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Franklin Delano Roosevelt

1/30/1882 - 4/12/1945 - 32d President of the U.S. Lead during depression and WWII. (FDR).

severe recession from 19-- to 19-- under ___ -blue collar workers were hit the hardest -policies by Paul Volcker to tame inflation in 70s backfires in this time -farmers lost farms because of foreign competition

80, 82, Reagan

19--: inflation fell dramatically -economy revitalized -still more working poor, rich getting richer


1983: Dep. of Education released this study that showed that students were consistently scoring lower on standardized tests as time passed -America's schools failed to prepare students to compete with foreign school

A Nation at Risk

Social Security Act

A law passed in 1935 established unemployment insurance to people who had lost their jobs, created a pension system for elderly, and provided aid for poverty stricken moms and disabled, and also created insurance for work related incidents.

who wanted "kinder, gentler,nation"?


authors of "Free to Choose" -conservative economist and his wife

Milton and Rose Friedman

amount of money the fed govt owes to owners of govt bonds -rose to $2.5 trillion

national debt

traditionalists, or ___ did not want society to abandon traditional values in favor of new freedoms


CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

organized to use nations unemployed youth to build roads, plant trees, improve parks, etc. provided jobs for more than 2 million people. They fought fires, dug ditches. This was FDR's favorite program.

reforming the Soviet system -moving away from socialist economy


activists who believed that the federal govt controlled too much land in the western states -thought fed govt should give control of this land to the states -supported conservative platform

sagebrush rebels

Huey Long

senator of Louisiana, he was a really tough competitor against FDR for presidency. He thought of the program "Share Our Wealth" which basically said to take some of the money from the large corporations and redistribute their income to the poor Americans. He was assassinated by a political enemy hence ending the political threat to Roosevelt.

Reagan policy that rests on assumption that if taxes are reduced, people will work more and have more money to spend, causing economy to grow -govt will collect more in taxes -however, needed to reduce fed spending on programs that were favored by both parties (difficult)

supply-side economics (Reaganomics)

conservatives criticized programs required but not paid for by the federal government, or ____

unfunded mandates

conservatives called for providing these, or government checks, which would be used by parents to pay tuition at private schools


since Nixon admin., govt has been waging an attempt to stop illegal drug use by going after both the seller sand the users -Bush arrested renown drug figures, Eduardo Martinez Romero

war on drugs

whose campaign slogan was "It is morning in America"


"a new openness" in SU


-disease that first appeared in 1981 -last stage of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) -attacks immune system -no known cure -spread amend homosexuals and drug users *Reagan responded slowly *Bush funded for research

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Reagan's Sec of State

Alexander Haig

Definitions may be in flipped order

All of the words in the study guide are present.

In Chile, military dictator ___ gave up power

Augusto Pinochet

-fall of the ___ symbolized the end of communism in Europe -communists lost power in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania (1989), Albania (1990), Yugoslavia (1991)

Berlin Wall

1980 Court Case: SC upheld constitutionality of Equal Access Act

Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens

-communists in SU tried one last attempt to restore communism (coup) -group of Soviets led by ___ rallied streets in favor of Gorbachev's policy -coup fell apart

Boris Yeltsin

John Maynard Keynes

British economist who believed in Pump Primping (giving people jobs in public projects) and the fact that a large deficit spending was needed to end depression.

to counter threats of Soviets using Sandinistas (Nicaragua) to get to US, US backed this group of anticommunist counterrevolutionaries -US also supported right-winged govt in El Salvador, as it battled leftist rebels


Act under Reagan that reduced taxes by 25 percent over three years -richest Americans received largest tax cuts

Economic Recovery Act of 1981

Court Case: forbade religious teachings in school

Engel v. Vitale

Act that required public secondary schools to allow any group equal access to school facilities -conservative Christians supported b/c many public schools did not let religious groups meet on campus

Equal Access Act

First New Deal

FDR wanted to achieve long-term economic recovery, prevent future depression and provide relief from the hardships. He had three goals : relief, recovery and reform.

WPA (Works Progress Administration)

Former federal agency (1935-1943) charged with instituting and administering public works in order to relieve national unemployment. They built a lot of highways, dredged rivers, promoted soil conservation and helped displaced artists. Although this program employed 8 million people, government spent money it did not have creating an even larger federal deficit.

-Yale graduate -WWII vet -US Ambassador of UN -director of CIA -Reagan's VP

George H.W. Bush

1988 election winner -Reagan's VP for 8 years -promised not to raise taxes -defender of traditional values -encouraged volunteers for disabled, illiterate, and poor

George H.W. Bush

Dem candidate in 1984 election's VP, first woman to be nominated for VP by a major political party

Geraldine Ferraro

Deficit Spending (Pump Primping)

Giving people jobs in public projects gave money to the consumers who will buy more goods from companies and thus stimulate the economy.

Act that sought to balance the budget by 1990 by requiring automatic cuts in federal spending if the deficit exceeded a certain amount -passed, but did not work, deficits set new records in 90's

Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act

Fireside Chats

Informational radio address given by FDR (There were 30 of these addresses). Soothed the Americans. Made them feel closer to the president.

Event: -US sold weapons to Iran in 1985 in exchange for Iran's promise to pressure terrorist groups in Lebanon to release some American hostages -plan didn't work -Admin. used the $ from the sale to fund contras in Nicaragua, despite that in 1983, Congress banned sending funds to Contras -news came out in 1986

Iran Contra Affair

March 30, 1981:Reagan shot, almost assassinated by __

John Hinckley Jr.

Francis Townsend

Leading socialist, doctor who claimed that if we give $200 a month to all citizens over the age of 60, this would filter out to the rest of the society and thus produce an economic recovery. He made "Townshend Clubs" where he would hold meetings. Influenced establishment of Roosevelt's Social Security.

US sent marines to ___ to break a Civil War in the area -Oct 23, 1983: a truck with thousand of explosives smashed into HQ of US Marines in Beirut (capital) -killed 241 marines -Reagan withdrew remaining marines in Feb 1984


Dec.1989: Bush sent 12000+ US troops to invade Panama and arrest Panama dictator ___

Manuel Noriega

1988 Bush's Dem opponent -Massachusetts govnr

Michael Dukakis

1985, ___ became prez of SU -encouraged glasnost and perestroika

Mikhail Gorbachev

political organization founded in 1979 that was working to fulfill religious goals -worried about decline of the traditional family -opposed Engel v. Vitale and Roe v. Wade -condemned Equal Rights Amendment -condemned homosexuality what was the group? and who founded it?

Moral Majority, Reverend Jerry Falwell

Reagan calls this man "the mad dog of the Middle East" -leader of Libya -after Libya bombed a Berlin nightclub, US bombed Libya (killed his daughter)

Muammar al-Qadafi

leader of the antiapartheid movement in South Africa -imprisoned since 1962 -released in 1990 -became prez of South Af. in their first free elections in 1994

Nelson Mandela

name of the resurgent conservative movement -a coalition of several different groups with varying ideals and goals

New Right

Dec. 1992: Bush admin. enacted this in Somalia -US Marines landed in Somalia -to help establish cease-fire b/t rival warlords and to deliver food to hundreds of thousands of starving people -American humanitarian mission -even Bush's critics applauded him for this intervention, very well-received

Operation Restore Hope

peace plan devised by Costa Rican leader _____ -brought free elections in Nicaragua and end of a long Civil War in El Salvador

Oscar Arias

Name of War: ______ American-led attack on Iraqi forces _____: -began on Jan 16, 1991 -strategy devised by General ______ (chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff) and Norman Schwarzkopf -five weeks of aerial bombing on Iraqi forces -Iraq launched Scud missiles on coalition forces and Israel -Feb 23: coalition troops stormed into Kuwait, Iraqi troops surrenders or fled, while setting fire to Kuwait oil rigs -end of Vietnam syndrome

Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm, Colin Powell

1981: thousands of air-traffic controllers went on strike -what was the group? -prez refused to negotiate, which prez? -fired workers, violating law preventing strikes

Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), Reagan

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)

Promote economic development on Tennessee River. Part of New Deal. Because the people settled down in the Tennessee River Valley were very poor and did not have enough electric power, this act built more dams which controlled floods, generated electric powers, and created a ton of jobs.

Oct 25, 1983: Grenadian prime minister ousted from power, US troops invaded Grenada to prevent island from becoming communist outpost and to protect American medical students -which president? -legal grounds questionable, but many Americans approved of his decision


___(which prez) dedicated billions of dollars to the development of B-1 and B-2 bombers, MX missile systems, and placed a new generation of nuclear missiles in Europe


this president switched from Democratic Party to Republican Party


which prez felt that after Vietnam, US needed to weaken communism by challenging it as much as possible without provoking war -peace would come through strength


winner of 1984 election -reelection -even though he won, Dem still had control of HOR


US Ambassador ____ described legal system in El Salvador as "rotten" and called for US to suspend aid to the nation

Robert White

Court Case: legalized abortion

Roe v. Wade

Father Charles Coughlin

Roman Catholic priest, claimed that he supported the New Deal but thought that FDR was not doing enough for the depression. He claims that FDR out- hoovered Hoover and that communists were running the country. He was Canadian born so he could not compete with FDR in presidency so he put his support behind Huey Long.

who asked "Are you better off than you were four years ago? -bashed Carter and his foreign policy -election of 1980

Ronald Reagan

winner of the 1980 election -opposition to big govt and high taxes -support for strong military -faith in traditional values

Ronald Reagan

Communist Party of SU lost power -SU separated into 15 independent republics -Boris became leader of largest republic, ______

Russian Federation

in the 70's, many people migrated from the __ Belt to the __ Belt

Rust, Sun

Reagan and Gorbachev met 4 times from 1985-1989 -led to this historic nuclear arms pact that would reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world

START 1 Treaty

Aug 2, 1990: Iraq invaded Kuwait Iraq's dictator ____ wanted to take over Kuwait's rich oil deposits -would control 20% of world's oil -UN came to resolution that Iraq leave Kuwait

Saddam Hussein

first female Justice -moderate conservative -nominated in 1981 -voted to uphold Roe v. Wade, which Reagan opposed

Sandra Day O'Connor

1989: 1000 Savings and Loan banks failed -people blamed Reagan's deregulation policies -govt spent $200 billion to bail out depositors at the failed banks

Savings and Loan Crisis (S&L Crisis)

Social Security cost rising in 80's Act that raised minimum retirement age and increased payroll taxes for Social Security -did not solve longterm problems

Social Security Reform Act

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. )

Started by "New Deal." Restricted agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant part of their land and to kill off excess livestock. To reduce crop surplus and raise profit.

a proposed program in which land and space based lasers would destroy any missiles aimed at the US before they could reach their targets -program name? nickname? -people thought it was unrealistic

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), Star Wars

"New Deal"

The economic measures introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 to counteract the effects of the Great Depression. Government should play an active role in recovery.

NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act) You do not need to know this but it might help

This act authorized the President of the United States to regulate industry and permit cartels and monopolies in an attempt to stimulate economic recovery, and established a national public works program.

Chinese students stage pre democracy protests in ___, the heart of Beijing -Chinese tanks rolled in and killed hundreds of protestors -crushed demonstrations and imprisoned many

Tiananmen Square

Reagan's Dem opponent in 1984

Walter Mondale

Eleanor Roosevelt

Wife of Franklin Roosevelt and a strong advocate of human rights (1884-1962). Unlike the other first ladies, she had a more active role in public affairs. She was FDR's eyes and ears. One time, the bonus army was still doing marches so FDR sent his arm candy to go and sing a couple of songs to make them feel like the nation cared.

well-known conservative member of Supreme Court who was elevated by Reagan in 1986 to Chief Justice

William Rehnquist

third leg of modern conservatives: -dangers posed by SU -questioned detente -fought against SALT II treaty


South Africa had maintained rigid segregation, ___


shortfall b/t the amount of $ spent and the amount taken in by the govt

budget deficit

PWA (Publics Work Administration)

built bridges, dams, power plants, and government buildings. This act improved the nation's infrastructure and created lots of jobs.

Ideas/Goals of __: -large central govt endangered economic growth and individual choice -didn't want to "throw money" at social problems -reduce taxes -limit govt regulation of industry to promote economic growth


people who generally favored allowing free market, private organizations, and individuals to help the needy


Second New Deal

dealt with problems of the elderly, the poor, the unemployed, created public projects, helped farmers. During this time was when new problems arose against the new deal.

Reagan increased ___, but was not able to win huge cuts in other areas, created budget deficit to skyrocket

defense spending

Reagan reduced govt.'s role in the economy by ___, or the removal of govt control over industry -by mid80s, did this for airline, telecommunications, and banking industries


In US, many private firms ____, withdrew investments from South Africa


people that opposed sagebrush rebels usually __, bc they did not want to expose preserved lands to possible developments


Emergency Banking Bill

gave the president broad powers. Allowed a 4 day bank holiday so the banks could get their accounts in order before they reopened.

FERA(Federal Emergency Relief Association)

granted federal funds to state agencies to help the unemployed.

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

insured bank deposits up to $5,000. This helped restore American confidence in the economy. Assured people that their money was safe.

Ideas/Goals of__: -valued social programs that helped the poor, unemployed, elderly, etc. -sponsored laws to protect minorities and women -supported greater govt regulation on industry -favored cooperating with international organizations like the UN


people who generally favored govt intervention to help the needy


which political party was blamed for stagflation? -believed taxes too high and money spent on wrong programs


NRA (National Recovery Administration)

made codes that established minimum wages and minimum prices of the goods sold. This was to increase worker's wage so they could buy products and in turn the companies would yield profit.

Brain Trust

most influential groups that FDR sought advice from. They were a group of professionals and academics.

US funded and trained this group of anti-Soviet rebels in Afghanistan -1988: Soviet forces withdrew from Afghan.


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