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2. When did Robert Peel develop plans for the London Metropolitan concepts from the British Military?


19. How many county sheriff's departments are there in the US?


24. How many fusions centers are there in the U.S.?

82 state and major urban fusions within the United States

51. What leader became a caliph?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in 2015

7. What was the first state to impose minimum standard of training for police officers.

California in 1959

50. What group was pitting Sunnis against Shiite-backed al-Assad government and what was their goal?

The early name of the group is ISIS and their goal was to establish a new "Islamic State

33. What did the Congressional Research Service report to congress regarding fusion centers?

• Indicated fusion centers are ineffective and continue to suffer from lack of interoperability and host of political power issues between government levels. The CRS reports while fusion centers were primarily designed to "fuse" federal, state, and local intelligence regarding potential terrorist attacks, they have gravitated more toward collecting and analyzing information on criminals and offenders in local regions -precisely the concern of the ACLU.

55. Describe Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

• Islamic fundamental group stemming from the writings of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb in the 20th century in Egypt. • Has been successful in the Middle East politics, winning the majority parliamentary seats in the government of Egypt in moving into other North African countries • Considered by the FBI the "father of militant Islamic groups," the Muslim Brotherhood has established cells in the American Islamic community within the U.S.

62. Who is Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik?

• Legal immigrants to the United States that walked into a morning holiday party for disabled people at the Reginal Center in San Bernaido, California in December 2015. • They killed 14 and left 17 injured

54. Describe the ISIS/IS

• Much of the original memberships from al-Qaeda in Iraq. • However, movement across Iraq and Syria. Led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. • The movement claims to be the new "caliphate" and now possess significant and violent movement facing Western interest in the Middle East.

44. What is the most famous Islam fundamental group?


20. Who was the first people to combine real time intelligence analysis with the deployment process?

Chicago Police Department Deployment Operations Center (DOC)

21. Where are well developed fusion centers?

Dallas, Texas (MOSAIC) & Los Angeles

7. What is NCISP?

National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan released in 2003 contained recommendations for changes in local policing.

25. What is the NFCA?

National Fusion Center Association -is a formal group that represent the interest of state and local urban area fusion centers nationally.

7. Does the police culture suggest a warrior, "hard-liner" orientation by all officers?

No, only some.

8. What reinforces police officers perceived need for the "warrior" mentality more than the anything?

Nothing reinforces the perceived need for the "warrior" mentality more than the murders of officer.

3. What role did Peel think police played? In contrast to which perspective?

Peel viewed the police as having a protective role toward the public. In contrast to the British military fighting.

13. Strong major form of government

The major is elected to office and serves as chief executive of the city

T/F At the federal level, these has been a significant effort to define the role state and local law enforcement agencies play in homeland security.


17. City Councils

• Legally defined toles are fairly consistent through the US. • Acts as the chief legislative and policymaking body • Through its ordinance power subject to constitutional and statutory provisions including the city charter the council carries out its legislative function • In addition to legislate and policymaking functions, the council, in common with most legislate bodies, hold the purse strings and exercise control over appropriations

57. What is homegrown terrorist motivated by?

• Motivated by political or religious sources and may be centered in domestic or foreign movements. • These people may receive ideological encouragement, but not financial or material support, making them ancially to the primary group and very difficult to detect by intelligence and law enforcement services.

83. Digital Hate Crime in White Supremacist groups

• Sophisticated computer games to attract teenagers • Ethnic Cleansing that encourages players to kill Blacks, Jews, and Hispanics as they run through ghettos and subway areas.

18. What is the national average of police chiefs in a state?

5 Years

28. Citizen oversight

A process by which people who are not sworn officers are involved in some way in the review of citizen complaints against police officers. Rests on the assumption that because the police subculture, police officers cannot objectively investigate complaints against fellow officers

6. The positive impact of the state on the affairs of local law enforcement

Continuing via the imposition of preemployment and training standard, as well as through various funding formulas funding formulas tied to these standards.

37. What is terrorism?

Encompasses threat and/or use of violence to achieve a specific set of political objectives or goals

76. Is it true terrorist are a greater threat to the country compared to right wing terrorist?


47. What is Jihad?

Jihad is a "holy war" calling on everyday Muslims to join in their fight against the west

17. What was the first fusion name? Where and when was it created?

Real Time Crime Center in New York City in 2002

23. What does it mean by fusion centers are all-hazard?

They are developed to support operations during an emergency that is either human-made, such as terrorist event, or natural, such as a hurricane, flood, or tornado.

71. What are the primarily groups operating on the border of Mexico?

a. Tijuana Cartel b. Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Organization - Juarez Cartel c. The Gulf Cartel d. Sinaloa Cartel - composed of smaller groups

58. Who is Major Nidal Hasan?

• Perpetrator of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting that killed 13 people • Man, who is radicalized due to his belief that American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wars against the Muslim faith

1. Politics and politics

• Politics when used negatively refers to the attempts to impose external, partisan political influence on the operation of a department • politics used in the positive sense means the governance of a city

78. KKK

• Primarily in Southern States • White Supremacist and anti-sematic beliefs

70. Boko Haram?

• Recently gained international notoriety • Main goal at inception was the destruction and overthrow of the current Nigerian Government. However, under the leadership of Abubakar Sheku, the group now represents the radical Islamic movement in Nigeria. • Over the last few years it has become more violent and radicalized aligning operationally and philosophically with the greater Islamic State in the Middle East.

72. Los Zetas

• Rival group operating on the border. • Members acted as highly select assassins after deserting from the Mexican Army after extensive trainers • originally hired as 'enforcers" for the Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas were also violent leaders in the narco-trafficking business along the U.S.-Mexico border

84. Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front

• Single interest groups that arouse from peaceful movements and call for renewal of the plant's geophysical and biological environment • Called ecoterrorist since their primarily motivation focuses on improving the ecology of the world • Single interest groups pose one of the most recent significant threats to domestic terrorism

68. Where is the most recent activity aimed in the United States located?

• Southeast Asia. • Continues to also spawn movements aimed at destroying Western interest in the area Jemaah Islamiya continues to be an active radical Islam group in Southeast Asia under the leadership of Abu Bakar Bashir.

85. ELF was inspired by

• The fictional writings of Edward Abbey whose novel, The Money Wrench Gang, told the story of a group of ecologists who were fed up with industrial development in the West. • Among activist the term "monkey terrorist has become a key touch stone for ecoterrorism. • In 2001 the FBI designated the group as terrorism

25. The uniqueness of country sheriff's legal status

1. In 37 states it is specified by state constitution (t4 all major changes must be amended through state constitution) 2. Most are small with the exception of Los Angeles County Sheriff Department 3. Office of sheriff is the only law enforcement positions recognized and decreed by many state constitutions a holdover from the days when local sheriffs were the only law of the land 4. One of the most important political processes that impact internal organizations is the absence of local or state civil boards. In many states, employees of the county sheriff's departments serve at the pleasure of the current sheriff.

8. How many states mandate training for law enforcement

All 50

3. What has been the historical dimension missing in quality intelligence?


43. When was the first major attack witnessed in the United States connected to the Fundamental Islam?

Bombing of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993 which killed six people.

66. What terrorist does the old Attorney General Eric Holder state were the potential attacks he stayed up at night about and why?

Homegrown, lone wolf. Because they get radicalized in many ways sometimes by themselves.

27. What does Homeland Security Data Network allow?

Homeland Security Data Network allows the federal government to move information and intelligence to the states at the "secret" level, thereby allowing the quick exchange of critical data and information pertaining to immediate threat within any jurisdiction of the United States.

49. Where did many fled to other countries due to terrorism?

In Syria, where violent revolution already in progress was pitting Sunnis against Shiite-backed al-Assad government.

22. How do Sherriff's get power?

Typically elected as opposed to appointed police chiefs.

3. Warren Court's

Activist role in the piecemeal extension of the provisions of the Bill of Rights via the due process clause of the 14 amendment to criminal proceeding in the respective states appears to have been a policy decision

31. ACLU public interest organization

Briefs were the basis of the Supremes' Court Mapp and Mirada decisions Leading advocate of citizen review of the police in New York City, Los Angelo's, and many other cities

What was the impact of the Supreme Court's decisions on police work?

In an effort to curb questionable and improper tactics, the Supreme Court barred the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal prosecution to prove guilt. This action known as the exclusionary rule, rested primarily on the judgement that deterring police conduct that violates the Constitution.

33. Churches as public interest Groups

Religion leaders and congregations of the churches in a community represents one of the potentially powerful pressures groups in a community

1. T/F There is an increasing number of people who believe that the militarization of U.S. policies is inconsistent with the community policing philosophy and a threat to it


48. Did many of the radical Sunni fighter loyal to al-Qaeda suffer dramatic losses to U.S. forces during the Iraq War?


59. Do terrorist groups target first generation foreign nationals living in the United States to join their ranks?


80. State militants

• Active paramilitary organization that exist in almost every state • Conduct variety of paramilitary camps and are preparing for impending race war • Many groups have legitimate fire weapons and licenses allowing automatic weapons and explosives • Members are strong gun owner advocates with superpatorism and antifederal sentiment.

26. State Prosecutor

• Also known as the state's attorney, district attorney, or commonwealth attorney • The chief attorney office under the statues of some states but in most states, it is the sheriff. • The state prosecutor does not have the overall responsibility for the supervision of the police. Despite this the prosecutor's enforcement policies, procedures for review for all arrest before their presentation in court, and overall supervision of the cases prepared by the police do have the observable effect on police practices and enforcement policies. • The discretionary power given to the prosecuting attorney has the tremendous influence on the ways and the extent to which certain laws are enforced or ignored

22. What are the goals of a fusion center?

1. Support the broad range of activities undertaken by a police department relating tp the detection, examination, and investigation of protentional terrorist and/or criminal activity 2. Support operations that protect critical infrastructure and key resources in a given region, support major incident operations, specialized unties charged with interdictor and investigate operations, and assist in emergency operations and planning 3. Fusion centers maintain public "tip lines" which give them the capabilities to promote more public involvement in and awareness or terrorist attacks 4. Fusion centers assist police executives in making better-informed decisions, especially during emergencies or critical accidents

19. What does the fusion center act as?

19. What does the fusion center act as? Act as a centralized host for intelligence information and analysis but also serves as conduit for disseminating critical information to others

13. Who creates the Intelligence requirements

Director of National Intelligence according to guidance received from the President and the National of Homeland Security Advisors.

14. What does raw intelligence refer to as?

Individuals pieces of information disseminated individually

38. DOJ report on Ferguson's law enforcement

Practices were shaped by the City's focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs and that this emphasis or revenue has compromised the institutional character of Ferguson's police department

16. City Manager

The proponents of the city manager form claim that it provides the most conductive atmosphere in which professional law enforcement can operate and minimize external interference

35. The use of police body worn cameras

The question continuously asked is what can be used to prevent officers from using excessive force in the first place and more importantly what actually transpired between an interaction between a police officer and a citizen

75. Since the 9/11 attacks how many people have been killed from white supremacist and antigovernment fanatics compared to radical Islamic terrorist?

Twice as many

30. Advantage and Disadvantages of citizen oversight

Type 1 - can help reassure the public that investigation of citizens' complaints is through and fair

The Judiciary

• From pretrial release inward, the case is within the domain of the judiciary • Trial judges have acted as chief administrative officers of the criminal justice system, using their power to dismiss cases as a method of controlling the use of the criminal process

4. Several key decisions made by the Supreme Court that drew heavy criticism from law enforcement officers and others handcuffing police in their struggles with lawlessness

1. Mapp v Oho (1961) Banned the use of illegally seized evidence in criminal cases in the states by applying the 4th amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures. 2. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) Affirmed the equal protection under the 14th amendment requires the legal counsel be appointed for all indigent defendants in criminal cases. 3. Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) affirmed that a suspect is entitles to confer with an attorney as soon as the focus of a police investigation of the suspects shifts from investigatory to accusatory 4. Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Requires police officers before questioning suspects t inform them of their constitutional rights to remain silent, their right to an attorney, and their right to be appointed an attorney if they cannot afford one

45. Who formally led by and who leads it now?

Osama bin Laden now and now Ayman al-Zawahiri

14. What does the city council constitute?

The chief legislative and policy making body

41. What was the historical root of conflict with the Middle East?

The establishment of Israel in the 1948 and the subsequent U.S. support provided to that country.

15. How does the FBI disseminate information?

a. Intelligence Information Reports (IIR) b. FBI Intelligence Bulletins c. FBI Intelligence Assessment.

52. Describe Al-Qaeda

• Established in 1988 by Usama bin Laden in Afghanistan as a resistance movement against the invasion by the Soviet Union • Remains a viable terrorist groups establishing a worldwide Islamic state. The group has been significantly reduced in number and resources due to military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

65. What is the Tor Network?

• In order to access the deep website, you need the Tor application. • Secretive online remains mostly untraceable and difficult to access for regular internet users and even law enforcement and intelligence operatives.

39. Illegal Immigration

• Local police have become increasingly involved in the identification and arrest of undocumented immigrants • Term generally includes several categories of individuals who are subject to removal from the United States for a variety of reasons by the federal immigration and nationality • In general, an individual may be considered "removable" because he or she does not qualify for admissions in the United States, has entered the country illegally by crossing the border without formal inspection of has violated the terms of a legal admissions

53. Describe HAMAS

• The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement is the largest and most politically powerful group expressing radical Islamic ideologies to justify the liberation of Palestine and the destruction of Israel. • Originally led by the now deceased Sheik Ahmed Hassan Yassin and conducted a campaign of suicide bombings throughout the Gaza strip and the West Bank in Israel during the late 1990's and the mid 200's. • Connections between the US have been found

56. What does the "homegrown" terrorist term refer to?

Extremist who are legal U.S. residents or even citizens, and who are linked to or inspired by a specific, often intolerant ideology.

67. Lone wolfs

Include homegrown terrorist but also those who identify with ideologies other than radical Islam; lone wolfs can be right wing extremist, anti-abortion, and leftist environmentalist.

81. Hate Crimes

Harms inflicted on a victim by an offender whose motivation derives primarily from hatred directed at a perceived characteristic of the victim a. Race b. Religion c. Ethnicity d. Gender e. Sexual orientation

32. Chambers of Commerce and Service Clubs as public interest Groups

Typically, are supportive of efforts that lead toward efficient and clean government

24. The Criminal Justice System: Its function and Personnel by George Felkenes

• 1973 • he observed that sheriffs were banished to only four models of operation 1. Contract law enforcement for small or rural communities 2. Supervision of metropolitan police agencies along the East Coast only 3. Civil process functions 4. Custodial functions as prescribed by law

74. "The Great Nordic Biker War"

• Between 1994-1997 • Longtime enemies belonging to the Hell's Angels and the Bandidos shook the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway.

23. What role does sheriffs have in the detention of prisoners not common to municipal police functions?


36. Who are the first responders for terrorist attacks?

Even though as extensive federal structure has been developed to counter the terrorist threat, the first level of prevention (and response) remains with uniformed police officers on the street.

6. When did President Johnson declare a war on crime? Who confirmed it?

In1965, President Johnson declared a war on crime and seven years later President Nixon confirmed that "war" was an appropriate term to use with respect to fighting crime.

9. What federal program contributed to growing concerns about police militarization.

The National Defense Authorization Act (1997)

11. What is the business cycle?

The process of developing unrefined data into polished intelligence for the use of policy makers.

21. Where has Sheriffs law enforcement have been relegated to?

jurisdictions of spare populations that cannot support municipal police agencies.

37. Racial and Ethnic Profiling

• Nothing has fueled the political fire between police and minorities more than the use of race and ethnicity as criteria in police decisions making during discretionary traffic and field interrogations steps • Weitzer and Tuch define racial profiling as the use of race as key factor in the police decisions to stop and interrogate citizens • Specific crime occurs and the suspect description by a witness includes race, gender, ethnicity, it is lawful for the police to stop a citizen on the basis of how closely the individual resembles the characteristics or description within the profile. • In the late 1900's racial profiling became a major race relations issues in U.S. politics, and the media played a prominent role in bringing it to national attention

79. Skinheads

• Violent-prone, Neo Nazi youth gang whose members are noted for their shaved heads. • Express strong white-supremist, racist, and anti-Sematic ideology and have close linkages to the KKK.

77. Describe Aryan Nation

• White supremacist organization with strong separatist ideology founded by Richard Butler of Hayden Lake, Idaho. • Recruit people from all-White prison gangs • Their goal is to develop an al White homeland, to be caked the Northwest Mountain Republic in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. • With the death of Richard Butler in 2004 the group philosophical position continues however their future is uncertain

10. Four broad mandates under POTS

1. To establish minimum for employments in a state, country, or local enforcement agency 2. To articulate academy and annual training requirements for police officers 3. To conduct and encourage research designed to improve all aspects of law enforcement 4. To remove the certification of police officers for certain disciplinary pf criminal violations, effectively revoking their "licenses" to be a sworn officer

11. James Q. Wilson, in his now classic study of the police in eight communities, identified three distinct different styles of law enforcement

1. Watchman style - emphasizes maintenance of order and is found in economically declining cities with traditional political machines 2. Legalistic style -is ground within cities with heterogenous populations and reform-oriented, professional governments 3. Service Style -oriented towards the needs of citizens

28. Where is the NCTC located and what part is located?

It is located in Washington, DC, and is a part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

11. What does militarization in policing represent? What does it not represent?

Militarization represents traditional policing in all of its negative manifestations -aggressive, reactive, and based on force. There is very little that represents the tenets of proactive de-escalation, conflict resolution, the prevention of harm, and the protection of civil and human rights expressed in modern tenets of policing.

26. What is the goal of NFCA?

The goal of the NFCA is to prevent the next terrorist attack on the homeland.

12. What are the steps of the business cycle?

a. Requirements: Identified information needs b. Planning and Direction: Identify the need for information to delivering an intelligence product to a consumer. c. Collection: Gathering of raw information based on requirements d. Processing and Exploitation: Converting the vast amount of information collected into a form usable by analyst e. Analysis and Production: Conversion of raw data information into intelligence. It includes integrating, evaluation, and analyzing products. f. Dissemination: The last step in the distribution of raw data. The FBI disseminated information into three standard forms.

9. What are key objectives to the transformation of local police agencies into intelligence led organizations?

intelligence led organizations? 1. The creation of a task and coordination process 2. The development of core intelligence products to lead the operations 3. The establishment of standardized training practices 4. The development of protocols to facilitate intelligence capabilities.

29. Types of citizen oversights

1. Citizens investigate allegations of misconduct and recommend findings to the chief or sheriff. 2. Police officers investigate allegations and develop findings; citizens review and recommend that the chief or sheriff approve or reject their findings 3. Complaints may appeal findings establishe d by the police or sheriff's department to citizens, who review them and then recommend their own findings to the chief or sheriff 4. An auditor investigates the process by which the police or sheriff's department accepts and investigates the complaints and reports on the thoroughness and fairness of the process to the department and the public

2. Due process revolution

From 1961- through 1966 Supreme court took on an activist role becoming literal givers of the law rather than interpreters of it.

42. The most significant activities against the United States in the past 25 years has been led by what group?

Fundamental Islamic groups acting from clandestine areas in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran

18. How and what does fusion center distribute?

Fusion centers distribute relevant, actionable, and timely information and intelligence, incorporation a simultaneously vertical (federal, state, and local) and horizontal (within the agency)

4. What is intelligence?

Intelligence is a product created from systematic and thoughtful examination, placed in context, and provided to law enforcement executives, with facts and alternatives that can inform critical decisions.

10. What does intelligence-led policing blend together>

Intelligence-led policing blends community partnership with crime fighting and police accountability in an effort to maximize police efficiency and effectiveness in terrorism prevention and crime reduction.

34. News Media as public interest Groups

It is the responsibility of the police department and especially its top leadership, to establish and maintain a cordial relationship with media representatives

10. Who wrote Militarizing the Criminal Justice System and what did it observe?

It was written by Kraska. It observed the police and public view each other over militarization, the police stand to lose legitimacy in the eye of the public.

63. What is the future of homegrown terrorism?

It will see shifts in the composition of participants, as well as in the networking that they engage in with ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other affiliated movements

15. What skills should the police chief have?

Major selects the police chief and she/he should possess the full range of skills necessary to operate the police department.

35. Since 9/11 what operational demands have police officers been forced to do?

Operational demands required police agencies perform new actives, including increasing infrastructure security around critical buildings and airports, building anti-terrorism barriers, beefing up intelligence gathering and analysis functions, monitoring activity in Middle Eastern communities, and participating in joint terrorism task forces.

8. What was the NCISP place emphasis on?

Placed more emphasis on predictive analysis derived from the discovery of hard facts, information, patterns, intelligence, and good crime analysis

69. What is narcoterrorism?

Plague Americans police agencies as well as international community. The most illustrative cases are seen in South America and Mexico surrounding the high lucrative cocaine businesses.

9. What are the requirements of police officers administrated through

Police officers are administrated through state organizations often termed as Police Officers Standards and Training Commissions

36. Storage of body worn cameras recordings

The amount of space needed for space is based on the principles 1. The number of officers using the BW cameras 2. The policy requirements for recordings 3. Retention requirements for recordings

5. When and why was there a historical drift toward militarization?

The historical drift towards militarization is rooted in the social unrest, soaring crime, massive demonstrations, social changes, and political changes, and political rhetoric that swept America in the 1960s and 1970s.

16. What was the impetus to create fusion center?

The movement to integrate information and develop an overarching process of managing the flow of information and intelligence across all levels and sectors of government and private security has been the impetus to create fusion center.

31. What does ACLU, feel about fusion centers?

They highlighted possible privacy and individual infringements stemming from fusion centers.

82. Hate crimes definitions varies

Under 18 U.S.C Section 245 a hate crime is a criminal offense committed against persons, property, or society that is motivated, on whole or in part, by an offender's bias against an individuals or a group's perceived race, religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation

40. How many international threats are they're against the United States and why?

Unlimited number considering the numerous political conflicts continuing in the international arena. Many of the threats were fueled by political, religious, and/or ideologically motivated causes.

64. What is the deep web?

Vast part of the World Wide Web, not accessible through regular internet browsing or search engines

46. Islamic groups base their primarily ideologies on the writings of which authors?

What did they call for and what was the movement called? a. Muhammad Ibn al-Wahhab (1703-1792) b. Hassan al-Banna (1906-1960) c. Sayyad Muhammad Qubt (1906-1966) Called for the violent purification movement throughout the Middle east and the greater Islamic world. The religious movement is commonly called "Wahhabism" and later "Salafism" and can be traced back to the late 1700s in what is now Saudi Arabia and Egypt

4. Peel's theory contrast to the military theory.

While a military's mission is predicated on the use of force, Peel's principles of policing emphasize crime prevention, the need for public approval, the willing co-operation of the public, and the minimal use of physical force by the police of their duties.

61. What education and socioeconomic statues do American grown terrorist come from?

Wide variety

12. Is there an unfailing, consistent, and close relationship between the type of law enforcement a community has and its dominant political culture?


20. Historically has the tasks and roles of sheriff's departments and police departments been fundamentally different?


60. In the United States do homegrown terrorist flow beneath the radar?

Yes, and majority of the people do not have a criminal record

34. What are the primary areas of responsibilities within the Department of Homeland Security

a. Border security and transportation b. Emergency preparedness and response c. Chemical, biological, and radiological, and nuclear countermeasures d. Intelligence analysis and infrastructure protection

32. What improvements did ACLU recommend for fusion centers?

a. Eliminate ambiguous lines of authority b. Eliminate private sector involvement in the fusion process c. Eliminate military participation in the fusion center d. Eliminate illegal data mining in the fusion process e. Eliminate excessive secrecy

30. What are the criticisms of fusion centers?

a. Fusion centers are expensive and almost and cost-benefit analysis will reveal significant money spent for very little, tangible evidence of success. b. Many fusion centers appear to suffer from "mission creep"; that it, because there are few cases focused on terrorism, many centers have expanded their roles -to include crime and fighting reductions c. Fusion centers come desperately close to violating the civil liberties of people, especially relating to racial and ethnic profiling and breaches of privacy.

73. Primarily outlaw motorcycle clubs in the United States

a. Hell's Angels (largest groups focused in California with 425 chapters in 50 different countries) b. The Pagans (mostly in east coast of the U.S. and in Canada) c. The Outlaws (focused in Chicago) d. The Bandidos (focused in Texas)

39. What were Mickolus distinct typologies

a. International terrorism: Actions conducted in the international arena by individuals that are members of a nation state. (Usually includes members if intelligence and secret services employed by governments) b. Transactional terrorism: Actions conducted in the international arena by individuals that have no nation state. (ISIS) c. Domestic Terrorism: Actions conducted by groups within a nation usually against the government or specific groups within the nation-state. d. State terrorism: Actions conducted by the government against their own population.

38. How does random acts of terrorism impact society?

a. Random acts of terrorism upset the framework of society, leaving only futile questions without rational answers. b. Terrorism test the basic social structure of dependence and trust. c. Tend to lose faith in the existing social and government structure d. Safety and security are severely compromised and questioned e. Destroys the solidarity, co-operation, and interdependence on which social functioning is based on substitutes insecurity and distrust.

What are three major perspectives on the purpose on intelligence and analysis?

a. The analysis of data (or the making of intelligence) should render facts and figures, identify trends and patterns, and provide statistical support on past events. b. Analyst not only should be responsible for providing historical data but also should force policymakers and decision makers to confront alternatives views of specific events, potential threats, and/or foreign situations. c. Emphasis is not on providing past data on which to base decisions or policy; rather, the focus is squarely on the predication of future events.

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