CIS 454 Exam 1 Dillon

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total peak number of users and the volume of data expected EX) maximum of 100-200 simultaneous users at peak times

Scope Creep

when an investigation expands beyond the original description

Criticisms of Agile

- Much of programming work is outsourced - Programmers gone wild, too much freedom - Lack of documentation - Can it deliver large mission critical systems

Product Owner (Scrum)

An individual responsible for maximizing the value of a product and for managing the product backlog.

Cultural/political requirements

Multilingual Customization Making Unstated Norms Explicit Legal

Intangible Value

Results from an intuitive belief that the system provides important, but hard-to-measure, benefits to the organization Example: improved customer service


Scrum is a management framework within which complex products can be developed. Scrum is derived from work in knowledge management, complex adaptive systems, and empirical process control theory.


Self-managing 5-9 members

Economic Feasibility

Should we build it? Cost-benefit analysis •Development costs •Annual operating costs •Annual benefits (cost savings and revenues) •Intangible costs and benefits

Project Sponsor

The person who provides the direction and funding for a project, conducts a feasibility analysis

Project Effort Estimation

The process of assigning projected values for time and effort 1 functionality of the system 2 time to complete the project 3 Cost of the project All dependent of the other

1. Project Initiation

The systems business value to the organization is identified -How will it lower costs or increase revenues?

Sprint Retrospective

The team should set aside a brief, dedicated period at the end of each sprint to deliberately reflect on how they are doing and to find ways to improve. Focus on PROCESS Final meeting of the sprint


The time within which the system must perform its functions EX) Response time must be less than 7 sec


a formalized approach to implementing the SDLC

Jelled Team

a group of people so strongly knit that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts


a statement of what the system must do or what characteristic it must have

2. Requirements Gathering

analysis of interviews/questionnaires used to establish a system concept Develop analysis models which describe how the business will operate if the new system is developed

Object-oriented methodologies

attempt to balance the focus between process and data by incorporating both into one model

Phased Development

breaks an overall system into a series of versions that are developed sequentially -once version 1 is implemented, work begins on version 2 Advantage- quickly getting a useful system into the hands of the users Disadvantage- users begin to work with systems that are intentionally incomplete

Feasibility Analysis

determines if an idea for a new business is practical and identifies the risks associated with the project

Data-centered methodology

emphasizes data models as the core of the system concept

Process-centered methodology

emphasizes process models as the core of the system concept

Maintainability requirements

expected business changes to which the system should be able to adapt EX) new version every six months backup end of everyday

portability requirement

extent to which the system will need to operate in other environments EX) System must be able to work in different operating systems (Windows, linux)


performs the analysis, design, and implementation phases concurrently, and all three phases are performed repeatedly in a cycle until the system is completed Advantage- VERY quickly provides a system, quickly refines real requirements Disadvantage- fast paced system releases challenge attempts to conduct careful methodical analysis

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

planning, analysis, design, implementation

Elements of a System Request

project sponsor business need business requirements business value special issues

PERT chart

network diagrams; show precedence relationships among the project activities/tasks

Alistair Cockburn

one of the founding authors of the Agile Manifesto and a prominent voice in the field of agile project management "cooperative game of invention and communication"

Nonfunctional Requirements

refer to behavioral properties that the system must have, such as performance and usability ex) ability to access the system using a web browser operational performance security cultural/political

Virus Control Requirements

requirements to control the spread of viruses EX) checked for viruses before saving to the system

Customization requirements

specification of what aspects of the system can be changed by local users

Performance Requirements

speed, capacity, availability and reliability

Operational Requirements

technical environment system integration portability maintainability

Functional Requirements

the activities the system must perform to support the users' work or information it needs to contain ex) stating that the system must have the ability to search for available inventory

Sprint Review

A meeting when the Scrum team shows what they accomplished during the sprint. Typically this takes the form of a demo of the new features Focus on the PRODUCT

Product Backlog

A prioritized list of user stories, showing both short- and long-term goals of a software development team

Portfolio Management

A process that optimizes project selection and sequencing in order to best support business goals

Agile Development

A software development methodology that delivers functionality in rapid iterations, measured in weeks, requiring frequent communication, development, testing, and delivery. SCRUM XP

Unified Process

A specific methodology that maps out when and how to use the various UML techniques for object-oriented analysis and design

Gantt Chart

A time and activity bar chart that is used for planning, managing, and controlling major programs that have a distinct beginning and end.

System Value Estimates

Estimated business value of the system and its data EX: A complete loss of all system data would cost $20 million.

Making Unstated Norms Explicit

Explicitly stating assumptions that differ from country to country EX)month day year format, weight


Extent to which the system will be available to the users and the permissible failure rate due to errors EX: 99% uptime performance

Scrum's Values

FOCUS- on only a few things at a time, deliver valuable items sooner COURAGE- having resources at our disposal OPENNESS- express how we are doing COMMITMENT- control over destiny RESPECT- share success and failures

SDLC: Design

HOW the system will operate in terms of hardware, software, and network infrastructure? 1. Design strategy 2. Architecture design 3. Database and file specifications 4. Program design

Sprint Planning - Part 2 (Design)

- design workshop -Team collaborates to create a high-level design of the features it has committed to deliver -Outcome of SP2 is the sprint "backlog" or the list of tasks that the team collectively needs to execute in order to turn the items in the into running tested features -During SP2 the team may ask additional questions regarding the requirements -Design is emergent and the meeting is time-boxed. Normal not to get the design perfectly done in this session and Team will discover more tasks during the sprint

Business analyst

-Analyzing the key business aspects of the system -Identifying HOW THE SYSTEM WILL PROVIDE BUSINESS VALUE -Designing new business processes and policies

Change management analyst

-Developing and executing a change management plan -Developing and executing a user training plan HOW WILL THE USERS INTERACT WITH THE SYSTEM

Infrastructure Analyst

-Ensuring the system conforms to infrastructure standards -Identifying infrastructure changes required by the system -HOW THE SYSTEM WILL INTERACT WITH THE TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (hardware, software, networks)

Systems Analyst

-Identifying HOW TECHNOLOGY CAN IMPROVE THE BUSINESS PROCESS -Designing the new business processes -Designing the information system -Ensuring the system conforms to IS standards

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

-Individuals and interactions over processes and tools -Working software over comprehensive documentation -Customer collaboration over contract negotiation -Responding to change over following a plan

Parallel Development Methodology

-Subdivide the project into sub-projects that can be worked on at the same time, sometimes not completely independent -Reduce the overall project length -Can require significant integration efforts

Essence of SCRUM

-Team is given clear goals -Team organizes itself around work -regularly delivers the most valuable features -reflection -visibility - honest communication

Sprint Planning - Part 1 (Requirements Gathering)

-detailed requirements workshop -Team asks questions to understand the requirements in sufficient detail to enable them to commit to delivering the feature during the sprint -ScrumMaster must ensure that any other stakeholder needed to help the team understand the requirements is present or on call -At the end of SP1 the team commits to the Product Owner what they believe they can deliver in the form of running tested features

Security Requirements

-system value estimates -access control -encryption and authentication -virus control

Extreme Programming

1) Developers must provide rapid feedback 2) KISS principle 3) Incremental changes to grow the system 4) quality-first mentality Code is tested each day and placed into an integrative testing environment

12 principles of agile software

1. Software is developed early and continuously through the development process, satisfying the customer 2. Changing requirements are embraced regardless of when they occur in the development process 3. Working software is delivered frequently to the customer 4. Customers and developers work together to solve business problems 5. Motivated individuals create solutions 6. Face-to-face communication within the development team 7. The primary measure of progress is working software 8. Sustainable pace of work 9. Agility is heightened through attention to technical excellence and good design 10. Simplicity 11. Self-organizing teams 12. Regularly reflect on how to improve

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

A development method that uses special tools and an iterative approach to rapidly-produce a high-quality system. -Phased -Prototyping -Throwaway prototyping

Tangible Value

Can be quantified and measured easily Example: 2 percent reduction in operating costs

1. Design strategy

Clarifies whether the system will be developed in-house or outsourced or buy a COTS

Four XP Principles

Communication, Simplicity, Feedback, Courage

CASE tools

Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools automate some or all of the development process Not a silver bullet, but advantages include: Reduced maintenance costs Improve software quality Enforce discipline Some project teams even use CASE to assess the magnitude of changes to the project

3. Database and file specs

Define exactly what data will be stored and where

4. Program design

Defines the programs that need to be written and exactly what each program will do

Encryption and Authentication

Defines what data will be encrypted where and whether authentication will be needed for user access EX) users logging in from outside the office will be required to authenticate

2. Architecture/Infrastructure design

Describes the hardware, software, and network infrastructure to be used. How users will move through the system ex. forms reports

1. Analysis Strategy

Developed to guide the project teams efforts -Analysis or as-is and to-be system

Waterfall Development

Development method that focuses on completing each stage of the SDLC for the entire project before moving onto the next. Advantages- identifies system requirements long before programming begins and it minimizes changes to reqs as project proceeds Disadvantages- The design must be completely specified before programming begins and long time elapses between the completion of the system proposal in the analysis phase and the delivery of the system

3. Systems Proposal

Document which includes- analyses, system concept and models Presented to the project sponsor Initial deliverable that describes what business requirements the new system should meet

INVEST (good user story)

Independent—ideally can be implemented in any order Negotiable—and negotiated Valuable—to the customer Estimatable—enough to rank and schedule it Small—and with short descriptions Testable—I could write a test for it


Initiates the project promotes the project allocates their time and provides resources

Organizational Management

Know about project budget encourage users to accept and use system

Sprint Burndown Chart

Lead indicator of progress Sprint Burndown Chart is a graph that depicts the amount of work remaining in the ongoing Sprint.

Access Control requirements

Limitations on who can access what data EX) only department managers will be able to change inventory items within their own department

system users

Make decisions that influence the project hands on activities ultimately determine whether project is successful

Project Manager

Managing the team Developing and monitoring the project plan Assigning resources Serving as the primary point of contact for the project

Product Burndown Chart

Measures the rate of delivery of a stream of running, tested, features over time of the Product (Velocity) story points

3. Support Plan

Post implementation review as well as a systematic way for identifying changes to the system

System Request

Presents a brief summary of a business need, and it explains how a system that supports the need will create business value.

2. Installation

Process by which the old system is turned off and new one is turned on Development of training plan

SDLC: Implementation

Programmers begin converting the models from the previous steps into the actual system, for instance, by developing databases and other software programs that will be needed. This step also includes installing hardware, testing the system, and training the end-users (Longest and most expensive) 1. Construction 2. Installation 3. Support Plan

2. Project Management

Project manager creates a workplan, staffs the project, and puts techniques in place to help the project team control and direct the project though the entire SDLC

Technical Environment

Special hardware, software, and network requirements imposed by business requirements. EX: All office locations have always-on network connection permitting real-time database updates System will work over the web environment with Internet Explorer

Approval committee

Steering committee, decides whether the project should be undertaken

1. Construction

System is built and tested to ensure that it performs as designed, lots of time dedicated to testing

Sprint Backlog

Task board, physical representation The highest-priority items from the product backlog to be completed in a sprint

Technical Feasibility

The extent to which the system can be successfully designed, developed, and installed by the IT group. Can we build it?

System Integration

The extent to which the system will operate with other systems. EX: The system will read and write to the main inventory database System must be able to import and export excel spreadsheets

Daily Scrum Meeting

Time Boxed to 15 min What did I do Yesterday? What will I do today? What impedes me? Sprint Task Boards: Not Started, In progress, Completed. Sprint Burn Down charts, Impediments List. Side Bar Topics (Scrum after Scrum): Ex: The Product owner was not available.

SDLC: Analysis

WHO will use the system? WHAT will the system do? WHERE/WHEN it will be used? Team investigates any current systems, improvements, and concept for new system 1. Analysis Strategy 2. Requirements Gathering 3. Systems Proposal

SDLC: Planning

WHY should we build this info system? 1. Project Initiation 2. Project Management

ScrumMaster Role

facilitator for the team and product owner. • Remove the barriers between the development and the product owner so that the product owner directly drives development. • Teach the product owner how to maximize return on investment (ROI), and meet his/her objectives through Scrum. • Improve the lives of the development team by facilitating creativity and empowerment. • Improve the productivity of the development team in any way possible. • Improve the engineering practices and tools so that each increment of functionality is potentially shippable. • Keep information about the team's progress up to date and visible to all parties.

Structured Design Methodology

formal step by step approach Waterfall Parallel

System specs

handed to the programming team for implementation After design phase, feasibility analysis is reexamined and revised

Organizational Feasibility

how well the system ultimately will be accepted by its users and incorporated into the ongoing operations of the organization if we build it, will they come?

Throwaway Prototyping

includes the development of prototypes, but uses the prototypes primarily to explore design alternatives rather than as the actual new system, design prototype is not a working system


intrinsic rewards -recognition -achievement -work itself -responsibility -advancement -chance to learn new skills

Multilingual requirements

language in which the system will need to operate

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