CNA Quiz #5 Review Questions

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What are five ways an NA can help reduce a resident's pain?

(1) give back rubs (2) assist in frequent changes of position (3) offer warm bath or shower (4) assist resident to bathroom (5) encourage slow, deep breathing

List three normal age related changes of the circulatory system

(1) heart pumps less efficiently (2) blood vessels narrow (3) blood vessels become less elastic

List 6 age related changes of the respiratory system

(1) lung strength decreases (2) the alveoli become less elastic and decrease in number (3) airways become stiff and less elastic (4) lung capacity decreases (5) chest muscles become weaker (6) cough reflux becomes less effective and cough becomes weaker

List two reasons an NA should never document a guess of a resident's vital signs

(1) recording a guess is illegal (2) it puts the resident's life in danger

List three functions of the respiratory system

(1) serve as an air filter, cleaning the inhaled air (2) supply oxygen to body cells (3) remove carbon dioxide from the cells

List four functions of blood

(1) transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, salts, and antibodies to cells (2) removes carbon dioxide and other waste products from the cells (3) controls pH level and body temperature (4) clots and fights pathogens and poisons

Generally, how far should the tip of a tympanic thermometer be inserted into the ear?

1/4 - 1/2 inch

If a resident has recently eaten or had something to drink, how long must an NA wait before she can measure his oral temperature?

10-20 minutes

Why is the respiratory rate usually counted directly after taking the pulse, while the fingers are still on the person's wrist?

Because people tend to breathe more quickly if they know they are being observed - don't make it obvious

Why is it important for a resident to take all prescribed medication if he has TB?

Multidrug resistant TB could result if all medication is not taken or not taken correctly

Why must a blood pressure cuff be the proper size and put on the arm correctly?

So the amount of pressure on the artery is correct - if not, the reading will be falsely low or high

Which of the following falls within the normal respiration rate for adults? a) 14 breaths per minute b) 22 breaths per minute c) 5 breaths per minute d) 9 breaths per minute


What is the most common site for taking the pulse?

radial pulse (on the wrist, thumb side)

The process of inhaling and exhaling is referred to as a) inspiration b) respiration c) expiration d) resuscitation


What is the normal pulse rate for adults? a) 40-90 bpm b) 60-100 bpm c) 25-50 bpm d) 80-120 bpm


When a resident complains of pain, which of the following would be the best response by the NA? a) give the resident pain medication b) ask questions to find out more information about the pain c) ignore the complaint unless the resident repeats it d) contact the resident's family to find out what course of action they would like to take


When should elastic stockings be applied? a) during the night b) in the morning c) in the early afternoon d) before going to bed at night


Which body site is generally considered to be the most accurate for obtaining temperatures? a) the mouth b) the rectum c) the armpit d) the ear


Why might a person with COPD be fearful or anxious?

because of the possibility of not being able to breath

What are the four vital signs that are regularly monitored?

body temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure

What pulse point is commonly used to measure blood pressure?

brachial pulse (inside the elbow)

What color is a rectal thermometer? a) blue b) green c) red d) white


Which of the following is one of the duties of an NA with regard to oxygen therapy? a) the nursing assistant orders the type of oxygen delivery device needed for the resident b) the nursing assistant orders the amount of oxygen the resident needs c) the nursing assistant performs skin care on the areas of the face where the oxygen device rests d) the nursing assistant refills oxygen cylinders once they are empty


What time of the day is best to collect a sputum specimen? a) middle of the night b) late afternoon c) after lunch d) early morning


Which blood pressure measurement reflects the phase when the heart relaxes and is always lower than the other measurement? a) systolic b) radial c) apical d) diastolic


Which side of a stethoscope is used for measuring pulse rate? a) left side b) classic side c) dome side d) diaphragm side


Where is the apical pulse located?

directly over the heart (apex of the heart)

List three common symptoms of anemia

fatigue, weakness, pale skin

What are four symptoms of a fever?

headache, fatigue, muscle aches, and chills

What is the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease?

infection: carries the disease but does not show symptoms and cannot infect others disease: shows symptoms and spreads TB to others

How is the pain of angina pectoris commonly described?

intense pressure in the chest, a tightness in the chest, or pain in the back, neck, jaw, or shoulder

List three ways that hypertension is treated

medication, extra fluids, and diuretic medication

What conditions can be helped by deep breathing exercises?

mucus buildup, pneumonia

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