Classical and Operant Conditioning Khan Review

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Fixed action patterns are responses to a particular type of stimuli that result from which of the following? A. Classical conditioning B. Operant conditioning C. Innate learning D. Cognitive responses


Dr. Soreth is a behavioral researcher who uses pigeons in her research; she teaches the birds to peck a green button and receive a treat. She wants to try out a new schedule of reinforcement for the pigeons. She wants the birds to peck as much as possible, and to have their pecking behavior occur at a steady rate with very little pausing between responses. Which schedule of reinforcement would be best for her to choose? A. Fixed interval B. Fixed ratio C. Variable interval D. Variable ratio


Dr. Soreth is teaching a pigeon to peck a green button. First she reinforces the pigeon for turning toward the green button, then for approaching the button, and so on in very small steps. She does this until the pigeon is successfully and consistently pecking the button. What principle of learning is Dr. Soreth using? A. Extinction B. Exposure C. Discrimination D. Shaping

A (This scenario wants us to apply classical conditioning. Option B is when distinct stimuli are differentiated from one another so that a response is not elicited unless the specific stimulus was the same. Option C is when the organism starts disassociating a conditioned stimulus with receiving some reward. This would involve Max continuing to hear the container sound, but then eventually not eliciting the response anymore since it wasn't equating to food anymore. Option D is if Max was conditioned under extinction, but elicited a small conditioned response due to the former conditioned stimulus. Option A is correct because the sounds are similar and therefore elicited the same response)

For a dog named Max, he associated a container opening with getting food and thus elicited an excited response to the container. However, one instance, his owner opened a different, but similarly sounding container. This ended up eliciting the same excitatory response though he never got food. What type of conditioning is this considered? A. Generalization B. Discrimination C. Extinction D. Spontaneous recovery


Kelly and Jeff live together, and Kelly constantly yells at Jeff to clean his dishes in the kitchen. She tells him that she will stop nagging if he does the chore. He finally cleans the dishes and Kelly, in turn, stops nagging him. As a result, Jeff is more likely to clean his dishes in the future. What is this scenario an example of? A. Negative punishment B. Negative reinforcement C. Positive reinforcement D. Positive punishment


Mary is often tired when she wakes up, so she starts drinking coffee every day at 8:00 am, which makes her feel energized. One morning she is coming home from the grocery store she notices the time - it is 8:00 am. She had not wanted coffee before she checked the time, but she suddenly feels tired and craves the drink. Mary's sudden craving for coffee after noticing the time is an example of which of the following? A. Conditioned response B. Unconditioned stimulus C. Unconditioned response D. Conditioned stimulus

Antecedent, behavior, consequence (cue for motivation, action, effect on repeating behavior)

Name the ABCs of operant conditioning

A (Option B would involve Tommy receiving a paycheck for his work consistently and would likely involve some form of salary rather than a bonus. Option C would involve Tommy having gotten different bonuses after reaching certain thresholds. For example, he gets base pay at 5 patients, 2x pay at 12 patients, 4x pay at 16 patients. etc. Option D would involve Tommy putting equal amount of work (ex. seeing 30 patients every day) so that whenever he's evaluated, he can receive a bonus)

Tommy is a physician at Mercy Hospital. He sees anywhere between a couple patients a day to over 40. However, because of the days that he sometimes sees over 40 patients, he receives small equal bonuses for every five patients over a minimum of 25 patients. Once Tommy hits the 25 patient mark, what is the reinforcement best represented by? A. Fixed-ratio B. Fixed interval C. Variable ratio D. Variable-interval

C (Option A is referring to the stimulus that the dog naturally wants here and that is the dog food. Option B refers to how Max would've needed to learn to associate the sound with food. Option D is incorrect because this involves teaching Max an entirely different response that what is natural when he sees food; this case, excitement because of the opening of the container would be the appropriate recourse. Option C is correct because the pairing of the noise with the food occurs inadvertently. This scenario is akin to acquisition)

When a dog names Max sees his owner dropping food into his bowl he immediately gets excited because he's going to get food. Additionally, his owner always has to open up a container with the food which has a distinct sound. What type of stimulus is the container sound? A. Unconditioned Stimulus B. Conditioned Stimulus C. Neutral Stimulus D. Conditioned Response

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