CJC - Module 4 - Quiz

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open question

"What is your favorite kind of music?" is an example of a(n) _____.

closed question

"Which of these types of music do you prefer: classical, rock, pop, or hip hop?" is an example of a _______.


A common misconception is that a(n) _____ must include a control group of individuals receiving no treatment.

open question

A(n) ____ allows for almost unlimited responses in a survey question.


A(n) ______ study is for the subjects to be unaware of which treatment is being administered to them.


A(n) ______ study is where values of interest are recorded backwards in time in an observational study using historical data.


A(n) ______ study is where values of interest are recorded forward in time in an observational study.

sample survey

A(n) _______ is a particular type of observational study in which individual reports variables' values themselves, frequently by giving their opinions.

sample survey

A(n) _______ is a particular type of observational study in which individuals report variables' values themselves, frequently by giving their opinions.

randomized response

A(n) ________ allows individuals in the sample to answer anonymously, while the researcher still gains information about the population.

observational study

A(n) ________ is subject to flaws, but often they are the only resource.

observational study

A(n) _________ is where values of the variable(s) of interest are recorded as they naturally occur. There is no inference by researches who conduct the study.


An experiment's design may be enhanced by relaxing the requirement of total randomization and ______ the subjects first.


Depending on the variables of interest, researching their relationship via an ________ may be too unrealistic, unethical, or impractical.


Earlier questions should not deliberately ______ responses to later questions.

random assignment

Either computer software of tables can be utilized to accomplish a(n) ________.


Eliminating all _____ variables among treatment groups will be the key to asserting causation via an experiment.


Example of _____ for the effects of a lurking variable by separately studying groups that are similar with respect to this variable.

observational study

Example of a(n) _______: Recruit participants for a study. Ask them to recall, for each hour of the previous day, whether they were watching TV, and what snacks they consume each hour. Determine whether snack consumption was higher during TV times.

sample survey

Example of a(n) ________: Poll a sample of individuals with the following question: While watching TV, do you tend to snack: (a) less than usual, (b) more than usual, or (c) the same amount as usual?

observational study

Example of a(n) ________: Recruit participants for a study. Given them journals to record hour by hour their activities the following day, including when they watch TV and when they consume snacks. Determine if snack consumption is higher during TV times.


Example of a(n) _________: Recruit participants for a study. While they are presumably waiting to be interviewed, half of the individuals sit in a waiting room wit snacks available and a TV on. The other half sit in a waiting room with snacks available and no TV, just magazines. Researchers determine whether people consume more snacks in the TV setting.


Explanatory variables are also called _______.

observational study

If great care is taken to control for the most likely lurking variables and if common sense indicates that there is good reason for one variable to cause change over the other, then researchers may assert that a(n) _____ provides good evidence of caution.

double blind

If neither the subjects nor the researchers know who was assigned what treatment, then the experiment is called _______.

matched pairs

In ______ treatments should be assigned at random with each pair, or the order of treatments should be randomized for each individual.


In ________, we simply split the sampled subjects into groups based upon the different types of background variable, and then randomly allocate treatments within each group.

randomized controlled experiment

In a(n) _____, a randomization procedure may be used in 2 phases. 1. a random sample of subjects is collected 2. we assign individuals randomly to both treatment and control groups to ensure that the only difference between them will be due to the treatment so that we can get evidence of causation

sample survey

In a(n) _____, the individuals self-assess.

observational study

In a(n) ______ , values of the explanatory variable (method) are self-assigned and are observed as they naturally occur.


In a(n) _______, the researchers take control of the explanatory variable(s) of interest by assigning each individual to each treatment category, and determine the affect that it has on the response variable of interest.


In a(n) _______, values of the explanatory variable (method) are assigned by the researchers.

two-way table

In both observational study and experiments, we would assess the relationship between the variables by comparing the proportions of success of the individuals using each method, and then record the data in a(n) ______.


In order to gain optimal information about individuals in all the various treatment groups, we would like to make assignments that are _____ and even.


In order to set up an experiment with more than one ________ variable there has to be one treatment group for every combination of categories of the two explanatory variables.

observational study

In the context of a(n) _____, we control for a confounding variable by separating it out.

observational study

It is difficult, or even impossible, to establish causation in a(n) _____________, especially due to the problem of lurking variables.

experimenter effect

It is important for researchers who evaluate the response to be unaware of which treatment the subject received, in order to prevent the _________ from influencing their assessments.


It is sometimes _____ to include a control group of no treatment. Ex- immuno-suppressants


One way to attempt to unravel the true nature of the relationship between the explanatory and response variable is to separate out the effects of the _____ variable.


One way to test for ______ in a survey question is to ask yourself, "Just from reading the question, would a respondent have a good idea of what response the surveyor is hoping to elicit?" If the answer is yes, then the question should have been worded more neutral.

conditional percentages

Raw data from a two way table can be made more useful by computing ___________.

closed question

Responses of a survey question are much easier to handle if they come from _____.


Survey method and questions should be carefully designed to elicit _______ responses if there are sensitive issues involved.


The _____ variable is the observation or measurement made by the researcher.


The ______ group consists of subjects who do not receive a treatment, but who are otherwise handled identically to those who do receive the treatment.


The ______ variable is the method.


The existence of a virtually unlimited number of potential _____ variables that we can never be 100% certain of a claim of causation based on an observational study.


The key to ensuring that individuals differ only with respect to explanatory values is also the key to establishing ________.


The key to establishing _____ is to rule out the possibility of any lurking variable, to ensure that individuals differ only with respect to the values of the explanatory variable.


The most vital stage for _______ in an experiment is during the assignment of treatments, rather than the selection of the subjects.

Hawthorne effect

The phenomenon, whereby people in an experiment behave differently from ow they would normally behave, is called the _______.

observational study

The underlying weakness of a(n) _____ are that some members of the sample have opted for certain values of the explanatory variable, while others have opted for the other values. This choice can introduce bias.


Then only difference between the two methods (observational study and experiment) is the way the sample is divided into categories for the ______ variable.

random assignment

Under ______, the groups should not differ significantly with respect to any potential lurking variable.


We _____ for the effects of a lurking variable by separately studying groups that are similar with respect to the variable.

placebo effect

When patients improve because they are told they are receiving treatment, even though they are not actually receiving treatment, this is known as the ______.


With a well-designed _______ we have a better chance of establishing causation.

closed question

_____ may be biased by the options provided.

lack of realism

______ (or ecological validity) is a possible drawback to the use of an experiment rather than an observational study to explore a relationship.

open question

______ are less restrictive, but responses are more difficult to summarize.


______ is failure of a subject to submit to the assigned treatment.


______ may be employed at 2 stages of an experiment: in the section of subjects and in the assignment of treatments.


_______ is dividing the subjects into groups of individuals who are similar with respect to an outside variable that may be important in the relationship being studied.

matched pairs

_______ may enable us to pinpoint the effects of the explanatory variable by comparing responses for the same individual under 2 explanatory values, or for 2 individuals who are as similar as possible except the first gets one treatment, and the second gets another (serves as control)


________ can help ensure that the effect of treatments, as well as background variables, are most accurately measured.

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