CNA practice questions

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37.Ensuring adequate circulation to tissues is a major factor in preventing skin breakdown. This can be accomplished by doing all of the following EXCEPT A. positioning the patient every two hours. B. using mechanical aids. C. giving backrubs. D. performing active or passive ROM exercises.

The correct answer is A. The patient must be positioned every two hours to prevent skin breakdown due to poor circulation.

15. When assisting a client in and out of bed, the nurse aide should always A. employ body mechanic techniques. B. get another person to help. C. pull the client's feet out first, and then lift the back up. D. put shoes on the client because the patient may slip.

The correct answer is A. You should always use good body mechanics when moving patients.

13.Which of the following things should you do to familiarize a new client with his or her surroundings? A. Show the client where the call light is and how to work it. B. Tell the client not to operate the TV. C. Ask visitors to leave the room while you finish admitting the client. D. Raise the side rails of the bed and raise the bed to high position.

The correct answer is A. You should never leave a new admit until the patient knows how to call for help.

55.A goal for an extended care facility (ECF) resident is that she not swear at the nurses or aides. When she calls you by your name instead of swearing at you, your appropriate action is to A. smile and give the appropriate reward. B. continue whatever task that is being done. C. tease the resident about not swearing. D. tell all of the staff that she didn't swear.

The correct answer is A. You want to positively reinforce the resident's appropriate behavior, so smiling and rewarding her good behavior is the best action.

9.Mrs Smith is an 81-year-old resident with Alzheimer's disease and cannot find her room. What should the nurse aide do to help Mrs Smith feel more independent? A. Scold her and tell her to stay in the room. B. Ask her roommate to watch her. C. Place a familiar object outside her room door. D. Write the room number on a piece of paper.

The correct answer is C. Helping her locate her room on her own would make Ms. Lee feel better about herself.

32.While making rounds at 4:00am, a nurse aide finds a patient lying on the floor. What should she or he do first? A. Call 911/000. B. Perform CPR. C. Call for another nurse aide. D. Assess the patient's vital signs.

The correct answer is D. Always check for vital signs; the patient may have fainted.

23.Mr. Brown, a newly admitted conscious client, has been put to bed. Before leaving him alone, the first action would be to A. ask him if he is hungry. B. inspect his skin. C. complete the listing of his clothing and valuables. D. make sure he knows how to use the call light.

The correct answer is D. Always make sure new patients can call for help.

30.Before assisting a client into a wheelchair, the first action would be to check if the A. client is adequately covered. B. floor is slippery. C. door to the room is closed. D. wheels of the chair are locked.

The correct answer is D. Before assisting a patient into a wheelchair, check to see if the wheels of the chair are locked.

54.Mrs. Wilkes is scheduled for a partial bed bath. This means you must wash her A. face, neck, ears, arms, and hands. B. face, underarms, hands, and buttocks. C. face, hands, underarms, and legs. D. face, hands, underarms, buttocks, and genitals.

The correct answer is D. Partial bed bath is generally given before breakfast because of incontinence. You want the patient to feel comfortable and clean.

49.A new resident asks you, "If I need help or get sick during the night, who is going to be here?" You should say, A. "Don't worry, you're not going to get sick." B. "Just yell, and someone will hear you." C. "Ask your roommate to ring the call bell." D. "There are people here all night to help you."

The correct answer is D. Telling the patient that someone is always there will make him feel safe. Explaining how to use the call system will also help patients feel safe.

18.The most serious problem that wrinkles in the bedclothes can cause is A. restlessness. B. sleeplessness. C. decubitus ulcers. D. bleeding and shock.

correct answer is C. The most serious problem that wrinkles in the bedclothes can cause patients is decubitus ulcers, or decubiti.

1. When assisting a client in learning to use a walker, it is important to: A. stand behind him and use a transfer belt. B. put padding all the way around the top rim. C. let him walk by himself so he gains independence. D. let him practice using the walker on the day he is discharged.

The correct answer is A. Standing behind him and using a transfer belt protects both the client and the aide.

39.The hot water bottle is an example of a A. local dry heat application. B. generalized dry heat application. C. local moist heat application. D. generalized moist heat application.

The correct answer is A. A hot water bottle applied by itself is dry heat.

44.With catheterized patients, which of the following is NOT the nurse aide's responsibility? A. inserting the catheter B. preventing infection C. checking to make sure the catheter is draining properly D. recording output

The correct answer is A. A nurse aide is responsible for the other options, but he or she never inserts a catheter.

3. Normal hearing loss in aging is usually related to the ability to hear A. high-pitched sounds. B. loud sounds. C. all sounds. D. rapid speech.

The correct answer is A. Because of this aspect of hearing loss, the aged hear well if you lower your voice. Shouting in a high-pitched voice does not help.

10.How often should a patient's intake and output records be totaled? A. once each shift B. twice a day C. every four hours D. every 12 hours

The correct answer is A. Input and output are totaled once per shift as well as every 24 hours.

16.It is important to reposition a patient during an eight-hour shift. How often should he or she be turned? A. q2h B. q4h C. q1h D. q1d

The correct answer is A. It is necessary to turn the patient q2h to prevent pressure ulcers.

29.In caring for a confused elderly man, it is important to remember to A. keep the bed rails up except when you are at the bedside. B. close the door to the room so that he does not disturb other patients. C. keep the room dark and quiet at all times to keep him from becoming upset. D. remind him each morning to shower and shave independently.

The correct answer is A. Make sure to follow agency policy.

46.All long-term-care nurse aides must be competency evaluated and must complete a distinct educational course. These requirements are set by A. OBRA. B. OSHA. C. CDC. D. FDA.

The correct answer is A. OBRA stands for the "Omnibus Budget and Reform Act."

5. Mrs. Jones is on a bowel and bladder training program. She has not had a bowel movement for three days. What should the nurse aide do? A. Report it to the charge nurse. B. Give the patient an enema. C. Offer prune juice. D. Increase fluids.

The correct answer is A. The nurse aide should report it to the charge nurse. Nurse aides cannot order a procedure or increase fluids. Anything unusual must be reported to the nurse in charge.

33.When moving a wheelchair onto an elevator, you should stay A. behind the chair, pulling it toward you. B. behind the chair, pushing it away from you. C. in front of the client to observe his or her condition. D. to the side and hold the door open.

The correct answer is A. You must stay behind the chair to control it, but it should go on and come off an elevator backward to prevent the wheels from falling into the door opening.

26.When assisting a client with eating, one of the first things the nurse aide should do is A. cut the food into bite-size pieces. B. wash his or her hands and the client's hands. C. butter the client's bread. D. provide the client with privacy.

The correct answer is B. Always remember to consider infection control.

35.Mr Jones is a diabetic. For his afternoon tea, the kitchen has sent a carton of chocolate ice cream. Your first action should be to A. substitute diet cola for the ice cream. B. hold the nourishment and report to the charge nurse. C. ask the secretary to notify the kitchen of an error. D. ask Mrs. Black if she likes ice cream.

The correct answer is B. Always report abnormal conditions.

57.If a client objects to a certain food for religious or cultural reasons, the appropriate action would be to A. tell him to wait for the next meal. B. offer to substitute something different for him. C. call the dietitian the next day. D. tell him he needs to eat what is on his tray.

The correct answer is B. Consideration of cultural or religious beliefs is important to all patients.

56.An agitated resident must be turned every two hours all night long. The first action of the nurse aide when waking up this resident is to A. turn on the light. B. speak quietly and calmly. C. touch her shoulder. D. shout her name.

The correct answer is B. Do not startle the resident, as this may agitate her. Speak as you enter the room.

47.A resident is blind. It is important NOT to A. leave the door completely opened. B. rearrange the furniture. C. announce yourself before entering the room. D. explain the location of food on the plate, using the face of the clock to assist.

The correct answer is B. Never rearrange the furniture in a blind patient's room after the patient settles into it. This can cause falls.

40.Clients receiving an enema are usually placed A. on the right side. B. on the left side. C. flat on the back. D. in a semi-sitting position.

The correct answer is B. Placing the patient on the left side allows better entry into the colon.

34.The Foley bag must be kept lower than the client's bladder so that A. urine will not leak out, soiling the bed. B. urine will not return to the bladder, causing infection. C. the bag will be hidden and the client will not be embarrassed. D. the client will be more comfortable in bed.

The correct answer is B. Raising the bag above the bladder level can lead to backflow of the urine, with its bacteria, into the bladder.

19.Restorative care begins A. a week after admission. B. as soon as possible. C. when the patient wants. D. twice a week.

The correct answer is B. Restorative care begins as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

43.When counting respiration's, you should A. wait until after the client has exercised. B. not tell the patient what you are going to do. C. count five respirations and then check your watch. D. have the client count respirations while you take her pulse.

The correct answer is B. Telling the patient you are watching her breathing will cause her to change her breathing pattern slightly.

41.A female client's perineal area should be cleansed before which specimen is collected? A. 24-hour urine specimen B. midstream clean-catch urine specimen C. pediatric routine urine specimen D. routine urine specimen

The correct answer is B. The clean-catch specimen requires cleaning the perineum.

7.The proper medical term for high blood pressure is A. diabetes. B. hypertension. C. hypotension. D. CVA.

The correct answer is B. The proper medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension.

60.Your patient refuses to let you bathe her. You tell her that if she doesn't let you wash her, she will not get lunch and will not go to game night. This is an example of A. discipline. B. verbal abuse. C. mental abuse. D. physical abuse.

The correct answer is B. This is an example of verbal abuse.using the walker on the day he is discharged.

2. Urinary retention refers to A. a normal output of urine. B. an inability to urinate. C. Incontinence. D. a large output of urine.

The correct answer is B. Urinary retention refers to an inability to urinate. Retention of urine is a symptom that should be reported to the charge nurse as soon as it is noted.

20.You are told to put a client in Fowler's position. Before changing the position of the client's bed, you should A. open the window. B. explain the procedure to the client. C. check with the client's family. D. remake the bed.

The correct answer is B. You should always explain procedures first.

27.A patient has a new cast on his right arm. While caring for him, it is important to first observe for A. pulse above the cast. B. color and hardness of the cast. C. warmth and color of fingers. D. signs of crumbling at the cast end.

The correct answer is C. A new cast may cut off circulation. This is the only choice that reminds you to check for circulatory impairment.

45.When giving information to the charge nurse for an incident report, you should A. write in the client's chart that an incident occurred. B. keep the report in your personal file. C. state the facts clearly. D. give your opinions as to the cause of the incident.

The correct answer is C. An incident report becomes a permanent part of the legal record. Make sure the facts are clear.

53.Sexuality in long-term-care clients may include all of the following EXCEPT A. needing private time with a partner. B. caring about one's physical appearance. C. engaging in public fondling. D. desiring sexual interaction.

The correct answer is C. As long-term-care providers, nursing assistants must respect the resident's right to sexuality. However, engaging in public fondling is inappropriate and may infringe upon other residents' rights.

11.Which of the following should you observe and record when admitting a client? A. color of the stool and amount of urine voided B. how much the client has eaten and drunk C. bruises, marks, rashes, or broken skin D. insurance information

The correct answer is C. Failure to notice bruises or marks on the skin on admission may later cause someone to believe you were involved in abuse.

24.When lifting a heavy object, the correct method would be to bend at the A. waist, keeping your legs straight. B. waist, rounding your shoulders. C. knees, keeping your back straight. D. knees and waist.

The correct answer is C. Keeping your back straight forces you to use your strong leg muscles.

59.Which type of communication can often be most powerful? A. written B. verbal C. silent D. tactile

The correct answer is C. Listening to someone shows that you are very interested in what he or she is saying.

14.When arranging a patient's room, you should do all of the following EXCEPT A. check signal cords. B. adjust the back and knee rests as directed. C. administer medications. D. check lighting.

The correct answer is C. Nursing assistants are never allowed to give medications.

28.Encouraging a client to take part in activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, combing hair, and feeding is A. done only when time permits. B. the family's responsibility. C. necessary for rehabilitation. D. a violation of client rights.

The correct answer is C. Rehabilitation should always be part of the care plan.

58.A client's religion forbids eating pork. Bacon is being served for breakfast. The most appropriate response is to A. encourage the client to eat it because she needs protein. B. tell the client it is all right because her doctor ordered the diet. C. call the kitchen for a tray without bacon. D. tell the client that restrictions are not as important as her health.

The correct answer is C. The other answers do not address the resident's right to practice her religion.

6. The proper medical abbreviation for before meals is A. p.c. B. b.i.d. C. a.c. D. t.i.d.

The correct answer is C. The proper medical abbreviation for before meals is a.c.

38.The purpose of cold applications is usually to A. speed the flow of blood to the area. B. prevent heat exhaustion. C. prevent or reduce swelling. D. prevent the formation of scar tissue.

The correct answer is C. The purpose of cold applications is usually to prevent or reduce swelling.

12.When responding to a client on the intercom, you should A. ask for the client's name. B. say, "What do you want?" C. give your name and position and say, "May I help you?" D. say, "The nurse will answer your call."

The correct answer is C. When responding to a patient on the intercom, you should give your name and position.

21.During hand washing, you accidentally touch the inside of the sink while rinsing the soap off. The next action is to A. allow the water to run over the hands for two minutes. B. dry the hands and turn off the faucet with the paper towel. C. repeat the wash from the beginning. D. none of the above

The correct answer is C. You have contaminated your hands and must start over.

31.You are transferring a resident from the bed to the wheelchair. The patient has a weak left side. You should stand A. on the right side. B. in front of the patient. C. on the left side. D. behind the patient.

The correct answer is C. You must assist the patient from the weak side.

17.Which of the following is the correct procedure for serving a meal to a client who must be fed? A. Serve the tray along with all the other trays, and then come back to feed the client. B. Bring the tray to the client last; feed after you have served all the other clients. C. Bring the tray into the room when you are ready to feed the client. D. Have the kitchen hold the tray for one hour.

The correct answer is C. You should not bring the tray into the room until you have time to feed.

22.You are going on a job interview. How should you prepare to dress? A. Wear your best jeans and T-shirt. B. Use a lot of perfume. C. Wear simple clothing (dress, shirt, pants, suit). D. Wear a lot of jewelry.

The correct answer is C. Your appearance is important. You should wear business attire.

4.The best way to safely identify your patient is by A. asking his name. B. calling his name and waiting for his response. C. checking the bed plate. D. checking the name tag.

The correct answer is D. A confused patient may answer to any name or lie down in any bed.

8. A patient who has difficulty chewing or swallowing will need what type of diet? A. clear liquid B. low residue C. bland D. mechanical soft

The correct answer is D. A mechanical soft diet is easy to chew, swallow, and digest.

50.Which of the following is considered a client's right? A. having curtains pulled during personal care B. having personal information kept confidential C. receiving and sending private mail D. all of the above

The correct answer is D. All of the choices given are rights of the resident.

36.When assisting a client who is using the bedside commode, it is important to A. leave the call light within reach. B. place toilet tissue close by. C. return to check on the client periodically. D. all of the above

The correct answer is D. All of the choices listed are correct.

52.When providing denture care, the nurse aide must A. wash them with hot water. B. hold them firmly under cool running water. C. place a towel in the sink. D. both choices B and C

The correct answer is D. Dentures are very expensive—holding firmly and using cool water prevents them from warping, and padding the sink will prevent breakage if dropped.

25.At what time(s) during a shift should a nurse aide wash his or her hands? A. before eating B. after using the bathroom C. before and after patient care D. all of the above

The correct answer is D. Frequent hand washing is the first line to prevent the spread of infection.

51.Mrs. Wilkes often cries while she is receiving her P.M. care. What should you do? A. Tell her to stop crying. B. Ignore her and continue with her care. C. Tell her jokes to make her laugh. D. Tell her that it's all right to cry and you're there for her if she wants to talk.

The correct answer is D. It is normal for a person to have moments of sadness, and it is important for the patient to know you care.

48.When family members visit a client, the visitors should A. stay in the day room. B. stay a short while so as not to tire the client. C. be expected to help with care. D. be allowed privacy with the client.

The correct answer is D. The family members should expect and be allowed private time during visits.

42.The most common site for counting the pulse is the A. carotid artery. B. femoral artery. C. brachial artery. D. radial artery.

The correct answer is D. The other sites are rarely used by the nursing assistant.

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