Combat Medic 68W: Fieldcraft 3 Exam C168W144

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A carrier that transports a disease causing organism or pathogen

Staged ascent

Altitude ascent in which soldiers ascend to moderate altitude and acclimatize for 3 days before going higher

Graded ascent

Altitude ascent in which soldiers spend two nights at one altitude and limit sleep to no more than 1,000 feet higher than the previous night

High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE)

Altitude disorder that causes brain swelling

A "trigger"

Another name for an activating event?


Army's primary measure against suicide?

CLEAN, don't OVERDRESS, LOOSE and in layers, and DRY

COLD acronym

Redness or cyanosis, blue and red patches

Chilblains signs

Flies and cockroaches

Cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and food-born gastroenteritis are associated with what vectors?

Trench foot

Common name for immersion syndrome

Anger problems, sleep problems, alcohol, Relationship problems

Common problems that affects soldiers when they come home from deployment?

Lyme disease

Disease that causes a "bulls-eye" rash

No, it establishes the order of treatment based on life signs of the casualty

Does triage establish whether treatment is given?


Energy transferred by waves or rays through the air

Climate, season, weather

Factors that make you susceptible to cold weather injuries


Fatality rate of heatstroke if left untreated

Remove means of self-harm

First thing to do when dealing with a suicidal individual

Minimize "Collateral damage"

GOAL as a healthcare provider for Combat Resilience training

Altered mental status

Hallmark sign of Heatstroke

High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)

High altitude disorder that causes pulmonary edema

Bodily contact

How are lice easily transmitted

It creates physical pathways (muscle memory)

How does the brain help you react to your environment?

24-48 hours

How long it takes after warming to asses frostbite

10 degrees

How much MOPP or and IBA increases the WBGT temperature

quiet and dark

How to keep quarters for those with head injuries

Rectal thermometer

How to obtain a accurate core temperature reading

Passively and focus on the trunk

How to rewarm the body in a cold injury?


How to treat chilblains

Warm the area using steady pressure of the hand, underarm, or abdomen

How to treat frostbite

People who have witnessed a natural disaster, serious accident, terrorist incident, combat/war, violent personal assault such as rape, or other life-threatening events

In what kind of people can PTSD occur in?

Anniversary of a suicide of a close friend or family member, death of a loved one, suicide of a loved one, retirement

Key triggers of suicide


Loss of heat at the surface of vaporization

Nicotine and antihistamines

Medications that can affect a heat casualty

97-93 degrees

Mild hypothermia range

93-86 degrees

Moderate hypothermia range

January, April, September, October

Months with most suicides


Mosquito born viral disease that involves the central nervous system

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

Most common altitude disorder that includes headache, anorexia, vomiting, dizziness

Avoiding mosquito bites

Most effective control of malaria


Most effective treatment for the plague


Most preventable disease known to man

Get help

Most useful thing to do for a individual who is struggling with suicide?


Name for immature mites

Soldiers heart

Name of PTSD during the civil war

Shell shock

Name of PTSD in WWI


Name of PTSD in the 18th century

Just listen to them

One of the best and most therapeutic things a medic can do for struggling soldiers


Percentage of soldiers who reported stress reactions that may interfere with their ability to be emotionally close to others


Percentage of suicides that gave warnings of their intentions


Percentage of suicides that were triggered by relationship problems

Help them get the help they need

Role of the medic when it comes to soldiers looking for help

less then 86 degrees

Severe hypothermia range

Itching and small welts

Signs of Chigger bites

Painful spasms of skeletal muscles, headache, nausea, dehydration

Signs of heat injury

Tell them you are concerned, All are impacted by deployment, Insist they talk with someone, Look for ways to help


Activating Event, Thoughts, and Consequences (ATC)

The ATC model


The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching.

Locating and removing the food sources

The key to eliminating the filth fly and cockroaches


The most effective arthropod when it comes to disease transmission


The most important arthropod to the military


The transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or gas

Identify those in the platoon at risk, talk to your soldiers to normalize their behavior, empower soldiers to seek help

Three objectives for medics for resilience training

Remove clothing, gentle stretching of cramped muscles, provide rapid and active cooling

Treatment for a heat casualty

Manage ABCs, give IV, remove watches, keep casualty calm

Treatment for a snakebite

Apply ointment and laundering of clothing

Treatment for scabies

Fever and abdominal pain with diarrhea

Two most important signs of Malaria


Type of treatment for Dengue fever (Transmitted by mosquitoes)


What Arthropod spread Leishmaniasis

"Over Watch"

What Combat Medics need to provide for soldiers when it comes to resilience training?

Delay treatment trying to capture the snake, suck the venom, place ice on the bite

What NOT to do for a snakebite


What arthropod carries Scabies?

The brain, not the body

What controls sleep?

Prepared to overcome challenges and thrive in the face of diversity

What happens to soldiers who are provided adaptive skills to deal with challenges?

It "dials-down"

What happens to your anxiety post-deployment

When the number of casualties exceeds the number of available medical capability

What is a MASCAL?

Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer

What is a WGBT

It enhances the body's natural response to danger (flight-or-fight)

What is important about pre-deployment training and experiences gained during deployment?

Control them because they can lead to deteriorating physical and mental performance

What is important to keep in mind when it comes to your post-deployment responses?


What is the heart prone to if its hypothermic?

the medical sorting of casualties according to the type and seriousness of the injury; affords the greatest number of casualties the greatest chance of survival

What is triage?

Bio warfare agents

What plague and typhus can be potentially identified as


What should be suspected if the casualty has unexpected febrile illness

102 degrees

What temperature to not lower the core body when treating a heat casualty

500 ml bolus of lactated ringers

What to do for a heat casualty with a altered mental status

Let them rest and sleep

What to do for soldiers who have concussions?

The sooner they get help, the better the outcome

What to remind soldiers when it comes to looking for help?

Passive Transmission (Mechanical Transmission)

When the arthropod carries a pathogen from one host to another and the pathogen is there "along for the ride"

Active Transmission (Biological Transmission)

When the disease causing agent undergoes some change in the body of the anthropod

Crushing the vector

When the host crushed the vector and the pathogen is rubbed into the skin

Fecal contamination

When the vector defecates into a wound onto the host


When the vector injects the pathogen into the host with its saliva while it feeds on the host


When the vector vomits the pathogen into the host while it feeds

Wrists, hands, or exposed areas

Where Sandflies attack on the body


Where altitude injuries can start

10,000 ft

Where altitude injuries commonly occur

Folds in the skin

Where scabies affects?

In an area containing all supplies

Where should delayed and minimal patients be cared?

Opposite arm that was bit

Where to apply an IV for a snakebite

Quartermaster and logistics

Who handles the dead?

New people in an area

Who is most likely to be affected by Sandfly Fever

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