Chp. 3 & 4 quizzes

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A drug that blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter is called a(n):


A drug that mimics or increases the effects of a neurotransmitter is called a(n):


A graded depolarization is known as an:

Control of the peripheral muscles in the affected body area

After damage to the ventral roots of the spinal cord, an individual will suffer what kind of loss?

opening calcium pores in the membrane.

An action potential causes the release of neurotransmitters by:

destroys axons that release serotonin.

At high doses, MDMA:

loss of sensory input to the cortex.

Damage to the thalamus would most likely result in:


Evoked potentials in the brain are most likely to be detected by a(n):

presynaptic terminals.

High concentrations of all neurotransmitters, except for NO, are stored in the:


In which area of the brain would one find the tectum, tegmentum, superior and inferior colliculi, and substantia nigra?


Increased permeability to ____ would most likely result in an IPSP.

have difficulty binding the different aspects of perception.

Individuals with parietal lobe damage:

rapid, short-lived effects.

Ionotropic effects are characterized by:

hyperpolarize the postsynaptic membrane.

Ionotropic effects:


Many neurons release neuropeptides mostly from the:


Most of the postganglionic synapses of the sympathetic nervous system use:

have more dendritic spines

Neurons in the prefrontal cortex ____ than neurons in other cortical areas.

adjusting their behavior to different contexts.

One reason why people with prefrontal cortex damage may act impulsively is that they have trouble:

Nucleus basalis

Patients with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease have impairments of attention and intellect because of inactivity or deterioration of their ____.

the speed of reflexive responses

Sherrington deduced that transmission at a synapse must be slower than conduction along an axon. This was based on what kind of evidence?

spatial summation

Simultaneous weak stimuli at different locations produce a greater reflexive response than one of the stimuli by itself. What is this phenomenon called?

Dorsal root ganglia

The cell bodies of sensory neurons that are in clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord are called:

apparently all or nearly all other species.

The chemicals used as neurotransmitters in humans are found in:

thalamus and hypothalamus.

The diencephalon is composed of the:

metabotropic; inhibitory

The neurotransmitter GABA exerts ____ effects, and its effects are almost always ____.

Brain stem

The reticular formation is contained within the:

axons within the pons cross over from one side to the other.

The term pons (meaning "bridge") is named as such because:

They are all synthesized from the same amino acids.

What do dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine share in common?

People with damage to their eyes can still imagine visual scenes.

What is one important difference between people who are blind because of cortical blindness and others who are blind because of problems with their eyes?

They receive only sympathetic input.

What is unique about the autonomic activity of the sweat glands?

prolonged action of acetylcholine at its synapses

What would be the effect of a drug that inhibits the action of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase?


Which division of the nervous system consists of neurons bringing messages from the senses to the central nervous system?


Which effect is consistently associated with a "second messenger"?

blocking the synthesis of neurotransmitters

Which effect would be considered to be antagonistic?

Releases DA at the ganglion

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the sympathetic system?

They operate on an all-or-none principle.

Which of the following is NOT true about EPSPs?

They decay over time and space.

Which of the following is TRUE about EPSPs?


Which of the following structures is part of the brain stem?


Which of the following techniques is dependent upon the release of oxygen from hemoglobin molecules?

Temporal lobe

Women on the average have a greater density of neurons in part of the _____.

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