CoHen CH 2 SOC 204

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Identify the factors that made building and maintaining families difficult for slaves in the period between 1619 and the end of the Civil War (in the mid-1800s).

Most slaves didnt have family names slaves could be sold (and seperated) without notice slave marriage and parenthood werent reconized by the states

Place the following forms of family life in precolonial and postcolonial America in chronological order.

matrilineal marrieages were common women had little choice in marriage Industrialization eroded many of the political/economic functions of marriage courtship gave young people more say in their marriages

Identify the examples of the cultural doctrine of separate spheres.

middle class women worked at home men worked during the day and come home at night

Identify the factors that contributed to increasing economic inequality between husbands and wives during the nineteenth century.

the fact that women worked at home and men in the labor force industralism

What did the phrase "so chosen, he is her lord" mean for women during the American colonial period?

once women chose their husbands they were bound to obey

Identify the ways in which the federal government increased legal regulation of family life during the industrial era.

- est and reconized marriage creds - outlawed obscene material in mail system - linked property rights to marital status -

In 2004, the Census Bureau reported that __A__ of married women under age 45 had the same surname as their husbands. On the other hand, only a very small number of men, estimated at ___B__ took their wives' names.

A- 92% B- 3%

A weakness of the __A__ marriage is that it was built on the ideal of love. Yet as the chapter points out, if ___B___ between spouses lessened, there were fewer outside pressures to keep them together. The result was an increase in __C__ during the twentieth century.

A- Compassionate B- Affection C- Divorce

Identify the factors that explain the declining number of births per woman through the nineteenth century.

Birth control became more common couples wanted less children

What is the most accurate example of a split-household family?

a chinese man works on a railroad, while his wife stays behind in china

During the colonial period, parents typically passed on the family home to their ___A__ who often lived at home with the parents in a __B___ arrangement. Broadly, however, colonial families usually did not live in __C__ households with relatives.

a- eldest son b- stem family c- extended family

Match each nineteenth-century American group to its characteristic of family life. a- This group embraced polygamy as a common practice. b- The split-household family was common and crossed national borders. c- Family members exhibited a strong sense of obligation toward one another. d- Families exhibited relatively greater gender equality than other groups

a- mormons b- chinese americans c- mexican americans d- african americans

Identify the roles related to marriage that state-established churches played in early European societies.

allocated power/property among family presided over marriages determined validity of marriages

Based on what you learned, identify the factors that contributed to the rising fertility rate of the baby boom.

women and men married young men were employed in good jobs

Identify the factors that contributed to the move away from the 1950s "traditional" family in the second half of the twentieth century.

women worked outside the home social welfare programs helped single women become more independent

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