Climate Change Exam 2

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How much is Greenland's melting contributing to sea level rise per year?

0.5 mm

What is a carbon tax?

A tax on any kind of activity that put carbon into the atmosphere.

What thickness of ice has melted in Greenland in the past 5 years?

About 30 feet

What is causing large scale acidification of oceans?

Absorption of carbon dioxide.

What are some of the impacts of climate change on the world's oceans? Select all that are correct.

Absorption of large amounts of carbon dioxide Sea level rise Destruction of coral reef habitats

What part of a glacier collects snow over time?

Accumulation Zone

Heat stress related deaths have there highest rates nationally in what southwestern state?


What is the difference between the A2 and B1 scenarios?

B1 is lower emissions compared to A2

What is "sunny day flooding"?

Backing up of sewers and storm drain due to sea level rise.

What do scientists think was the main driver of Earth's past climate variations of glacial and interglacial periods?

Earth's orbit around the sun.

What is climate mitigation?

Efforts to decrease the effects of anthropogenic climate change.

Where are the Marshall Islands located?

Equatorial Pacific

Extreme heat events that occurred once every 20 years during the 20th century are expected to occur how often by the end of the 21st century?

Every other year (once every 2 years)

What does Myron Ebell say he is fighting?

Expansion of government.

In the United States, on average, what type of extreme weather causes the most deaths each year?

Extreme heat

Why are we committed to some degree of future climate change?

Greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for a long time.

What is the leading cause of death among high school athletes?


What future impacts have the potential to reduce the level of the Great Salt Lake in the future? Select all that are correct. (3)

Higher water demand from Utah residents. Less snowfall and spring runoff. More evaporation due to hot summer temperatures.

What is the biggest uncertainty we face in what future climate changes we will face 100-200 years from now?

Human actions and emissions of greenhouse gases.

What does it mean that under Utah law the Great Salt Lake has no "rights" to water?

People are not allowed to set water aside merely to allow it to flow into the lake.

Which region of the country has seen the biggest increase in heavy precipitation events?

The northeast

Why are moulins important for understand ice dynamics on Greenland?

The provide passage of water from the top to the bottom of the ice sheet.

How much have U.S. temperatures warmed since 1895?

1.3 to 1.9 degrees F

What has been the areal increase in flood extent in the river delta region (central plain) in Bangladesh in the past 20 years?


What percent of land in Bangladesh is projected to be underwater by the end of the century, effecting 20 million people?


Approximately how much energy was produced worldwide by wind power in 2011?

2000 TWh/y

For the contiguous U.S., what decade in the past ~110 years had the highest number of extreme precipitation events?


If you could travel in time and wanted to go to a time when there were many days over 90 degrees in Tooele (you love the heat!) what decade would be your best choice?


In terms of the greenhouse gas effect, how many molecules of carbon dioxide is equivalent to just one molecule of methane?


What are the estimate for global sea level rise by 2100?

26 to 98 cm

How much faster are temperatures warming in Alaska compared to the global average?


How much of the water on Earth is freshwater?


How many people in India are without access to electricity?

300 million

When was the last time Earth was 4 degrees warmer?

4 million years ago

What is the estimated rate of sea level rise in the western Pacific since the 1950s?

5 cm per decade

In rural areas of Yemen, what percent of conflicts have their root in access to water?


For the A2 scenario, what are the projections for Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) for Utah in 2070-2099 as a percentage of the 1971-2000 average?

66% (or 34% less)

What percentage of agricultural food production land in the U.S. is used to grow food for cattle?


What percent of migrants in Bangladesh move at least partly due to climate-related reasons?


Tree ring data suggests that the drought over the last decade in the western U.S. represents the driest conditions in

800 years

Previously in Yemen, wells could be dug down 50-100 m to reach groundwater reservoirs. How deep do they have to dig now?

800-1000 m

What is a carbon footprint?

A measure of the amount of greenhouse gases produced by a person, household, organization, product, event or location over a given time period.

What is the trend in high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere for the frequency and intensity of winter storms since 1950?

Both have increased.

When is it estimated that there will be no summer sea ice at the north pole?

By about 2040

In the southwest region, which state is projected to have the least amount of warming in both the A2 and B1 scenarios?


What does the National Academy of Sciences Advancing the Science of Climate Change report say? Select all that are correct. 3

Climate change poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems. Climate change is occuring. Current climate change is caused largely by human activities.

How does individual people buying more fuel efficient cars and compact fluorescent light bulbs have the potential of helping with carbon stabilization in a much bigger way?

Consumer buying power of these products encourages companies to produce and develop more low-carbon products and services.

What are the impacts of ice melt and glacier loss? Select all that are correct. (3)

Decreased albedo. Loss of water supply for over a billion people. Sea level rise.

What information categories are listed for each feature? Select all that are correct.

Description Acres Year Glacier Name

Based on the photo evidence, in approximately what year do you think that Grinnell Glacier will be no longer be present (aka it will no longer be a glacier)?

I think that in the year 2093 the glaciers will be gone because it took 150 years to half its size. So im thinking another 100 to disappear. That is just a guess, but based on what the video said it will probably be closer to 20 years until it is no longer a glacier.

Why does Tim Phillips want to win the "science argument"?

If they undermine the science than the underpinnings of the cap & trade legislation are eroded.

What are steps that can be taken to mitigate climate change? Select all that are correct. 6

Invest in renewable energy. Implement a carbon tax or similar policy. End subsidies to fossil fuels. Consume less fossil fuel intensive products and food. Elect leaders who are committed to mitigating climate change. Come to international climate agreements.

Why should coastal cities be concerned about thermal expansion of oceans?

It causes sea levels to rise.

What has happened to the distribution of summer temperatures in Tooele?

It has shifted warmer

What is contributing to the Columbia Glacier losing ice mass? Select all that are correct. (4)

It is moving faster. It is retreating. It is calving a a faster rate. There is more ice being lost at the bottome than is being replenished at the top.

What is a major challenge of construction in the arctic?

It is remote and the weather is harsh.

Why is Antarctica considered a desert?

It receives only about 8 inches of precipitation each year.

How does Great Salt Lake contribute to natural and human systems in Utah? Select all that are correct. (4)

It supports the recreation industry, including birdwatchers, hunters, and tourists. Minerals are collected from the lake. It is a stop on the migration route for over 5 million birds. It supports a brine shrimp industry.

What was Earth's climate like during the Pleistocene?

It was colder with much larger ice sheets and glaciers.

What is true about the IPCC report Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis? Select all that are correct. 4

It was convened by the United Nations. It stated "warming of the climate system is unequivocal." It stated that rises in greenhouse gas concentrations are mostly the "result of human activities." It included scientist authors from over 30 nations.

Under the high emissions scenario, what changes do we expect in Utah for soil moisture by 2095?

It will be much lower (drier)

What is hindering the relocation of Newtok to Mertarvik now that the community owns the land?

Lack of money (over $60-million).

Over the past 30 years, what has been an indication of more extreme heat?

Many more high temperature records being broken than low.

What will contribute to expected ~3 foot sea level rise in the next 100 years? Select all that are correct.

Melt from Greenland and Antarctica. Thermal expansion of oceans. Loss of mountain glaciers.

Which regions of the U.S. have seen the biggest increases in river flooding since the 1920s?

Midwest and Northeast

What parts of our economy rely heavily on fossil fuels, currently. Select all that are correct. 5

Mining Electricity Home heating/cooling Manufacturing Transportation

What is unique of the geography of Bangladesh that makes it uniquely threatened by climate change? Select all that are correct. 3

More than a quarter of the land is less than seven feet above sea level. It is in the delta area of three major rivers that drain the Himalaya. It is an extremely flat and low-lying country.

What is a additional benefit of the personal strategies for reducing climate contributions?

Most strategies save energy and therefore also save money.

What continent has the highest CO2 output per capita?

North America

Under the high emissions scenario, what part of North America is expected to see the most warming according to climate projections for 2099?

Northern Canada

What statistics are provided? Select all that are correct.

Number of Values Average Standard Deviation Maximum Sum of Values Minimum

Due to human activities earth is absorbing an extra 2.3 Watts per square meter. What is absorbing most of this excess energy?


What did David Rouzer's bill in North Carolina say should be done related to sea level rise?

Only past data could be used for planning, no future projections.

How much would sea level rise if all the ice on Antarctica and Greenland melted?

Over 200 feet

What are some of the deleterious effects of tar sands mining?

Pollution of nearby waters in rivers. Impacts indigenous communities. Clear cutting large areas of forest. Requires huge amounts of energy for extraction and processing. Negative impacts on wildlife.

Why are heat waves in Los Angeles an environmental (or climate) justice issue?

Poorer neighborhoods with less green space will be hit the hardest.

What is climate mitigation?

Reducing the amount and speed of future climate change by reducing emissions of heat-trapping gases or removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Has this glacier been advancing or retreating over time?


What impact of climate change is the biggest threat to the Marshall Islands?

Sea level rise

What are the climate model projections for the end of the century for how the frequency and magnitude of Atlantic hurricanes will change?

Slight decrease in the annual number of tropical cyclones, but an increase in the number of the strongest.

Which of the following are considered evidence of warming from Earth System Response (rather than direct measurements)? (4)

Species migrating further north and upward in elevation Melting Ice Sheets Plants are blooming earlier in the spring Glaciers are retreating

How is climate impacting glaciers in Glacier National Park?

The climate is melting away all the glaciers. They estimate that instead of melting naturally and taking 100 years humans are accelerating the process and scientist believe that they could be gone in 10-20 years.

What factors control glacial advance and retreat?

The factors that control glacial advance and retreat is the rate precipitation, melting and sublimation. If there is more snow accumulation than what is lost calving then the glacier advances. If the opposite is true then it begins to retreat.

What is the cryosphere?

The frozen parts of the earth.

What is the consequence of U.S. governmental inaction on climate change?

The future impacts of climate change will come sooner and be worse, due to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

During the congressional hearings on the Cap and Trade bill, what was the main argument of the "skeptic" witnesses?

The science is uncertain and we should not take any action.

What changes has the Yemenese president seen to precipitation, just in his lifetime?

There is less precipitation overall, but also more devastating floods.

Why is there more uncertainty in the connection of storms to climate change compared to other changes such as snow cover or sea level rise?

They are not as directly related to temperature.

What data do scientists get related to glaciers from seismometers nearby?

They detect ice quakes from calving events.

What is surprising about some of the Pacific Islander students in Enid, OK?

They have never seen the ocean.

What did scientists find is happening to the meltwater lakes on Greenland? Select all that are correct.

They lift and lubricate the bottom of the ice. They are draining to the bottom of the ice sheet. They are helping to speed up ice loss.

Why are compact fluorescent light bulbs said to be more efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs?

They use much less energy to produce the same amount of light.

Why do scientists measure carbon-14 isotopes?

To date organic materials.

This is uncertainty in projections of climate. What are the three main categories in which we can describe this uncertainty? Select all that are correct.

Uncertainty in human behavior Natural climate variability Uncertainty in physical equations and models

What has contributed to increased erosion rates along the Ninglick River?

Warming temperatures melting the permafrost.

What needs to happen before organizations like Friends of the Great Salt Lake can buy water rights for the Great Salt Lake?

Water law in Utah must change to allow this.

What is the expected change in heat waves in southern California in the future due to climate change?

they will increase in frequency and magnitude

How much has burning of fossil fuels increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere over pre-industrial levels?

more than 40%

About how has Utah been warming over the past 40 years compared to the global average?

twice the global average

Which of the following is a contributor to more extreme precipitation events?

warmer air can hold more water vapor

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