Color Theory key Terms

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Any color in its purest form, lacking shade or tint.

Pure Color:

Color that has absolutely no other combined with it.

Tertiary Colors:

Colors created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color.

Secondary Colors:

Colors created using an equal mixture of two primary colors: orange, green and violet.

Desaturated Colors:

Colors mixed with white and located toward the inner ring of the color wheel; they contain a large amount of gray and very little remaining pure color. They are often considered neutral.

Analogous Colors:

Colors that are located directly next to each other on the color wheel.

Neutral Colors:

Colors that do not complement or contrast any other color. Examples include brown and gray.

Complementary Colors:

Colors that fall directly across from each other on the color wheel.


Colors that result when black is added to another color.


Colors that result when gray is added to another color.


Colors that result when white is added to another color.

Cool Colors:

Colors that suggest coolness; they are dominated by blues, greens. violets, and blue-reds.

Warm Colors:

Range for colors from yellow and gold through oranges, red-oranges, most reds, and even some yellow-greens.

Primary Colors:

Red, Yellow, and blue; the basis of all other colors.


The existence of unity in a design; it is the most important of all artistic principles.


The pureness of a color or the dominance of a hue in a color.

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