Cognition Exam 2

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Order the following stores of memory in order of the duration they store information (longest to shortest).

1: Long-term memory 2: Short term 3: Sensory memory

1: Vibrations on hair follicles in my ear: 2: A baby is crying:

1: Sensation 2: perception

Which feature is the most important in terms of image segmentation and edge detection?

A point in the image where there is a sudden change from dark to light

Being given the letters "C" and "T" to remember but incorrectly recalling them as "V" or "B" would be called:

Acoustic confusions

The finding that the color of a printed word interferes with naming that word aloud suggests that reading involves:

Automatic Processing

Luke suffered a stroke which damaged his occipital and parietal lobe regions. He has struggled with matching his movements to what he sees and can only report one object in an array at a time. Luke is most likely experiencing

Balint's Syndrome

_________ is a cue to depth based on the fact that our two eyes are in somewhat different positions on our head.

Binocular disparity

Which part of the Baddeley's working memory model is posited to control the flow of information?

Central executive

If you want to make out fine details of an image, which would you want to utilize?


In the Where's Waldo task, you are looking for a character that has a striped shirt, striped hat, and possibly several accessories. Which type of search does this represent?


After being shown the stimuli below, Mark is asked to describe what he saw. He reports that he saw a blue triangle and a yellow oval. He has completed which kind of error?

Conjunction error

The finding that recognizing your name being said in the unattended ear during dichotic listening tasks is evidence AGAINST which model of attention?

Early Selection

Sarah is studying for her chemistry test. She decides to create mnemonic devices to better facilitate her ________ of the material.


Realizing you forgot where you parked your car, you actively start scanning the parking lot with the goal of finding your car. This would be an example of which type of attention?

Endogenously controlled attention

Hearing a loud noise and then turning towards the source in an example of which type of attentional control?


While you are studying, your phone dings with a text message alert. You involuntarily look towards your phone. This would be an example of which of the following?

Exogenously controlled attention

Chase and Simon (1973) tested short-term memory capacity between novice and expert chess players. What was the significance of their findings?

Expert chess players were more likely to remember only meaningful chunks of information that related to the game.

While completing a spatial rotation task (e.g., imagining rotating objects in your mind), which area of your brain may be active to support this task?

Frontal lobes

Which of the following regions showed inefficient activation in children with ADHD compared to control subjects while completing an impulse control task?

Frontoparietal network

Which part of the brain shows greater activity when people engage in a facial recognition task than when they perform other kinds of recognition tasks?​

Fusiform Face Area (FFA)

Working memory capacity has been correlated with, and shown to predict, which of the following?

General intelligence

__________ is a common experimental procedure to test cognitive control in patients populations with impulse control issues such as ADHD.


Which of these is not considered a figure-ground cue?

Good continuation

How do we know a certain object's lightness (black, white, gray, etc...)?

Guess how much light is hitting the surface

Your grandmother is excited because she just signed up to take a "brain training" course through an online game developer. You would tell her:

I hope you didn't pay a lot! Although working memory is important, the skills you learn may not transfer to tasks in your daily life.

Video game playing has been shown to have benefits for attention. Which of the following is a benefit discussed in the chapter?

Identification of items is quicker in video game players and attentional resources are activated more quickly

Which of the following might you expect from someone with a higher memory span?

If working in a chaotic environment they may be better able to focus on the task at hand and ignore external visual and auditory information compared to someone with lower memory span.

In general, where does working memory occur in the brain?

In several regions across the cortex

Mary is talking on her cellphone while at the store and is devoting her full attention to her conversation. While she is walking down the aisle, a young woman next to her trips and falls. Mary does not look at the woman and continues to talk and shop. The woman that fell things Mary is very rude and insensitive to not offer to help. While this may be true, it is also possible that Mary didn't see the woman fall because she was experiencing:

Inattentional blindness

Delaney is on the chapter of her book and is very engrossed in the chapter. She is so engrossed that she doesn't hear the oven timer go off. Due to her selective attention, she has not consciously processed the auditory information. Delaney has experienced

Inattentional deafness

All of these are Gestalt Principles except ​\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.

Law of Occlusion

Select the options that could describe attention.

Limited, Selective

Compared to sensory memory, Short-term memory has:

Low capacity: long duration

Match these terms to their correct counterpart.

Match these terms to their correct counterpart. Touch: Direct pressure or temperature Smell and taste: Chemicals Seeing: Light energy Hearing: Air pressure vibrations Proprioception: The sense of where in space our limbs are Nociception: The sense of pain due to bodily damage Equilibrioception: The sense of balance

Which of the following cognitive functions use the processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval?

Motion perception Learning names Applying previously learned math formulas on a test Remembering a friend's phone number

According to Broadbent's early selection model of attention, when is the meaning of information processed?

Only after you've selected information to focus on and the attentional filter is applied

People with Balint's syndrome experience which of the following?

Optic ataxia, Simultanagnosia

What do illusions reveal about the assumptions that the brain makes during perception?

Perception often depends on guesses

The ability to "write" in the air with sparklers is theorized to be possible because of our:

Persistence of vision

According to Baddeley, trying to "replay" a phone number in your mind in order to remember it uses which part of your working memory?

Phonological loop

Dustin has started dating Jolene and discovers that he is so infatuated with her that he struggles to even remember his old girlfriends' names. His inability to remember the older names is an example of:

Retroactive interference

Learning new material for the upcoming exam that makes it harder to remember material from the last exam is an example of:

Retroactive interference

If you have to search for a red X among a bunch of distracter green Xs, what should we expect as we increase the number of distracters?

Search time should remain about the same with more distracters

Sensation takes place in the ​

Sensory organs

Which of the following are examples of automatic processes?

Sherri is typing her term paper without looking at the keys, Mike is riding his bike to work and doesn't have to think about his control of the bike

Images like the one shown are used to demonstrate which of the following?


Support from early selection models of attention came from dichotic listening tasks showing that participants were able to block out many of the following from their unattended ear. Which of the following did participants notice?

Their name, if the sex of the voice changed between female and male, and The voice changed to a pure tone

____________ predict that you should be best at recognizing the object from the specific viewpoint you have seen and other viewpoints should be more difficult.

View-based models

William suffered a stroke which caused damage only to his right parietal lobe. Now when he goes to eat, he only eats the right side of his plate and tends to ignore stimuli on the left side of his visual field. Which of the following is William most likely suffering from?

Visual neglect

The task of finding Waldo in the popular children's "Where's Waldo" books, would be an example of which task?

Visual search

Which of these is a property of perspective projection?

When an object is closer to you the image on your retina increases in size

According to Goodale and Milner, the dorsal/ventral visual streams are for ​__________ and __________.

action; perception

The process of choosing which sensory information to process and which to exclude is termed:


To account for how subjects could follow a meaningful message that switched between ears in a dichotic listening task, Anne Treisman added a _____ to the filter model to explain how unattended information still leaks past the filter but is relatively weaker.


A Necker Cube is an example of a

bi-stable image

Processing that does not require any specific knowledge of the stimulus.

bottom-up processing

Joe and Margo are headed to the grocery store but need to write their grocery list first. Margo is reading off items to Joe to write down. As she is rattling off items, Joe exclaims, "Slow down! I can't keep all of these items in my mind long enough to get them written. I keep forgetting items." Margo has listed too many items and has exceeded his ________ for number of items he can store into his short-term memory.


The conclusion from the experiment in which a chess master and a chess novice (beginner) were asked to remember the positions of chess pieces on a chess board was that:

chess masters did better only when possible real game arrangements were used.

_______ tests are one example of a task researchers to use to explore areas of the brain that are active while participants are actively trying to hold information in their working memory to apply to a future task.

delayed-match to sample

Feature-based recognition ​\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.

demonstrates that we use features that remain stable across viewpoints

Multitasking, or focusing on more than one task at a time, is called

divided attention

A brief store of auditory information will be held for a few seconds in the ______, a form of memory

echoic memory

True or false? Distractions while driving and talking on a cell phone can be reduced if you use hand-held devices?


Allen is working on his math homework and is working through a particularly difficult problem while his mother is shouting for him to come downstairs for dinner. After yelling several times in a row, she goes upstairs to ask why he is ignoring her. Allen reports that he never even heard her because he was focusing so hard on his math problem. The math problem most likely is a __________ task for Allen due to difficulty and attentional demands it places on him.


In the flanker compatibility task, the effect of an 'incompatible' flanker in the low-load condition was that it:

increased reaction time

Why were phone numbers originally designed to have 7 digits?

it is the average capacity our short-term memory.

The reason we need attention is that our brains have insufficient _______ resources.


mary is trying to commit the names of her coworkers names to her her long term memory by associating each name with a rhyme or an object. during a company meeting a week later, she is happy to discover that she is successfully able to ________ each name from her long term memory


Prosopagnosia is a deficit characterized by the inability to ​\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.

recognize faces

Information remains in sensory memory for:

seconds or a fraction of a second

When a sparkler is twirled rapidly, people perceive a circle of light. This occurs because:

the length of iconic memory (the persistence of vision) is about 1/25th of a second.

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