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Called cat or goob, is a psychomotor stimulant with a chemical structure similar to methamphetamine Germany, in 1930's and 40's Soviet Union used it for the treatment of depression, in 1957 U.S. used it on animal studies to determine the potential use as an appetite suppressant. Cat or Goob is approximately one and a half times as potent as methamphetamine. Cat is reported by users to induce feelings of omnipotence and euphoric marked by increased energy. Other reported effects include relief from fatigue, increased self-assurance, acute alertness, hyperactivity, and talkativeness, a sense of invincibility, confidence, and increased sexual stimulation. 75 to $100 a gram.

According to the DEA what are drug traffickers attempting to accomplish by introducing Strawberry Quick meth to the market?

As two or more people entering into an agreement to violate the law with a commission to one or more overt acts in furtherance of the agreement. Drug investigations undertake conspiracy cases when the desire to get the leaders of a drug organization who may not handle drug transactions and would otherwise be too insulated from the day-to-day operations by associates operating further down the chain of command.

Define a conspiracy, and give examples of conspiracy cases.

(2) Enterprise conspiracy is defined by federal statues. In this type of conspiracy the enterprise may have a number of different criminal activities going on. These activities are called racketeering and include thing as drug violations, loan sharking, mail fraud, bribery, counterfeiting, and obstruction of justice. The members of an enterprise do not have to be aware of one another's role and investigators have to show only members have agreed to participate in the enterprise. Enterprise conspiracies in narcotics investigations must obviously include drug violations, as well as one other activity defined under racketeering.

Example of conspiracy cases.

The law of conspiracy makes it possible for each conspirator to be held accountable for the actions of anyone else involved. (1) Wheel conspiracy, there is a central or primary conspirator called the hub. The hub makes an agreement with other conspirators, referred as spokes. Each spoke is aware of everyone else's role in the scheme. All are bound together by the rim, which is the common agreement, trying each person to the conspiracy.

Example of conspiracy cases.

Fire departments responding to calls to fire or explosion; through informants; the community at large such as observing individuals visit but where no one lives, residence or other building that have sealed doors and windows, although they are not abandoned facilities; presence of odor, presence of ventilating fans being used regardless of weather conditions; strong ammonia smell, unfurnished residence, residents who frequently goes outside to smoke or get some air.

How a clandestine drug laboratory operation is typically identified?

The effects of PCP included feeling weightless, smaller, out of touch with the immediate environment, and dying or being already dead. Common signs of PCP use include flushing of the skin, profuse sweating, involuntary eye movement, muscular in coordination, double vision, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, as well as the desire to shed their clothing and super human strength.

What are some of the known side effects of PCP?

Athletic performance may be enhanced in sports where sustained attention and endurance is required. Anxiety, paranoia and restlessness a also frequent. With excessive dosage, tremors, convulsions and increased body temperature are observed.

What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?

Chronic- Chronic cocaine intake causes brain cells to adapt functionally to strong imbalances of transmitter levels in order to compensate extremes. Thus, receptors disappear from the cell surface or reappear on it, resulting more or less in an "off" or "working mode" respectively, or they change their susceptibility for binding partners (ligands) - mechanisms called down-/upregulation. However, studies suggest cocaine abusers do not show normal age-related loss of striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) sites, suggesting cocaine has neuroprotective properties for dopamine neurons. The experience of insatiable hunger, aches, insomnia/oversleeping, lethargy, and persistent runny nose are often described as very unpleasant.

What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?

Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. Its effects can last from 15-30 minutes to an hour, depending on the route of administration. Cocaine increases alertness, feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of competence and sexuality.

What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?

Depression with suicidal ideation may develop in very heavy users. Finally, a loss of vesicular monoamine transporters, neurofilament proteins, and other morphological changes appear to indicate a long term damage of dopamine neurons. All these effects contribute a rise in tolerance thus requiring a larger dosage to achieve the same effect.

What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?

Occasional cocaine use does not typically lead to severe or even minor physical or social problems. Acute- with excessive or prolonged use, the drug can cause itching, tachycardia, hallucinations, and paranoid delusions. Overdoses cause tachyarrhythmias and a marked elevation of blood pressure, which can be life-threatening.

What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?

• Consent,

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• Officers may also search without a warrant if there is a threat of a subject escaping in the time it would take to get a warrant, or if there is danger to a person's life

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• Plain-view searches—however, officers cannot move things to get a better view

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• exigent circumstances where evidence is likely to disappear in the time it would take to get a warrant (drugs being flushed down toilets) other exceptions requires a rough approximation of PC and the evidence must be seized in a reasonable manner.

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• inventory search when a vehicle is legally impounded and there is a policy in place

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• open-field searches are another type of search that can take place without a warrant such as curtilage surrounding buildings or homes are not constitutionally protected and are therefore allowable without a search warrant

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• search incident to an arrest...officers are allowed to search the are under the immediate control of the suspect, which is essentially their arm span. In a vehicle this includes the entire passenger compartment of the vehicle, including glove box if it is unlocked. If the arrest occurs in the suspect's house, then the officers are allowed to make a protective search of the home to look for additional suspects only where a person can reasonably hide. Plain view doctrine would apple in such case.

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• stop and frisk searches are another example of warrantless search...These are conducted in the interest of officer safety and/or crime prevention. To stop a suspect the officer must have articulable facts and reasonable suspicion that criminal activity is afoot. For further procession to a frisk, in order to pat down a person the officer must have reasonable facts to suggest that the individual is presently armed and dangerous. If the officer happens to come across drug paraphernalia during the frisk that evidence would be admissible in court; only if the officer believed it could have been a weapon

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• vehicle searches with probable cause

What are the major exceptions to searching without a search warrant?

• Entry into the home is often made through the garage or side/back entrance, to conceal activities.

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

• Equipment used in the growing operation such as large fans, lights, plastic plant containers, and other items is carried into the home.

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

• Exterior appearance of the property is untidy. There is little outside maintenance done (unshoveled snow, uncut grass, and son on), and garbage bags containing used soil and plant material may be discarded in areas surrounding the house. Mail delivered to the house may be left unchecked, so the flyers and junk mail pile up in the mailbox

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

• Residents rarely appear to be at home and may be in the house only for brief periods of time before leaving. Despite the , radios or televisions may be left on all night, making it sound as if someone were there.

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

• Visitors behave strangely or visit at odd hours.

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

• Warning signs are posted in windows or around the outside the house. These may warn people to "Beware of the Dog" or the "Guard Dogs" are on the property.

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

• Windows are boarded or covered up, preventing light from entering the house and concealing activities inside. The glare of bright lights may be seen escaping from the windows, and the windows may have a layer of condensation on them. Even though the windows are always closed, air conditioners never run.

What are the signs of a Marijuana Grow House Operation?

(1) The first method requires that all seized evidence be transported immediately to the laboratory for analysis. (2) Immediately seal in evidence bag and submit to the property and evidence room inside the police department.

What are the two recognized methods for introducing narcotics and dangerous drugs into the processing sequence immediately after they are seized and marked?

HIDTA's are joint efforts of regional, local, and federal agencies who leaders work together to asses' regional drug threat, to design strategies to combat those threats, and to develop initiatives to implement to strategies. Regional strategies include building multiagency task forces and support centers that create a communication infrastructure to share information.

What is a HIDTA?

High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Programs are an invaluable resource to narcotics investigations. Were created by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and provided federal assistance to better coordinate and enhance counter drug law enforcement efforts of local, state, and federal agencies in areas where major drug activity occurs. Currently there are 31 HIDTA's in the nation.

What is a HIDTA?

Dissolving of cocaine in a base solution, usually distilled water and calcium carbonate or lactose. The mixture is then shaken so the cocaine is dissolved completely. Several drops of ether are then added, and the mixture is shaken again. The cocaine is attracted to the ether, while the other additives are attracted to the base solution. The ether-cocaine solution separates from the base like oil and water, with the ether rising to the surface an eyedropper is commonly used to suction off the ether cocaine solution , which is then placed on an evaporating dish or crucible and allowed to evaporate naturally, the process can be accelerated with a flame, which makes it very dangerous. The crystals are then removed from the plate and smoked in a glass pipe or bong.

What is freebasing?

Combination of through injection of herion and cocaine. The cocaine provides the user with a tremendous euphoric "rush" after which a drowsy or depressing sensation arises.

What is speedballing?

"cheese heroin" is a combination of 8% heroin and a large quantity of crushed Tylenol-PM tablets. Teens have named the drug cheese because its yellowish color or tan $2 per does turning it into a gateway drug;

What major drugs of abuse are derived from opium?

• Codine concertations of .7% to 2.5%, used as a major ingredient called drank, purple drank, Texas tea, or "lean." Comes from the hip hop scene in Houston, TX...soda jolly rancher candy, and prescription cough medicine containing Codine and promethazine.

What major drugs of abuse are derived from opium?

• Heroin illegal,

What major drugs of abuse are derived from opium?

• Morphine used for medical purposes,

What major drugs of abuse are derived from opium?

• OxyContin sold legally. Prescribed for cancer patients, has pushed aside marijuana, cocaine, and other narcotics as the drug of choice for addicts and teenage abusers. OxyCodone is the ingredient that makes it like morphine, and it can also be found in another prescription drugs of Percodan and Tylox. The difference between these drugs is that OxyContin is time released up to 12 hours.

What major drugs of abuse are derived from opium?

? It is considered a "maintenance drug" and is used to maintain a heroin addict at a stable level of opiate use, protecting the addict from the incidental dangers of heroin use. It is longer acting than most opiates and addicts do not build up tolerance as fast as they do with heroin. Reduces the addicts risk of contracting hepatitis b, c, and HIV/AIDS.

What role does the drug methadone play in treating heroin addicts?

It takes three weeks on methadone before a heroin addict completes the withdrawal stage and moves to the maintenance stage. Critics advise is presents a cheaper way of supporting drug dependence and gets abusers out of crime and back to a conventional life. The program should have a psychiatric assistance with it to help addicts with their psychological dependence.

What role does the drug methadone play in treating heroin addicts?

All information used to obtain a search warrant that was provided by the informant must be corroborated such as telephone number, address, physical description, occupation, vehicle description and information, and the m.o. of the drug dealer including associates. Do a background on informant and suspects.

Which major factors should be considered when attempting to secure a search warrant solely on the basis of information supplied by a confidential informant?

It is available in residence that have cancer patients and is readily assessable. It has a 12 hours effectiveness for the high due to the time release elements. Addicts can achieve an intensely pure high by crushing the pills and snorting or injecting them.

Why is the drug OxyContin so attractive to drug addicts?

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