Codes and Standards
Briefly explain the "hydrolevel" case and it's significance to ASME.
ASME created a standard which effectively made the product of hydrolevel unsatisfactory with respect to this standard. Hydrolevel retaliated and almost bankrupted ASME in a lawsuit.
American National Standards Institute Coordinator of the US national standards system.
American Society for Mechanical Engineers Founded to address the issue of industrial standards.
ASTM International
American Society for Testing and Materials Publishes over 4000 individual standard covering the properties of materials, specifying equipment to test the properties and outlining the procedures for testing.
List 5 types of standards.
1. Dimensional Standards 2. Performance Standards 3. Test Standards 4. Standard technical terms and symbols 5. Standard "codes" of practice
What are the 5 purposes of standards?
1. To establish a common dimension base. 2. To set out current engineering practice in common design situations. 3. To increase the effectiveness of the designer. 4. To reduce the cost of manufacture. 5. To increase consumer safety.
What is ISO 14000?
Environmental management standards exist to help organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment.
What is ISO 9000 and what makes it different from other standards?
Family of Standards relate to quality management systems and are designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders.
What is ISO 26000?
Guidance for social responsibility, the objective of social responsibility is to contribute to sustainable development, in which attention is given to an ecosystem, people, and profit.
International Organization of Standardization Standard setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations.
What's the difference between a "code" and a "standard"? What is the definition of each?
Standards are suggested practice. Codes are legal requirements.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology Measurement standards laboratory.
The Underwriters Laboratory Intended to prevent loss of life and property from fire, crime, and casualties.