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chondroitin sulfate

provides support and adhesiveness in cartilage, bone, skin, and blood vessels

There are ___ types of collagen. The most common are?

28, Type I, II and III

By age 60 we lose __% of collagen


Types I and II make up how much of our total collagen?


Heart and liver are so nutrient dense because they contain?

B vitamins, coQ10, carnitine, etc...

Egg collagen is highest in what type of collagen?

Found in the shells and whites of eggs. Contains type I, as well as glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid and other AA's. Helpful for building muscle mass, reducing pain and stiffness, building connective tissue and healing wounds.

Most popular sources of collagen?

Bovine, eggs, poultry and fish

Symptoms of poor collagen production?

Joint pain, skin blemishes, weak nails, osteomalacia, increased injury frequency, osteoarthritis, tight joints & muscles, wrinkles, osteoporosis, hair thinning

How to choose your supplemental collagen: AA

Should contain both chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate. They both support the body's process of manufacturing collagenous tissue.

What damages collagen production?

Smoking, alcohol consumption, high sugar consumption, stress, excessive sun exposure, poor sleep quality, processed vegetable oils, micronutrient deficiencies, poor protein digestion.

Hyaluronic acid in joint health

The hyaluronic acid holds water and forms a gel-like substance that surrounds the tissues around nerves and is found in the synovial fluid between joints. This hyaluronic acid lubricates and cushions joints, serving as a "shock absorber".

Bovine collagen is highest in what type of collagen?

Type I and Type III. Rich in glycine and proline. Great for creatine production, building muscle and aiding in the body's own production.

Fish collagen is highest in what type of collagen?

Type I and amino acids glycine, proline and hydorxyproline. Easily absorbed and benefits digestion, organs, blood vessels, bones, joints and skin.

Chicken is highest in what type of collagen?

Type II, and provides chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate. Beneficial for joint health and anti-aging effects.

Type X collagen

bone formation and the growth, development and remodeling of articular cartilage.


a substance produced naturally in the body; often used as a supplement to maintain cartilage in the joints

Collagen makes up how much of the body's protein content?

a third

How to choose your supplemental collagen: dosage

at least 13 g real, whole food collagen protein

Glutamine provides?

carbon and nitric oxide which are important for building and maintaining muscles. Also provides fuel to our cells to maintain energy levels.

When our tendons or ligaments become injured the body provides ____________ sulfate and ________________ sulfate which support healthy joints and the body's ability to build and repair cartilage

chondroitin and glucosamine

How can you improve your collagen levels?

consume collagen-rich foods, vitamins, minerals and supplement with high-quality collagen powder.

Glycine has the important role of helping form muscle tissue by

converting glucose into energy to feed muscle cells

Type II collagen

fibrous and found in cartilage.

Type IV collagen

forms extracellular structures called basal lamina which supports epithelial and endothelial cells that surround muscle and fat tissues.

Type V collagen

found in cell surface, hair and the placenta.

Aids in leaky gut syndrome by?

glycine and glutamine are essential for healing the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract. They seal the holes in the gut by healing damaged cells and building new tissue.

Primary amino acids found in collagen

glycine, lysine and proline account for 50% of collagens AA content.

How to choose your supplemental collagen: hydrolyzed

hydrolyzed means that it's reduced to small peptides that can be easily ingested. Predominantly glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. Up to 90% is digested and available in the blood stream.

Lysine and proline are coverted into?

hydroxylysine and hydorxyproline before they're incorporated into the structure

Bone broth is beneficial because

it's easier to digest and it assimilates collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and essential minerals.

Arginine boosts the body's ability to

make protein from other amino acids

Type III collagen

reticular fibers and is usually found along with Type I in the body. Gives skin its elasticity and firmness. Forms the connective tissues that give shape and strength to organs.

Where is collagen found in the body?

skin, bones, muscles, tendons


structural protein found in the skin and connective tissue

Type I collagen helps form

tendons, ligaments, organs and skin. Also found in the gastrointestinal tract and is important for wound healing, skin elasticity and holding tissue together.

Important antioxidants for collagen formation and incorporation?

vitamin C, coenzyme q10, and vitamin E

Which vitamin is required for the conversion of lysine and proline into a collagen structure?

vitamin c

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