CMN140 Test 3

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Shape Baseline: *Lifestyle*

*Active lifestyle* = interact w many people/institutions = *less affected by media* *Inactive lifestyle* = fewer interaction/real-life experience, so *high exposure to media not counterbalanced by other experiences* (= susceptible to media influence)

Type of Effects: *Attitudinal Type* (individual)

*Attitudes:* evaluative judgements about things *media influence = strong on ppl's attitude in GENERAL level (opinion about society) than specific (about friends) - we *compare* the thing *to our standard* - *if meet our standard* = *judge it to be okay* - *if exceed our standard* = *judge it to be very good/excellent* - * if fail to meet our standard* = *judge it to be very bad/terrible* *attitudinal-type effect:* media can influence our judgments/standards so *when we make our own judgements* = *end up using media's standards* ex. media says skinny, 6packs, tall = attractive so that becomes our attitude on what is attractive ex. article says a politician is good, so we agree

Fight Piracy: *Legislation*

*Audio Home Recording Act*: - all digital recoding devices = req incorporate Serial Copy Management System (SCMS) = digital recorders allowed make first-generation copy but NOT second-generation - Royalty Tax = paid to copyright owners when manufacturer makes copy - *Fair Use Exception:* allows consumers to make copies of copyrighted music for non-commerical purposes *Digital Millenium Copyright Act 1998* * Consumer Broadband & Digital TV Production* - would require all new digital media devices to be encoded w security tech to prevent unauthorized copying of copyrighted works. - but: techn = not feasible to protect digital work once in public domain.

Baseline & Fluctuation Effects

*Baseline Effects:* our typical *level of risk* shaped by *long term conditioning* (effect = *breaks through manifestation level* = *changes our behavior/knowledge* that we can *observe*) *Fluctuation Effects:* *temporary change* in risk *level* ex. we go get potato chips then realize we did this after watching a chip commercial ex. watch news about campaign & notice our attitude about a politician changed.

Long-Term Effects: (take many exposures over long period to build up to manifestation)

*Behavioral Effect* 1. *Training Behavior* *Physiological Effect* 1.*Physiological habituation* 2.*Narcoticizing* *Emotional Effect* 1.*Desensitization* 2.*Cultivation of Fear* *Attitudinal Effect* 1.*Long-Term Reinforcement of Attitudes/Beliefs* *Cognitive Effect* 1.*Learning Social Norms* *Effects on Society* 1.*Changing Institutions*

Immediate Effects: (occur during exposure to the media violence)

*Behavioral:* 1. *Imitation/Copying*: SLT 2.*Triggering Novel Behav* 3.*Disinhibition* 4.*Attraction* *Physiological Effect* 1.*Fight/Flight* 2.*Excitation Transfer* *Emotional Effect* 1. *Temporary Fear* *Attitudinal Effect* 1.*Immediate creation/change of attitude* *Cognitive Effect* 1.*Learning specific acts/lessons*

Concentration Among Advertising Agencies

- *Agencies* = growing/focused on *national markets not local* ads today = for national brands not local restaurant ex. "hamburger" = think McD's not local place -* 1/2 Ads placed in US* = *handled by 1 of world's top 4 advertising conglomerates*. (WPP plc., Omnicom Group, IPG, Publicis Groupe)

What does it mean to develop a "broader sensitivity" to media violence?

*Broader Sensitivity:* means getting beyond defining violence purely in terms of high graphicness. - try to define violence in 1 sentence - does your definition identify what would be considered "violent" in all situations? ex. punching = violent ex. storm = violent? car crash = violent?

Fight Piracy: *Legal Action:*

*Civil Lawsuits by Industries: (21,000 lawsuits against ppl illegally downloading) 1. RIAA v. Napster (shut down Napster) 2. *Viacom v. YouTube/Google* (still pending) Viacom: Youtube = engaging in massive intentional copyright infringement making thousands of copies of their messages available unauthorized YouTube: could not be held liable based on "general knowledge" that users were infringing on copyright 3. *2011 Coalition*: media companies want to monitor Internet activity, identify who's infringing on copyright, get ISP, cut off their Internet.

Issue of Concern: *Change in Content:*

*Critics Argue*: decreased competition leads to negative changes in message content - *NO evidence* of decrease in quality - possibly more negative speech/obscenity - relationship bet. concentration and reduced concentration breaks down when analyzed ex. newspaper bought by conglomerate still has competition on market - must compete for advertising/audience/against Internet/radio, TV, cable) *Danger of Conglomerates:* *messages* = become *too commercialized & slick* cuz want to attract lrg. audience. (instead of news story w more substance that require more mental effort)

Issue of Concern: *Lack of Access*

*Critics Argue:* as concentration increases, access to media decreases COUNTER 1. *ownership* individual can still own shares of company 2. *ability to have views heard:* still easy at local level - barriers to entry = increased in some markets *Critics Argue:* media industries lose diversity of voices when industries more concentrated. COUNTER - reduction in program choices due to reliance on advertising not consolidation *diversity of opinion:* as *industry more concentrated* = *programming became more diverse* cuz less regulated

Which effect of violence overlooked? How is it cultivated?

*Cultivation Effect:* believe *world is violent/dangerous place* & related *fear of being victimized* (believe world more violent than actually is cuz of media) Media = perpetuates this belief ex.) Law&Order/CSI news focuses on deviant crimes

Shape Baseline: *Sociological Factors*

*Degree of socialization* = related to *amount of influence media has* ex. consistently socialized w partic. values = weighty baseline (resistant to change/media unlikely to influence enough to break thru manifestation level) ex. raised entire life to be anti-agressive, aggressive media shows wont influence/make them aggressive *Children:* influenced by media becuz less life experience to counterbalance media portrayal (parental involvement = influences learning) ex. never served in govt = rely on media to provide info on govt and accept story cuz cant check them.

Public's Faulty Beliefs: *There is too much violence in media*

*Faulty Belief:* ppl think *there is too much violence* faulty cuz they *underestimate* how much violence is being presented (*have narrow conception of what constitutes violence*) -Public Perception: *limited to physical violence* that's *depicted in serious (non-humorous) manner* and *results in severe harm to victim* (presented graphically) - related *less to # violent acts* and *more to degree of graphicness* and *probability of occurrence* - *whether depiction is offensive of not* (blood&gore = offends audience) so producers = sanitize violence (*remove graphicness/rarely show harm to victim) - *Humor:* camouflages violence so aud. "doesnt see it" - removes threat of violence (to consider viol.viewers need degree of personal threat) (public not concerned w acts of aggression that have no physical harm like verbal)

Public's Faulty Beliefs: *Focus on Amount Instead of Context*

*Faulty Belief:* the *problem is keyed* to the *amount (frequency) of violence instead of context of portrayal* -the *way violence is portrayed* is what *signals to aud. what the meaning of violence is* and *that meaning is very influential* in *bringing effects* when media glamorizes the perpetrators and sanitizes the violence, ppl are *likely to believe that violence is a good way to solve problems* *context:* way violence is portrayed increases probability of negative effects. *if violence portrayed realistically* = itd be positive to society & teach them violence is unacceptable (show blood/gore/punishment)

Fluctuation Factor: *Cognitive Complexity of Content*

*Few cognitive demands* = *can process meaning easier* *More cognitive demands* = *less well will facts be comprehended/remembered* (remember info from TV better than print cuz *info semantically redundant*(sound/image/word) - complement/reinforce each other = *learning achieved better*) Children's comprehension of *edu. content* = *dependent* on *degree* which *info central to narrative* -*remember info better* = *when emotional cues*

Manifested & Process Effects

*Manifested Effects:* ones we can *easily observe* ex. see fish jump out of water *Process Effects:* influence how we *think, feel, act* whether we manifest (see) it or not (effects occurring beneath the manifestation level) ex. don't know what happens underwater ex. boys watched movie about Russian roulette -no outward manifestation after watching it, but process effects (felt excitement over the danger of the game) - when boys discovered a gun, and played the game, then manifestation happened. - always being influenced by media

Fluctuation Factor: *Context of Portrayals*

*Meaning of message arises from way they're portrayed* (esp. social lessons) ex. attractive character + actions portrayed as justified + when rewarded for those actions = aud will identify with that/accept the meaning of the portrayed experience ex. "good guys" violent acts = portrayed as *justified* and *rarely punished* (meaning: *good guy = violence is essential/successful* way to *solve conflict*. *Viewer* = *regards self as good guy*, so *think okay* to *use violence*)

How is sports media related to the money cycle?

*Media* = provides means for advertisers to inject tons of money into the cycle. -*provide continual exposure* for professional/college sporting events = *sports is essential to ppl's lives* -*media* = *transformed athletes into celebrities* who demand huge payments (for endorsing products/playing games)

Why do we need to broaden our perspectives on media effects? Why is narrow problematic?

*Narrow Perspective =* will not be able to perceive the many effects constantly occurring around us. - effects = still happen/*influence you without your awareness* - *occur outside your control* *Media Literacy:* awareness of variety of media effects - decide which effects you want to experience - decide what you want to avoid - gain control

Fluctuation Factor: *Degree of Identification*

*Pay more attention to characters we identify with* -*Stronger Attachment* = stronger prob. of an effect as fluctuation 2-Step Process Character Identif: 1.*Make a Judgement:* how much attracted to character (how much theyre like us or we want to be like them) 2. *"As If" Experience:* we imaging ourself in role of character.

Shape Baseline: *Knowledge Structures:*

*People w largest amount knowledge* = *learn most from media* *great deal knowledge on topic* = *good knowl-struct* - motiv. to acquire more info. *most content on news* = *viewers have no real-world experience with* ex. don't know what it's like to be an athlete/politician *impossible make valid judgements on accuracy of media portrayal* leads to: *increased viewing* = *more likely believe real world like TV world* (magic window)

Shape Baseline: *Personal Locus*

*Personal Locus* = indiv. goals/drives for media expos. *Strong Locus* = person drives make most of maturities/skills/knowl struct/socio factors/lifestyle - *more awareness of effects process* = *construct baselines* to *conform to personal goals* (effects want to achieve from media = construct baseline close to manifestation level & viceversa) ex. want manifest friendships = so make Facebook. other watched TV so no interaction, so in real world was unable to manifest real friendships.

Piracy & 3 Major Forms

*Piracy:* unauthorized use of things owned by other people. (difficult to det. ownership of intellectual property) Media = *Tool:*(make product widely available) *Threat:*(disseminated to ppl who buy it, but disseminated by ppl. who don't buy it) 1. *Bootlegging:* unauthorized recording of a live delivery of a message (ex. recording movie in movie theater) 2. *Counterfeiting:* duplication of copyrighted message along w its packaging & selling it as real thing 3. *Sharing Copyrighted Material:* indiv. pay for copy of media product then make their copy available to others for free. (ex. buy CD then share w friends from flashdrive)

Shape Baseline: *Developmental Maturities*

*Potentialities:* at given age = limits to what ppl can understand/how they reason - *As we mature* = able to *process more info* / *apply more skills* = *capacity* to *move beyond baseline closer to manifestation* level for *effects want to experience* and *away* from *effects we don't want* *Children:* as *mature = expand cognitive abilities* (less influenced by message/can process more elements in message = understand context fully/not limited to concrete thinking/make accurate inferences/distinguish between fantasy&reality/meta-thinking) As *children age* = more capable staying in self-reflexive exposure state/can process media messages/learn from them = exert more control over shape of baseline *Lower Maturity:* limited ability control emotions/behav. (fear = affected by age: older = comprehend news and fear) emotional rxns to violence = influ by humor.

What does it mean to understand media effects from media literacy perspective?

*Power to control media effects on self* = need to *understand variety of effects/how media influence works in combo. w other influences* - consider fluctuation that break thru manifestation AND process effects *baselines*= more important than fluctuations (understand where baseline is relative to manifest. level = can shape baseline *bring closer to manifest. for effects we want to experience* - *shape baseline for negative effects = so farther from manifestation level*

Piracy: *Music*

*Reproduction:* - copying of tapes - burning CDs/downloading - file sharing mp3s/Napster *RIAA (recording industry assoc. of America) claim:* - 95% all downloads pirated (questioned by critics) - loss of $12.5 B to US economy -70,000 jobs lost *International Problem:* revenue loss $4B

Fluctuation Factor: *States*

*State:* *temporary drive/emotional reaction* that occurs in *response to* some *stimuli* (short-lived) ex. frustrated & watch violence = likely to behave aggressively *Psych. State:* *arousal* = attention more concentrated, experience is more vivid. We'll remember portrayal more & likely to act while aroused. ex. *production technique increase arousal:* fast cuts/ loud music/quick motion/sound/suspense) *Cognitive State:* ex. confronted w info don't know anything about = ignorant and feel emotionally frustrated/despair. (short-lived) - will avoid message that trigger that in future or edu. self on topic to reduce negative ignorance feeling.

Telecommunication Act 1996

*Telecomm Act 1996:* FCC deregulate, ban lifted on prohibiting company from owning TV&radio station in same market = now *monopolies* Argue: consolidated business = more efficient = benefits customers TV station can own as many stations as want as long as coverage doesnt exceed 39.5% of viewers


*restricting access* *personal ownership* *Copyright:* establishing creator's rights to their work. - register ownership of intellectual property -*believe public needs to pay for access* to copyrighted messages & compensate copyright holder - *believe copyrights must be enforced* to stimulate creative ppl to generate new products feel they work hard to produce messages people like and want to be paid for their talents/efforts.

Third Person Effect

*underestimate* effects on *self* *overestimate* effects on *society*

Public's Faulty Beliefs: *Media Violence Harms Other People, Not Me*

*Third Person Effect*:think media harms others,not them - few ppl believe they behave aggressively after watching violence, but have evidence of others. (school shootings) see kids imitating, but think "im an adult and dont do that anymore" so think it's okay. *Verbal Violence:* if watch charact. insult/verbal abuse/embarrass others in witty/attractive way = *high probability you'll try to imitate* More Imitable: Social Aggression > Physical Agression ex. Tween shows: tweens expect to encounter less friendly/bullying people in high school

Categories of Timing

*Timing of Effects:* when evidence of the effect starts to show up more than how long it lasts 1. Immediate Effect 2. Long-term Effect

Trivialization Glamorization Sanitization

*Trivialization:*believe risk of punishment is slight *Glamorization* attraction to violence/lower inhibitions *Sanitization:* desensitization If violence presented in different context, repetitive exposure could be positive

Unintentional Effects

*effects that we did not seek out/may not be aware of until pointed out* *frequently occur when in STATE OF AUTOMATICITY*(defenses = not engaged) ex. spend more time on platforms = *Internet addiction* -unintentional effects = *long-term* and *immediate* *cognitive/physiological/behavioral* ex. yrs watch exciting movies = develop belief that world should be more exciting & *desensitized* = so takes more excitement to make you happy (didnt intend for this to happen but it did) when experience intentional effects = subjected to unintended effects at same time.

Intentional Effects

*if intend for effect to happen* = *consciously seek out particular messages in media to get that effect* ex. bored & want excitement = go see action movie *when seek factual knowledge* = *consciously trying to achieve positive cognitive effect* ex. visit sports website to learn division standings (info = not need to be important/remembered for more than few min for effect to occur)


*openness* *common ownership* *Copyleft:* removing of restrictions so the messages are free & all users have the right to distribute copies and modified versions of the work (ex. remixes) *"Creative Commons:"* where ownership not limited to any one individual or company. Believe copyrights = barriers to widespread creativity

Types of Effects: *Belief Type* (individual)

- *Belief:* faith that something is real or true (meaning of life/how to treat people/afterlife) - *shows us the values used by ppl. in the news/characters in fictional stories* - beliefs = can be expressed by characters = we choose to *accept or reject them* ex. watch show w ppl who have relationship problems w friends = learn how they handle it = so can develop beliefs about what friendship are/how we can develop friendship we want

Fight Piracy: *Law Enforcement*

- *crackdowns* on pirates using old anti-piracy legisl. 2004 *US Justice Dept: completed largest investigation*: - investigated: 100+ people in 27 states/abroad - involved in $50M of theft of media messages & software *Prince of Piracy:* Johnny Ray Gasca - 7yrs federal prison for bootlegging Hollywood movies first person sentenced for this kind of piracy crime

Fluctuation Factor: *Content of Message*

- *it matters what you expose yourself to* ex. habitually watch horror/action shows = baseline is high for aggressive effect -if watch another hour of it will you reach manifestation? -if watch pro-social show =move away from manifestation -watch violent show = move toward manifestation

What should be considered when assessing media's role when negative effect occurs? Are media to blame? Are media blameless?

- *many factors contribute/influence/work in combination to cause an effect* *no one factor is responsible by itself* mult. influences. never just one. ex. Russian Roulette: gun industry fault? media fault? parents fault? media portrayal + ppls lives + real life event = all contrib.

What is "violence?"

- *primitive concept*: we all know what it is when we see it, but hard to define in words. ex. can't define what is "red," but if see it, will know what it is.

Media Industry: *Efficiency*

- *values concentration of power in hands of few* *Big Business:* complex orgs = market many diff products/services w strong centraliz. system to achieve efficiency. - more control of market/resources - less competition/high barrier of entry *conglomerate*: big company buys small comp. & grows hard for all voices to be heard in big company larger = less access to make contrib/influence it

Producers' Faulty Beliefs: *Violence is Necessary to Storytelling*

- *violence plunges characters into life-and-death situations* = *heightens conflict and action* Violence = not the only tool for storytelling *Violence* = *no relationship to whether children like cartoons" -Boys = like action but violence can heighten action - Girls = violence does not increase enjoyment *Violence* = found to *decrease enjoyment of TV programs among most people* *Selective Exposure:* some ppl seek violent messags, but not most. Violent video games attract ppl. who have high need for violence

How is the Olympics contributing to the money cycle?

- 1896 = "modern" Olympics - Networks = pay IOC fees to for broadcasting rights - NBC = secured rights to 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 Olympics for $4.38B (network = history losing money on these broadcasts) IOC = sells rights to broadcast games in other countries/sponsoring & product placement to advertisers - Modern Olympics always accepted advertising -Ratings = dropped last 4 decades *but still good aud to promote new entertainment shows* - IOC unable prohibit profess. athletes due to commercial nature

Implication for Individuals

- Context of portrayals = more primary than frequency of the portrayals. - Sanitizing violence = masks its presence so aud not offended. *but we should be offended by violence* & *see violence does create suffering* - need to broaden our conception of violence

Issue of Concern: *Deregulation*

- In past = believed strong vertical integration would drive away competition and exploit the consumer (ex. company owns companies that produce the raw material/services needed to produce their product, and means of distrib and sale) *Telecomm Act 1996:* consolidation trend = stronger than govt impulse to regulate ex.) eliminated restrictions so now companies can own more than one station in a market *concentration:* ex.) top 8 firms in recording & film industry account for virtually ALL the revenue. *FCC:* more *concerned w* allowing US companies to grow strong/compete & *dominate world market*

Fight Piracy: "Anti-piracy Technology*

- Music labels = experimenting w anti-piracy techn. that combat file sharing 1. *Sony "Key2Audio:* limits devices on which audio can be played 2. *BMG "Cactus Data Shield":* prevents reformatting and burning copies 3. Digital Rights companies developing solutions ex. "SafeAudio:" CDs can operate on CD players, but spoils (adds background noise) any copy made to hard drive/CD burner - CDs = obsolete, move to downloading Only temp. solution/Techn. keeps changing

The Public

- Public = plays large role in growth of money cycle -*increase # of fans* -*increase fan commitment* -*identify with/support local teams*

Producers' Faulty Beliefs: *Blame Others, Not Producers

- When high act of violence occurs & media puts it on public agenda = *many people blame media* = *media tries to shift blame to parents/gun sellers* *Belief: violent occurrences should be attributed to one source = FAULTY* (many sources involved)

Owners & Leagues

- all major league sports = profitable even if claim "losing money" - *NFL* = strongest Big 4 (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL) (lowest payroll = still larger than lowest payroll in any other sport) - controls all TV rights = distributes money equally to all - TV money = huge, but not enough for franchise owners (luxury skyboxes, concessions, apparel, tickets, etc.)

International Perspective

- foreign companies buy/invest in American companies - American companies market entertainment services worldwide to increase revenue streams (US market = saturated) ex. Sony (Japanese) bought Columbia Pictures from CocaCola. ex. Rupert Murdoch (Australia) CEO of world's largest media conglomerates.

Narrow Perspective

- limit concern to 3 groups (*children, criminals, young boys*) *overlook physiological/emotional/attitudinal/cognitive effects*

Sanitized Violence

- making violence *less graphic* by *showing less harm to the victims* -*masking the harm with humor* ex. Tom&Jerry: used humor to mask the violence - show less harm to victims = less chance the audience will be offended - sanitized violence = *desensitizes viewers* so *people lose sympathy for victims in real life*

Concentration Among Advertisers

- manufacturers buying each other up - more power in marketplace (increase profits/diversify into several businesses) and power as advertisers ex. Proctor&Gamble ex. McDonalds products that appear different, may be marketed by same company ex. Phillip Morris (Altria)

Type of Effects: *Behavioral Type* (individual)

- media = *trigger actions* ex. see ad for product = go on website and buy it - *pattern of going to a few fav websites* *use social media all the time*

Type of Effects: *Macro Type*

- media = influence *larger units* = *organizations/institutions/society* ex. Politics =changed due to media influence ex. Family/Religion/Society = influenced by media ex. *people work longer hours = so can afford things advertised on TV* ex. *TV portrayals = socialized ppl. to think divorce/children out of wedlock = "okay"* *TV = portrays marriage in negative way* - families = *spend less time sharing TV view time - all do own thing. Parents = 40% less time w kids than 1950s* -*decrease in interpersonal cmn = cmn w devices/SMS*

Type of Effects:*Physiological Type* (individual)

- media = influence our *automatic bodily system* (beyond our conscious control) ex. suspense movie: *elevated blood pressure/heart rate* -*rapid breathing/sweaty palms* ppl sing on The Voice = *goosebumps* music -*calms = slow down heart rate/breathing*

Type of Effects: *Emotional Type* (individual)

- media = makes us *feel things* ex. horror movie = feel fear -*strong emotions:* fear/rage/lust/love/hate -*weak emotions:* sadness/peevishness/boredom -feeling = depends whether we're positive or negative about character *Desensitization:* long-term emotional effects ex. yrs of watching violence = rarely show victims suffer/perpetrator glamorized = *lose ability to feel sympathy for victim*

Implications for Producers

- media portrayals to violence are a contributing agent to harm - media = should have obligation to allocate some resources gained through the sale of violent messages to cleaning up the "by products" (violent behav from watching violence)


- more and more popular # mergers doubled from 2011-2012 - consolidate resources into even fewer hands ex. conglomerates merge w other conglomerates (CBS bought by Viacom)

Types of Effects: *Cognitive Type* (individual)

- most pervasive/prevalent/overlooked - *plant ideas/info into our minds* - we constantly acquire info during every exposure to media (rarely credit media w this effect) - *not limited to factual info* - *also learn social info* ex. mass media = strong influence on children's learning about social situation (spend lots time w media) ex. media = observed by us & we learn who is powerful/attractive/successful = observations become social info on what it takes to be happy successful

Issue of Concern: *Internet*

- number websites available = huge -Internet exposure = *concentrated* *Concentration:* due to *search engines* ex. *paid placement:* can pay Google for better search placement Computer industry = very splintered/not vertical integr.


- pay huge fees to TV Networks to reach target audience - *Stadiums:* naming of stadium / ads on walls /concession product packaging / score board / etc. - *College Football:*sponsoring of bowl games

Media Industry: *Localism*

- populist view (*share power w many ppl as possible*) - *control = should be spread out as much as possible* -*power should exist at local level, closest to indiv, so indiv can have a say/empowers all* - media = should be local to meet needs of indiv/society *FCC*: ex. radio: divided country into local markets and limited frequencies to those markets. *spectrum scarcity/localism/pub interest/diversity ownership*


- salaries increasing - large fees for product endorsement - some sports = est. salary caps, but routinely ignored

Piracy: *Film*

- shift: *theaters*/movie store *to downloading* shared files - Porn: *pay sites to free sites* - claim: lost $58B/yr. blame college students (*assume if pirated version not available*, ppl *would have paid full price*)

Positive Valence

- when: *media effects help you achieve your personal goals.* - You = *aware of your goals* ex. *individual level:* if goal = get info to satisfy curiosity, finding facts on Internet = positive effect = satisfies goals ex. *societal view:* media provides info = lets public more informed to choose better leaders/find best solutions

Negative Valence

- when: *media goals = in conflict w your goals* *media* = *tries to use you/your resources to achieve their goals* ex. *individual level:*advertisers want you to spend $$$ on their products, but this can put you in debt ex. *societal view:* media teach ppl. how to commit crimes = this triggers that criminal behavior = media is exerting negative influence

Historical Milestones of Copyright Issue

-*Constitution:* owner of copyright = sole and exclusive right to reproduce the work. - copy right lasts 70 years after author dies -*Fair Use:* quoting portions of a work for news/criticism/teaching - *Open Source Software:* users can download apps for free & read the code & make changes to the code (cathedral vs. baazar) *Public Domain =* available for anyone to access ex.) Wikipedia *Copyrighting* = becoming ambiguous w digitalization of messages/free exchange made possible thru comput/Int. 2 Factors: - what is a "creative unit" - what does a person own when buy copy of media mess?

What does it mean to be proactive when dealing with media effects?

-*Proactive:* public gets *concerned about risks* -*educate* people so *probability of tragedy occurring again* = *reduced* education/steps to prevent (reactive response = *blame* not much control) *Media Literacy* = *Proactive Response* = give you *greater control* over process leading to effects while *avoiding negative* ones Develop Proactive Effects: 1. *media effects* = *constantly occurring* 2. *nature of effects* 3. *develop broader perspective* 4.*you can control effects*

Fluctuation Factor: *Motivations*

-*When we have conscious need for particular kind of info* = *we will actively seek it*/*chance of learning = high* - when passive, learning can occur but not likely - *higher edu/higher intelligence* = *more motiv. to see info of greatest utility to them*

TV Networks

-*without TV contract, NO sports league would survive* - Networks = willing to pay cuz sports generate strong ratings - *shift*: *sports* to *entertainment formula* - certain players: *pushed to spotlight* as "*legends*" - demand: leagues *must make sports exciting* (human interest commentary, drama, etc.)

What drives the money cycle?

1. *Athletic Talent* (players) 2. *Owners of Teams* 3. *Television Networks* 4.*Advertisers* 5. *The Public*

Types of Effects

1. *Cognitive Type* 2. *Belief Type* 3. *Attitudinal Type* 4. *Emotional Type* 5. *Physiological Type* 6. *Behavioral Type* 7. *Macro Type*

Factors that explain fluctuation from our baselines?

1. *Content* of Message 2. *Context* of Portrayals 3. *Cognitive Complexity* of Content 4. *Motivations* 5. *States* 6.*Degree of Identification*

Types of Ownership Concentration

1. *Horizontal Merger:* media company *owns another media company* of *same type* ex.) newspaper buys another newspaper 2.*Vertical Merger:*media company *buys suppliers/distributors* to integrate production/distribution of messages ex.) book publisher buys printing plant 3.* Conglomerate Merger:* media company *buys combination* of other *media companies/non-media* ex.)film studio buys newpapr&radio station&talent agency

How to Fight Piracy?

1. *Legislation* 2.*Law Enforcement* 3.*Legal Action* 4. *Anti Piracy Technology* 5.*New Business Model*

What 2 Forces compete to shape development of mass media industries?

1. *Localism* 2. *Efficiency*

Public's Faulty Beliefs

1. *There is too much violence in media* 2. *Potential harm is keyed to amount of violence instead of context of violence* 3. *Media violence harms other people, not me*

Producers' Faulty Beliefs

1. *Violence is Necessary to Storytelling* 2. *Blame others, not producers*

Why are immediate effects easier to notice?

1. *occur during an exposure* to particular message = *easy to link the effect to the media message* as a cause and conclude it was the media effect. 2. *usually sudden changes* ex. friend sends you youtube video that immediately makes you laugh

*Factors* that Continually but subtlety *shape our baselines *throughout the course of our lives?

1. Developmental Maturities 2. Cognitive Abilities 3. Knowledge Structures 4. Sociological Factors 5. Lifestyle 6. Personal Locus 7. Media Exposure Habits

Issues of Concern:

1. Fallout from deregulation 2. Level of Competition 3. Lack of access by public to media voices 4. How to deal w Internet

What are 2 major categories of media effects?

1. Manifested & Process Effects 2. Baseline & Fluctuation Effects

Ironies Associated w Public's Definition of Violence

1. the type of violence that upsets ppl = the kind they need to be exposed to more (should be offended & should complain) 2. Type of violence they don't complain about = does the most harm 3. While ppl = complaining about too much violence in media = theyre missing 99% of that violence cuz it's sanitized/camouflaged/limited to only phys. violence Thus = focusing on violence less imitable/less harmful

Timing: Immediate Effect

1.*Immediate Effect:* occurs *during* your exposure to media message. - *observable during the exposure* or *immediately after* ex. when you read that Giants won and immediately feel happy

From Media Literacy Perspective: what should we be able to recognize about media effects?

1.Recognize when media having -*Negative Influence* so can *protect ourselves* 2. Recognize when media having - *Positive influence* so can *appreciate & enhance their power*

Timing: Long-Term Effect

2. *Long Term Effect:* shows up after *many exposures* - no single exposure responsible - *pattern of repeated exposures* = *sets up conditions for long-term effect* *slowly* and *gradually* over years of exposure (endurance) ex. watch years of crime news reports and later believe that your neighborhood is a high crime environment

Fight Piracy: *New Business Model*

Approaches to addressing piracy = limited, so industries = rethinking marketing strategies *Music Industry:* - *buy 1 song instead of whole album* = successful business model (convenient way to sample music/quickly download song you like for little cost) - iTunes/Online Music Store result: closure of 600+ brick and mortar stores.

Shape Baseline: *Media Exposure Habits*

Each person = set of media exposure habits = *focuses our attention on certain media/certain types messages presented by those media* ex. spend all day playing violent video games = baseline will be close to aggression ex. surf all kinds websites on Internet = no single type message will have much effect on baseline.

Money Cycle: *Role of TV Networks

HAVE: -*access to audience* -*time/space/programs* *money* WANT: -*money* -*audience attention / high ratings / commercials* - Networks = *compete against eachother to attract fans - drive up fees to pay for right to telecast game - when they own the rights, networks generate higher revenues/get stronger

Money Cycle: *Role of The Public*

HAVE: -*money / time* WANT: -*entertainment* - *receive satisfaction by following sports* - *follow TV / tolerate commercials / buy adv. products - some sport events *highly entertaining* even if their team not involved (WS, playoffs, Monday Night Football) - they're *already in entertainment-expecting mode* = - less skeptical - positive mindset to approach this

Money Cycle: *Role of Advertisers*

HAVE: -*money* WANT: -*money / sales / exposure* - *Fans =* (desirable audience) to some advertisers - *pay premium to get message out on telecasts / sports magazines / websites *

Piracy: *Print*

Internet = provides tons info = big temptation to plagiarize - *College Students:* 30% of papers = plagiarized (growing problem) 1/3 high schoolers/college students admit to cut&paste plagiarism.

Shape Baseline: *Cognitive Abilities*

Not everyone w same potential exhibits same level cognitive abilities. *4 Cognitive Abilities:*influence est. baseline - *field dependency* - *type of intelligence* - *type of thinking* - *conceptual differentiation* ex. field indep/high fluid&crystalline/differentiate info into categories = more likely to control baseline levels

Money Cycle: *Role of Owners & Leagues*

WANT: - *money* - *talent* (willing to bid high to make competitive team) - *sell rights* to games to *TV networks* - *revenue streams* (skyboxes/apparel/concessions) - *sell naming rights* to their stadium HAVE: - money - audience -competitive teams *attract fans to games & telecasts* - all owners = *continually drive up salaries*

Money Cycle: *Role of Players*

WANT: - higher *salaries* - *bonuses* - *endorsements* HAVE: -skills = *short supply* / in high demand - find team willing to pay

Cross Ownership

When company owns other companies

Intended and Unintended = how they relate

ex. watch violent movie: (intend) get excitement (unintended) emotional desensitization/form general mean-world belief/think world is dangerous (long-term effect) - *analyze/evaluate* messages actively = *gain control over your opinion formation* = positive effect BUT - may *develop mistrust of politicians* = negative effect

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