Climate change

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Which of the following would reduce nitrous oxide emissions?

Planting nitrogen fixing plants instead of fertilizing

Nitrous Oxide

The over-use of nitrogen fertilizers (especially on monocultures) leads to the production of N2O gas.

Which of these has an impact on global sea level?

Thermal expansion

How do greenhouse gases work in the atmosphere?

They trap and reflect infrared radiation.

MEthane hydrates

Trapped in the frozen ice-sheets at the poles are huge amounts of methane gas bubbles. As CO2 is added to the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil fuels, warming occurs which causes thawing of the ice-sheets. Ice sheet thawing releases methane gas which accelerates the rate of warming leading to more thawing. More thawing releases more CH4 which causes more warming bringing the climate closer to a tipping point of no return.

How does water vapor accelerate global warming?

Water vapor is an example of a Positive Feedback Loop in which warming causes more warming. The term "Positive" does not mean beneficial or harmful. Here is how the water vapor positive feedback loop works: As atmospheric CO2 levels increase from the combustion of fossil fuels, warming occurs which increases the rate ofevaporation. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas which means higher rates of evaporation causes more warming, which causes an increase in evaporation, which puts more water vapor into the atmosphere which in turn causes more warming. This is one example of a positive feedback loop for climate.

What level of CO2 in the atmosphere is considered ideal by most climate scientists?


positive feedback loop

A process in which an initial change will bring about an additional change in the same direction. An example of a simple positive feedback in everyday life is the growth of an interest-earning savings account. As interest is accrued the principal will begin to grow (assuming money is not withdrawn). As the principal grows, even more interest will be accrued, quickening the rate of principal growth.

Explain what is meant by a "tipping point" within a positive feedback loop.

A tipping point in the climate system is a threshold that, when exceeded, can lead to large changes in the state of the system. Tipping points can be crossed in all of the positive feedback loops that apply to climate change. If crossed, reversing the warming trend would be near impossible. An example of a tipping point would be loss of a critical amount of white glacier in the Albedo Effect.

Which of the following is most important in terms of atmospheric concentrations?


albedo effect

Albedo is the reflection of light off of a surface. Ice has a very high albedo because it is white, meaning it reflects a lot of sunlight away from the Earth, which helps keep the planet cool. As ice melts, less light is reflected back to space causing the planet to warm. As the planet warms, more ice melts decreasing the albedo even more. This continues... Albedo Effect is also a positive feedback loop that can push climate beyond a tipping point.

What is causing the ocean's PH to decrease?

As atmospheric CO2 levels increase, the rate of diffusion of CO2 from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere has also increased. CO2 reacts with H2O to produce H2CO3 carbonic acid. Added CO2 in the hydrosphere will produce more carbonic acid which in turns lowers the ocean's pH making it more acidic.

What is the leading source of carbon emissions?

Burning coal for electricity

List the different greenhouse gases and the human sources for each.

CO2 = combustion of fossil fuels CH4 = CAFOs and fossil fuels N2O = fertilizer applied to monocultures Water vapor = impermeable surfaces CFCs = industry

Explain how the carbon cycle has been altered to cause climate change.

Carbon based fossil fuels that have been locked up in the geosphere for 350 million years have been removed and burned. This human activity has shifted carbon from the geosphere to the atmosphere. Coupled with the combustion of fossil fuels, has been the removal of habitat including trees and vegetation. This has lead to a decrease in photosynthesis which removes CO2 from the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Both human activities can explain the current rise in global temperatures.

What is a natural storage reservoir of carbon called?

Carbon sink

Which of the following is the acid formed in the oceans as a result of diffusion?

Carbonic acid

Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

O2 (oxygen)

Which of the following would be best to help reduce methane emissions?

Eating less meat

The water cycle is part of a positive feedback loop that is amplifying climate change. Explain how this works.

Evaporation of water from the hydrosphere to the atmosphere is normal. The rate of evaporation has increased as a result of warming due to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas and can, therefore, increase the rate of warming if the levels of water vapor increase. Added water vapor in the atmosphere increases warming which leads to more evaporation which in turn leads to more warming. The rate of warming is amplified and is not linear.

thawing tundra

Frozen plants thaw and resume decomposition, releasing CO2 into atmosphere. This increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, leading to warming and more thawing. Another positive feedback loop that can push the climate beyond a tipping point of no return.

Which of the following will not cause sea level rise?

Iceberg melt

What won't lead to increased CO2 solubility?

Increasing water temperatures

Which greenhouse gas traps radiation?


What are greenhouse gases?

Methane CH4, Carbon dioxide CO2, Water H2O, Nitrous oxide N2O, Chlorofluorocarbans CFCs

Methane (CH4)

Methane is released from CAFOs, contributing to the greenhouse effect. Since 1750, methane has increased about 150% due to use of fossil fuels, coal mining, landfills, grazers, etc. It stays in the atmosphere for 12 years

Which of the following would help reduce the amount of water vapor entering the atmosphere?

More efficient irrigation

What's a good description of a high albedo surface?


Which of the following will reduce CO2 in the atmosphere?


Many people incorrectly view the terms "weather" and "climate" as having the same meaning. The two terms however, have very different scientific definitions. What are they?

The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather: Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time. a. Minutes to months Climate: climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time. b. Years to millions of years

My buddy Paul eats lots of cheeseburgers. It shows. How does his meat consumption contribute to warming?

The ground beef used to make cheeseburgers often comes from CAFOs in which the animals are fed corn and pass lots of gas. This gas is made up of methane CH4 that traps infrared radiation from the sun warming the planet. In addition to the methane gas, the corn fed to the livestock came from monocultures that emit CO2 from fossil fuels. When presented with this information, Paul's response was to eat more cheeseburgers. Paul lives alone.

carbon dioxide

a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. The combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) to power much of civilization moves carbon from the geosphere to the atmosphere Carbon dioxide CO2 leading to high levels of carbon in the atmosphere. CO2 is the main contributor to climate change.

What is the primary greenhouse gas?

carbon dioxide

What is the most potent greenhouse gas?


water vapor

water in the form of a gas. As the planet warms, evaporation rates increase putting more H2O in the atmosphere. As atmospheric H2O levels increase, warming Water vapor increases which leads to more evaporation putting more H2O into the atmosphere, which, of course further warms the planet. This is called a feedback loop.

What is the most abundant greenhouse gas?

water vapor

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