Civil War

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Who was Dredd Scott?

Dredd Scott was a slave who was brought into free territory and sued for his freedom.

What did the 15th amendment do?

The 15th amendment said that the right to vote cannot be denied because of race or ethnicity (it was put in to allow freed slaves to vote).

What does William T. Sherman do to Atlanta?

William T. Sherman captures Atlanta and burns it at the beignning of his March to the Sea.

When is William T. Sherman's March to the Sea?

William T. Sherman's March to the Sea is in 1864.

When does Robert E. Lee surrender?

Robert E. Lee surrenders in April of 1865.

What does Abraham Lincoln do in 1864 to try and make the Union Army more sucessful?

Abraham Lincoln tries to make the Union Army more sucessful by putting General Ulysess S. Grant in charge of the Union army because Grant has been succesful in the western theater.

What does Ulysess S. Grant do after he is put in charge of the Union Army?

After Ulysess S. Grant is put in charge of the Union Army he takes charge of the army of the Potamic and dogedly pursues Robert E. Lee.

What does the Confederacy do after losing the Battle of Gettysburg?

After losing the Battle of Gettysburg the Confederacy retreats back to the South and never quite recovers.

What does the Confederacy do after the battle of Antietam?

After the Battle of Antietam the Confederacy invades the North again and loses against the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg.

What happens to Robert E. Lee at the end of the war?

At the end of the war Robert E. Lee is worn down, Richmond has just fallen, and Lee's army is diminished and surrounded and so he surrenders at the Appomattox Court House.

What would the Union and the Confederacy do in order to deal with the fact there wasn't enough room in the prisons for all of the prisoners?

Because there wasn't enough room in the prisons for all of the prisoners the Union and the Confederacy would give prisoners parol, which meant they would give each prisoner a slip of paper, and then they were allowed to go back to their homes but they weren't allowed to help fight the war and if they were caught fighting they would be killed.

Why does Britian not want to become allies with the Confederacy?

Britian doesn't want to become allies with the Confederacy because they don't want to become allies with a country that supports slavery beacause they are against slavery, they outlawed it in 1820.

What sucess does the Union have early in the war in the western theater?

Early in the war in the western theater the Union captures New Orleans.

What does William T. Sherman do in his March to the Sea?

In his March to the Sea William T. Sherman wages total war, marching across Georgia, liberating slaves and destroying fields, railroad tracks, and factories. He starts at Atlanta, Georgia and then heads South to Savannah.

What type of conditins were there in the war prisons?

In the war prisons there were lots of diseases and there wasn't a lot of supplies or food.

What happens in the western theater after the Union captures New Orleans?

In the western theater after the Union captures New Orleans, the Union captures Vicksburg, giving the Union full possesion of the Mississippi River, and splitting the Confederacy into two parts.

How does the amount of people who died in the Battle of Antietam compare to other battles in the U.S. military history?

The Battle of Antietam was the single bloodiest day in the U.S. military history.

When was the Battle of Gettysburg?

The Battle of Gettysburg was on July 1-3 of 1863

Who does the Confederacy reach out and try to form an alliance with during the war?

The Confederacy reaches out to Britian during the war and tries to form an aliance with them but Britian doesn't want to help the Confedracy.

How does the Confederacy try to force Britian to become allies with them?

The Confederacy tries to froce Britian to become allies with them by making a cotton embargo, but Britian just starts buying cotton from the Middle East and Africa instead, so the embargo backfires on the Confederacy and ruins their cotton trade.

What do the Confederacy's victories at the First Battle of Bull Run and the Second Battle of Bull Run result in them doing?

The Confederacy's victories at theFirst Battle of Bull Run and the Second Battle of Bull Run embolden them and result in them invading the North for the first time, and losing at the Battle of Antietam.

When was the First Battle of Bull Run?

The First Battle of Bull Run was in the summer of 1861.

What was the First Battle of Bull Run?

The First Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the Civil War. It was a Confederate victory, where the Union attempts to capture Richmond but fails.

What was the Second Battle of Bull Run?

The Second Battle of Bull Run is another Confederate victory, where the Union makes another failed attempt to capture Richmond.

When was the Second Battle of Bull Run?

The Second Battle of Bull Run was in the summer of 1862.

When does the Union capture New orleans?

The Union captures New Orleans in 1862.

When does the Union capture Vicksburg?

The Union captures Vicksburg in July of 1863 (around the same time as the Union victory in Gettysburg).

How does the Union do in the western theater?

The Union makes steady progress in the western theaer towards their goal of capturing the Mississippi River.

When was the Battle of Antietam?

The battle of Antietam was in September of 1862.

What was the goal of the western theater?

The goal of the western theater was to capture the Mississippi River.

When does Ulysess S. Grant and the Union finally capture Richmond?

Ulysses S. Grant and the Union finally captures Richmond in April of 1865.

How many people fought in the Civil War?

2.75 million soldiers fought in the civil war. (This was more combatants than all other wars combined up to that point.)

How many people died in the Battle of Gettysburg?

50,000 people died in the battle of Gettysburg.

How many people died in the Civil War?

620,000 people died in the civil war. (This was almsot as many casulaties as all other wars combined.)

What did abolitionists do to the relationship between the North and the South?

Abolitionists increased tensions between the North and South.

How did abolitionists try to fight against slavery?

Abolitionists tried to fight against slavery by publishing newspapers, and lobbying the government to end slavery.

What happens to Abraham Lincoln that prevents him from carrying out his plan for reconstruction?

Abraham Lincoln is prevented from carrying out his plan for reconstruction because he is assasinated by John Wilks Booth.

What does Abraham Lincoln say he's going to do about Slavery as President?

Abraham Lincoln says that as President he's not going to abolish slavery, he says that he doesn't even think as President he will have the political authority to stop slavery in the states where it already exists, even if that was his goal, which it isn't. All he wants to do is to stop the spread of slavery into the new territories.

After John Brown's raid what do abolitionists think of him?

After John Brown's raid abolitionists in the North see John Brown as a martyr.

After John Brown's raid what do slave holders think of him?

After John Brown's raid slave holders in the South see John Brown as a representative of all abolitionists. They generalize that all abolitionists are as violent as John Brown, saying they all want to lead slave revolts and kill us in our sleep.

What kind of economy existed in the South?

An agricultural economy existed in the South.

What kind of economy existed in the North?

An industrial economy existed in the North.

As the war drags on what do the governments have to do in order to get enough soldiers for the army?

As the war drags on the governments have to pass conscription acts, or a draft, in order to get enough soldiers for the army. The Union also gets more soldiers for the army by allowing African Americans to enlist.

What was the impact of the Civil War?

Because of the Civil War new war technology/innovations are invented, the Union is preserved, and slavery is abolished. But unfortunately more Americans die in the Civil War than in any other war.

How did the people react to the draft bill?

Because the draft bill said that people could pay for substitutes to take their place if they were drafted, the draft bill angered the poor people and resulted in the NYC riots in July of 1863.

How did the governments pay for the war?

Both governments borrowed money for the war by selling bonds. The Confederacy also printed a lot of paper money (which led to inflation), and the Union passed a temporary Income tax.

When was the Union Draft passed?

Congress passed the draft bill in 1863.

Who was Harriet Tubman?

Harriet Tubman was one of the "conductors" or people who led the slaves through the Underground Railroad, from station to station.

What new technology was used by armies during the Civil War?

During the Civil War armies used telegraphs, railroads, and new weaponry.

What was the Union's goal during the Civil War?

During the Civil War the Union's goal was to preserve the Union.

What anti-slavery actions do some states carry out during the civil war?

During the Civil War the border states outlaw slavery.

What did Eli Whitney invent and what did it do?

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which cleaned cotton faster and with less manpower than before.

Why were fugitive slave laws passed?

Fugitive slave laws were passed so that slave owners could capture escaped slaves, even if they fled to free states.

How did Hamilton's economic plan make the South feel that the federal government was favoring the North?

Hamilton's economic plan made the South feel that the federal government was favoring the North, because the end result of the plan was to help the states by having the federal government absorb their war debt, but the marjority of the states that still had withstanding war debt were states in the North.

What did Harriet Beacher Stowe do?

Harriet Beacher Stowe wrote the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which helped people understand the terrible ways slaves were treated, and why slavery was so immoral.It also made the argument that you can't call yoruself a christian if you buy and sell people.

How did slavery expand?

In 1763 there were already 230,000 slaves, but then by 1860 there were 4 million slaves.

What type of new weaponry was invented?

New bullets (like cylinder-shaped bullets that spun around inside the gun before they were shot out), the gattling gun (which was type of a machine gun that you cranked), and ironclads (which were steel panneled naval ships) were invented.

How did most of the battles in the Eastern Theater turn out?

In the Eastern Theater the Confederacy won many victories against the Union and the Union kept replacing their generals for the army of the Potamic (the Union army in the East)

In the beging of the war how did people on both sides respond to the call for volunteers?

In the beginning of the war the response to the call for volunteers on both sides was overwhelming. Many people joined because they thought the war be over quickly.

How did slaves fight against slavery?

Some slaves fought against slavery by escaping. Others refused to work. But Slaves would be severely punished for not cooperating/trying to escape (for example they might be whipped.) Some slaves also led slave revolts.

Who was John Brown?

John Brown was an abolitionist who planned to lead a slave revolt in the South. First he was going to attack the Federal Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and then he was going to take weapons from there and use them to arm the slaves. Unfortunately John Brown was captured at Harper's Ferry.

If Lincoln says he's not fighting the war to end slavery, than how does he justify the Emancipation Proclamation?

Lincoln justifies the Emancipation Proclamation by claiming that it is a military strategy/measure. He say by taking away the South's slaves they won't be able to produce any materials which will hurt their ability to fight.

What was Lincoln's assasination part of?

Lincoln's asaasination was part of a plot to assasinate the president (Abraham Lincoln), the Vice President (Andrew Johnson) and the Secretary of State (William Henry Seward). Luckily though, even though Seward was stabbed in the head and bloodied he survived, and the person who was supposed to assasinate Johnson got drunk and chickened out.

What did Lincoln's election result in?

Lincoln's election resulted in Southern Secession.

What is Lincoln's main goal during the Civil War?

Lincoln's main goal during the Civil War is to preserve the Union. He says he's not there to end slavery, he's just going to do what will help them win the war.

What did abolitionists do to help slaves on the Underground Railroad?

Many abolitionists offered their homes as "stations" or safe houses for the slaves on the Underground Railroad to stay in.

How did the states fight against slavery?

Some states fought against slavery by outlawing slavery long before the civil war. (They had the right to do this, the Dredd Scott Decision was only about outlawing slavery in territories, not in states)

What type of technology didn't really improve during the civil war?

Medicine didn't really improve during the civil war.

Where did most slaves work?

Most slaves worked on Plantations in the South.

Who was Nat Turner?

Nat Turner was a slave who led a slave revolt in Virginia. Unfortunately the slaves lost and Nat Turner, the rest of the conspirators, as well as some of Nat Turner's family members who weren't involved in the revolt were all executed.

What were the Confedercay's strategies to fight the Civil War?

The Confederacy's strategies to fight the Civil War were to fught a war of attrition, fight a defensive war, and seek foreign alliances.

Did all of the southern states succeed at the same time?

No, some southern states succeeded before Fort Sumpter, while other states succeeded after Fort Sumpter.

How does Abraham Lincoln personally feel about slavery?

Personsonally Abraham Lincoln is against slavery from a moral, economic, and political standpoint.

What are plantations?

Plantations are large estates that produce cash crops like rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton.

What were political arguments between the North and the South originally over?

Political arguments between the North and the South were originally over the government's economic policies. The south felt that the federal government was favoring the North, specifically when the government introduced Hamilton's economic plan, and when they passed the Tariff of Abominations.

What does popular sovreinty mean?

Popular sovreinty means that the people rule themselves. Essentially, it's a term to describe the idea of letting the citizens of a place make important decisions about how their government is going to be run.

Where did slavery start?

Slavery didn't start in one specific place it existed everywhere. For example it existed in Ancient Rome, Africa, North America, and South America.

What role did slavery have in the civil war?

Slavery was the main issue that caused the Union to break apart and start a civil war.

How were slaves traded?

Slaves were bought and sold a slave auctions. The two largest slave auctions were in Charleston, South Carolina and New York City.

What were railroads used for?

Railroads were used to help transport supplies and soldiers.

What are abolitionists angry about right before the election of 1860?

Right before the election of 1860 abolitionists are angry about the Dred Scott decision.

What are slave holders angry about right before the election of 1860?

Right before the election of 1860 slave holders are angry about "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and John Brown's raid.

When were slaves first brought to North America?

Slaves were first brought to North America in the colonial period. The first slaves were owned in Jamestown in 1619.

What did the 13th amendment do?

The 13th amendment outlawed slavery.

What did the 14th amendment do?

The 14th amendment made African Americans (former slaves) citizens.

What was the result of the Battle of Fort Sumter?

The Battle of Fort Sumter resulted in the Confederacy seizing Fort Sumter.

When was the Battle of Fort Sumter?

The Battle of Fort Sumter was in April of 1861.

What was the Battle of Fort Sumter?

The Battle of Fort Sumter was the first Battle of the Civil War. During the Battle the Confederacy wants to take over Fort Sumter, a fort in South Carolina, because they don't want the Union to be able to use it against them, so they bombard it.

What impact did the Civil War have on the southern economy?

The Civil War devastated the southern economy (it was very bad for them).

Why was the Civil War fought?

The Civil War was fought because the southern states rebelled (over slavery) and tried to form their own country.

Where was the Civil War fought?

The Civil War was fought in the eastern theater and the western theather (parts of American South)

When was the Civil War?

The Civil War was from 1861-1865.

What impact did the Civil War have on the northern economy?

The Civil War was good for the nothern economy.

What advantages do the Confederacy have?

The Confederacy has excellent military leadership (their main leaders were Robert E. Lee, Jeb Stuart, Stonewall Jackson, and Jones Longstreet) and they are fighting on home turf.

What did the Confederacy do to federal properties in the South?

The Confederacy seized federal properties in the South such as arsenals, post offices, and mints.

What was the Confederacy?

The Confederacy was the "Country" formed from the seceding southern states. They elected their own President (Jefferson Davis) and fought against the Union (the North) for their independence.

What was the Confederacy's goals during the Civil War?

The Confederacy' goals during the Civil War were to preserve slavery, and to preserve their "new country," the C.S.A.

When was the Dredd Scott decision?

The Dredd Scott decision was in 1857.

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Emacipation Proclamation is an executive order (not legislation) that Abraham Lincoln creates. It frees slaves in the Confederate States only, becase Lincoln does not want to lose the support of the slave states who joined the Union

When was the Emancipation proclamation created?

The Emancipation Proclamation was created on January 1st 1863.

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act say?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act said that the question of slavery should be decided based on popular sovreinty, which basically meant that slavery would be voted on by the people living in the Kansas and Nebraska territories.

When was the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed in 1854.

What did the Missouri Compromise say?

The Missouri Compromise said that Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state in exchange for Maine entering the Union as a free state. In addition the Missouri Compromise said that the rest of the terrirtory acquired during the Louisianna Purchase that was above the 36 30' N line (with the exception of Missouri) would be free, and all of the territory below that line would be open to slavery.

When was the Missouri Compromise passed?

The Missouri compromise was passed in 1820.

How does the North feel about the Tariff of Abominations? How does the South feel?

The North likes the Tariff of Abominations and it's good for them because now their goods are cheaper than foreign goods, but it angers the South because now they can't get as many goods for their crops, basically everything becomes more expesive.

What was the Nullification Crisis?

The Nullification crisis was when, during Jackson's presidency, the Tariff of Abominations was passed, and because the Southern states are so upset about it they toy with the idea of sucession, and claim that they have the right to nullify (ignore) federal law.

What did the Republican Party Platform in 1860 say?

The Republican Party Platform (the article about the party's beliefs) in 1860 said that the Republicans are against bringing slavery into the new territories. It said that they do not believe in taking "liberty" away from African Americans in the new territories, and because of this they think slavery should be outlawed in the new territories.

How was the Republican Party formed?

The Republican Party emerged from the Whigs in the 1850's, and they wanted to stop the spread of slavery. Abraham Lincoln was originally a Whig, and then he became a Republican.

What was the Tariff of Abominations?

The Tariff of Abominations was a protective tariff that was created to try to help American industry by making foreign goods more expensive than American made goods.

What was the U.S. Suprmeme Court ruling on the Dredd Scott Decision?

The U.S. Supreme Court said that Dredd Scott wasn't free on the basis that African Americans are not citizens (therefore they cannot sue), and the basis that Congress cannot ban slavery in the territories (therefore the compromises are unconstitutional).

What was the Underground Railroad?

The Underground Railroad wasn't an actual Railroad, it was an escape route for slaves, from the South to the North or to Canada.

Who fought against who in the Civil War?

The Union (who's President was Abraham Lincoln) fought the Confederacy (who's President was Jefferson Davis) in the civil war.

What advantages do the Union have?

The Union has advantages in industry, railroads, population, and Navy.

What were the Union's strategies to fight the Civil War?

The Union's startegies to fight the Civil War were: 1. To create a Naval Blockade on Confederate Ports (this is called the Anaconda Plan) 2. To capture key rivers (specifically the Mississippi River) 3. To capture the confderate capital (which is Richmond, Virginia) 4. To wage total war, which is when an army destroys the opposing side's resources, and their way of earning an income instead of just fighting against their army (this strategy was used later in the war, and it was demonstrated when William T. Sherman led his "March to the Sea," where he burned his way through the south from Atlanta to Savanah).

What did the Compromise of 1850 say?

The compromise of 1850 said that California would be admitted to the Union as a free state and the slave trade would be banned in Washington D.C., in exchange for a new, much harsher, fugitive slave act being passed, and the territories (other than California) that were acquired during the Mexican cession being open to slavery.

When did the controversy between states' rights and a strong central government arise?

The controversy between states' rights and a strong central government was around since the writing of the Constitution. For example during ratifacation debates many anti-federalists said they were concerned with the power of the new national government.

What effect did the cotton gin have on slavery?

The cotton gin lead to the expansion of slavery because by making cotton easier to clean, the cotton gin increased producivity, which led to the plantation owners earning more money, which allowed them to buy new land to use to grow cotton, which then resulted in them needing more slaves to grow and pick the cotton on their new land.

What was the fighting in the Eastern theater focused primarily on?

The fighting in the Eastern Theater was focused primarily on Virginia and capturing Richmond (the confederate capital)

How did the first political parties demonstrate that there was a controversy between states rights and a strong central government?

The first political parties demonstrated that there was a controversy between states rights and a strong central government because both had opposing views on the topic. The federalists believed in a strong national government, while the democratic reublicans believed in the states having most of the power.

What was the first southern state to suceed?

The first southern state to suceed was South Carolina.

What did the fugitive slave law of 1793 do?

The fugitive slave law of 1793 imposed penalties for people aiding slaves, but left enforcement up to the states.

What was the goal of reconstruction?

The goal of reconstruction was to re-unite the nation.

What were the main reasons why the South decided to suceede?

The main reasons why the South decided to suceede were because the South was angry about abolitionists, they were angry about Lincoln winning the election, and they were worried that Lincoln was going to abolish slavery.

What did the new fugitive slave law that was passed as part of the Compromise of 1850 do?

The new fugitive slave law that was passed as part of the Compromise of 1850 imposed harsher penalties for people aiding slaves, imposed penalties for police officers who didn't arrest people who they knew were fugitive slaves, and it said that alleged fugitive slaves could not testify or have a jury trial.

What problems with medicine existed?

The problems with medicine were that people didn't understand infection or how to prevent disease, antibiotics were not discovered yet, and they were less doctors and less requirements for people who wanted to become docors. Because of all of these things for every soldier killed in battle during the Civil War two died of disease.

How does the secession of the southern states benefit the North?

The secession of the southern states benefits the North by allowing Congress to pass legislation that they hadn't been able to pass before because the sotherners were against it, but now since they had left Congress they couldn't vote to stop it from being passed.

When was the slave trade banned? Why wasn't it banned sooner?

The slave trade was banned in 1808. It wasn't banned sooner because the Constitution limited Congress from banning it any earlier than 1808.

What were telgraphs used for?

The telgraphs were used to help people communicate with each other (Abraham Lincoln used them so that he could quickly communicate with his troops from the White House).

What are two things that Congress probably would not have been able to do if the south was still part of Congress?

Two things that Congress does that they probably would not have been able to do if the south was still part of Congress were repealing the Fugitive Slave Acts, and allowing African Americans to enlist in the military

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