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Implicit measures of stereotypes: subset of the implicit Associations test IAT



2008 election ANALYSIS: respondents who showed preference to whites in all scales used preferred McCain to Obama, IAT predicted 13 percent of the vote preference, explicit measures predated 17.8% of the vote preferences, conservatism accounted for most variance in preference for McCain -SHOWS: prejudice against blacks predicted a preference for white candidates prejudice, prejudice was not only factor

Bertrand and mullainathan

5k resumes sent out to chicago and boston, half were high quality/hal were low guilty, half had white sounding names/half had black sounding names RESULTS: resumes with white names needed to send 10 resumes for a call back. Black sounding names needed to send 15 "two identical individuals engaging in an identical job search, one with black name would receive fewer interviews" higher quality resume helps whites more than blacks and it shows differential and discriminatory treatment to blacks in job market

AP racial attitudes poll

August to Sept. 2012- gauge racial attitudes prior to the presidential election and four years after Obama had been elected to his first term Question: how well does each of these words describe more (racial group)? -categories included, friendly, determined, success, law abiding, hardworking, intelligent, smart at everyday things, good neighbors, dependable, keep up property, violent, boastful, complaining, lazy, irresponsible -RESULTS: white were found to e better rated at positive aspects and blacks and hispanics were found to be lower rated at those and higher rated at negative aspects


Boston and Atlanta: if implicit bis affected treatment of blacks at hospitals (chest pain) RESULTS: doctors reported no explicit preference to white over blacks, said blacks were less cooperative in general than whites, doctors unconscious bias may contribute to differences in treatment


How we perceive ambiguous behaviors of people from different races, conducted in Germany, Germans attitudes toward Turks -RESULTS: the more negative our biases of other races, the more negative our interactions, the more negatively we evaluate their behaviors in social interactions and the more likely we will predict negative behavior with them

Moss Racusin

IF professors in sciences showed gender bias toward men, in 127 labs half were women and half were men -RESULTS: both men and women evaluators rated male applicants higher than female applicant SHOWS: gender bias in the sciences

Predictive validity of explicit and implicit measures of prejudice

Implicit (unconscious), Explicit (conscious) the ability of measuring explicit and implicit prejudice to predict behaviors that theoretically are related to prejudice Example: if preference for whites over blacks in the IAT predicts a preference for whites over blacks in hiring the black-white IAT test has predictive validity


Judges: allowed researches to test whether implicit bias directly influenced the judges decisions when the defendant was explicitly identified as white or black and when the race was primed subconsciously -RESULTS: judges were not affected by the race of the defendant when the external cues clearly pointed to race as a possible factor in their decisions

Ziger and hanges

Laboratory setting for college students, used Attitudes Toward Blacks Scale and Modern Racism Scale, and IAT, one group was given memo to only hire whites -RESULTS: "hire a white candidate" evaluated black candidates significantly lower, explicit prejudice DID NOT influence candidate ratings in either group, participants who showed bias for whites in IAT rated black candidates lower -SHOWS: organization climate has impact on hiring


Same scenario as previous example using IAT results: the higher the bias against blacks, the more likely the total evidence was judged to be indicative of guilt for both defendants, unconscious for whites in a criminal case, evidence is indirect because there was no significant correlation between IAT scores and evaluation of defendants with both skin tones

Tan 2009

Students in rural and urban China -Americans were stereotyped positively as being rich, open minded, polite, intelligent, and honest with good morals -Negative stereotypes: arrogant, aggressive, violent, prejudiced, greedy, hedonistic SHOWED: american stereotypes in china are negative


Swedish and arab men jobs in Sweden, half applicants swedish names, half arab RESULTS: significant correlation between employer IAT scores with bias against arabs and the probability an employer would interview arab

Stephan, Ybarra, and Bachman

Tests the ITT using prejudice toward immigrants in the US college students in New Mexico, Florida, and Hawaii against Mexicans, Cubans, and Asians respectively -RESULTS: prejudice toward the immigrant groups was significantly predicted by all four threats in all the samples

Self affirmation

affirm and reinforce their feelings of self worth

Stereotypes: LABELS

an exaggerated belief associated with a category (popular)

African Americans and Standardized Tests

consistent results: black students report stereotype threat, but not white students. Black students perform less well on the tests when stereotype threat it activated, compared to white students. There is no different between black and white students when stereotype threat is not activated

weapons and faces (implicit)

dark and light faces and weapons along with harmless objects, respondents associate dark skin with weapons and light skin with harmless objects

intergroup anxiety

discomfort, stress and negative emotions experienced in intergroup interactions, such as personal contact

Reframing the task (reducing stereotype threat)

dissociating the ask or test from the stereotype


explicit and impact prejudice against blacks relation to support for Obama and health care plan -RESULTS: implicit prejudice against blacks predicted vote against Obama, implicit prejudice predicted negative evaluations of Obama, implicit prejudice, even after controlling for explicit prejudice predicted opposition to Obama health care


extent to which individual identifies with in-group


extent to which the perceived threats are perceived by in group members to affect them personally


face to face or vicarious interactions with members of the out group

Levinson and Young

found that students in a mock jury judged ambiguous evidence to be "more indicative of guilty" when the alleged perpetrator had dark skin tone than they did when the perpetrator had light skin tone, respondents could not remember if the defendant had dark skin after the trial SHOWS: jurors operated at an unconscious level of bias only could remember perpetrator

Sociobiological explanation

hardwired or programmed to be prejudice, but it can be altered by environment, part of evolutionary need for species to survive

Asian American Stereotype (implicit)

head shots of whites, asians and six foreign landmarks, respondents usually associate American landmarks with whites and foreign landmarks with asians

ITT: integrated threat theory

how threats lead to prejudice in group

McConnel and Leibold

implicit and explicit prejudices would influence person to person interactions between white and a black person. RESULTS: participants favored whites in IAT, feeling thermometer and semantic differential, significant correlations between IAT cores and negative ratings by judges, IAT was stronger predictor than explicit measures SHOWS: implicit and explicit prejudices do influence how we interact with other races

Levels of analysis of origins of prejudice: SOCIAL

includes socialization process, or how social values, customs, and traditions are handed down from one generation to the next and how we learn to be a member of society

Cognitive style

individual level variable is related to prejudice, how we process information, particularly new information; how we make sense of environment; and the ability to evaluate and adopt alternative perspectives (prejudice is based on fear of the unknown and we must be open to new information to conquer this fear)

Levels of analysis of the origins of prejudice

individual, group and society

Levels of analysis of origins of prejudice: GROUP

interactions between group members, how groups preserve identities, and how groups adapt to the environment

Hodson and busseri

lower cognitive ability= lower general intelligence= right wing ideologies and low levels of contact with out groups which in turn prejudice greater prejudice in UK 10 and 11 year olds -RESULTS: intelligence does not directly influence prejudice, relationship is indirect

Semantic differential ratings (explicit measures of stereotypes)

measures the meaning of an object on a bipolar (opposites) adjective and scale, usually a seven point scale. Asks respondents to rate the group between two opposing adjectives

Women and math

men and women given difficult math test, half were told men often perform between in math RESULTS: women who knew f the stereotype performed far worse than men and whose who didn't know did equally as good on the test


ohio residents: found that negative stereotypes about Latin America predicted the belief that immigration would result in negative consequences- more negative the stereotype the more likely the belief that immigration would lead to negative consequences

realistic threat

perceived to threaten the very existence of the group (political, economical power, boundaries, wealth)

symbolic threats

perceived to undermine the culture of the group, including its values, beliefs, world views, customs, behaviors, traditions and general way of life

Levels of analysis of origins of prejudice: INDIVIDUAL

precesses the traits that occur within a person as they adapt to the environment

Development an prejudice in children: SOCIALIZATION

process by which prejudice is learned, institutions who teach us: socialization agents, chidden as young as 6 months recognize race and develop racial biases by age 3, some studies show relation between parents attitudes and their children, others think it has more to do with environment

positive role models

provide examples of stereotypes group that perform well in the task

Increasing the salience of non threatened identities; reducing the salience of threatened identities

reducing the important or salience of the threatened identity in a particular setting will reduce the effects of stereotype in poor performance

Group status

refers to which group is dominant and in control of power and resources

PEW: Global attitudes project

research regarding the US and foreign policy in other countries. The results were mixed and were related to the geopolitics and international affairs of the US

Free responses (explicit measures of stereotypes)

respondents are asked to describe using adjectives and given a time limit. Most frequently listed adjectives are the stereotypes of the target group

Group reality ratings (explicit measures)

respondents are asked to estimate the percentage of the target group who display stereotypical behavior

Belief scales (explicit measures)

respondents are asked to rate how descriptive stereotypical behaviors are of the target group

Attribute checking (explicit measures of stereotypes)

respondents are given a list of adjectives and are asked to list them next to a certain people

Attribute ratings (explicit measures of stereotypes)

respondents are given a list of gratis or adjectives and then are asked to estimate the percentage of a group who has a particular trait

Stereotypes of Muslims

respondents did not distinguish between Muslims and Muslim Americans. The study provided supporting evidence for the negative evaluations of Muslims by the American public

Stereotypes of Latinos

respondents strongly endorsed the positive stereotypes and were less likely to express negative stereotypes

Tan 2010

rural high schools in South Korea. The image of Americans in their sample is a mix of positive and negative traits and can be explained by use of American media

Native/white stereotypes (implicit)

same as asian stereotype


single most important predictor of opposition to welfare was the belief African Americans are lazy, followed by poor people being lazy. Negative stereotypes were the most powerful predictors of opposition to welfare for people of all education levels

Explanation of the origins of prejudice

sociobiological explanation, cognitive style

Correll, park, judd, wittenbrink

stereotype that links black americans to ganger (shoot or don't shoot) developed a video game of armed and unarmed black and white meant -participants were non=black mostly college students -RESULTS: participants typically shoot black targets, armed and unarmed, more frequently than white targets, participants more quickly "don't shoot" an unarmed target when he is white

Stereotypes: Classical definitions

stereotypes are beliefs and the result of some cognitive processing Example: over generalizations, positive or negative, selective, conscious or unconscious, dimensions, can be aware of stereotypes but not act on them, may be based on accurate knowledge about a group

Stereotypes: CENTRAL POINT

stereotypes are cognitive representations of groups and their members

The sociocultural model (origins of stereotypes)

stereotypes facilitate group identification and membership maintenance. Sharing stereotypes strengthens identification with in-group and maintains membership

The psychodynamic model (origins of stereotypes)

stereotypes fulfill individual needs, such as ego maintenance. positive stereotypes of the groups to which we belong and negative stereotypes of our out-groups

The cognitive model: (origins of stereotypes)

stereotypes help us make sense of a complicated environment that has more information that we can comfortable process at any given moment. The less effort required, the more comfortable we are. This considers stereotypes as the result of incoming information

DeFleur and DeFleur

stereotypes of Americans abroad: 11 point scale -5 to +5, 0=neutral overall Americans were reared negatively in 9/12 countries surveyed

Tan, fujioka

study of white college students found that negative stereotypes predicted opposition to affirmative action policies

High standards and assurance of capabilities for meeting them

tell them high standards are expected in the task or test, but that they are capable of doing well


the process by which a stereotype stored in memory is accessed by the individual, after being triggered by objects, events, or thoughts associated with the stereotype (asians are bad drivers then you ride with an asian that is a bad driver and assume its true)

Gender science (implicit)

this stereotype shows a link between liberal arts and females and between males and science

Gender career

this stereotype test shows a link between females and family and males and careers


to stereotype is to assign identical characteristic to any person in a group, regardless of the actual variation among members of that group (asians are bad drivers)

Oliver and Fonash

white college students took an attitude test toward blacks and then shown the newspaper articles about violent and non-violent crime along with pictures of white and black suspects from the articles -showed that negative stereotyping of blacks as violent criminals is related to greater misidentification of blacks as suspects in violent crimes -did not measure implicit and explicit measures, unconscious bias

Sinclair, Dunn, Lowery

will children who identify strongly with their parents develop similar racial attitudes more than those who don't identify strongly with their parents? Studied 4th and 5th graders -RESULTS: children did not express any explicit bias, children showed implicit bias against blacks, implicit and explicit biases of children were not correlated, implicit and explicit biases of parents were not correlated, children who highly identified with their parents had higher correspondence of implicit and explicit bias with them, children who identified less with their parents took opposite view as their parents -SUMMARY: prejudice in children is indeed influenced by a host of socialization agents including agents including parents parents, peers, adults other than parents

Stereotype threat definitions

you react to stereotype others might have about you. Stress arousal, performance monitoring, and self conscious arousal all can cause poor performance due to stereotype threat -it can be experience by any group where a negative stereotype exists, they are turned on and off when the task or setting provides a specific setting to show a stereotype is true, stereotype threats vary from group to group, for stereotype threat to occur a person does not have to believe in the stereotype

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