CLPS 100 Midterm 1

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According to the Rescorla-Wagner model, learning will occur if

(lambda-sum) < or >0

Which of the following statements are true about the 'Dear Enemy' effect? 1) Two territorial neighbors become less aggressive towards each other as boundaries are established over time 2)Two territorial neighbors become more aggressive towards each other as bounds are established over time 3) The effect supports Wagner's memory model because it shows that context matters for habituation 4)The effect supports Grove & Thompson's Dual Process model because it shows that context matters for habituation

1 and 3

There are three operations used to study learning. What are they?

1. Arrange a relationship between two stimuli 2. Arrange a relationship between behavior and a stimulus. 3. Present a Stimulus

According to Wagner's memory model, which of the following statements is true? 1. A stimulus is surprising if its trace is active in short term memory when it is presented. 2. The faster the response decrement to S2 during t1, the stronger the context-S1 association will be at t2. 3. Habituation is explained by retrieval-generated priming. 4. There will be more habituation to an intense stimulus presented with a long ISI than to a weak stimulus presented with a short ISI. 5. To be an effective dishabituator, the stimulus must activate the state system.

3, 4

In terms of the Rescorla-Wagner model, which statement/s is/are incorrect: 1. Learning will occur if the US is surprising 2. CSs conditioned in compound d will lose associative strength if their Vsum > lambda 3. Learning will occur if the CS and US are temporally contiguous 4. There is no overshadowing on the first compound conditioning trial 5. There is no blocking on the first compound conditioning trial

3, 5

Two groups of rats underwent CER training in which a light was paired with a shock US. Group P had been previously exposed to the light; Group N had not. When subsequently tested with the light alone, Group P had a suppression ratio of .15. How many learning operations were used in this experiment and which group showed the most fear to the light?

3; N

Which statement is false/ incorrect? A. In the Rescorla-Wagner model, alpha is a fixed rate parameter with a value between 0 and 1. B. In the Dutch autoshaping study, signaling the noncontingient outcomes with a tone, allowed learning about the light-food association to occur even though the CS-US contingency was zero (random). C. In the Rescorla-Wagner model, Vsum is based on the associative strengths of all CSs used in the experiment. D. In the Rescorla-Wagner model, the associative strengths of all CSs present on the trial will change in the same direction. E. In the Rescorla-Wagner model, lambda represents the maximum learning/ conditioning supported by the US.

C. In the Rescorla-Wagner model, Vsum is based on the associative strengths of all CSs used in the experiment.

Following A+, AX-, B+, Y- training, subjects received BX- and BY- test trials. Responding to BX was less than responding to BY. The training should have established X as a ___________ and the test used was a ___________ test.

Conditioned inhibitor; summation

What is true about taste aversion learning?

Learning can occur after a single trial and each scapegoat flavor should be novel and used only once.

Taste aversion is an example of...

Pavlonian Conditioning

According to the t1-t2 framework, a learning design must vary the opportunities for learning at t1 and give a common test at t2. Which of the following studies used a t1-t2 design?

Rescorla's demonstration that CS-US contingency, not CS-US temporal contiguity determines learning. Davis' demonstration that habituation is greater with strong stimuli than with weak stimuli.

In an example of autoshaping using pigeons, a white dot was projected on a key and followed by the presentation of food After several such pairings, the pigeon began pecking at the white dote. in this example, the white dot is ______________and the CR elicited by the CS supports Pavlov's principle of ___________________.

The CS; stimulus substitution

Two CSs are presented together and paired with a shock US on four separate occasions. In oa subsequent extinction test, the CSs are presented separately while the subjects lever press for food. The suppression ratio to one stimulus (A) is .4 and the suppression ratio to the other stimulus (B) is .2. Which statement is most accurate?

This is an overshadowing study and B is more salient than A

Which of the following treatments will produce recovery of the response to a habituated stimulus?

Time & Presentation of a dishabituator

Excitatory conditioning occurs when there is ______________ and inhibitory conditioning occurs when there is __________________.

a positive CS-US contingency; a negative CS-US contingency

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