Cognitive Neuroscience Module #3

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Consider a working memory experiment in which subjects need to maintain a visual image composed of several different shapes arranged in different locations of the computer screen. If you needed to remember both the shape and location of the stimuli, all but which brain region is most likely to contribute to working memory in this task? - posterior parietal lobe - superior temporal cortex - inferior temporal cortex - prefrontal cortex

superior temporal cortex

A disruption in the direct route for reading, but not in the phonological route, is called __________. - surface aphasia - deep alexia. - phonological alexia. - surface alexia.

surface alexia

which of the following is true of prosody? - all of the other options are correct - it refers to the intonation of an utterance - certain aspects are processed by the right hemisphere - it refers to the sound envelope around words

- all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is typically not a cause of human amnesia? - encephalitis - anoxia/ischemia - Huntington's disease - Korsakoff's syndrome

Huntington's disease

Which of the following is likely to be an aspect of language that depends on the right hemisphere (in the majority of right-handed subjects)? - all of the other options are correct - Semantics - Syntax - Narrative


Patients who are suffering from an anterior aphasia are said to suffer from agrammatic aphasia. From a psycholinguistic perspective, which of the following statements is most accurate about anterior aphasia? - Production is impaired, and comprehension is impaired when sentences are complex. - Comprehension is impaired, and production is impaired when sentences are complex. - Production is impaired, and comprehension is impaired when comprehension depends on syntax. - Comprehension is impaired, and production is impaired when production depends on syntax.

Production is impaired, and comprehension is impaired when comprehension depends on syntax

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between syntactic and semantic paraphasia? - Syntactic paraphasia involves the substitution of one word with another that is similar in meaning, while semantic paraphasia involves the substitution of one grammatical structure for another. - Syntactic paraphasia involves the substitution of one grammatical structure for another, while semantic paraphasia involves the substitution of one word with another that is similar in meaning. - Syntactic paraphasia involves the addition of extra words or phrases to a sentence, while semantic paraphasia involves the omission of words or phrases. - Syntactic paraphasia involves the omission of one or more words in a sentence, while semantic paraphasia involves the repetition of a word or phrase.

Syntactic paraphasia involves the substitution of one grammatical structure for another, while semantic paraphasia involves the substitution of one word with another that is similar in meaning

A patient with which of the following types of aphasia is most likely to produce the following passage of speech? "These things go in there like that. This is /sen/ things here. This one here, and these two things here. And the other one here, back in this one, this one /gesh/ look at this one" (/x/ indicates non-words). - Wernicke's - Broca's - Conduction - Transcortical Motor


Which of the following persons will experience no problems writing and spelling irregular words (e.g., COLONEL), but will make many errors when they have to write/spell pronounceable pseudowords (e.g., STERK)? - A patient suffering from phonological dyslexia - A patient suffering from lexical agraphia - A patient suffering from phonological agraphia - A patient suffering from surface dyslexia.

a patient suffering from phonological AGRAPHIA

Which of the following accurately describes how literacy impacts brain areas related to language? - Adult literates' left hemisphere responds more highly to words compared to illiterates. - Adult literates' left hemisphere responds more highly to faces compared to illiterates. - Reading scores negatively correlate with arcuate fasciculus size and integrity - all of the other options are correct

adult literates' left hemisphere responds more highly to words compared to illiterates

*** Which of the following is primarily associated with navigation difficulties? - all of the other options are correct - anterograde disorientation - egocentric disorientation - heading disorientation

all of the other options are correct

***Optic Ataxia is dissociable from ________. - problems with sensory representation - visual agnosia - visual deficits - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

According to the psycholinguist perspective, Broca's aphasia involves problems in which of the following areas? - syntax - comprehension - all of the other options are correct - phonetics

all of the other options are correct

According to the psycholinguist perspective, Wernicke's Aphasia involves problems in which of the following areas? - comprehension - phonemics - all of the other options are correct - semantics

all of the other options are correct

Area MST is associated with _________. - differentiating movement of the eyes and stimuli that are being viewed - all of the other options are correct - differentiating movement of the head and stimuli that are being viewed - processing optic flow

all of the other options are correct

Damage to which brain region is associated with the main memory problems observed in human anterograde amnesia? - medial temporal lobe - midline diencephalon - hippocampus - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

Developmental dyslexia is _________ alexia (acquired dyslexia). - not the result of brain injury, like - all of the other options are correct - symptomologically similar to - not acquired, like

all of the other options are correct

Dorsal stream neurons are sensitive to ________________. - specific directions of motion - all of the other options are correct - biologically-relevant velocity - a combination of head position and retinal location

all of the other options are correct

The Dorsal Stream receives major input from a number of areas, including __________. - somatosensory cortex - all of the other options are correct - the vestibular system - primary visual cortex

all of the other options are correct

The parietal lobe is associated with ____________. - all of the other options are correct - spatial cognition. - association. - attention.

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following accurately describes how literacy impacts brain areas related to language? - Adult literates' arcuate fasciculus integrity is significantly greater than illiterates. - all of the other options are correct - Reading scores positively correlate with arcuate fasciculus integrity. - Adult literates' left hemisphere responds more highly to words compared to illiterates.

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following best describes telegraphic speech? - speech lacking function words - speech that includes only essential words and leaves out non-essential words and grammar - speech that primarily includes content words - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following challenges the dorsal/ventral stream dichotomy? - Some types of information are represented in both the Dorsal and Ventral Streams. - Spatial functions are not completely segregated to the parietal region of the brain. - Depth and movement cues are important for both Dorsal and Ventral Stream processes. - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following depends on the basal ganglia? - Procedural memory - Trial-and-error learning - Skill learning - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is a common cause of human amnesia? - all of the other options are correct - Korsakoff's syndrome - encephalitis - anoxia/ischemia

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is a symptom of deep dyslexia? - all of the other options are correct - greater difficulty reading abstract words than concrete words - frequent occurrence of semantic paralexias - problems reading function words, which serve as grammatical markers

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is associated with processing landmarks? - all of the other options are correct - parahippocampal gyrus - parahippocampal place area - lingual gyrus

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is associated with reaching movements? - all of the other options are correct - ataxia - parietal reaching region - intraparietal sulcus

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is part of the dorsal stream? - area MT - inferior parietal lobule - superior parietal lobule - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following is true? - all of the other options are correct - Amnesics are still sensitive to priming effects for previously presented materials. - The hippocampus is especially important for the formation of new long term memories. - Amnesics often retain the ability to learn new skills.

all of the other options are correct

Which of the following tend to be included in telegraphic speech? - verbs - nouns - all of the other options are correct - content words

all of the other options are correct

parietal lobe areas are important for ______________. - naming - all of the other options - reaching

all of the other options are correct

what is the difference between the phonics and whole-word approach to reading instruction? - phonics first breaks down words into phonemes while the whole-word approach directly relates the words to their meaning - they are thought to utilize the two different routes of the dual-path model - pinyin learning is related to the phonics approach while Chinese character learning is related to the whole-word approach - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

which of the following is often spared in cases of amnesia? - procedural memory - implicit learning - priming - all of the other options are correct

all of the other options are correct

which of the following is true of the subsequent memory effect? - it is the phenomenon whereby greater neural activity when an item is encoded predicts a greater ability to subsequently retrieve that item - it is associated with increased hippocampal and prefrontal activity at encoding - all of the other options are correct - it has been observed both in neuroimaging and ERP studies

all of the other options are correct

which of the following lines of evidence supports the role of area MT in motion perception? - all of the other options are correct - TMS - single-cell recording - neuroimaging

all of the other options are correct

which of the following statements is true? - all of the other options are correct - the hippocampus is involved in the retrieval of information - the hippocampus is involved in the consolidation of information - the hippocampus is involved in the encoding of information

all of the other options are correct

Spatial positions can be coded with respect to external references, known as an _________ reference frame. - all of the other options are correct - allocentric - landmarkcentric - egocentric


Which of the following is true? - Amnesiacs are still sensitive to priming effects for previously presented materials. - Procedural memory is usually impaired in amnesiacs. - all of the other options are correct - Short-term memory is always impaired in amnesics

amnesiacs are still sensitive to priming effects for previously presented materials

*** Which of the following best describes dysprosodic speech? - speech that is monotone and lacks normal variations in pitch, stress, and rhythm - speech that lacks normal variations in volume and rate of speech - speech that is slow and labored, with difficulty finding the right words - an inability to articulate speech sounds correctly

an inability to articulate speech sounds correctly

Which of the following would be classified as a reference frame coded with respect to external references? - an eye-centered reference frame - a head-centered reference frame - all of the other options are correct - an object-centered reference frame

an object-centered reference frame

which of the following is primarily associated with navigation difficulties? - anterograde disorientation - ataxia - all of the other options are correct - landmakr agnosia

anterograde disorientation

According to the standard model of consolidation, remote memories of your childhood ______________, whereas according to the multiple trace theory remote memories of your childhood _______________. - are stored independently from the hippocampus; are dependent on the hippocampus. - are dependent on the hippocampus; are stored independently from the hippocampus. - are dependent on the cortex; are stored independently from the cortex. - are stored independently from the cortex; are dependent on the cortex.

are stored independently from the hippocampus; are dependent on the hippocampus

Which of the following are associated with our understanding of motion? - superior parietal lobule - all of the other options are correct - anterior parietal cortex - area MST

area MST

The parietal lobe is associated with ____________. - speaking. - all of the other options are correct - reading. - attention.


Which of the following syndromes best fits the following description: "the inability to repeat spoken words when both spoken language comprehension and production are intact"? - Conduction aphasia - Wernicke's aphasia - Broca's aphasia - Crossed aphasia

conduction aphasia

A person with anterograde amnesia should perform worst (relative to normal performance) on which of the following memory tests (assume all parts of each task occur after the time of brain injury)? - Digit Span - Cued Recall - Mirror reading - Stem Completion

cued recall

Which of the following best describes conduction aphasia? - difficulty understanding spoken language - difficulty producing speech - difficulty reading and writing - difficulty repeating words or phrases

difficulty repeating words or phrases

which of the following best describes phonological agraphia? - all of the other options are correct - difficulty with writing words that have irregular spalling - difficulty with writing pronounceable pseudowords - difficulty with writing words that are phonetically complex

difficulty with writing pronounceable pseudowords

Which of the following best describes lexical agraphia? - all of the other options are correct - difficulty with writing words that are phonetically complex or have irregular spelling - difficulty with writing pronounceable pseudowords - difficulty with writing words with multiple meanings

difficulty with writing words that are phonetically complex or have irregular spelling

which best describes the memory process of pattern completion? - during retrieval, partial cortical input serves as a cue for the hippocampus to reconstitute the entire memory representation through hippocampal/cortical associations - during encoding, new associations are formed between the hippocampus and cortex - during consolidation, cortical memories are strengthened into more complete representations by strengthening cortical associations - during retrieval a complete cortical representation is needed to retrieve memories stored within the hippocampus

during retrieval, partial cortical input serves as a cue for the hippocampus to reconstitute the entire memory representation through hippocampal/cortical associations

Spatial positions can be coded with respect to some aspect of the self, known as an ________ reference frame. - landmarkcentric - egocentric - all of the other options are correct - allocentric


Which of the following is a common cause of human amnesia? - Huntington's disease - encephalitis - all of the other options are correct - aphasia


Which of the following best describes typical subsequent memory effects that have been observed in fMRI studies of the MTL and PFC? - fMRI activity is stronger during retrieval for items that are forgotten on a test than for items that are remembered. - fMRI activity is stronger during encoding for items that are remembered on a later test than for items that are later forgotten. - fMRI activity is stronger during encoding for items that are forgotten on a later test than for items that are later remembered. - fMRI activity is stronger during retrieval for items that are remembered on a test than for items that are forgotten.

fMRI activity is stronger during encoding for items that are remembered on a later test than for items that are later forgotten

Major projections from the Dorsal Stream are associated with ___________. - all of the other options are correct - object identification - grasping and reaching - orienting the eyes to stimuli

grasping and reaching

Which of the following provides the best evidence for the learning of a general skill or procedure, as shown by patients with anterograde amnesia? - Improved performance on the incomplete pictures test when the exact same pictures are repeatedly presented - Improved speed on the serial reaction time (SRT) task when the exact same sequence of locations is repeatedly presented - Improved mirror reading performance when new (not previously repeated) mirror-reversed words are presented - Improved mirror reading performance when the exact same mirror-reversed words are repeatedly presented

improved mirror reading performance when new (not previously repeated) mirror-reversed words are presented

Which of the following is true of the subsequent memory effect? - It is the phenomenon whereby greater neural activity when an item is encoded predicts a greater ability to subsequently retrieve that item. - It is thought that it occurs because the prefrontal and hippocampal regions play a similar role at encoding, allowing for pattern separation. - It is associated with increased amygdala and prefrontal activity at consolidation. - all of the other options are correct

it is the phenomenon whereby greater neural activity when an item is encoded predicts a greater ability to subsequently retrieve that item

Which of the following is least true of the subsequent memory effect? - It is the phenomenon whereby greater neural activity when an item is encoded predicts a greater ability to subsequently retrieve that item. - It is thought that it occurs because the prefrontal and hippocampal regions play a similar role at encoding, allowing for pattern separation. - It has been observed both in neuroimaging and ERP studies. - It is associated with increased hippocampal and prefrontal activity at encoding.

it is thought that it occurs because the prefrontal and hippocampal regions play a similar role at encoding, allowing for pattern separation

*** Which of the following is primarily associated with navigation difficulties? - landmark agnosia - anterograde disorientation - all of the other options are correct - ataxia

landmark agnosia

Which phenomenon indicates the stable increase in synaptic efficacy between neurons after repeated co-activation of those neurons? - Long-term hyperpolarization - Mismatch negativity - Place fields - Long-term potentiation

long-term potentiation

Damage to which brain region is associated with the main memory problems observed in human anterograde amnesia? - amygdala - medial temporal lobe - all of the other options are correct - posterior frontal lobe

medial temporal lobe

Which of the following conditions is likely to be associated with the smallest impairment in the procedural learning of new skills? - extensive lesions to the striatum (basal ganglia) - Parkinson's Disease - Huntington's Disease - midline diencephalic amnesia

midline diencephalic amnesia

According to multiple trace theory, the temporal gradient of retrograde amnesia (Ribot's Law) is explained by _________. - more memory traces being stored for recent than remote episodes. - the hippocampus being more important for retrieving remote episodes than recent episodes. - more memory traces being stored for remote than recent episodes. - the hippocampus being more important for retrieving recent episodes than remote episodes.

more memory traces being stored for remote than recent episodes

According to the textbook, which of the following lines of evidence supports the role of parietal areas in construction tasks? - ERP - all of the other options are correct - animal models - neuropsychological


Which of the following tests/tasks is most likely to be used to investigate relational learning? - Paired-associate learning - Delayed nonmatch-to-sample task - Rotary pursuit - Digit span task

paired - associate learning

Suppose a neurological patient has the intention to say 'hat' but says 'rat' instead. This is an example of a _____________. - neologism. - syntactic/grammatical paraphasia. - semantic/verbal paraphasia. - phonemic/literal paraphasia.

phonemic/literal paraphasia

Developmental dyslexia is most similar to _________. - surface dyslexia - phonological dyslexia - surface alexia - deep alexia

phonological dyslexia

Which of the following is a symptom of deep dyslexia? - greater difficulty reading concrete words than abstract words - the inability to read irregular nouns like "yacht" - problems reading function words, which serve as grammatical markers - all of the other options are correct

problems reading function words, which serve as grammatical markers

Which term refers to the intonation of an utterance? - Prosody - Inference - Syntax - Semantics


The intraparietal sulcus (IPS) is associated with ________. - grasping - quantity judgements - naming - all of the other options are correct

quantity judgements

Which of the following is least likely to depend on the basal ganglia? - Trial-and-error learning - Relational learning - Skill learning - Procedural memory

relational learning

according to the network perspective of spoken language, the ventral route is responsible for ____________ processing and the dorsal route is responsible for _____________ processing. - motoric and phonological; semantic and lexical - semantic and lexical; motoric and phonological - syntactic and phonological; lexical and motoric - lexical and motoric; syntactic and phonological

semantic and lexical; motoric and phonological

The Dorsal Stream receives major input from a number of areas, including __________. - somatosensory cortex - all of the other options are correct - premotor cortex - medial temporal cortex

somatosensory cortex

Which of the following is associated with the anterior parietal lobe? - all of the other options are correct - visual guidance of actions - somatosensory representations - motion perception

somatosensory representations

Which of the following is associated with the anterior parietal lobe? - somatosensory representations - all of the other options are correct - visual guidance of actions - motion perception

somatosensory representations

Dorsal stream neurons are sensitive to __________. - color - spatial information - shape - all of the other options are correct

spatial information

Major projections from the Dorsal Stream are associated with ___________. - orienting the head to stimuli - all of the other options are correct - object identification - spatial navigation

spatial navigation

Which of the following best describes aprosodic speech? - speech that is monotone and lacks normal variations in pitch, stress, and rhythm - speech that lacks normal variations in volume and rate of speech - speech that is slow and labored, with difficulty finding the right words - speech that lacks grammatical structure

speech that is monotone and lacks normal variations in pitch, stress, and rhythm

According to the hippocampal indexing theory, the hippocampus ___________. - actively maintains memories through continuous neuronal firing. - helps provide cues for memory retrieval. - stores long-term memories. - stores information about the location of cortical memories.

stores information about the location of cortical memories

Which of the following statements is true? - The hippocampus is not involved in the retrieval of information. - all of the other options are correct - The hippocampus is involved in the encoding of information. - The hippocampus is only involved during the encoding of information.

the hippocampus is involved in the encoding of information

Which of the following statements is true? - The hippocampus is only involved during the retrieval of information. - The hippocampus is only involved during the consolidation of information. - The hippocampus is only involved during the encoding of information. - The hippocampus is involved in the encoding, consolidation and retrieval of information

the hippocampus is involved in the encoding, consolidation, and retrieval of information

You are driving to a friend's new house, but forgot your map, so you are trying to remember the location and your route. Your ability to remember the location/route is probably mostly dependent on interactions between ___________. - the right hippocampus and inferior temporal cortex. - the left hippocampus and parietal cortex. - the left hippocampus and inferior temporal cortex. - the right hippocampus and parietal cortex.

the right hippocampus and parietal cortex

Which of the components of Baddeley's WM model is most closely associated with short-term memory storage of visual and spatial information? - the central executive - the visuospatial sketchpad - the episodic buffer - the phonological loop

the visuospatial sketchpad

What is a difference between the phonics and whole-word approach to reading instruction? - Chinese character learning is related to the phonics approach while Pinyin learning is related to the whole-word approach. - The phonics approach is still used, but the whole-word approach is no longer used. - They are thought to utilize the two different routes of the dual-path model. - all of the other options are correct

they are thought to utilize the two different routes of the dual-path model

*** Cells in parietal lobe are associated with which of the following? - all of the other options are correct - naming - many aphasias - understanding depth

understanding depth

which of the following tend to be included in telegraphic speech? - conjuctions - prepositions - all of the other options are correct - verbs


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