Cold War at Home & McCarthyism

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Which development led to the other three?

2. The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.

The immediate impact of the 1957 launch of Sputnik I was that it

4. heightened the space race as a form of Cold War competition

In the 1950's, Senator Joseph McCarthy was most closely associated with issues related to

1. Communist infiltration and the denial of civil liberties Explication: As head of the House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in the US Senate, Joe McCarthy became the leader of anti-communist crusade the lasted years and ruined the lives and reputations of thousands of Americans. McCarthy espoused the belief that communist agents were infiltrating the highest levels of American government and plotting its overthrow. The resulting hysteria or "red scare" that surrounded the accusations resulted in the discrediting and "blacklisting" of thousands o innocent Americans who found themselves labeled communists or communist sympathizers.

The changes shown on the chart most clearly reflect the

1. effects of the Cold War

Most Americans who opposed sending United States troops to fight in the Vietnam War believed that

3. the United States should not police the world Explanation: Many of the protestors opposed to US involvement in the Vietnam conflict believed the United States was overstepping its role by involving itself in Vietnam's internal struggles. Many disagreed with the government's assertion of the domino theory and believed that is was not the US's role to play "policeman".

Which would be the most appropriate entry for line D in the list below? I.The Cold War at home A. The McCarthy hearings B. Alger Hiss case C. House Un-American Activities Committee D. __________________

4. Loyalty oaths Explication: During the mania of the red scare in the early 1950's, many government employees, teachers, professors and others were required to take loyalty oaths or fear losing their jobs.

"Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism." -Senator Margaret Chase Smith, 1950 This criticism of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his supporters suggests that

4. Senator McCarthy was a greater threat to the nation than Communist sympathizers were Explication: As head of the House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in the US Senate, Joe McCarthy became the leader of anti-communist crusade the lasted years and ruined the lives and reputations of thousands of Americans. McCarthy espoused the belief that communist agents were infiltrating the highest levels of American government and plotting its overthrow. The resulting hysteria or "red scare" that surrounded the accusations resulted in the discrediting and "blacklisting" of thousands o innocent Americans who found themselves labeled communists or communist sympathizers. The quote implies that the very nature of the red scare, baseless accusations, lack of evidence and no due process, were at their very nature a violation of the American way.

The GI Bill affected American society after World War II by

4. extending educational and housing opportunities

"Sputnik Launch Propels Soviets Ahead in Space Race" In 1957, the United States government responded to the event described in this headline by

4. providing funds to improve the educational system in the United States

What was one similarity between the Red Scare following World War I and the Cold War following World War II?

1. Fear of communism led to the suppression of the civil liberties of some Americans. Explanation: During the 1920's the Palmer Raids on headquarters of dissident and communist organizations were conducted without warrants or probable cause. Over 4,000 people were arrested and held without trial or access to counsel, newspapers were shut down and some legal foreigners were unlawfully deported. During the 1950's the policy of "blacklisting" resulted in many Americans inside and outside the government loosing their jobs, without just cause, based solely on hearsay and innuendo.

A governmental action that was consistent with the Cold War mentality was the

1. establishment of loyalty reviews of government employees Explication: In 1947 President Harry S. Truman ordered a Loyalty Review Board to investigate conduct of thousands of government employees. This further fueled speculation and accusation that communist sympathizers were infiltrating the US government. The case of Alger Hiss, a former advisor to FDR convicted in 1948 of spying for the Soviets in the 1930's only helped to add to the fears. These fears would explode into the hysteria of the "red scare" which would grip the nation in the early 1950's.

In a farewell message to the American public, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the growth of the "military-industrial complex." This term refers to the

1. influence of defense contractors on Congress Explication: As the Cold War deepened in the 1950's, the US government began to spend a greater and greater percentage of the budget on defense. This spending grew the defense industry (and such companies as Hughes Electronics, Lockheed and General Electric) into the largest sector of the US economy. Along with the growth in spending came an increase in the power and influence of the defense contractors in Washington, D.C..

Which development following World War II caused the urban-suburban pattern shown in the diagram?

2. expansion of highways and automobile ownership

What does this photograph indicate about the United States in the 1950s?

3. Much fear was created by the Cold War.

The baby boom primarily resulted from the

3. delay in marriages during World War II

The rapid growth in personal income in the decade after World War II contributed to

3. expansion of the middle class

In the post-World War II era, Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee attempted to

3. identify Communists in the government and elsewhere in American society

Since the 1950s, the term McCarthyism has been applied to events that are related to

3. reckless accusations unsupported by evidence

In the United States, the Red Scare of 1919 and the McCarthy Era of the early 1950's were periods of

4. persecution of people suspected of holding anti-American political views Explanation: During the 1920's the Palmer Raids on headquarters of dissident and communist organizations were conducted without warrants or probable cause. Over 4,000 people were arrested and held without trial or access to counsel, newspapers were shut down and some legal foreigners were unlawfully deported. During the 1950's the policy of "blacklisting" resulted in many Americans inside and outside the government loosing their jobs, without just cause, based solely on hearsay and innuendo.

A similarity between the Red Scare of the 1920's and McCarthyism in the 1950's was that during each period

4. the civil liberties of American citizens were threatened Explication: During the Palmer Raids of the 1920's the headquarters of dissident and communist organizations were raided with out warrants. Also, 4,000+ people were arrested and help without trial or access to counsel, newspapers were shut down and some legal foreigners were deported. During the 1950's the policy of "blacklisting" resulted in many Americans inside and outside the government loosing their jobs, without cause.

The successful launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 signaled the beginning of

1. American fears that the Soviets had achieved technological superiority Explication: The "Space Race" began in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first manmade satellite, Sputnik. The American government and the American people feared that control of space determine the winner in the cold war. The tension created by the cold war, along with the perceived technology gap, led the United States to pour billions of dollars into the development of a space program (NASA). The space race culminated with the quest for the moon, promised by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 and coming to fruition with Neil Armstrong's "giant leap for mankind" in 1969.

The growth of McCarthyism in the early 1950s was based on

1. public fear concerning the spread of communism

What was a cause for the investigations of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the late 1940s and the investigations of a Senate committee headed by Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s?

1. the belief that there were Communist agents in the federal government

Which event of the 1950s most likely led to the publication of this cartoon?

2. Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.

Which situation resulted from Senator Joseph McCarthy's search for Communists within the United States during the 1950's?

2. The reputations of many people were ruined by false accusations of disloyalty Explication: During the 1950's the policy of "blacklisting" resulted in many Americans inside and outside the government loosing their jobs, without just cause, based solely on hearsay and innuendo.

The protestors in the photograph are expressing their hatred for

2. communists

Before ratification of the 22nd amendment in 1951, most presidents served no more than two terms because of

2. custom and tradition

Which factor is most closely associated with McCarthyism?

2. fear of communist influence in the United States

What was the main purpose of the GI Bill passed by Congress shortly before the end of World War II?

2. to provide economic aid to veterans

Who led a "witch hunt" for Communist spies in the United States government during the early 1950s?

3. Senator Joseph McCarthy

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