CJ Test 2 Reading Notes

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higher levels of ________ = higher officer job satisfaction


how many states have mandatory arrest laws?


in 1833 this city became the first city to employ both day and night watchmen

touch DNA

investigators can collect evidence from surfaces that are not marked by obvious clues such as bloodstains or well-preserved fingerprints.

parole officers

least authority and lowest paid but have the most discretionary power

field services

main goal of any police department = most efficient organization of its ______________


many believed this ended the community policing era

clear a crime

the ultimate goal of all law enforcement activity is to _________, or secure the arrest and prosecution of the offender


about what percent of felony arrestees avoid incarceration because of improper police searches and seizures

field services

also known as "operations" or "line services" include patrol activities, investigations, and special operations

night watch system

an early form of american law enforcement in which volunteers patrolled their community from dusk to dawn to keep the peace


an officer attempts to coerce money or goods frm a citizen or criminal

trace evidence

the first law enforcement agent to reach a crime scene has the important task of protecting any ________ from contamination

span of control

the ideal of subordinates for a police sergeant is 8-10 patrol officers

delegation of authority

the principles of command on which most police departments are based, in which personnel take orders from and are responsible to those in positions of power directly above them.

intelligence-led policing

An approach that measures the risk of criminal behavior associated with certain individuals or locations so as to predict when and where such criminal behavior is most likely to occur in the future.

problem-oriented policing

For example, instead of responding to a 911 call concerning illegal drug us by simply arresting the offender - the patrol officers should also look at the long-term implications of the stuation.

National Combined DNA Index System

Operated by the FBI since 1998 - gives local and state law enforcement agencies access to DNA profiles on those who have been convicted of various crimes. largest and most important database

Metropolitan Police Act

1829 - Sit Robert Peel pushed this act through parliament which formed the London Metropolitan Police

Reform Era

1929 - President Herbet Hoover appointed the national Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement to assess the American CJ system Wickersham Commission

showups, photo arrays, lineups

3 basic types of identification procedures

discretion, duty, honesty, loyalty

4 categories of ethical dilemmas

Kansas City Experiment

: tested random patrol. Researches found that increasing or decreasing preventive patrol had little or no impact on crimes, public opinion, the effectiveness of the police, police response time, traffic accidence, or reports of crime to the police.

probationary period

A period of time at the beginning of a police officer's career during which he or she may be fired without cause.

Professional Model

A style of policing advocated by August Vollmer and O.W. Wilson that emphasizes centralized police organizations, increased use of technology, and a limitation of police discretion through regulations and guidelines.

Political Era

Corruption was rampant during this era of policing which lasted from 1840-1930

higher crime rates

Evidence suggests that reducing the size of a police force - leads to

London Metropolitan Police

Metropolitan Police Act formed this


Nearly _____ of police departments mention community policy in their mission statements today

Tennessee v. Garner

U.S. Supreme Court sets the limits for ue of deadly force by law enforcement officers • The court recognized that police officers must be able to make split-second decisions without worrying about the legal ramifications

clearance rate

a comparison of the number of crimes cleared by arrest and prosecution with the number of crimes reported during any given period

Patronage System

a form of corruption in which the political party in power hires and promotes police officers, receiving job-related "favors" in return


a set of guiding principles designed to influence the behavior and decision making of police officers

permission strategy

a strategy that officers use to convince suspects to voluntarily waive their miranda rights an officer will explicity try to convince the suspect to waive his or her rights

conditioning strategy

a strategy that officers use to convince suspects to voluntarily waive their miranda rights geared toward creating an environment in which the suspect is encourage to think positively of the interrogator and thus is conditioned to cooperate

de-emphasizing strategy

a strategy that officers use to convince suspects to voluntarily waive their miranda rights tries to downplay the importance of Miranda protections, giving the impression that the rights are unimportant and can be easily waived


a written statement of facts, confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it and made before a person having the authority to administer the oath or affirmation

community policing

based on the notion that meaningful interaction between officers and citizens will lead to a partnership in preventing and fighting crime.

Community Era

beginning of this can be traced to several government initiatives in 1968 o Police began to focus on stopping crimes before they occur, rather than concentrating on only solving crimes that have already been committed which led to the widespread acceptance of community policing in the 1980s and 1990s.


belief that they have been hired or promoted to fulfill diversity requirements and have no earned their positions.

Los Angeles

city with the most high-speed chases


considered to have occurred as soon as the arrested individual submits to the control of the officer

fourth amendment

contains 2 critical legal concepts: a prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures and the requirement of probable cause to issue a warrant

Routine Patrol

divided into 4 general categories: 1. Preventative Patrol 2. Calls for service 3. Administrative Duties 4. Officer-initiated activities

arrest warrant

does not give law enforcement officers the authority to enter a dwelling without first announcing themselves.

Wickersham Commission

focused on two areas of American policing that were in need of reform: (1) police brutality and (2) "the corrupting influence of politics". Reform was to come about through higher personnel standards, centralized police administrations, and increased use of technology

"crimes of disorder"

most arrests made for these rather than property crimes


most important piece of trace evidence

use of force matrix

o To provide guidance for officers in the use of force, nearly every law enforcement agency designs a

sworn officers

officers with arrest powers

reduce political corruption ; militaristic

one goal of police reformers in 1950s result = move toward a _________ organization of police


paperwork takes up what percent of patrol time?


percent of all high-speed chases end in car crashes


percent of all local police departments that require at least a high school diploma

7.6% ; 12%

percent of all local police officers than were women in 1987, percent 20 years later


percent of all police departments that require body armor


percent of local police departments that require a degree from a 2-yr college

94%, 61%

percent of nation's local police departments that have implemented police pursuit policies, _____% restrict their discretion

"top down"

police department based on _________ chain of command


police officer accepts free "gifts" such as cigarettes, liquor, or services in return for favorable treatment of the gift giver


police officer accepts money or other forms of payment in exchange for "favors". Related to this are payoff- in which an officer demands payment from an individual or a business in return for certain services

beats, precincts

police responsibilities are divided according to zones known as _______ and ______


purchaser of stolen goods


reach maximum efficiency is its ultimate goal

community era

saw a resurgence of the patrol officer as a provider of community services


second main function of police, along with patrol

exigent circumstances

situations that require extralegal or exceptional actions by the police

per se

supreme court has established that searches conducted without warrants are _________ (by definition) unreasonable

probable cause

suspicion does not equal this

1960s and 1970s

turmoil occured to what two decades in the U.S.? many believed poor policing was contributing to the national turmoil

searches incidental to an arrest, consent searches

two most important circumstances when a warrant is not needed for a search

bribery, shakedowns,mooching

types of police corruption (3)

"Totality of the Circumstances" Test

used to determine if a stop is bsaed on reasonable suspicion

patrol unit

usually largest division in the department


what percent of illegal drug cases in the U.S. are solved using CI's?

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