Chp 4 Quiz
According to the Furman and Gray study, how much money do immigrant small business owners generate each year?
1 trillion dollars
What percentage of children attending U. S. schools came from homes where a language other than English is spoken?
Both Ben Franklin and George Washington believed in
A homogeneous, Anglicized population.
What was the result of a scientific study published by William Ripley of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in which he categorized three European races?
An increase in nativism by suggesting that individuals with blonde-hair and blue-eyes should be given preferential treatment
What strategy was not used by American Catholics to avoid anti-Catholic violence?
Changing religious affiliation to Protestant
The primary difference between being a refugee and an immigrant is that refugees are defined as immigrants who are
Escaping from persecution in their homeland
The purpose of the eugenics movement was to
Improve racial qualities for future generations
What is the main reason that private sector businesses are targeting Latino consumers?
Latino consumers buy high quality name brand products and maintain loyalty to those brands
What group is the most affected by the English Only movement?
Latino immigrants
Which of the following is not a myth about Latino immigrants?
Latinos have influenced American culture.
What language is spoken by the most people on earth?
Mandarin Chinese
What was the concept of race based on in the early 1930s?
National origin
Which is not a result of the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965?
New immigrants to the United States were primarily European and white
When the United States was being established what religion was most influential?
Protestant Christianity
Which of the following was not a legacy of the eugenics movement?
Special Education
What do five independent meta-analyses of programs educating English Language Learners (ELL) reveal?
Students in bilingual education programs tend to be both bilingual and bi-literate
What did nativists groups believe would happen if European ethnic groups continued to immigrate to the United States after World War I?
The Anglo ideal would disappear.
What is xenophobia?
The fear of people from other nations
Demographically, what is the predicted racial make-up of the United States by the year 2050?
The majority of immigrants will be of Latin descent
How has Arizona's attitude toward immigrants affect school curriculum?
The teaching of ethnic studies in public schools was outlawed.
What happens to the native language of immigrants in the United States after a few generations?
They lose their native language by the third generation.
How were the German Americans treated in the early 1900s?
They were denounced for claiming dual identity.
What was the primary purpose of the Bilingual Education Act in 1968?
To make children of immigrants literate in English
What was the Know-Nothing's original political platform?
To stop the political influence of Catholic and immigrants
Union actions to demand better wages and working conditions
Were thought of as an expression of anarchist, radical ideals.
Which of the following arguments do advocates use to support the use of bilingual education?
When taught in their native language, students achieve more academic success.
Whenever Jamia sees someone wearing traditional Middle Eastern clothing or a woman with a hijab, she gets very upset. She will cross the street to avoid them and turn down another aisle in the store to avoid them. If she accidentally comes close to someone she believes is Muslim or Middle Eastern she gets nervous and has to leave immediately. What is Jamia experiencing?
How would you set up your class if you were teaching in a two-way immersion class?
You would pair English speaking children with ELLs to help both students become bilingual
What claim was central to the nativist perspective?
immigrants were un-American
What issue split apart the Know-Nothing party and American parties and decreased their political force?