CMST Chapter 1-8

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The type of culture in which people act relatively independent of others is called________culture.


Putting together all that we have selected and organized in order to make sense of communication, is known as __________.


Which of the following is NOT a "proof" identified by Aristotle as the tools of persuasion?


The major distinction between the linear and interactive models of communication is

the interactive model includes feedback, or a response to the message

Which of the following is a prototype?

the person who is the best example of a co-worker to you

Whiteness studies are examples of research conducted in which field of communication study?

Intercultural Communication Studies

What is I-language and what is You-language? Use examples to explain why I-language is superior to You-language in achieving effective communication. Lastly, read the communication case study "The Roommate" on page 81, and answer question no. 1 below.

-language identifies the speaker's or perceiver's thoughts and feelings. You-language attributes intentions and motives to another person. Using I-language allows us to take control on our own feelings rather than using you-language because no one else controls our own feelings. I-Language is more honest and empowering. It also gives us the chance to explain to others how you interpret their behavior. Question 1. Some examples of You-language in scenario Bernadette: "You make me nuts the way you just throw your stuff all over the room" Bernie: "Your mess makes me really miserable" To change the You-language to I-language, I would say "I go nuts when theres stuff all over the room" or "I feel miserable when there is mess". This way the receiver will understand the persons opinion and feelings about the living situation and to start solving the issue.

The study of communication is more than __________ years old.


What is cognitive complexity? How does cognitive complexity influence people's perceptions of others?

Cognitive complexity is the number of personal constructs used (remember, personal constructs are bipolar dimensions of judgment), how abstract they are, and how elaborately they interact to shape perceptions. Cognitive complexity influence peoples perceptions of others. People who focus on concrete data tend to have less sophisticated understandings than people who also perceive psychological data.

How is communication defined in chapter one?

Communication is a systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings. It is a process that is ongoing and dynamic. It is always to motion, moving forward and changing continually. Communcation takes place in systems like the physical environment and time of day. Communication is also symbolic when using nonverbal behavior and human thoughts. In the context for example, we present a ring that means you love that person.

Please explain what the "expectancy violation theory" tell us about how expectations affect our perceptions in a variety of communication situations.

Expectations affect our perceptions in communication situations. For example. If we are told in advance that a new person on the job is "a real team player" we're likely to notice the new employee's cooperative behaviors and not likely to see competitive or self-serving behaviors that the new person may also present. When our expectations are violated, we become more cognitively alert as we struggle to understand and cope with unexpected behaviors or events.

How is "meaning" defined in chapter one? What is content level of meaning and what is relationship level of meaning? Please use examples to explain.

Meanings is the heart of communication. It is the significance we attribute to a phenomenon; what is signifies us. The content level of meaning contains the literal message. For example, when a person knocks on your door and ask you to come in with a smile then you probably will think that person is seeking a friendly interaction. The relationship of meaning expresses the relationship between the two communicators. When your supervisor is angry at you, you interpret that he or she is not satisfied with your work performance

The study of communication, power, and empowerment, especially as it relates to the issue of who is and who is not allowed to speak in a society, is strongly influenced by which philosopher?

Michel Foucault

The social, symbolic, and material practices of a social group that shape its members' perspectives and communication processes are known as __________.


Cognitive schemata include all of the following EXCEPT ________


The verbal symbols we select to use are not intrinsically connected to what they represent. This is known as __________.


Communication that expresses the speaker's feelings without disparaging anyone else is known as __________ communication.


Joaquin came to the United States from Mexico three months ago and he is still having trouble understanding Americans' tendency to rush all the time. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class a while after class has started. Joaquin's confusion about American pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior?


A form of certainty language that assumes our culture and its norms are the only right ones is


The tendency to regard our culture and our way of life as normal and superior to other people and other ways of life is known as __________.


Which of the following is NOT a level of interpersonal confirmation?


This question is based on the supplementary reading "the nature of language") In the meaning triangle, the symbol is the internal configuration aroused by either apprehending the referent itself with our senses or by receiving a cue from another person.


Which of the following is NOT true about nonverbal communication?

it does not vary time

Words that slant perceptions are called _____

loaded language

Stuart has just started preparing a persusaive speech for his communication class. He has selected a topic and is thinking about the kind of arguments, reasoning and evidence he might use in his speech. Stuart is focusing on which canon of persuasion?


Samantha says, "Arguments are terrible. I believe nobody can win when conflict breaks out." Samantha's orientation to conflict is best described as __________.


Bao is a teacher. When she is talking to students one on one, she gently encourages them to express themselves by saying, "Tell me more," "go on," "I understand." These are examples of __________.

minimal encouragers

When Jing says to Juana that she is having a difficult time in her chemistry class, Juana's first response is to launch into an extended description of the difficulties she had in her own physics class. By doing so, Juana is engaging in a faulty listening practice known as __________.


The active process of selecting, organizing and interpreting people, objects, events, situations, and activities is known as ___


The ability to perceive another as a unique individual is called __


As soon as the news program begins an interview with the President, Dolores quits paying attention and she mumbles to herself, "I already know everything he has to say and I don't want to hear it again." Dolores' ability to listen is being hindered by __________.


The study of space and how people use it is known as


Rachel doesn't want to be interrupted while she's speaking so she avoids looking at others until she has said all she wants to say. Then she looks at the person who wants to respond. Rachel has used nonverbal behavior to __________.

regulate interaction

this question is based on the supplementary reading "the nature of language") Socially agreed-upon labels that we use to identify and arouse conventionalized meanings stored in schemata within our memory system are called:


The statement that communication is systemic means that

the various parts affect each other

Members of a collectivist culture __________.

think of themselves more as part of a group

"I don't approve of the gay lifestyle, but I can accept it." This response reflects which of the following orientations to cultural diversity?


According to the supplementary reading "the meaning of meaning", meaning is our internal response to either the reality (objects, events, or situations experienced through our senses) or the symbols used by a language community to label reality. For example, the meaning of dog for a particular person or a group of people would be their internal response (images appearing in their mind, or loving feelings aroused) when they either see the actual four-legged animal or when see or hear the word "dog".


All language is symbolic, yet not all symbols are linguistic.


Attribution is the act of explaining why something happens or why a person acts a particular way.


Descriptive communication fosters a more supportive climate than evaluative communication.


Monopolizing is hogging the stage by continuously focusing the conversation on ourselves instead of the person who is talking.


People with high status and/or power tend to touch others and invade others' space more than do people with less power and/or status.


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