CISA Domain 1: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
The EDI set up can be the traditional EDI method (_______) or web based EDI (______)
1. Batch transmission within each trading partner computers. 2. Accessed through a Internet Service Provider
Components of the Traditional EDI Process
1. Communications Handler 2. EDI Interface 3. Application Interface 4. EDI transactions
The EDI interface performs the following functions
1. Functional acknowledgment (can be used as an audit trail for EDI transactions) 2. Validates the identity of partners 3. Validates the validity of the transactions
What are the risks associated with an EDI Transactions?
1. Transaction Authorization 2. Due to electronic transactions, there is no inherent authentication that occurs. 3. In the absence of a trading partner agreement, there could be uncertainty related to specific legal liability. 4. Performance-related issues to EDI applications could have a negative impact on both of the parties involved. 5. Related risks include unauthorized access, data integrity, confidentiality, loss or duplication of EDI transactions.
Traditional paper document exchange between two organizations has been replaced with the ___________
EDI Platform
What is the EDI interface?
Involves interface between the application system and the communications handler.
What is the communications handler in the traditional EDI process?
Involves process for transmitting and receiving electronic documents between trading partners via dedicated channels.
EDI promotes a more efficient ______ environment.
EDI is the electronic __________ of ______________ (information) between two organizations.
Transmission & Transaction
What is the application system in the traditional EDI process?
it processes the data sent to or received from the trading partner
EDI system software includes ______, ________, _______ initiated by or destined for application processing.
transmission, translation, storage of transactions