Cognitive Psych Test 1

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The "components" in recognition by components models are also referred to as __________________


A problem with the "envatted brain" hypothesis is the issue that symbolic processors can not have meaning unless those symbols refer to something that can be represented non-symbolically, in other words, symbols must be ________ grounded in non-symbolic experience


When you take a multiple choice quiz, sometimes you might eliminate answers that are likely (although not guaranteed to be completely wrong in order to narrow down the choices and make the question easier. This technique would easily be described as a:


Illusions such as the hollow mask illusion, the Thatcher illusion (inverted faces effects), and the flicker face illusion are so dramatic because we process upright faces as a whole, not just the sum of their parts. This type of processing is called ____________


In an experiment measuring the difference in accuracy between two conditions (such as test scores when hungry vs. full) accuracy would be what variable?

dependent (measure)

this "stream" of vision primarily processes the location of objects

dorsal (where)

Which of the following effects best illustrates auditory capture?

double flash illusion

If you want to know about where in the brain a particular process is occurring (such as face recognition), but you don't really care about the time-course of processing, you could use... (select all that apply)


If a neuron reaches its threshold potential, it:

fires an action potential, then returns to resting potential

When you look at an object as being in front of other stuff, the object is the...


A neuron that receives a lot of excitatory input (and minimal inhibitory input) will...

Fire a stronger action potential compared to resting ("stronger" is being used wrong but whatever, it means it is firing fast because an action potential has no scale of firing better or worse than the last)

Spectrograms are more useful than waveforms in visualizing sound because spectrograms include what additional dimension of information?


This structure decomposes complex waves into simple waves and detects sound in hair cells:


The image that falls onto the retina in your right eye

is first sent to both the right and left hemisphere

What was one major problem with the Pandemonium model of letter recognition we demonstrated in lecture?

it had no way of representing the configuration/position of features

Rods (scotopic vision)

low light vision, Sensitive to fast motion, High convergence (low spatial resolution) (stargazing)

we cannot do symbolic cognition unless we have


When you first walk into a dark room, it takes time to adjust to low levels of light before you can see properly. This is because your __________________ system is no longer active, and your ________________ system takes time to activate after being in bright light

photopic (relating to or denoting vision in daylight or other bright light, believed to involve chiefly the cones of the retina.), scotopic (relating to or denoting vision in dim light, believed to involve chiefly the rods of the retina)

The inability to recognize familiar faces is known as...


When I ask you what rough feels like, you think about your inner perceptual experience of touching something rough in order to understand the question. In other words, you consider you ______________


The FFA is located in the...

right temporal lobe (active when recognizing faces but also when recognizing cars?) (on left temporal lobe it is active when reading)

which of the following aspects of vision does animation rely on?

temporal integration (visible persistence): (Having a light dragged along my visual field, THAT is visual persistence, animations fluidity is visual persistence, all the little clips making up a fluid motion)

Which of the following is definitely NOT a symbol?

the dog flapjack itself

The motion aftereffect works if you close one eye while adapting and swap eyes for the aftereffect. This means the neurons that represent motion...

Are in the brain, after the optic chiasm

If you have a problem with your S-cone, what colors can you not easily distinguish?

Blue and Green

This subcortical structure is important for long-term memory formation and navigation.


Which of the following statements are true concerning symbols? Select all that apply.

Any symbol system (e.g. language) can be represented as any other symbol system (e.g.); if the referents are matched properly Symbolic processing is not sufficient to explain cognition according to Chinese Room argument Symbols can be a convenient way of thinking about or talking about real objects

Which of the following features is NOT necessarily present in all forms of synesthesia?

Association is projected onto the world

High frequency sound stimulates what part of the cochlea?


The belief that mind and body are separate is known as...


This thought experiment argues against the idea that a computer that passes the Turing test has intelligence/mind in the same way a human does. It does this by arguing that symbol manipulation is not sufficient to explain understanding.

Chinese Room

Which of the following cues does not help us localize sound?

Cone of Confusion

The photopic system consists of the...


The belief that the mind and body are separate (i.e. mind is not a physical thing) is associated most strongly with which of the following philosophers?


A representation where a concept is defined as activity of a pattern of feature units is known as a...

Distributed represenation

This "stream" of vision primarily processes the location of objects.


The simple geometrical shapes that form the basis of recognition by parts are known as:


Which area of the body is represented over the most space in motor cortex?


Which part of the body has the largest area of motor cortex dedicated to it?


Objects that lie on the horopter...

Have no Binocular Disparity

Optical flow (if you are running on a field, everything is going fast past you in your left and right peripheral visual field) helps with determining ____________.

Heading (direction in which one is heading)

Which of the following subcortical structures plays the largest role in memory formation and spatial navigation?


Hallucinations occurring alongside sleep paralysis would best be described as...


The stimulus that triggers a synesthetic association is known as the:


we live in a three dimensional world, yet our eyes only receive a two dimensional image of the world at a given moment. This leads to the....

Inverse optics problem (Our eyes receive a 2D view of the world We live in a 3D world Infinite amount of potential 3D scenes that result in 2D image)

If someone has their entire left hemisphere removed, they would likely have problems processing what kind of information?


When you save a file on your computer, it is usually saved intact in one location on the hard drive. In this case, the file is stored using what form of representation?

Local (example: "Grandmother cell" - one neuron (or local group of neurons) responds when seeing your grandmother (and nothing else)

Cognitive Psychology became an official discipline after the publishing of "cognitive psychology" by which of the following scientists?


If you associate the letter "Y" with blue one day and green the next, is it synesthesia?

No, because the association is not fixed

According to Searle (Chinese Room thought experiment), if a computer passes the Turing test...

None of the Above (it doesn't prove anything, just that "understanding" symbols do not prove consciousness)

Which of the following processes are NOT a part of cognitive psychology?

None of the above (they are all a part of cognitive psych: language, memory, and thought)

which of the following is NOT and auditory grouping principle?

None of the above (they are all auditory grouping principles aka pitch, proximity, and timbre)

A PDP model (such as the Pandemonium model) incorporates which of the following? (Select all that apply)

Parallel Processing & Distributed Representation

The fundamental frequency of a sound determines its...


This area of the brain contains neurons that are sensitive to edges of particular orientations.

Primary Visual Cortex (PVC)

If someone has a stroke and damages their FFA in the right hemisphere as well as the corresponding area in the left hemisphere, which of the following deficits would likely apply?

Prosopagnosia, Dyslexia, and General Visual Expertise Tasks (e.g., discriminating among similar cars)

If you drop a bunch of skittles on a table, what gestalt cue(s) could you use to group them? Select as many options as are logically applicable.

Proximity and Color

The internal, subjective, conscious experience of perception is known as...


Which of the following theories says that object recognition utilizes local representations?

Recognition by views

The L-cone primarily responds to what color of light?


Cones (photopic vision)

Requires bright light, Short, Medium, and Long - correspond to wavelength most sensitive to, Low convergence (high spatial resolution)

In a tumbling room, if you are upside down and the room is also upside down, you'll feel...

Rightside up

Perception is a combination of bottom-up and top-down processing. Or in other words, Perception =

Sensation + Experience

losing your hearing due to the presence of loud noises is known as what form of hearing loss?


Hallucinating shapes, colors, and patterns falls under what type of hallucination?


LSD inhibits activity in this structure, which might relate to its effects on the ability to filter information and properly focus attention.


Which of the following face illusions clearly shows that we process upright faces holistically?

Thatcher illusion (face inversion effect)

Cognitive psychologists are particularly interested in the mental processing that occurs between stimulus and response (input and output). This means that cognitive psychologists are interested in what?

The "Black Box" (data goes in, decisions come out, but the processes between input and output are opaque, these are the mental processes that go into the decisions that cognitive psych wants to know)

Perception is a combination of both sensation and prior knowledge. The aspect of processing involving prior knowledge can also be referred to as

Top-Down processing

If the brain is able to calculate formulas based on symbolic representation and calculation, it could also be called a...

Turing Machine (less modern computer)

In general, when there are sensory "conflicts" (different senses imply different things about the state of yourself or the world), we tend to put the most weight on...


In general, when there is a sensory conflict or we need to resolve an ambiguous stimulus, we place the most emphasis on...


Is it possible to acquire "true" synesthesia later in life?

We don't quite know yet, the evidence is mixed

If you find statistical significance (p < .01) in a well designed and conducted experiment, what do you not necessarily know?

Why the difference exists

If you adapt to a blue square on a black backdrop, what will you see upon looking at a pure white background?

Yellow square on a white backdrop

which of the following is a "known" quality at the level of the retina itself?

the visual angle of the object (visual angle: The size of an object on the retina is determined by both the size of the object and the distance it is from the observer To account for this, objects can be measured in terms of visual angle Visual angle = inverse tangent (S/D)) (The visual angle is the angle formed from two imaginary lines projecting from the eye. One goes to the top (or left) of the object and the other goes to the bottom (or right) of the object. Visual angle is usually reported in degrees, minutes and seconds of the subtended angle.)

If you focus on an object 3 meters in front of you...

there is no binocular disparity for the object in the image between the eyes (it is on the horopter)

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