Cockpit/Crew Resource Management May 2005

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Air Force instruction _ is the governing instruction.

(AFI) 11-290

SA... How do I get it back?

#1 rule: get away from the dirt! Climb! Stabilize- aviate, navigate, communicate. Spread workload, use your crew (FE, PNF, IP) Verify information- double-check, ask others Slow down-buy time, say "STANDBY" Distractions- IGNORE, DELAY, DELEGATE, HANDLE Speed crosscheck- in and out of the aircraft

What is CRM?

It is the effective utilization of all available resources to accomplish a predetermined mission. Teamwork

Good Crew Coordination always establishes what_?

A leader

Communication Barriers

Confusing statements- nonstandard terms Mumbling- unclear conversations Interrupting- during radio/intercom calls Witholding- not stating intentions Overly quiet- caused by task overload or loss of SA Cultural- rank, gender, experience differ.

_ is the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing


Why do we need CRM? _% or more of all accidents are still attributed to _.

Keep bending Air Force aircraft for the same reaseon 80 human error

Why do we need CRM- Cause of accidents-

Loss of SA, violations of policy and regulations, poor judgement/ decision-making.

_ is the feeling you get when you know something is wrong but aren't sure what it is, the "hair standing up on the neck" feeling


Hesitance to speak/act because of higher rank or position of person flying

Excessive Professional Courtesy

Available Resource for Crew Coordination_

INTERNAL VS EXTERNAL!!!! Crew AWACS SOF/SUP Tanker PMSV Ground forces Radio/Phone Patch Command Post Publications Light Chase Aircraft Signals Wingman Cell phones Nav Radios Survival radios ATC, Radar, FSS

AESOP is an acronym used to help aircrews assess all the _ to which they are exposed.

risk Aircraft Environment Situation Operation Personnel

Bad Attitudes vs Good Attitudes for crew coordination

1. Dictator vs Valuing everyone's input 2.Anti-authority vs Follow the rules 3. Impulsivity vs Not so fast think first 4. Macho vs taking chances is stupid 5. Resignation vs I can make a difference 6. Get home itis vs Better late than never 7. Airshow itis vs Go by the book-they won't know the difference!

7 CRM Core skills

1. Mission Planning/Crew Briefing 2. Situation Awareness (SA) 3. Crew Coordination /Flight Integrity 4. Communication 5. Task Management 6. Risk Management/ Decision-making 7. Mission Planning/Crew Debrifing

Tools for traps-

1. Standard cockpit operating procedure 2. assertive 3. timeout 4 two 5. pinch 6. conservative 7. IMSAFE Illness Medications Stress Alcohol Fatigue Eating habits 8. Sterile

Common Human Nature Traps

1.Excessive Professional Courtesy 2. Halo Effect 3. Passenger Syndrome (Copilot) syndrome 4. Hidden Agenda 5. Accommodation syndrome 6. Strength In ideas 7. Sudden loss of judgement 8. Hazardous attitudes

Dr. Nullmeyer Studies prove crew utilizing CRM principles experienced a _% increase in mission success rate over crews that violated CRM principles.


Theory that repeated exposure to risk results in reduction of perception of the significance of that risk, results in complacency.

Accomodation syndrome

Decision making styles

Analytical vs Intuitive Structured systematic flow, slow Intuitive is quick, creative, not exhaustive Choicing vs Expanding Choicing is results-oriented, practical, quick Expanding explores alternatives, slow

Does anyone else use CRM? CRM can be found in those disciplines that often involve _ They typically involve _ resources.

Medical professionals civilian airlines firefighters, railroad, NASA, police, FAA, FSS etc. life or death high-dollar

Bad SA indicators

Not communicating- missed radio calls Channelized attention- poor crosscheck/fixated poor aircraft control violating minimums- area, MDA, etc Not addressing Discrepancies Interrupted habit patterns- distractions Getting behind- checklist, a/c configuration, etc. Disoriented, lost, confused.

Indicators of poor task management

POOR AIRCRAFT Control/ poor attention to detail Channelized attention- slow cross check Excessive heads down time Difficulty talking and flying Becoming complacent- low workload

Assumption that the other crewmembers will take care of the problem without your inputs, just along for the ride, not monitoring flight or actions of others.

Passenger syndrome (co-pilot syndrome)

_ Is a tool for any crew member to help alert the crew to a potentially hazardous situation and focus attention on the problem.

The assertive statement

_ dictates that the crew will follow the most _ course of action until enough information is available to determine a better course of action.

The conservative response rule

A Crewmember with good SA _

knows what HAS happened Monitors what is happening Anticipates what is about to happen Knows how to prevent SA loss Recognizes symptoms if SA is lost Knows how to regain SA

Good Briefings- First step to a good brief is to _ it The USAF uses _ that generally follow the chronological flow of events.

organize checklist

Bad briefings are too _. Are _ and or confusing Ignores _ from others Are incomplete/vague (no _, _ etc. Lecture type briefings result in _% retention vs. about _% for an exchange(facilitated) briefings

rushed disorganized Input wx and NOTAMS 20 80

Typically, accidents are not caused by the _-- but instead by the exprienced, mission ready _.

student pilot

Task management tools

Plan ahead- set targets/goals use low workload times to get ahead Prioritize and delegate- copilot/crewman (turn on the H-1 autopilot) If you must go heads down - tell someone -minimize time- only what is necessary - speed up crosscheck- look up often Buy time-"STANDBY," 360, trade controls, etc. Monitor- keep double-checking yourself

Mission planning Crew Briefing- Good Cockpit/Crew Resource Management begins with _. Briefings in the 23 FTS will include _ flight briefs, _ flight briefs, and _ flight briefs.

Planning before during after

Structured Decision making - intergrates many CRM components - is synergistic-2 heads better than 1 Uses the acronym QPDR

Questioning PI Promote Ideas Decide and inform the crew is the A/C jobs Review the Decision

Good Crew Coordination

Establishes clear leadership applies the correct level of assertiveness supports crew participation creates an outlet to express doubt Institutes conservative response rule Pre-briefs and agrees on cockpit responsibilities

_ is an acronym for the savvy aviator used to evaluate himself (and fellow crewmembers!) to evaluate his fitness for flight.:


SA How do I get is back?- Distractions

Ignore, delay, delegate, handle

Task management - Safety margin

At the beginning of flight, the safety margin is fairly wide. The inherent risk here is that if a crewmember is under-tasked he may become understimulated - even get drowsy or fall asleep. Towards approach and landing (low-level flight) Margin of safety decreases and this is where task management is most critical When over tasked, the aviator may be unable to cope, and performance may decline Due to fatigue, crew hunger, thirst, get home itis, increased risk with proximity to the ground etc.

Communication Tools-

Clear lines of communication

CRM stands for _

Cockpit/Crew Resource Management

Another good crew coordination tool is to institute the _ As well as the _

Conservative Response Rule Two Challenge Rule

_ is the ability to choose a course of action based on available info.


SA # 1 rule is _?

Get away from the ground! Climb

Tendency to attribute unwarranted skill or expertise based on unrelated or faded experience. Ex. He really knows computers bet he knows this cold!

Halo Effect

Include anti authority, impulsivity, invulnerability, macho, resignation, get home itis.

Hazardous attitudes.

Suggestion or decisions made on information or desires not communicated to the rest of the crew (percieved to complete mission, task maneuver, RTB for personal reasons)

Hidden Agenda

_is used to identify, assess, and make decisions despite risk at hand.

Risk management

-_ of all factors and conditions _ the aircraft and crew.

Situational Awareness Accurate perception affecting

Standardized methods for accomplishing the various task required of the crew while in the aircraft. This usually covers who will do what, when and how. _ reduces communication breakdowns, enhances decision making and reduces individual workloads.

Standard Cockpit Operating Procedure SCOP

Communication tools

Sterile Cockpit- "Business only" -during TO/land, pattern work, low level, approaches State Intentions - going around, etc Acknowledge ALL calls- feedback loop Use standard terminology- no slang Repeat ALL clearances- not just "copy Ask for clarification- "say again..." Turn Command/control radio volume Spread radio workload to crew.

_ means discussions will be limited to that necessary to safely accomplish the current phase of flight.

Sterile cockpit

One person or group get an idea, it's hard to change it, tunnel vision or closed-mindedness, may ignore conflicting information.

Strength of an idea

Experienced crew members make seemingly senseless decisions, may be caused by pressure to perform (real or perceived), workload/stress, proximity to destination.

Sudden loss of judgement

Good SA-How do I Get it?

Think ahead-Next 2 or 3 task Ask myself where have I been? where am I now? Where am I going? Be active, not passive- Crosscheck! Ask and answer pertinent questions, i.e A/S, altitude, heading, etc.

_ is an attention getting statement which is command directed when any crew member realizes that the crew/aircraft is in immediate danger or about to be. It usually has a standard cockpit procedure or set of prescribed actions which the crew will take following a _.


_ is a means of control transfer after subtle incapacitation-(usually caused by loss of SA)

Two Challenge rule

Why do we need CRM- Accidents typically occur on _ sorties, typically involve _, and typically are the _ leg of the mission.

evening IMC last

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