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In 325 ce, the ________________ Creed claimed Jesus was "of one substance with the Father."


_________________ was an ancient Christian who developed Plato's idea of the soul that has had great influence in Christianity ever since.


The point at which someone receives the gift of the Holy Ghost is called:


Traditionally, the Father is seen as the one who:

created the world

_______________________ is associated with the protestant group known as the Presbyterians.


In Europe, the _______________ church retained its power.


Which of the following religions has the most adherents?


Christians believe Jesus brought a new ______________ between God and his people.


Being a member of the Christian church became an essential part of salvation in the mid 3rd century. The theologian _____________ argued it was a nonnegotiable element of faith.


Of the 2.2 billion Christians today, how many are Catholic?

1.1 billion

Jesus was around ____ years old when he began his ministry as a rabbi.


Belief in the Trinity began around ___________ years after Jesus' death.


Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire in:

380 ce

One group that strongly opposed the idea that Jesus was exactly the same as God was the ____________, who thought only God the Father was God.


______________________ was known as the "Doctor of the Church" in the 13th century.


The Pelagian controversy centered around which of the following Christian sacraments?


Three main strands of Protestants arose, which of the following is NOT of those three?


One well known group of monastics, known as the __________________, began in the 6th century. They specialized in spiritual life, praying for those who could not take the time to pray for themselves.


Jesus was born in __________________ around 4 bce.


A regular celebration of the death of Jesus is called:


The _____________________________ made it clear that to reject the sacraments of the Catholic Church was to remove oneself from salvation.

Fourth Lateran Council

Among Christians there are different ideas of hell. Some argue Jesus did not mean there was an actual place of burning and punishment. Rather, they argue Jesus used the word ________________ to refer to a place outside of the holy land, metaphorically meaning a place without God.


In 1054 there was a __________________, the name for a split in the Christian Church which divided the church into two basic churches.

Great Schism

As part of a counter-reformation, Ignatius Loyola set up an order of Catholic missionaries willing to go anywhere to spread Catholicism. This society is known as the:


The Reformation began when a German monk, _________________________, believed people were being deceived.

Martin Luther

Which of the following posted 95 statements challenging the teachings of the Catholic church in 1517?

Martin Luther

Christianity takes its name from a Greek word that roughly means:


_______________ is the idea that God chooses to give mankind his grace, enabling them to choose good over evil.


The name of "reformers" eventually became _____________ after the Diet of Speyer in 1529.


Which of the following is NOT one of the groups of Christians discussed as the three main divisions of Christianity at the end of the last paragraph on page 203?


Luther and others argued there was no need for a "middle man" between humans and salvation. They thought everyone could turn to _______________ and read God's words themselves.

The Bible

When the Emperor Constantine saw problems arising from the variety of beliefs about God among Christians, he called a council of bishops to meet in Nicea. They came up with what has been called:

The Nicene Creed

The idea that God could be three distinct persons, and yet remain one God, is called

The Trinity

Jesus' main teachings are contained in a report of his major sermon, called:

The sermon on the mount

__________________________ used the philosophy of Aristotle to help explain the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Thomas Aquinas

When someone says they are divine, this is called:


The moment someone enters the church and their sin is washed away, is the Christian sacrament of:


Protestanism gave rise to different branches of Christianity, known as:


The word "gospels" means:

good news

Martin Luther objected to the selling of _______________, certificates that promised to release people from suffering from their sins.


Traditionally, the Spirit is seen as the one who:

is transforming the world

_____________ went to their deaths willingly, believing their deaths would lay the foundation for the spread of Christianity.


___________________ represent the idea that some believers should set themselves apart from the rest of the world, and dedicate themselves to God.


Augustine was a strong proponent of the belief that humans were weak-willed and incapable of choosing good over evil. He thought we were naturally inclined toward sin. This doctrine came to be known as:

original sin

Jesus taught in stories used to illustrate his message, called:


When a Christian confesses sin to a priest, the priest may give the person something to do to be reconciled with God. This is called:


Historically, Christians have sometimes considered the "kingdom of God" as a:

purely spiritual realm

In the 16th century a major shift in Christianity, known as the __________________, resulted from the idea that God could be worshiped directly.


_____________________ are rites designed to mark important moments in the Christian life.


Traditionally, the son is seen as the one who:

saved the world

The reformers placed the teachings and traditions of the church under the authority of _______________, and maintained salvation could only come from personal faith rather than from following the Church's decrees


There are ______________ sacraments in the Christian church.


Origen's teaching shaped much of the Christian belief in life after death. He emphasized that the ___________ was that which would live on after we died.


Eschatology means:

study of the last days

From the earliest of days, Christianity has been defined by the conviction that Jesus' ministry was the beginning of ___________.

the end

Christians claim Jesus was:

the incarnation of God in the form of a man

___________________ is the doctrine that the Eucharist literally become the body and blood of Christ.


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