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strong sun/ weak sun

палящее солнце/ слабое солнце Avoid going on the beach at midday when the sun is s_________.

scheduled flight

регулярный рейс • We managed to get a charter flight; it was half the price of the _________ flight.

A piece of advice

совет (один) • Can I give you a ______ of ______? • Jim gave me a very useful ________ of ________.

crisp snow

хрустящий снег • The snow is lovely and _____ this morning

go red/ dark

__ is often used for sudden, usually negative, changes • He was very embarrassed and his face ____ red. • Suddenly the sky ____ very dark and it started to rain. • Once upon a time the walls were probably cream but they have ____ brown now and badly need repainting. • I was so embarrassed that I ____ bright red.

go mad/bald/grey/blind/deaf

__ is used for changes in people's personality, appearance and physical abilities • I think I'd __ mad if I had to put up with such a terrible boss! • When I start to __ing grey, I'm definitely going to dye my hair

Turn (colours)

____ often collocates with colours: • The sky _____ed gold as the sun set. • When the tomatoes ____ red , the farmers pick them and sell them. • The news gave his mother such a shock that her hair ____ed white overnight. • It was a wonderful sunset. The sky ____ed gold and we sat on the terrace enjoying it.

Battle against floods

Бороться с новоднениями • Towns and villages in the Central region were _________ing ______ _____s tonight as heavy rain continued.

Cyclists dismount

Велосипедисты спешиваются • Cyclists must ________ here [get off their bicycles] • Cyclists should _________ before crossing the footbridge.

Lead smth

Вести, возглавлять что-то • I think we've chosen the right person to ____ the expedition

highly controversial

Весьма спорный Some people love her new book, others are very angry about it. It is _______ ________.

Highly successful

Весьма успешный, преуспевающий In the 1990s she ran a ________ _________ company which made outstanding profits.

Universe/ world begin

Вселенная началась • Before the universe _____, time and space did not exist. • All societies develop their own stories about how the world _____.

Outbreak hits

Вспышка болезни поражает • Flu ________ ___s Southern Europe


Выращивать [collocates with crops, plants] • In the south the farmers ____ crops. • I've never been very successful at ____ing plants. • She's ____ing plants.

Make recordings

Делать записи (аудио) • I ____ some _________ but I had a rather heavy cold so they didn't sound good.

Make progress

Делать успехи, прогрессировать • she is ____ing good _______. • Holly is ______ing _______ with all her schoolwork.

Detectives quiz

Детективы допрашивают • Detectives ____ businessman over missing teenager

get there in the end

Добиться своего в конце концов • If you persevere, you'll ___ there __ the ___.

Make (my) way home

Добраться до дома • After giving Mark a lift to the airport, Julie ____ her ___ ____.

heated conversation

Жаркий разговор • I had a ____ed conversation with Alice the other day.

close meeting/ discussion/ conference

Закрыть заседание/дискуссию/конференцию • The chairperson ______ed the meeting at 4.30. • At what time do you plan to _____ the conference?

familiar landscape

Знакомый пейзаж • It's very different from the _________ ___________ I see from the windows at home. • But for me it is the _________ ___________ of my childhood and I am happy that the government has decided to protect this environment.

Have a brief chat

Кратко побеседовать • We had a _____ ____ about the exams but didn't have time to discuss them properly. • Come to my office ten minutes before the meeting so we can _____ a ____ _____.

Deeply ashamed

Очень стыдно When I realised how much my selfish behaviour had upset everyone, I was _______ ________.

Very/ quiet/ extremely easy

Очень/ довольно / чрезвычайно легко • It has some ____/ _____/ __________ easy recipes and I managed to make a good impression with my very first Thai meal

Pump prices

Повысить цены There was good news for motorists today as _________ _____ were lowered by the major oil companies.

Weather conditions hit

Погодные условия ударили - struck, badly affected • Yesterday freak weather ___________s ___ the south-west of England.

Police crack down

Полиция расправляется с • Police _____ ____ on speeding [start dealing with it in a more severe way]

Gain [formal] a reputation, publicity, recognition, an advantage (Gain is often used with abstract nouns that suggest benefit to the 'gainer'.)

Получить [формально] репутацию, известность, признание, преимущество • Her paintings ______ed recognition thanks to a major exhibition in New York. • Jack has already _____ed a very good reputation as a talented lawyer. • In the cycle race, Henrik _______ed an advantage when several of his opponents had punctures."

gain power, control, access (Gain is often used with abstract nouns relating to political authority.)

Получить силу/ контроль/ доступ • The Socialist Party ______ed control of the National Assembly. • The ruling power has ____ed control of the situation.

a stream of visitors/traffic

Поток посетителей/ транспорта • There was a ______ of traffic outside our room all night. • I didn't think there'd be much traffic today but there was a steady _____ of vehicles on the main highway.

a flood / floods of tears

Поток слез • The little girl was in ______s of tears. I was in _______s of tears. It was such a sad film.

Take smb up on an offer

Принять чей-то совет • One day I'll ____ you __ __ (=accept) that ____

Missing teenager

Пропавший подросток • Detectives quiz businessman over _________ teenager.

a break in the clouds

Просвет в облаках • Every half hour we look out of the tent hoping for a ________ __ the clouds.

Launch into an explanation

Пуститься в объяснения • The marketing manager ________ed ____ a detailed _____________ of her new strategy.

spending rocket

Расходы резко возрастут • Government _________ will _____ this year

Bitterly complain

Сильно жаловаться • Everyone was _______ing ________ when they heard about the new plan.

antique jewellery

Старинные украшения, антикварные украшения/ драгоценности • She collects ________ jewellery. • She has a lot of beautiful ________ jewellery.

Happily married

Счастливы в браке • They are _______ married. • My grandparents have been _______ married for 45 years.

dark days / dark times

Трудные дни/ времена • My grandparents lived through the ____ days of civil war from 1936 to 1939

travel brochures

Туристические брошюры • I got some _____ _________ with details of camping trips. • I'll get some _____ _______ today and we can start planning our holiday.

Thoroughly/ really enjoyed

Тщательно / по-настоящему наслаждался • I think my sister __________/ _____ enjoyed her birthday.

Study for a degree

Учиться на степень • She said he'd like to study ___ a _______ but is afraid he won't meet the requirements for university entry

Film end with

Фильм закончился • The film ___ed ____ the hero dying.

Antique furniture

антикварная мебель • This shop sells _______ furniture. • a shop selling _______ furniture.

atmosphere lightens

атмосфера разряжается • Let's put some happy music on to _________ the atmosphere. Everyone's too serious.

Pain in

боль в • I felt a sharp ____ __ my foot

A big problem

большая проблема • There were some ___ problems to solve. • It's far too ___ a problem for you to solve on your own.

large size

большой размер • I wanted the sweater in the _____ size but they only had medium. • I want to buy a sweater for my dad. He needs one in a _____ size.

Aches and pains

болячки, недомогания • He's been suffering various _____ and ____ for years.

Leave university

бросить университет • When I _____ _________ I made a decision to take up a profession in which I could be creative.

To be filled with horror

быть в ужасе • I was ____ed ____ ____ when I read the newspaper report of the explosion. • Grace's father was ____ed ____ ______ when he saw that she had dyed her beautiful black hair blonde.

budget accommodation

бюджетное жилье • I always have to look for ___________ _________________. • You can spend a lot of money and stay in a luxury hotel or you can look for ___________ ___________________.

Blissfully unaware

в блаженном неведении • Harry was _________ _______ that he was in danger. [Harry had no idea at all, often used about something unpleasant] • Perhaps it's a good thing that Liam's __________ _________ of what people really think of him.

Fully aware

в полной мере осведомлен • I am _______ ______ that there are serious problems. [I know well] • I am _______ ______ that there will be problems whatever we decide.

have fun / a good time

веселиться, хорошо проводить время • I'm sure you'll ____ ___ on the school trip. • How was the holiday? Did you ____ ____ / ____ a ____ ____?

Lead life

вести образ жизни • What an exciting ____ he ___!

the wind blows/whistles

ветер дует/свистит • The wind was _________ through the trees.

the wind picks up/dies down

ветер поднимается/ стихает • The wind was light this morning but it's p________ing __ now and will be very strong by the evening. The wind p________ __/ ____ ____ in the evening.

Have a look/ take a look

взглянуть • I ___/ ____ a ____ at a new Thai cookery book in the bookshop and decided to buy it. • The manager wanted to ____ a ____ at what we were doing. • Could you ____ a ____ at this letter before I send it?

Grow older

взрослеть, стареть • As my father ______ _____, he spent less time working. • As you ______ ______, you'll begin to understand your parents better.

take clothes

взять одежду • You'll need to ____ warm clothes when you go to Alaska. • I knew it would be hot there and so I wouldn't need to ____ warm clothes with me.

take a holiday

взять отпуск, уходить в отпуск • We're so glad we decided to ____ a ______ here. • What's more, if you decide to ____ a _____ in the capital city, you'll have a more relaxing time if you take a train.

make a contribution to

внести вклад в • She ____ a useful ____________ to the discussion. • - Do you intend to speak at the meeting? - Yes, I hope I can ____ a __________ to the debate.

make a change / changes

вносить изменение/изменения • The new manager is planning to ____ some ______. • - Did you hear about the air traffic controllers' strike in the USA? - Yes. We had to ____ a _______ our travel itinerary because of it.

domestic flights

внутренние рейсы • ___________ flights are often more expensive than international ones.

Take advantage of

воспользоваться, извлечь пользу • ______ _________ __ being in London - there are always plenty of jobs there. • Click here and ______ __________ __ our special offers.

to go into partnership with someone

вступить в партнерство с кем-то • They ____ ____ _____________ to develop a new range of products. to start up a business

make a choice

выбирать, сделать выбор • Amelia had to ____ a ______ between her career and her family. • - Can I have chips and rice with my lunch? - No, you have to ____ a _____ , chips or rice, but not both.

dominate the landscape

выделяться на фоне ландшафта ( can be seen from a long way away) • The castle __________ the ________ for miles around. • The tower _________] the ___________ .

Win a battle, a war, an election (Win is often used in contexts associated with fighting.)

выиграть битву/войну/выборы • The Conservative Party ___ the 2015 General Election. • The Democratic Party ___ the election.

Win an award, a prize, a medal, a match (Win is often used in contexts associated with competition)

выиграть награду, приз, медаль, матч • He ___ a medal in the 2016 Olympic Games. • You ___ a match but beat/defeat an opponent. • Sophia has ___ several prizes for her singing. • In the tournament Hannah beat/defeated all her opponents and ___ the gold medal. • Our team ___ the match. • Have you ever ___ a trophy?

Drop out of

вылететь из, бросить что-то • I _______ed ___ __ my university course after a year.

Do duty

выполнять обязанности, выполнять долг • she's __ing her ____.

Do work

выполнять/делать работу • In the morning I ___ some ____ in the garden, then I had a rest for about an hour before going out to do some shopping in town. • We'll __ some ____ on our project and then we'll go to the cinema. • Did you __ any ____ at the weekend?

expression darkens

выражение лица темнеет • Mr Garnham's _________ _________ed as he was told the terrible news.

Alight from the bus

выходить из автобуса (formal) • Passengers must not ______ from the bus whilst it is in motion [get off the bus] • Passengers must _______ from the bus through the rear door.

Prime suspect

главный подозреваемый • Senior detectives interviewed a man who has been named as _____ _________ in the case of a missing 18-year-old who is feared to have been abducted.

do the ironing/shopping/ washing

гладить, ходить по магазинам, стирать • In the morning I did some work in the garden, then I had a rest for about an hour before going out to __ some shopping in town. • I'll __ the washing if you do the ironing. • Do you ever __ the cooking at home?

eyes light up

глаза загораются • The little boy's ____ ___ __ when he saw his daddy approaching.

eyes shine with excitement/delight

глаза светятся от радости • The girl's ____ were _________ with excitement as she prepared for the party.

Deeply shocked

глубоко потрясенный People were _______ ________ to hear that children would be strictly forbidden to use the sports ground and most people were strongly opposed to the new rules.

Smile proudly

гордо улыбнуться • She smiled _______ as she looked at the photos of her new grandson. • Stella smiled _______ as she watched the children playing happily in the garden.

Bitterly disappointed / disappointing

горько разочарованный • I was ________ ______ when I failed the exam. • The exam results were ________ _______ing for the whole class. We had all expected to do much better.

thick cloud

густое облако • There's _____ cloud, though, and it certainly looks like rain.

thick/dense fog

густой, плотный туман • There is ______ fog on the motorway.

Give good advice

дать хороший совет • Steven ____ me some good _____ • Jim ____ me a very useful piece of _____[

do your homework

делать домашнее задание • My son has to __ his _________ straight after school. • I hate __ing my ________ at the last minute.

do exercises

делать упражнения; делать зарядку • We'll __ some ________ practising these collocations tomorrow.

Have a long chat

долго разговаривать • I gave Abigail a ring and we ___ a ____ ____ about it last night.

achieve success

достигать успеха • It's difficult to ________ success in international sport.

achieve your goals/ aim

достигать целей • It is important to have goals even if you do not always _______ them. •I even _______ed my lifelong ambition of stroking a koala. (=goal) • What ___ would you particularly like to ______ in life?

Go places

достичь успеха, далеко пойти • Wow! Julie won Vo/ce Idol - she's definitely __ing _____!

do the trick

достичь цели, добиться своего • Try putting the red cable here - that might __ the ____.

Live alone

жить в одиночестве/ одному • I live ____, but I don't like travelling alone; it's nice to be with someone. • To live _____

in-flight magazine

журнал, выдаваемый на борту самолета • The __-_____ _________ includes maps and information about major airports.

Become pregnant

забеременеть • She gave up smoking when she _________ _______.

Fell ill

заболеть • She ____ ___ and was taken to hospital. •You would all have gone on a family holiday together if your grandmother hadn't _______ ___, but surely you can understand why they don't want to leave her. • My grandmother is a little afraid of _____ing ___ while she is abroad.

Take care of

заботиться • She spent her time doing little more than _____ing ____ __ him and the children.

Start a car ( is used for engines and vehicles.)

завести машину • It was a cold morning and I could not _____ my car. I didn't know what to do when I got into my car and couldn't _____ the engine.

make friends

заводить друзей • Caroline is very good at ____ing friends. • Do you find it easy to ____ friends? • I was able to ____ new friends. • You may not want to go to summer camp when none of your friends will be there, but your parents know you will soon ____ new friends there.

Load a lorry

загрузить [used for cargoes, lorries, vans, ships, etc. and for weapons] • They ______ the lorry and drove away. • When we moved house, two men helped us to ____ the van. • I don't know how to ____ a gun, let alone fire one. • They're ____ing a ship.

finish homework

закончить домашнее задание • I haven't ______ed my homework yet. • I haven't _____ed my essay yet. I can't decide how to end it.

Shut mouth

закрой рот (informal) • She was very rude. She said '______ your mouth!

Fall silent

замолчать, умолкнуть • Everyone _____ ______ when they heard the shocking news. • As the head teacher walked into the hall, the children all ____ _____.

A pain in the neck

зануда, заноза в заднице • That child is a real ____ __ the ____.

Enrol on a course

записаться на курс • He wants to _____ __ a _______ of some sort but just can't make a decision about what to study.

Launch the product

запустить продукт на рынок, начать продажи • The company ______ed the product in 2012. [introduced the product] • We are going to _____ an exciting new product in June.

Make money

зарабатывать деньги («делать деньги») • You can ____ money by investing etc., not just by working. • I don't have ambitions to ____ a lot of money; I just want to be happy in life. • Chris ____ a lot of money when he sold some old shares on the stock exchange.


заряжать [used for batteries, phone or electrical items] • I need to _____ my phone. • My mobile isn't working. I need to ____ the battery. • I'm _____inf my mobile phone. • A mobile phone is _____ing.

run-down hotel

захудалый отель • The Panorama is a rather ___-____ hotel in a back street near the city centre. • The Principality Hotel was rather ___-____ and we were very disappointed.

Go all out

из кожи вон лезть, напрячь все силы • The cyclist ____ ___ ___ to win the Tour de France, and he succeeded.

dispose of unwanted items

избавляться от ненужных вещей • Please _______ of ______ed _____ in the receptacle provided • Never _______ of batteries and similar _____ by throwing them onto a fire.

make an excuse

извиняться, оправдываться • I'm too tired to go out tonight. Let's ____ an ______ and stay at home. • Do you ______ ______ if someone asks you to do a big favour for them?

Have access to

иметь доступ к • I don't ____ ______ __ that kind of secret information.

have a feeling

иметь ощущение, догадку • I ____ a ______ that something is wrong. • I ___ a _______ I had met Richard before, but I couldn't remember where. • I ___ a _____ that he was trying to hide something from me.

have a problem / problems

иметь проблему/проблемы • Ask the teacher if you ____ ________ with the exercise.

Use a laptop

использовать ноутбук • He's ___ing a laptop.

Take a dislike to

испытывать неприязнь, невзлюбить • No point in staying somewhere where the boss has ______ a _______ __ you!

have difficulty

испытывать сложности, трудности • The class ___ _______ understanding what to do. • What's the matter? Are you _______ing ________ reading it?

become extinct

исчезать, вымирать Dinosaurs ______ ______ thousands of years ago.

looks like rain

кажется дождь собирается • There's thick cloud, though, and it certainly _______ ____ rain.

Strongly oppose

категорически против, категорически возрожать •His father was a peace campaigner all his life and was _______ ______ to war. • People were deeply shocked to hear that children would be strictly forbidden to use the sports ground and most people were _______ _______ to the new rules.

utterly opposed to

категорически против; совершено противоположный His father was a peace campaigner all his life and was _______ _______ to war.

patches of fog/mist

клочья тумана, местами туман •There are _________ of fog on the east coast but these should lift by midday.

Key issue

ключевая проблема, ключевой вопрос • Improving the health service is another ____ _____ for government. • In your essay on the influence of TV, don't forget to discuss these _____ ______.

make a comment/comments (on/about)

комментировать, делать замечания • Would anyone like to ____ any _________ on the talk? • Do you ever ____ negative _______ about your friends' hair, clothes, etc?

Companies merge

компании объединяются • The two companies _____ed in 2013 and now form one very large corporation. • There are always some problems when two companies ______ together but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

The company expands

компания расширяется • The company has ______ed and now has branches in most major cities. • The company _____ed and has now added children's clothing to its product range.

Utterly stupid

крайне глупый You must apologise immediately. It was an ________ _____ remark to make.

hard frost/ light frost

крепкий мороз/ легкий мороз • There will be a h____ frost tonight

boat trip

круиз, водная прогулка • It's about two hours by car, and we can take a _____ trip to the island and have lunch there.

Major problem

крупная, значительная, основная проблема • Unemployment is a _____ problem for the government at the moment. • There is some crime in our town but it isn't a ______ problem.

Major companies

крупные компании • There was good news for motorists today as pump prices were lowered by the _______ oil _________.

roofs were torn off

крыши были сорваны • A number of buildings were destroyed, roofs were ____ ___ and fences were blown down.

Sunny smile

лучезарная улыбка • I could tell Maria was in a good mood by the ______ smile on her face.

pouring with rain

льет как из ведра • It's been _________ with rain all day • At least it's not ___________ with rain today.

window seat/ aisle seat

место у окна / место у прохода • Do you normally prefer a __________ seat or an ____ seat when you fly? • As I've got long legs, I usually ask for an _____ seat on a long flight, but on the flight to New York I had a _________ seat and I got a great view of Manhattan as we came in, even though I didn't have much leg-room.

Get in smbd's way

мешать, путаться под ногами • Please tell me if I'm ___ing __ your ___.

wise choice

мудрое решение, выбор • I agreed that that would be a ____ ______

board the aircraft (formal)

на борту́ самолёта • We will be _________ing the _______ in about ten minutes.

blaze of publicity

на глазах у всего общества • The famous footballer's divorce was surrounded by a _____ __ ______.

Run a bath

набирать ванну • Julie had promised to give her sister a call as soon as she got home but she decided to ___ herself a bath first.

Find way

найти дорогу • Can you ____ your ___ back to my house?

Find a way

найти способ • I must ____ a ___ to help him.

do damage

наносить ущерб, навредить • The storm ___ some _____ to our roof. • Did the fire __ much _______ to the factory?

soaking up the sunshine

наслаждаться солнцем • We're having a wonderful time - though in the middle of the day it's just too scorching hot to do anything but lie on the beach __________ __ the ________. I wish I was _________ __ the _________ on a Mediterranean beach.

Learn the hard way

научиться на горьком опыте • I ______ the ____ ___ that Jack can't be trusted.

Take a liking to

нравиться, полюбить • We got off when we saw one that we ____ a _______ __. • I ______ a _______ __ my new doctor the moment I met her.

To ease the pain

облегчить боль, ослабить боль (relieve pain) • She had a sharp pain in her side and hoped that a hot bath might ____ the ____. • these tables should help to ____ the ____.

Pay attention

обращать внимание • You must ___ _______ to the teacher. • She ______ ________ to what I told her and started working harder.

Solitary figure

одинокая фигура (one person on their own) • There was just one _________ ______ on the otherwise deserted beach. • A _______ ______ on the horizon

day trip

однодневная поездка • I suggest we take a ___ trip to Canamuca. • On Saturday we went on a ___ trip to an interesting old castle.

do someone a good turn/ do someone a favour

оказать кому-то услугу • Could you __ me a _____ and pick me up some milk from the supermarket? • Jess ___ me a good ____ by lending me her car while mine was in the garage. • Do you make excuses if someone asks you to __ a big _____ for them?

surrounding countryside

окружающая местность, окрестности • From my room I look out over the ___________ __________. It's a beautiful town and the ___________ __________ is even more beautiful.

do sightseeing

осматривать достопримечательности • I know next week is a business trip, but you must __ some ______________ too.

Place gently

осторожно положить, аккуратно положить • He _____ed the beautiful vase _____ on the window ledge. • ____ the glasses _____ in the box - they're very fragile.

sharp pain

острая боль, резкая боль • She had a _____ ____ in her side and hoped that a hot bath might ease the pain. • I felt a ______ ____ in my foot

pay your (last) respects

отдать дань уважения • At a funeral people ___ their last ________ to the person who has died. • I went to Douglas Farnham's funeral to ____ my last _______ to a fine man.

pay tribute to

отдать должное (признавать заслуги) • When Jack retired, his boss made a speech ______ _____ __ all he had done for the company. • The President _____ _____ __ all the people who had supported him.

Have a rest

отдыхать/отдохнуть • In the morning I did some work in the garden, then I ___ a ____ for about an hour before going out to do some shopping in town.

Desperately jealous

отчаянно/ужасно ревнивый или завидующий • At times Julie felt __________ ________ of him.

Ridiculously easy

очень легко Everyone got more than 95% correct in the test; it was _______ ______.

Highly unlikely

очень маловероятно It is _______ _______ that I'll finish my work on time.

Highly unusual

очень необычный Julia's _______ ________ behaviour began to worry her parents.

Badly need

очень нужно,остро нуждаться • You ____ ____ a haircut! • The grass ____ _____ cutting.

scorching hot

палящая жара • We're having a wonderful time - though in the middle of the day it's just too ______________ to do anything but lie on the beach soaking up the sunshine. • It was ___________ hot here yesterday.

a blanket of fog

пелена тумана •

Have/suffer a heart attack

перенести сердечный приступ • A year ago he ___/_______ed a ____ _____. • My grandfather ___ a _____ ______ last winter.

Swelling with pride

переполненный гордостью, раздуваться от гордости • As Jack went on stage to receive his gold medal for the judo competition you could see his parents _____ing ____ ____. [looking extremely proud] • _______ing ____ _____, Jack watched his daughter pick up her violin and play.

connecting flight

пересадочный рейс • The passenger boarded the plane on time, but it was delayed taking off and she missed her ___________ flight in Amsterdam. • We're only scheduled to have about half an hour in Dubai, so I hope we don't miss our __________ flight.

beat/ defeat an opponent

победить соперника/ противника • He _______ed his _______ in the tennis final. • In the tournament Hannah ____/________ed all her _________ and won the gold medal."

damage smth

повредить что-то [collocates with words for things] • The shop tried to sell me a ______ed sofa but I noticed it just in time. • The chair is ________ed.

have a conversation/chat

поговорить, поболтать • I hope we'll have time to ____ a ____ after the meeting. • When you're free, could I ____ a ____ with you about next year?

weather deteriorates [opposite: improves] (getting worse - informal)

погода ухудшается, портиться • The weather is likely to _________ later on today. The weather is likely to (улучшиться) /(ухудшиться) tomorrow.

to submit a tender

подать заявку на тендер • They ________ed a ______ for the new stadium.

Give a lift

подвозить, подбросить • After ____ing Mark a ___ to the airport, Julie made her way home.

Take a train/bus

поехать на поезде, на автобусе • First we ______ a ____ to a little town and then we took a bus going to various villages.

Elderly person

пожилой человек (is more polite than old) • I helped an ______ person who was trying to cross the road. • a home for _____ people

Give a call/ a ring

позвонить • Julie had promised to ____ her sister a ____ as soon as she got home but she decided to run herself a bath first. • I ____ Abigail a ____ and we had a long chat about it last night. • ____ me a ____ when you get home.

bumpy flight

полет в условиях турбулентности

Police quiz

полиция допрашивает • Police ____ 16-year-old in murder enquiry [ask questions]

fully booked

полностью заполнен (забронирован) • The hotels near the beach are very popular and get _____ ________ during the summer. • We couldn't make a reservation; all the hotels were _____ _________.

Earn a salary, money

получать зарплату / деньги • I ____ $2110 a month. • You ____ money by working for it. • Nowadays Alex ____ a very good salary. • Last year I got a new job and started ____ing/making a lot more money. • I ____ed/made a lot of money last month. • How much money did you ____/make last week?


правонарушители • ___________ will be prosecuted [people who go onto someone's land or enter their building without permission will be taken to court]

receptacle provided

предусмотренное вместилище, хранилище • Please dispose of unwanted items in the ________ _______ed • Please place all used tickets in the__________ ________ed as you leave the building.

to make demands on someone

предъявлять требования к • Now her sister was getting divorced and would doubtless be ____ing ________ __ her too.

travel arrangements

приготовления к поездке • Have you made your travel ____________ for the sales conference yet? • Do you make your own travel ____________ or does your secretary do it all?

Stick to the rules

придерживаться правил • But of course as adults, the more rigorously we all ____ __ the _____,then the more we perhaps protect the overall situation if kids are slipping up for understandable reasons.

land at airport

приземлиться в аэропорту • Ladies and gentlemen, we'll shortly be ______ing __ Dublin Airport.

Make an effort

прилагать усилия • You must ____ an _____ and study for your exams • It was my sister's birthday and I wanted to ____ a special _____ to cook a nice meal for her. • Michael is really ____ing an _____ with his maths this term. • You must ____ an _____ to work harder.

Make a decision

принимать решение • When I left university I ____ a _______ to take up a profession in which I could be creative. • I'm glad it's you who has to ____ the ________, not me. • - It's so difficult. Should I take the job or not? - I know it's difficult. But you have to ____ a _______ one way or the other.

Take action

принять меры • You'll soon find something else, so _______ _______, that's my advice! • We need to _______ _______ immediately!

make arrangements for sb/sth

принять меры для • The school can ____ ___________ ___ pupils with special needs. • - Can you and Ethan come to dinner on Saturday? - Yes, we'll have to ____ _____________ to get a babysitter, but it should be OK.

Become involved

принять участие, вовлечься • I would like to _________ ________ in raising money for charity. • Would you be interested in _______ing ______ in this project?

gentle landscape

приятный пейзаж, спокойный пейзаж ( a landscape with nothing extreme or threatening about it) • At home it's a ______ ___________ with open fields.

Try every possible way

пробовать все возможные способы • I've ___ed every ________ ___ to get him to change his mind.

Spend time/ money

проводить (время), тратить (деньги) • She ____ her time doing little more than taking care of him and the children. • We _____ three days in the mountains. It was wonderful. • If you buy a big car you'll have to ______ more money on petrol. • Last night I _____ two hours watching TV.

Do a course

пройти курс • Abigail thinks he should __ a ______ in Management because he'd like to set up his own business in the future.

driving rain

проливной дождь, ливень • Road conditions are difficult because of the d_________ rain. • There may be some d_________ rain later on today.

torrential rain

проливной дождь, сильный ливень • In fact I've never seen such t___________ rain. • We had such t__________ rain yesterday.

Get soaked

промокнуть насквозь • It's freezing cold in the tent - we all got __________.

biting wind

пронизывающий ветер • There's a ______ wind.

Give a lecture

прочитать лекцию • she's ____ing a _____

Take an interest in

проявлять интерес к кому-н/чему-н, интересоваться • Some kids ______ an _________ __ us and showed us some great places.

Take a trip

путешествовать • Yesterday we ____ a ____ to the mountains. • Next time you ____ a ____ to the coast, why not take the train?

Travel alone

путешествовать в одиночку • I live alone, but I don't like travelling ____; it's nice to be with someone.

in-flight entertainment

развлечения на борту • Palair offers excellent __-______ _____________, with the latest films and music. • They seem to have much better __-________ ____________ on that airline; they have the latest films and you can play video games.

Get divorced

разводиться/развестись • Now her sister was ___ing __________ and would doubtless be making demands on her too.

Burst into tears

разрыдаться, расплакаться, разразиться слезами • When she spilt juice on her new skirt the little girl _____ ____ tears. [suddenly started crying] • When she saw her exam results, Kate _____ ____ tears.

Raise smb

растить [collocates with animals, children] • In the north the farmers mostly _____ cattle. • Single parents who are _____ing children without a partner's support are entitled to financial help from the government. • He's _____ing sheep.

rivers burst their banks

реки вышли из берегов • Several rivers _____ their _____.

Have a child/ a baby

родить ребенка • If I ____ a _____ of my own one day • In June, I ___ a ____, James. • When I get married, I'd like to _____ lots of children. • My sister ___ a ____ last week. • You'll feel much more sympathetic to your parents' feelings when you ____ a _____ of your own!

luxury hotel

роскошный отель • The Palace is a ________ hotel on the main square of Porto Alegre. • You can spend a lot of money and stay in a _______ hotel or you can look for budget accommodation.

Pay a compliment

сделать комплимент • I was trying to ____ her a _______ but she misunderstood. • She _____ me a nice ____ yesterday.

have a break

сделать перерыв • Let's ____ a _____ when you finish this exercise. • Shall we ____ a _____ for half an hour or so?

make a phone call

сделать телефонный звонок • I've got to ____ some _____ _____ before dinner.

family-run hotel

семейный отель • We stayed in a small, _______-___ hotel.

board the plane

сесть в самолет • The passenger ________ed the plane on time, but it was delayed taking off and she missed her connecting flight in Amsterdam. • Passengers with seats in rows 1 to 25 are now invited to _______ the plane.

rain heavily

сильный дождь • It rained h__________ all day yesterday but it's dry at the moment.

Take an advice

следовать совету, воспользоваться советом • I think I'll ____ your _____ and get the green dress.

Ridiculously cheap

смехотворно дешевый The flight from London to Rome was __________ _____. It only cost 20 euros.

slash prices

снизить цены •Airline ________s _______. •Oil companies ________ ________.

Absolutely stupid

совершенно глупый It was an ______ _______ comment to make.

Utterly ridiculous

совершенно нелепый That you should even think that I would steal money from you is _______ ______! You must be crazy!

Utterly devastated

совершенно опустошенный The whole area was ________ ________ after the earthquake.

Utterly appalled

совершенно потрясенный Even people who normally never expressed an opinion were ______ ________ by the proposals.

Make a mistake

совершить ошибку • I ____ a few ______. • - The bill says we've had three desserts. We only had two. The waiter must have ____ a ________. • They've ____ a ________ in our bill.

Advice on smth

совет по чему-то • I need some ________ __ which computer to buy

Poses a problem

создавать проблему • The price increase ______ a _____ for us. [is a problem] • The increase in oil prices certainly ______ a _______ for us.

Create opportunities

создать возможности • The internet has _______ed opportunities for our business. [brought new opportunities] • The new university they are planning will ______ a lot of job opportunities.

Axe jobs

сократить рабочие места • Computer factory to ___ jobs [make staff redundant] • Car firm to ___ 200 jobs.

Make redundant

сокращать, уволить по сокращению штата • The Presco car firm has announced that 200 workers will be ____ __________ at its Kenton factory.

Job losses

сокращение рабочих мест • The job ________ are the result of falling profits.

Old friend

старый друг, давний друг • I met an ___ friend the other day. • to catch up with ___ friends.

become homeless

стать бездомным More people have ________ _______ this year than in any previous year.

Become famous

стать знаменитым • So, while I was waiting to _________ ______, I got a job in a fast-food restaurant. •Our local baker's has __________ _________ for its apple tarts. •Niklas has always dreamt of _________ing ______.

Be in pain

страдать от боли, испытывать боль • ___ you __ ____? • The parents ___ still __ great ____ over the death of their child

tempers flared

страсти накалились • _______s _______, I'm afraid, and mine was one of them.

Strictly forbidden

строго запрещено • smoking is ______ ______ • Anything that could transmit a signal is _______ ______. • People were deeply shocked to hear that children would be ______ _______ to use the sports ground and most people were strongly opposed to the new rules.

Whisper softly

тихо прошептать, нежно прошептать • 'I love you and want to marry you,' Dylan _______ed _____ to Madison. • William ______ed _____ in Anna's ear that he would always love her.

travel agent

турагент • If you want a good _____ _____, I can recommend Atlas World. • I prefer to arrange my holidays myself rather than use a ______ _____.

camping trips

туристический поход • I got some travel brochures with details of _________ _____s. • On summer weekends we often used to go on __________ _____s.

Heavy cold

тяжелая простуда • I made some recordings but I had a rather _______ ____ so they didn't sound good.

lonely place/spot

уединенное место, безлюдное место, одинокое место • He lives in a very ______ place/____ up in the mountains.

Desperately worried

ужасно волноваться • My friend Abigail is _________ __________ about her son at the moment.

do your hair

укладывать волосы • No, I'm not ready. I haven't __ne my ____ yet.

make an improvement

улучшить, вносить улучшение • Repainting the room has really ____ an ________. • We are trying to _____ ____________s to the system for registering.

To be bored stiff

умирать со скуки • I'm ____ed ____ in this lesson! • The students were all _____ed ____ by the lecture.

Unique occasion

уникальный случай, событие, возможность • This is a _______ _______, with three past Prime Ministers all together in one room.

bleak landscape

унылый пейзаж, мрачный пейзаж • Here it's a _____ __________ with rocky mountains in the distance. • Even in summer it is a _____ __________, with its dark, rocky mountains and its cold streams.

Have a party

устраивать вечеринку • She's ____ing a ____ • Let's ____ a _____ at the end of term. • Shall we ____ a ____ for Ruby? She's moving to Manchester next week

Get a job

устроиться на работу, получить работу • So, while I was waiting to become famous, I ___ a ___ in a fast-food restaurant.

Give way to

уступить, поддаться • You must ____ ___ __ traffic from the left.

tiring journey

утомительное путешествие, поездка • I'm finally here after an extremely _______ ______! • Was it a ______ _______ from Seoul to Los Angeles?

Set up business

учреждать, основывать (бизнес, компанию) • Abigail thinks he should do a course in Management because he'd like to ___ __ his own _______ in the future.

take a photo

фотографировать • We _______ a lot of ______. I ________ over a hundred ________ on my trip to Antarctica.

A sense of pride

чувство гордости • Every parent feels a ______ of _____ when their child does well or wins something. • If people have a _____ of ______ in their town, they are more likely to behave well there.

Gale-force winds

штормовые ветра • ____-_____ winds caused a lot of damage to property.

cheeks burn with embarrassment

щеки горят от смущения • My cheeks were burning ____ _______________.

Economy boomed

экономика процветала • The economy ______ in the 1990s. [the economy was very strong] • The economy was ____ing 30 years ago.

Bright colour

яркий цвет • Emma always wears red or yellow or some other _______ colour. • With her lovely dark hair Ella looks best when she wears ______ colour.

business travel

(_________ing in general for business purposes) деловая поездка • They specialise in business _____. • Do you use a special firm to arrange business _____ for your staff?

Flood hits

Наводнение обрушилось • ______s ___ Central Region

Safe journey

Счастливого пути! • I hope your flight is on time tomorrow. ____ __________! See you at the airport.

A big decision

важное решение • It was a ___ __________ to make.

have a dream/nightmare

видеть сон / кошмар • I ___ a ________ last night. • I ___ a bad _____ last night and woke up sweating.

Take up a profession

выбрать профессию, получить профессию • When I left university I made a decision to ____ __ a ________ in which I could be creative.

Company grows

компания растет • The company has _____ and now employs 50 more people than last year.

people trickle

люди перемещаются небольшими группами • People ______ed into the concert hall. • An hour before the match there was already a _______ of vehicles entering the car park.

violence flares up

насилие вспыхивает • Violence has _________ed __ in the capital city

Strongly recommend

настоятельно рекомендовать I would _______ ______ that you learn a foreign language.

charter flight

(flight on a plane rented for special use) спецрейс • We managed to get a ________ flight; it was half the price of the scheduled flight.

Deeply concerned

Глубоко обеспокоенный, глубоко озабоченный She has always been __________ ________ about the environment and would like to work for a conservation agency.

Deeply committed

Глубоко предан Professor McDellvit was always _________ ________ to her students.

End relationship

Закончить отношения • They ___ed their relationship a year ago. • It's never easy to ___ a relationship.

Close mouth

Закрой рот (formal) • A dentist might ask you to _____ your mouth. • The dentist told me to ______ my mouth.

tears streaming down someone's face

Кто-то очень сильно плачет • Tears were ________ing ____ her ____

Ancient times

древние времена • In ______ ____, life was very hard.

make a reservation

заказать, забронировать, зарезервировать • I'd advise you to ____ a _____________ before you go. • We couldn't ____ a __________; all the hotels were fully booked.

Bore the cost of

нести расходы • Mr Trotter ____ the ____ __ the repairs.

fasten your seatbelts

пристегните ремни безопасности • Please ________ your _________. • Passengers must ______ their ________ before take-off and landing.

do harm

причинять вред, вредить • Changing the rules may __ more ____ than good. • Do you think it would __ any ____ if I cut some leaves off this plant?

do an experiment

проводить эксперимент • We are __ing an _________ to test how the metal reacts with water.

destroy the countryside

разрушить деревенскую природу • They wanted to build a timber factory here but the local people said that it would ________ the ____________ and, fortunately, their campaign to protect the environment succeeded.

Injure people

ранить людей • Three _____ people were taken to hospital after the accident. • Were many people _____ in the earthquake? • He has ____ his leg. or He is _____.

Single parent

родитель-одиночка • Donna is a _____ parent; it's difficult for her to work full time. • support for ______ parents.

Go crazy

сходить/ сойти с ума • I was __ing ____\.

smart hotels

умные отели • I can't afford to stay in _____ hotels.

(Go) On smbd's advice

Следовать чьему-то совету • We went to Paris __ Sarah's ________

fences were blown down

заборы были снесены • A number of buildings were destroyed, roofs were torn off and fences were _____ ____.

Have a think

поразмыслить, обдумать • I'll ____ a _____ about it and let you know.

Make a good impression

произвести хорошее впечатление • It has some very/ quite/ extremely easy recipes and I managed to ____ a ____ ________ with my very first Thai meal

Take an exam

сдавать экзамен (процесс) • I'm ______ing an ____

Old building

старое здание • It's a very ___ building.

fog/mist comes down/lifts

туман опускается/ рассеивается • There are patches of fog on the east coast but these should l____ by midday. • The mist c____ ____/l____ at about midday.

business trip

(one specific journey for business purposes) командировка • I know next week is a business ____, but you must do some sightseeing too. • Tom is away on a business ____ all week.

A surge of anger

вспышка гнева, всплеск гнева • As Max read the lies about him, he felt a ______ of anger. [literary: a sudden angry feeling] When Daniel saw how harshly the poor were treated by the wealthy landowners he felt a ________ of anger.

Ancient history

древняя история • She studied _______ history. • to study _____ history • That's not news - it's ______ history!

a strong wind is blowing

дует сильный ветер • Quite a ______ wind is ________ing too! Am glad we brought warm clothes!

Sole survivor

единственный выживший • She was the ____ _________ of the crash. Everyone else died. • The ____ ________ of the accident

An only child

единственный ребенок • I am __ ____ _____; I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a brother or sister • to be __ ____ _____

expecting a baby

ждать ребенка • Have you heard the news? Mary is ______ing a baby!

to start up a business

начать дело, основать дело • We _______ed __ a business to supply sports equipment to schools

Ridiculously expensive

невероятно дорогой, абсурдно дорогой The restaurant was _________ ________. I don't think we'll go there again.

freak storm

неожиданно налетевшая буря, шторм ( very unusual or unexpected) • ____ ______s DEVASTATE SW

unspoilt countryside

нетронутая природа (сельская местность) • The cottage is in some wonderful ________ ____________ on the edge of a dense forest.

Pull steadily

неуклонно тянуть, тащить постепенно • She _____ed _______ on the rope and helped him to safety. [pulled firmly and evenly]


носить (одежду) • She was ____ing a hat. • She's ____ing a dress. • In fact, I ____ a t-shirt and jeans all the time I was there. I ____ a hat all the time too, of course, to protect me from the sun. It was fantastic there

Carry mobile phone

носить с собой мобильный телефон • I always _____ my mobile phone whenever I go out.

Carry a bag

носить сумку • He kindly offered to _____ my bag for me.

overnight journey

ночное путешествие, поездка • One of them is in Chile, but it's a long ___________ _______ from the capital to get there, so maybe we should look nearer home? • It's a rather difficult __________ ______ to the mountains but it's well worth it.

return journey

обратная дорога • I hope my ______ _______ is better!

Dead keen

очень увлечен • She was ____ ____ to meet the new coach.

freezing cold

очень холодно (дубак) • It's _______ cold in the tent - we all got soaked. • It was _________ cold here yesterday.

Falling profits

падение прибыли • The job losses are the result of _________ ______.

Make a profit

получать прибыль • The company ____ a _____ last year. • Our company ____ a _____ last year.

Get the green light

получить разрешение • Once we ___ the ______ ____, we can Start the project.

have an experience

попасть в какую-л. ситуацию; обладать опытом • I ___ a frightening ________ the other day.

have a try/go

попытаться, попробовать • I'll explain what to do and then you can ____ a __/___. • Nice bike! Can I ____ a __/___ (on it)?

Breeds crime

порождает преступность • poverty _____ crime

Constant pain

постоянная боль • she was in _________ ____

University entry

поступление в университет • She said he'd like to study for a degree but is afraid he won't meet the requirements for _________ ____

Have an accident

потерпеть аварию, крушение; попасть в катастрофу • Mr Grey ___ an _________ last night but he's OK now. • What happened? Did you ____ an _______?

ideas flow (suggests that things progress easily, without effort.)

поток идей • It was a very successful meeting. The ideas ______ed. • The ideas ______ed during the discussion.

people pour/stream somewhere

поток людей • People ______ed out of the hall at the end of the lecture. • Everyone was ________ing out of the stadium as I drove past.

to raise capital

привлекать капитал • We _______ed capital to expand the business.

A pang of nostalgia

прилив ностальгии • I felt a ____ of nostalgia when I saw the old photos of the village where I grew up. • Most older people feel a slight ____ of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays.

Take a chance

рискнуть, воспользоваться случаем • I'd _____ a ______ and leave if I were you. • I think I'll ______ a ______ and leave my flight booking till the last minute. I may get a cheaper ticket.

Take a risk

рисковать, идти на риск • Of course, we were ______ing a ____ as we didn't know exactly what we'd find there. • And why ____ ____ when you're travelling - take a train and arrive safely.

unbroken sunshine

солнечная погода - only sunshine, no clouds in the sky • Have had __________ __________ ever since we arrived.

Meet the requirements

соответствовать требованиям • She said he'd like to study for a degree but is afraid he won't ____ the ____________ for university entry

(peaceful) tranquil countryside

спокойная тихая сельская местность • You can quickly go from the hustle and bustle of the town to the _________ ____________.

smooth flight

спокойный, гладкий перелет (без турбулентности) • The weather en route is fine, and we anticipate a _________ flight to Stockholm today.

have an argument / a row

спорить, ссориться •We ___ an ________ / a ___ about how to fix the car. • Why aren't you speaking to Hazel? Did you ____ an __________ / a ___?

Grow louder

становиться громче, усиливаться • The noise _________ ______ and soon we realised it was a plane approaching. • The noise on the street ____ _________ and I looked out of the window to see what was happening.

do your best

стараться изо всех сил, сделать все возможное • All that matters in the exam is to __ your ____. • Do you __ your ____ to be on time when meeting a friend? • I was very proud of my students because they all ___ their ____.

Ancient monument

старинный памятник, монумент • There are some _______ __________ nearby

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