one location, without moving
Modeling is the best way for young children to learn fundamental locomotor skills.
A) right and left, air pathways, and extensions
Most children take a longer time to grasp the concepts of? A) right and left, air pathways, and extensions B) space awareness C) walking D) forward/backward
Movement concepts are used primarily to enhance the quality in the development of a skill?
D) curling
Moving the spine forward into a tight curved shape, slightly to either side, or even backward is an example of: A) stretching B) bending C) twisting D) curling
C) gymnastic clubs competitions, little league, ballet yoga classes
Proficiency task are not included in the text because they are beyond the scope of most physical education programs. Instead, they are frequently used in: A) intramurals B) after school physical activity club C) gymnastic clubs competitions, little league, ballet yoga classes D) during classroom breaks
C) control
Stationary balances on equipment is considered which type of development sequence level? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
Teaching children about relationships with people includes working alone in a mass or with partners in groups.
B) modeling
The best way to learn locomotor skills is by: A) watching B) modeling C) verbalizing D) reading
C) skipping in general space while avoiding obstacles
The following are examples of executing skills from a foundation of body actions—twisting, bending, stretching, and curling except: A) the Olympic gymnast performing an aerial roll B) rock climber reaching for the next hold C) skipping in general space while avoiding obstacles D) college basketball player reaching the extra inch to gain possession of the rebound E) none of the above
A) alone in a mass
The following relationship occurs when all students move simultaneously, with no intent to watch another. A) alone in a mass B) solo C) partners D) groups
B) The contrast of muscular tensions
What is Force with regards to teaching movement? A) Mass times acceleration B) The contrast of muscular tensions C) A fiction cartoon superhero that kids like D) A nontraveling movement
B. Space your body can reach without moving away from a starting location.
What is self-space? A) space that surrounds your environment B) space that the body can reach without moving away from a starting location C) space within a room that a body can penetrate by moving D) size of movements of the body or its parts in space
B) improves kinesthetic awareness of movements
What is true regarding teaching self space concepts? A) children get to move everywhere they want B) improves kinesthetic awareness of movements C) builds stronger endurance D) improves muscular endurance
B) 4th grade
When a child can balance on a pair of skates, what grade level would this be considered as a benchmark? A) 2nd grade B) 4th grade C) 5th grade D) 1st grad
A) symmetrical
When a child can create the same shape on both sides of their body, this is considered: A) symmetrical B) asymmetrical C) spherical D) balanced
B) In isolation
When children are introduced to the body actions of stretching, curling, twisting, and bending, they explore the action in: A) A large sided game B) In isolation C) While performing a locomotor movement D) In a child-created game
B) utilization
When children are jumping to throw or jumping to catch, which development sequence level are they considered? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
B) skill deteriorate
When children begin to work with others in collaborative and competitive situations involving a manipulative skill, what is the result? A) skills improve B) skill deteriorate C) skills stay the same D) skills become difficult
A) proficiency
When children can balance while supporting the weight of a partner, the development sequence is considered at what level? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
B) to focus on how the concept relates to a performance of a particular skill
When children can demonstrate the extremes of Effort Concepts, then the result is: A) more practice B) to focus on how the concept relates to a performance of a particular skill C) to switch to another new lesson D) to prepare for fitness testing
C) control
When children can jump for height and perform a standing long jump, the development sequence is at which level? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
A) proficiency
When children can jump with a partner to mirror actions, the development sequence is at which level? A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
D) proficiency
When children can use the chasing skills in a wide variety of game contexts, this level is considered? A) precontrol B) control C) utilization D) proficiency
B) small
When dividing up into teams, its best to keep each group: A) moving B) small C) large D) uneven
A) proficiency
When games are used to help youngsters refine their jumping skills, this developmental level is considered: A) proficiency B) utilization C) control D) precontrol
A) muscular tension is the key for holding the balance
When given cues to demonstrate 'tight muscles', which does this mean? A) muscular tension is the key for holding the balance B) an injury has occurred and to relax the mouth C) it means to move slowly in order to maintain the balance D) show muscles by flexing
When imagery is used in relation to movement, the focus should be on replication of the image and not on the movement quality.
C) standing on the ground and lowering the center of gravity
When observing for correct balancing experiences, which is probably helpful? A) using a narrow base of support for beginner B) center of gravity should be higher on the upper torso C) standing on the ground and lowering the center of gravity D) standing on the ground and raising the center of gravity
A) mark the boundaries clearly and provide ample space between games
When several games are going on at the same time, in order to assure continuity, what should be done? A) mark the boundaries clearly and provide ample space between games B) have one inside and one outside C) share a common endline D) one group sits while other is playing
When teaching about relationships, we first focus on relationships with people rather than relationships with objects.
B) functional understanding of strong and light actions of body parts
When teaching the concept of force to children, the youngster should understand which of the following? A) how much muscle they possess B) functional understanding of strong and light actions of body parts C) how many push ups they can perform D) how large leg muscles compare to their arms
A) the self relationship
When teaching the relationship concepts, begin the typical relationships for children with: A) the self relationship B) the 'you' relationship C) the 'we' relationship D) the 'group' relationship
B) swimming
Which are not considered fundamental locomotor skills? A) walking B) swimming C) leaping D) hopping
a. space
Which is not a component of effort? a. space b. time c. force d. flow
C) jump from one foot to same foot rhythmically
Which of the following action jumps are considered the most difficult? A) run and jump forward from one foot to two feet B) jump over object from two feet to two feet C) jump from one foot to same foot rhythmically D) jump for distance
B) moving obstacles
Which of the following are Precontrol levels for Chasing? A) fleeing a chaser B) moving obstacles C) dodging while manipulating an object D) chasing and fleeing in a game situation
A) Flow
Which of the following are components of "Effort"? A) flow B) quick C) fast D) slow
A. extensions and pathways
Which of the following are considered categories that delineate various aspects of space? A) extensions and pathways B) running and kicking C) mobility D) relationships
B) creep on hands and knees
Which of the following are considered precontrol level travel experiences? A) performing locomotor sequences B) creep on hands and knees C) combination locomotors D) traveling in gymnastics
A) zigzag
Which of the following are examples of pathways? A) zigzag B) upward or downward C) above the heart or below the knees D) triangular
D) balancing
Which of the following is not a component of movement concept? A) relationship of body parts B) relationships with objects C) relationships with people D) balancing
c. force
Which of the following is not a movement concept of space? a. location b. levels c. force d. extensions
D) squash
Which of the following is not a phase of jumping? A) flight B) landing C) takeoff D) squash
A) Clockwise
Which of the following terms are used to help children understand directions? A) clockwise B) triangular C) box D) perpendicular
A) increases the risk of head injuries
Why has the game of Dodgeball been eliminated as a recommended form of context? A) increases the risk of head injuries B) rules are difficult to enforce C) it has lost its popularity D) provides opportunities to practice throwing/catching
B) 24 months
Wickstrom (1977) suggested that children are capable of performing a jump action when they are: A) depressed B) 24 months C) 36 months D) 2 years
B) static environments
Within the utilization level, the skills practiced in isolation at the control level are now put into all of the following except: A) the unpredictable environment of game situations B) static environments C) more advanced gymnastics routines D) the choreography of dance
C) sings on cue
hich of the following is not considered a benchmark for "Traveling"? A) combines locomotor patterns in time to music B) walks and runs using mature form C) sings on cue D) galloping forwards