Combo with Chapter 5

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Account Manager

A(n) _____ keeps track of multiple Web sites in use by a project or keeps track of the projects that will combine to create a larger Web site.

Automated Clearing House

ACH is short for _____.


Active X controls run only on computers with _____ operating systems.

How do you characterize the marketplace?

Via: 1. demographics 2. size, growth, changes 3. structure: competitors, suppliers, substitutes 4. where the content is coming from (static vs dynamic)


Voice activated software

home page

the initial page that the viewer sees


electronic commerece ativities performed between a government and it's citizens. it includes; paying taxes, registering objects and providing information

Dynamic online catalog

employs sophisticated database software that quickly retrieves and updates data such as inventory ability.


entry into a website


establishes where the data travels


establishing the validity of ones claimed identity

Site Assessment

evaluating the form and function of your website design

Open source web building tools

ex: Apache web server, MySQL, PHP, PERL

EC merchant services

ex: Yahoo's Small Business Merchant Solns

Infomediary model

firm assisting buyers and/or sellers in understanding a given market by analyzing consumer data, (usually) used to support targeted marketing campaigns, Advertising Networks (access to banner space at many sites drawing upon insights from customer data), Audience Measurement Services (online research firms such as Nielsen-Netratings; (new) sentiment analysis firms)


cost per 1000 impressions


a listing of goods or services that may include photographs or descriptions


a message from a sender to a receiver


displaying two or more web pages at the same time in the same browser window

E-government adoption Layne and Lee model

(1) E-Governmentadoption:catalogue (2) E-Government adoption: transaction (3) E-Government adoption: vertical integration (4) E-Government adoption: horizontal integration

business plan

A written document that identifies a company's goals and outlines how the company intends to achieve the goals and at what cost


A(n) _____ allows anyone with knowledge of its existence to cause damage by observing transactions, deleting, data, or stealing data.


A(n) _____ bank is a bank that does business with sellers that want to accept payment cards.


A(n) _____ electronic wallet stores a consumer's information on his/her own computer.

What are the 3 components of system analysis?

1. business objectives 2. system functionality 3. information requirements

most important mgt challenges in building a successful e-commerce site are:

1. developing a clear understanding of bus objectives Req you to: build a plan for developing your firm's site 2. knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives Req you to: understand some of the basic elements of EC infrastructure

key factors in selecting a package:

-Fxnality -Support for diff business models -Bus process modeling tools -Visual site mgt + reporting -Performance + scalability -Connectivity to existing bus systems -Compliance with standards -Global + multicultural capability -Local sales tax + shipping rules

2 types of app servers

1. isolated business apps (from web servers + DBs) 2. single-fxn apps (which are increasingly being replaced by integrated software tools that combine all fxnality needed for EC site)


A(n) _____ is a company that offers start-up companies a physical location with offices, accounting and legal assistance, computers, and Internet connections at a very low monthly cost.

advantages of dynamic page gen tools

1. lowers menu costs (costs incurred by merchants for changing prod dx + prices) 2. permits easy online mkt segmentation (ability to sell same product to diff mkts) 3. enables cost-free price discrimination (ability to sell the same product to diff customers @ diff prices) 4. enables web content sys (WCMS)

performance + cost

1. mobile web site (least expensive) 2. mobile app (can use browser API) 3. native app (most expensive, requires more programming)

3 types of m-commerce software

1. mobile web site (responsive web design) 2. Mobile web app 3. native app

factors in web site optimization:

1. page generation 2. page delivery 3. page content Purpose of website is to deliver content to customers and to complete transaxns. The faster + more reliably this is met, the more effective the web site

Important to understand the different factors that affect 1, 2, 3 of a site

1. speed 2. capacity 3. scalability

physical design

1. translates logical --> physical components 2. Specifies actual physical, software components, models, etc.


A(n) _____ is a person or device that is able to listen in on and copy Internet transmissions.

ways to scale hardware:

1. vertically - increase processing power of indiv components 2. horizontally - employ multiple computers to share workload 3. improve processing architecture of site

Ethernet Speed

10 Mybtes per second, the speed at which the data is transported

Microsoft's Internet Info Server (IIS)

2nd major web server software (25% of mkt) Windows based

___% users say they would not revisit a web site that they found annoying to use


Animated GIF

A GIF based graphic file that moves


A Web server can compromise _____ when it allows automatic directory listings.

Postimplementation Audit

A _____ is a formal review of a project after it is up and running.


A _____ is a listing of goods and services.

Smart Card

A _____ is a stored-value card that is a plastic card with an embedded microchip that can store information.

Charge Card

A _____, offered by companies such as American Express, carries no spending limit, and the entire amount charged to the card is due at the end of the billing period.


A ________ is someone whose advice or view carries some weight in making a final purchasing decision.

Project Manager

A(n) _____ is a person with specific training or skills in tracking costs and the accomplishment of specific objectives in a project.


A broader definition of EC that includes not just the buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization best defines...

social networking.

A category of Internet applications that helps connect friends, business partners, or individuals with specific interests by providing free services such as photo presentation, e-mail, blogging, and so on using a variety of tools best describes...

social marketing

A combina6on of social policy and marke6ng prac6ces to achieve a set of social behavioral goals within a target audience

Traditional sales?

A consumer buying a product/service from the Web site.,


A disadvantage of _____ wallets is that they are not portable.

business case

A document that justifies the investment of internal, organizational resources in a specific application or project

Web advertising?

A free service/product suported by advertising displayed on the Web,

Trojan Horse

A(n) _____ is a program hidden inside another program or Web page that masks its true purpose.


A(n) _____ is a small application program.

Active X Control

A(n) _____ is an object that contains programs and properties that Web designers place on Web pages to perform particular tasks.


A(n) _____ is software that attaches itself to another program and can cause damage when the host program is activated.

Public sector Process Rebuilding (PPR) model

1,Cultivation Limited use of online customer service, no online services. Website as gatekeeper. Horizontal and ver4cal integra4on, adop4on of intranet. 2,Extension Adop4on personalized web interface for customer service; many redirec4ons to online documents/online loca4ons. Extensive intranet use. 3,Maturity Transparency; focus on customer request for service; online self service is key (CDSS, SST). Abandoning intranet; merge over internet and intranet. 4,Revolution - Employees ac4ons are traced; customer owns the data (i.e. who is on my case, what is the status of the process, who have accessed my case?). - Intra- and extra-organiza4onal mobility of data and services.

Factors involved in overall demand:

1. # of simultaneous users in peak periods 2. nature of customer requests (user profile) 3. type of content (dynamic vs static web pages) 4. req'd security 5. # of items in inventory 6. # of page requests 7. speed of legacy apps

Deep Hierarchy

A hierarchy with too many menu-selections, becomes a navigational nightmare for the user

Collective Mark

A mark used in commerce by the members of an association

E-commerce business models

1) Brokerage 2) Advertising 3) Infomediary 4) Merchant 5) Manufacturer/direct 6) Affiliate 7) Community 8) Subscription 9) Utility

viral marketer.

A marketer that uses e-mail to advertise to potential customers is called a _____?

Government 2.0 Categories of coproduction

1. Citizen sourcing (citizen->government). 2. Government as a platform (government->citizen). 3. Do it yourself government (citizen<-->citizen). Each category can be described in terms of a) service design, b) service execution, and c) service monitoring.

Web site systems development best practices

1. Continuous availability 99%+ 2. Design for scalability 3. Build in mgt for end-to-end delivery 4. Plan for growth 5. Design pages for high-speed performance 6. Understand and optimize workload on system

how do you determine the target audience?

1. Demographics Age, gender, income, location 2. Behavior patterns (lifestyle) 3. Consumption patterns (purchasing habits) 4. Digital usage patterns 5. Content creation patterns (blogs, FB) 6. Buyer personas

What are the 9 basic business objectives?

1. Display goods 2. Provide product info (content) 3. Personalize/customize product 4. Engage customers in conversations 5. Execute a transaxn 6. Accumulate customer info 7. Provide after-sale customer support 8. Coordinate marketing/advertising 9. Understand marketing effectiveness 10. Provide prodxn + supplier links

areas where you need to make decisions in building a site

1. HR & org capabilities - creating a team that has the skill set to build and manage a successful site 2. hardware 3. software 4. telecomm 5. site design

Most unique features that must be taken into account when designing a mobile web presence

1. Hardware *smaller, more resource constraints in data storage +processing power 2. Connectivity *constrained by slower connection speeds 3. Displays *smaller + req simplicification (some are not good in sunlight either) 4. Interface *touch screen technology introduces new interaxn routines diff from tradl mouse and keyboard (not good data entry tool but can be a good navigational tool)

A Five-Step Approach to Developing an E-Commerce System

1. Identifying, justifying, and planning ec systems 2. Creating an EC architecture 3. Selecting a development option 4. Installing, testing, integrating, and deploying ec applications 5. Operations, maintenance, and updates

How can you imagine your e-commerce presence?

1. Know yourself - SWOT Analysis 2. Develop an EC presence map 3. Develop a timeline: milestones

Basic Fxnality Provided by Web Servers

1. Processesing of HTTP requests 2. Security services (secure sockets layer) 3. File transfer protocol 4. Search engine 5. Data capture 6. E-mail 7. Site mgt tools

web site systems development life cycle

1. Systems Analysis/Planning 2. Systems Design 3. Building the System 4. Testing 5. Implementation System Delivery

5 steps of SDLC

1. Systems analysis/planning 2. systems design 3. Building the system 4. Testing 5. Implementation


A network that uses the Internet to link multiple intranets best defines...

Home Page

A point of entry into a website


A retailer that mainly uses the internet as a way for customers to shp for their goods and services, online sales intermediary, a seller that operates between manufacturers and consumers

social capital

A sociological concept that refers to connec6ons within and between social networks—the core idea is that social networks have value; just as physical capital or human capital can increase produc6vity (both individual and collec6ve), so do social contacts affect the produc6vity of individuals and groups


A technique for diminishing edges of a pixelated graphic

social media marketing (SMM)

A term that describes use of social media pla/orms such as networks, online communi6es, blogs, wikis, or any other online collabora6ve media for marke6ng, market research, sales, CRM, and customer service; it may incorporate ideas and concepts from social capital, Web 2.0, social media, and social marke6ng


A transaction or slae made directly between a business and consumer. It is a form of trading and buying or selling over the internet.

referring directory.

A type of online mall that is basically a directory organized by product type best describes

Advertising model

A web site provides content and services (like e-mail, chat, forums) mixed with advertising messages (banners), The banner ads may be the major or sole source of revenue for the broadcaster, Important submodels: portal, user registration (NYTimes digital), classifieds ('your own'individual ads), query- based paid placement (google), contextual advertising (ads with freeware), content-targeted ads (Google: ads in line with content of a website->Adsense).

Certification Mark

A word or symbol that is used in commerce to certify geographic origin

revenue models

Advertising, subscriptions, transaction fees, sales, and affiliate revenue.

establishing a grocery delivery service called AmazonConnect. experienced each of the following except...

Value Added Network

An independent firm that offers connections and EDI transaction services

Build own vs outsourcing

Build your own requires team with diverse skill set; choice of software tools; both risks and possible benefits

electronic shopping cart.

An order-processing technology that allows customers to accumulate items they wish to buy while they continue to shop best defines


Any act or object that poses a danger to computer assets is known as a _____.


Application servers are usually grouped into two types: page-based and _____ systems.

system architecture

Arrangement of software, machinery, and tasks in an information system needed to achieve a specific functionality

Stages of community development

Attract members Promote participation Build loyalty Capture value

keyword banners.

Banner ads that appear when a predetermined word is queried from a search engine are

need identification

Banner advertising on Web sites helps trigger a realization that there is a gap between reality and a desired state, which occurs in the ________ stage of the EC purchase decision-making process.

increasing the skill requirements and training needs of purchasing agents.

Benefits of e-procurement over traditional procurement methods include each of the following except

Common dynamic page gen tools:

CGI = Common Gateway Interface ASP = Active Server Pages JSP = Java Server Pages


Characteristics such as age, sex, income, location, etc.


Commerce Server is produced by _____.


Commerce service providers are also called _____ service providers.

Transaction fees?

Commission paid to the business for aiding in the transaction.,

forward auctions

Companies use ________ to sell their unneeded assets for quick disposal or to dispose of excess, obsolete, and returned products.

tends to be much less expensive.

Compared to the traditional job market, the online job market...


Comparing site to competitors in terms of response speed, quality of layout, and design

Transaction Processing

Completing a transaction online


Consumers trading or swaping things electronically, on places like EBay, Face Book and Gumtree. They can sell swap or trade products, and even swap hoses with someone else if they are going away

Dynamic page generation

Contents of Web page stored as objects in db, rather than being hard-coded in HTML. When the user requests a Web page, the contents for that page are then fetched from the db

Serial Numbers

Creating truly anonymous electronic cash requires a bank to issue electronic cash with embedded _____ such that the bank can digitally sign the electronic cash while removing any association of the cash with a particular customer.

clickstream behavior.

Customer movements on the Internet best describes

logical design

Data flow diagrams processing fxns databases


Dell collaborating electronically with its partners and providing customer service online is an example of...


Describes how many pixels are displayed on your screen

Fair use Rule

Describes when and how much of a copyrighted work may be copied or used in another report

system design specification

Description of main components of a system and their relationship to one another

Fxns of app servers

Do I Need to know this???


E-commerce (narrow) + servicing, collaborating and intra-organizational transactions and communication

Social commerce

E-commerce conducted via social media and/or using Web 2.0 technology.

the product or service sold, the process, and the delivery method.

EC can take several forms depending on the degree of digitization of the following three dimensions:

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is the acronym for _____.

Companies that produce a larger number of products, such as Proctor & Gamble, do not need retailers for efficient distribution.

Each of the following describes retailing except:

financing the transformation of raw materials into finished products.

Each of the following is a main function of traditional and electronic markets except...

host search.

Each of the following is a type of EC search except...

(All of these) direct marketing, online banking, m-commerce.

Electronic commerce applications include...

presence and delivery, find information, compare, and analyze EC activities.

Electronic markets are the EC mechanism supporting the...

(All of these) notifying a customer when an auction comes to a close - Allowing a user to personalize Web site attributes - Sending an instant alert to customers' mobile devices, notifying them about a drop in a product's price.

Examples of personalization include...

social media: platform

FB Twitter Blogs

Four building blocks of website optimization

Findability Usability Functionality Stylability

host own vs outsourcing: co-location

Firm purchases or leases Web server (with total control over its operation), but server is located at vendor's facility

Input Controls

Form fields that are used to collect data entered by the user

(All of these) electronic catalogs, search engines, shopping carts.

Functionalities provided by EC merchant server software include

(All of these) electronic catalogs, search engines, shopping carts.

Functionalities provided by EC merchant server software include...

shopping portals.

Gateways to storefronts and e-malls are...


Global Positioning System

WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative)

Guidelines developed and continually revised since 1999 to ensure that persons with disabilities can access the web


Hiring another company to provide the outside support for all or part of a project is called _____.


Hiring vendors to provide services involved in building site

Host own vs outsourcing: hosting

Hosting company responsible for ensuring site is accessible 24/7, for monthly fee


Used to hold text and/ or graphics so that they do not change sizes on other pages

Subscription based?

Users pay a monthly or yearly recurring fee for the use of the product/service., World of Warcraft

Fast Venturing

In _____, an existing company that wants to launch an electronic commerce initiative joins external equity partners and operational partners that can offer the experience and skills needed to develop and scale up the project very rapidly.

Partial Outsourcing

In _____, the company identifies specific portions of the project that can be completely designed, developed, implemented, and operated by another firm that specializes in a particular function.


In a shopping cart, clicking the Checkout button usually displays a screen that asks for _____ and shipping information.

Closed Loop

In a(n) _____ system, the card issuer pays the merchants that accept the card directly and does not use an intermediary, such as a bank or clearinghouse system.

Early Outsourcing

In many electronic commerce projects, the company outsources the initial site design and development to launch the project quickly. This approach is called _____.


In the consumer decision process, which of the following roles ultimately makes the buying decision or any part of it?

Filling Out Online Forms

In the early days of electronic commerce, shoppers deleted items they wanted to purchase by _____.

information requirements

Info elements that system must produce to achieve bus objectives


Internet payments for items costing from a few cents to approximately a dollar are called _____.

e-supply chain Order commitment

It is a system that allows vendors to accurately quote delivery dates to customers by providing real-time detailed visibility into the entire fulfillment cycle. It is linked to all other modules so that accurate delivery of goods and services can be guaranteed.

e-supply chain Advanced scheduling and manufacturing planning

It provides detail co-ordination of all manufacturing and supply efforts based on individual customer orders. Scheduling is based on real-time analysis of changing constraints throughout the process, from equipment malfunctioning to supply interruptions. Scheduling also creates job schedules for managing the manufacturing process as well as logistics.

Fulfillment company

It warehouses a merchants goods and processes orders for the merchant

Sun Microsystems

Java is a programming language developed by _____.

Combination Menu

Using both graphics/images and text for websites

the willingness of companies to incur higher costs to improve collaboration.

Key business drivers for B2B include each of the following except...


Large information systems that store the same data in many different physical locations are called _____.


Larger businesses often prefer to use a _____ application system that separates the presentation logic from the business logic.


Legal protection that gives the author of a work control over how that work is used


Legal protection that gives the author of a work control over how the work is used

Structured Menus

Links are easy to follow and in logical order

system fxnalities

List of IS capabilities needed to achieve business objectives

Snail Mail

Mail sent and received via postal service

vertical marketplaces.

Markets that deal with one industry or industry segment are...

Not-For-Profit Fundraising

Most current scrip offerings, such as eScrip, focus on the _____ market.

Database Administration

Most electronic commerce sites requires a(n) _____ function to support activities such as transaction processing, order entry, inquiry management, or shipment logistics.

Application Specialist

Most large businesses have _____ who maintain accounting, human resources, and logistics software.

brick-and-mortar organizations

Old-economy organizations that perform their primary business offline, selling physical products by means of physical agents best defines

Serial Number

One way to be able to trace electronic cash is to attach a _____ to each electronic cash transaction.


One way to uniquely identify users and store information about their choices is to create and store _____.

private e-marketplaces.

Online markets that are owned and operated by a single company and that are either sell-side or buy-side are known as...


Originally, the term _____ was used to describe a dedicated programmer who enjoyed writing complex code that tested the limits of technology.


PayPal earns a profit on the _____, which is money that is deposited in Paypal accounts and not used immediately.

Affiliate marketing?

Paying businesses that bring or refer customers to another business. Revenuse sharing is typically used. Amazon's Associates program


Popular search engines include each of the following except...

business models

Portal, e-tailer, content provider, transaction broker, market creator, service provider, community provider


Programs written in javascript and added to the website


Pull fxnality/data from one program and include it in another


Purchase of goods for resale


Refers to the "Middleman" that exists in the value chain between the manufacturing of the product and its delivery to the buyer

Traffic logs

Reports produced from software on your web server or provided by the company hosting your web site that tell you the domain of your visitors and their referring pages.


Retailers who sell over the Internet are called...


Short uniformly organized pieces of information that particularly lend themselves to help presentations

JSP (Java Server Pages)

Similar to CGI and ASP; allows developers to use HTML, JSP scripts, and Java to dynamically generate web pages

Sniffer Programs

Software applications called _____ provide the means to record information that passes through a computer or router that is handling Internet traffic.


Some companies have begun to offer small payment and micropayment services through _____ telephone carriers.


Strengths Weaknesses Opps Threats

social media

The online pla/orms and tools that people use to share opinions, experiences, insights, percep6ons, and various media, including photos, videos, and music, with each other

all EC sites require basic web server software to answer HTTP requests from customers



Text color

front end of the business.

The portion of an e-seller's business through which customers interact, including the seller's portal, electronic catalogs, shopping cart, and payment gateway is the...

ASP (Active server pages)

Used to build dynamic pages with Microsoft's IIS

Web Services

The W3C defines _____ as software systems that support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.


The Web is a _____ system, unable to remember anything from one transmission or session to another.

Venture Sponsor

The _____ is the existing company that wants to launch an electronic commerce initiative.


The _____ of an electronic commerce implementation includes the costs of hardware, software, design work outsourced, salaries and benefits for employees involved in the project, and the cost of maintaining the site once it is operational.

Business Manager

The _____ should be a member of the internal team that sets the objectives for the project.

Network Operations

The _____ staff functions include load estimation and load monitoring, and designing and implementing fault-resistant technologies.

Cyber Separating

The act of registering, selling, or using a domain name of someone else's for profit


The basic overall color or design of your website


The e-commerce model in which a business provides some product or service to a client business that maintains its own customers is called...

invasion of privacy.

The ethical issue raised by collaborative filtering is...


The exchange of products, information and services betwen businesses.


The free payment clearing service that PayPal provides to individuals is called a _____ payment system.

Target Audience

The group of people a website from a home page

decreased customer loyalty because customers can more easily shop, compare, and switch to different vendors.

The introduction of EC has...


The language of the world wide web

Paper Checks

The largest dollar volume of payments today are made using _____.

Referring page

The last page visited before the current web page


The methods to improve a sites ranking

EFT (Electric Funds Transfer)

The process of exchanging account information electronically over private communications networks


The process of moving products from the merchant to the customer


The protection of assets using nonphysical means is called _____ security.

spot buying.

The purchase of goods and services as they are needed, usually at prevailing market prices is referred to as

Web Bug

The purpose of a(n) _____ is to provide a way for a third-party Web site to place cookies from that third-party site on a visitor's computer.


The term _____ describes the process of hiding information within another piece of information.

Small Payment

The term _____ refers to all payments of less than $10.

direct and indirect.

The two types of materials and supplies traded in B2B are...

is one of the most controversial issues in EC.

The use of cookies...


The user of information systems to provide citizens and organizations with handy information about public services


Used to create interactivity and active content on client computer

Management/ Administration

This function is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating the plans and activities of a business


This function is responsible for the process of planning and executing the conception, promotion, and distribution of goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives


This function plans and manages financial resources and maintains the records and information related to the business

e-supply chain Distribution planning

This is integrated with demand forecasting, manufacturing schedule and transportation planning to reach the customer. This module addresses customer-specified requirements.

e-supply chain Demand forecasting

This module supports a range of statistical tools and business forecasting techniques. It takes into account changing market scenarios and economic factors while making decisions.

e-supply chain Transportation planning

This programme facilitates resource allocation and execution to ensure that materials and finished goods are delivered at the right time and at the right place, according to the planning schedule at a minimal cost. It considers such variable as transportation mode like railways, trucks, airlines, and availability of each mode.


To write program source code

EDI ( Electric Data Interchange)

Transaction that occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in an open format.


WeSphere Commerce Suite is produced by _____.

multi-tier architecture

Web application servers Backend, legacy databases

2-Tier architecture

Web server and database server

voice portals.

Web sites with audio interfaces that can be accessed by a cell phone best describes...

Catalogs eliminate the constraints of space and time.

What is the primary advantage of catalog sales?

Credit and Debit Cards

What payment method dominates online transactions today?


When a cardholder successfully contests a charge, the merchant bank must retrieve the money it placed in the merchant account in a process called a(n) _____.

Open Loop

Whenever a third party processes a transaction, the system is called a(n) _____ system.


Which of the following are EC activities supported by Web 2.0 tools and social network services?

sell-side e-marketplace

Which of the following is a Web-based marketplace in which one company sells to many business buyers from e-catalogs or auctions, frequently over an extranet?


Which of the following is not an online banking application category?

enables customized online catalogs with the same prices for different customers

Which of the following is not one of the major benefits of B2B?

product information requested

Which of the following major factors is the most important predictor of online buying behavior?


Which of the following techniques measures the amount of income that will be provided by a specific current expenditure?

Merchant model

Wholesalers and retailers of goods and services, Sales may be made based on list prices or through auction. Important submodel: Virtual Merchant (e-tailer, solely over the web,, Catalog Merchant (Wehkamp), Click and Mortar (Barnes and Noble), Bit Vendor (strictly in digital products, both sales and distribution over the web, Apple I-tunes)

Unstructured Menus

Words are hot linked from a home page or other website pages


_____ refers to preventing unauthorized data modification.

Active Content

_____ refers to programs that are embedded transparently in Web pages and that cause action to occur.


_____ refers to protecting against unauthorized data disclosure and ensuring the authenticity of the data source.

Knowledge Management

_____ software is designed to help businesses mange the information in documents, rather than the documents themselves.

Knowledge Management

_____ software often includes powerful search tools that use proprietary semantic and statistical algorithms to help users find the content, human experts, and other resources that can aid them in their research and decision-maing tasks.

Manual inventory controls

counting and collecting info manually by hand, if done periodically due to expertise


_____ CSPs provide small business with an Internet connection, Web site creation tools, and little or no banner advertising clutter.


_____ Refers to preventing data delays or denials.

Operational Partners

_____ are firms, such as system integrators and consultants, that have experience in moving projects along and scaling up prototypes.

Equity Partners

_____ are usually banks or venture capitalists that sometimes offer money, but are more likely to offer experience gained from guiding other start-ups that they have funded.

Data Mining

_____ can help businesses find customers with common interest and discover previously unknown relationships among the data.

Web Programmers

_____ design and write the database-driven Web pages.


_____ electronic cash is electronic cash that cannot be traced back to the person who spent it.


_____ encryption encodes a message with an algorithm that uses a single numeric key, such as 456839420783, to encode and decode data.

Customer Service Personnel

_____ help design and implement customer relationship management activities in the electronic commerce operation.

Project Management

_____ is a collection of formal techniques for planning and controlling the activities undertaken to achieve a specific goal.

Identify Theft

_____ is a criminal act in which the perpetrator gathers personal information about a victim and then uses that information to obtain credit.


_____ is a key element in a phishing attack.


_____ is a message passing protocol that defines how to send marked-up data from one software application to another across a network.


_____ is a technique for committing fraud against the customers of online businesses.

Application Integration

_____ is accomplished by programs that transfer information from one application to another.

A Buffer

_____ is an area of memory set aside to hold data read from a file or database.

Net Present Value

_____ is an example of a return on investment technique.


_____ is measured by the ease of expansion of bandwidth, disk space, and additional software (database, traffic analysis, and so on) that can be added to an account as it grows.


_____ is pretending to be someone you are not or representing a Web site as an original when it is really a fake.

Double Spending

_____ is spending a particular piece of electronic cash twice by submitting the same electronic currency to two different vendors.


_____ is the electronic defacing of an existing Web site's page.

Computer Security

_____ is the protection of computer assets from unauthorized accessed, use, alteration, or destruction.


_____ is the protection of individual rights to nondisclosure.


_____ is used to describe the characteristics of the logic units that make up specific Web services.


_____ is/are digital cash mired by a company instead of by a government.

Transaction Processing

_____ occurs when the shopper proceeds to the virtual checkout counter by clicking a checkout button.

Commerce Service Providers

_____ often offer Web server management and rent application software to businesses.


_____ packages allow the merchant to have explicit control over merchandising choices, site layout, internal architecture, and remote and local management options.

Operational Partners

_____ provide the venture sponsor with knowledge of industry best practices.


_____ software packages are business systems that integrate all facets of a business, including accounting, logistics, manufacturing, planning, project management, and treasury functions.


_____ software typically provides tools for linking to an supporting supply and purchasing activities.


_____ strategies can be used to improve the value that the business provides to its customers.


_____ strategies focus on reducing costs or generating value by working with suppliers or inbound shipping and freight service providers.

Online intermediary

________ is an online third party that brokers B2B transactions between a buyer and seller.


________ occurs when B2B eliminates a distributor or a retailer.

Channel Rotation

a banner advertisement is placed within a particular category of a web site. This is more focused on the company's target market

General rotation

a banner advertisement is randomly displayed on a web site


a box that is drawn on your storyboard to represent where a graphic would be

Denial of service attack

a bug or virus that will not allow a user to log on to a website


a business that provides access to the internet via modem

Target market

a clearly identified segment of the market to which the company wants to appeal

Database Software

a collection of data records with fields such as names, addresses, etc

Registered trademark

a company can register a trademark with the U.S. patent and trademark office. Only registered trademarks use the R symbol

Unregistered trademark

a company does not have to do anything to have trademark protection. To designate an unregistered trademark a company would use "tm"

Manufacturer model

a company that creates a product or service reaches buyers directly, The model. • Important submodels: Purchase (transfer right of ownership), Lease (rental fee), License (usage rights), Brand Integrated Content (created by the manufacturer,

Denial of Service

a condition in which a system can no longer respond to normal requests

Page Layout

a detailed sketch of each page

Site Map

a detailed structural outline of a website


a distinctive word, phrase, logo, graphic symbol, slogan, or anything used to identify goods or services and distinguishes them in the marketplace

Shopping cart

a feature that allows user to add, delete, view, and update items for purchase


a file format for images used with lots of color


a for profit organization that provides products that allow the web sites to transmit encrypted data to authenticate the web site through the use of digital certificates.

E-commerce Community perspective

a gathering place for community members, to learn, transact and collaborate (Turban et al.)

Inline Graphic

a graphic that appears within a line of text


a graphical structure that flows from the most important or most general to the most specific

Balanced Hierarchy

a hierarchical tree that facilitates quick access to information and helps users understand how you have organized content

Linear Hierarchy

a hierarchy that is viewed sequentially in a line one right after the other

Business model

a method of doing business, shows how the company is positioned in the value chain, a method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain itself


a negotiated exchange of valuable objects or services between two or more parties (a buyer and a seller); includes all activities that each of the parties undertake to complete the transaction

Asymmetric digital subscriber line

a network that allows your computer to communicate at approximately one mbps

Storage Area Network

a network that exists exclusively to provide storage for the massive amount of data entailed in an e-commerce business


a persistent error in software or hardware. If the bug is in software, it can be corrected by changing the program

Black hat hacker

a person who breaks into a computer system with the purpose of inflicting damage or stealing data


a person who breaks into a computer system without authorization, whose purpose is to do damage

Flow Chart

a quick sketch of the site's navigational structure

Press release

a short news article sent to various media channels

Affiliate programs

a site agrees to place a merchants ad without charge. The affiliate only gets paid when a visitor clicks on the link and buys something

Web Auction

a site which provides a forum for buyers and sellers to trade items


a small piece of information sent from a web server to an individual's web browser so it can later be read back from that browser

Form handler

a software program running on a web server that interprets the data sent by a web page

E-commerce Service perspective

a tool that addresses the desire of firms, consumers and management to cut service costs while improving the quality of products and the increasing speed of service delivery (Kalakota and Whinston, 1997)

Collective Mark

a trademark or service mark used or intended to be used in commerce, by the members of a cooperative or association, or other group

domain name

a web address used in URLS

Webbed Hierarchy

a web like structure with non traditional linking page


a web-based private network that hosts internet applications on a local area network

Fair Trade Act

acts that deal with fraudulent sales, protects against misinterpretation


adding a level of the distribution system


electronic billboards where people post questions and comments, they are broken into interest groups

transaction taxes

include sales taxes, use taxes, etc

Basic site mgt tools

included in all web servers verify that links on pages are still valid identify orphan files


ability for all persons even with disabilities


ability to change the product to better fit then eeds of the customer


ability to treat ppl based on their personal qualities and prior history with your site


all purchasing activities plus all the monitoring of elements


allow consumers to write paperless checks


allowing customers to place orders and make payments

permission-based marketing

allows businesses to target customers who have expressed an interest

mailing lists

allows e-mails to be sent to all members of a group at once

Voice Activated Software

allows use of computer by voice commands

Site personalization

allows users to determine what features of a site they want to appear when they come to the site


amount of output to make a profit after expenses are deducted

Unregistered copyright

an author does not have to do anything to copyright a work. Pieces after 1989 do not have to contain the c symbol

Shopping Cart

an electronic tool used by online consumers to purchase goods or services


an emailing list that receives newsletters and updates

Filtering software

an internet filter is a piece of software controlled by authority that filters by keyword

international business

an organization or business which conducts electronic commerce around the globe

Web analytics

analysing web surfers behaviour to improve web site performance


another file format for pictures

Service mark

any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination used or intended to be used in commerce

Certification Mark

any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used a intended to be used in commerce with the owner's permission by someone other than its owner

HTML e-mail

includes graphics with texts and looks similar to a web page

Alternate Browsers

browsers that validate websites for use by individuals with disabilities


business online between two businesses


background of your webpage


includes the rules for common courtesy online

many-to-many communication model

places hypermedia in the center of the communication process

Digital Certificates

certificates that verify that the sender of a message is who he or she claims to be and provides the person who receives the message with the public key required to encrypt a reply


characteristics such as age, sex, income, location, education, and religion

E-commerce (broad)

communication, business processes, service, online, collaborations, community

Search marketing

companies trying to increase their visibility in search engine results. Includes many strategies. SEO, paid inclusions

direct distribution channels

company produces goods/services and delivers them


components of a movement in which people have one or more similar characteristics.


computer system or software that prevents unauthorized access to provide data to outside users


connects a computer to the internet a basic account with an isp provides customers with an email address limited or full access to the internet


consumer browsing for information from multiple sites

page delivery

content delivery networks edge catching bandwidth

social media: activity

conversation engagement sharing advice


customary beliefs of a social group

offline media: activity

education exposure branding


delivery, types: - Shop at a store - Home-delivery - Order online and pick up at store

relationship sites

designed to bring customers back over and over again

brochure sites

designed to communicate a businesses products and services on the internet

E-privacy act

designed to protect individual privacy

tracking inventory

determines the ability to respond to inventory

Just in time inventory

determines the amount of ability to respond to customer inquiry, determines ability to anticipate and respond to inventory

Costs of maintenance parallel to

development costs

Cable modem

direct connection with the capacity to deliver approximately 5 mbps


drawn from online customers banking account

Job Displacement

due to changes in the market place, the demand for certain job types is decreased and in some instances become obsolete

Storefront software packages

fully integrated software packages that provide users with all of the tools necessary to create an e-commerce site


group status based on social groupings and economic status, in terms of e-commerce, these groups may or may not be limited by financial security

Objective of choosing the hardware for an EC site:

have enough platform capacity to meet peak demand but not so much that you waste money

e-commerce sites

have specific goals geared toward having customers make purchases

Return Policy

how the company deals with a customer who wants to return a purchase


imposed on imported goods

Order fulfillment

in the relationship between buyer and seller, there are many activities that transpire between the buyer's selection of the product and the shipment of the selected product to the buyer selecting merchandise, responding to the order


intangible products, they give a benefit or satisfaction

merchant server software packages (EC suites) offer

integrated environment with most of functionality needed


integrated server-side environment for developing interactive web apps

e-mail: platform

internal lists purchased lists


internal websites that businesses use to communicate with employees


invented by microsoft to compete with Java


invented by microsoft to compete with Javascript

system testing

involves testing the site as a whole, in a way the typical user will use the site

unit testing

involves testing the site's program modules one at a time


involves the concept that businesses and government agencies can use central web sites to exchange info


it is a scam to steal valuable information such as credit card and social security numbers

application servers are...

kind of middleware software that provides the glue connecting trad'l corporate systems to the customer as well as all the fxnality needed to conduct EC


leading web server software (54% of mkt) Works only with UNIX, LINUX OSs


lifestyle characteristics which include activities, attitudes, customs, and traditions

business objectives

list of capabilities you want your site to have

2 components of sys design

logical and physical


mailing list that people have voluntarily given their email address in order to receive the email from that company

continuous inventory controls

managed with electric database updated instantaneously best for online selling

Continuous inventory controls

managed with electronic database, updated instantaneously, best for online selling

Brokerage model

market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions, charges a fee or commission for each transaction it enables, Important submodels: marketplace exchange/virtual marketplace, auction broker (eBay), transaction broker (TTP), demand collection system (


matcher between buyer and seller • Services: - providing information (e.g. about demand, supply, prices) - additional services (e.g. consulting) • Examples intermediaries: - (retail) - Auto-by-tel (online buying services) - (discount brokers) - Covisint (e-marketplaces; cloud based)

systems development life cycle

methodology for understanding bus objectives of a sys and designing an approp soln


middle man

3rd party software and services for advanced site mgt

monitor customer purchases, mkting campaign effectiveness ex: WebTrends Analytics 10, Google Analytics

basic business considerations for web site design

need design guidelines and software tools that can cost-effectively achieve req'd bus fxnality *enabling customers to find what they need, make purchase + leave

Secure socket layer

needed to provide credit card security for browser

e-mail: activity

newsletters updates sales


no timing requirement for communication

W3C (WWW Consortium)

non-profit organization that oversees and assists in monitoring the web

Fulfillment Company

offers services to other companies like transaction processing

Banner advertising

online advertising technique where small hyper lined advertisements are placed on frequently visited pages of a website


online magazines or email newsletters

Internal hosting

operating and maintaining your own server

page content

optimize html & images site architecture efficient page style

accessibility wizards

option on most computers that allow a user's computer to be configured for visual, hearing,and physical needs

Drawing page

part of the trademark application process where a black and white drawing of the mark is included

Specimen page

part of the trademark application process where a real example of how the mark is used in commerce is included

permanent establishment

physical location of an organization

design considerations

platform constraints: smartphone/tablet

Telecommunications Act

preserves the vibrant and competitive free market that presently exists for the internet and other interactive computer services

offline media: platform

print TV & radio

User authentication

procedure of verifying the identity of a remote user

Valediction Methods

procedures to test website accuracy and availability


process of encoding information using a secret key to produce a string of unintelligible characters


process of loosing distribution channels when they are no longer needed

currency conversion

process of using a financial formula incorporating current exchange rate

Transaction and payment processing

processes the shopper's request as they proceed to the virtual checkout counter

just in time inventory

products manufactured as needed

Auto responders

programs that analyze incoming email and replies with a canned response

Interstate Tax Freedom act

proposed legislation that suggests the federal government mandate a 5% internet tax on internet commerce

EC merchant server software provides...

provides basic fxnality for online sales: -online catalog -shopping cart -credit card processing

VAN ( Value Added Network)

provides connections and ensures security for data


providing customers with the ability to gain personalized information by querying corporate databases and other information sources

Web server

rats web user requests to e-commerce servers

Read Aloud Software

reads text aloud

Long Tails

refers to a focus on nice markets, rather than purely mainstream products


refers to ability of site to increase in size as demand warrants

indirect distribution channels

refers to all of the steps in the movement of products

product distribution channels

refers to all of the steps in the movement of products or services to the customer

Hardware platform (for EC site)

refers to all underlying computer equipment that system uses to achieve EC fxnality

response time

refers to the amount of time it takes a seller to respond to an inquiry for purchase or service

Response Time

refers to the amount of time it takes a seller to responded to an inquiry for purchase/service.


registering an internet name for the purpose of reselling it for a profit

Interstate commerce Act

regulates shipment of products via surface transportation

inventory management

relies on how well a seller manages the product inventory

Inventory management

relies on how well a seller manages the product inventory---consider cost of shortage, stock on hand, just in time tracking


revenue minus all expenses


risk introduced to a company when someone accesses a company's website using a browser

web sites: activity

search display affiliates sponsorships


securly connects companies with suppliers and partners using internet protocols

page generation

server response time device based accelerators efficient resource allocation resource utilization thresholds monitoring site performance

accessibility rules

set of design objectives that ensure disabled users can affectively access site

privacy policy

set of public statements declaring how site will treat customers' personal info that is gathered by the site


setting up fraudulent web site that contains copies of pages from a legitimate web site

How much does EC cost?

simple web site: up to $5K small web start-up: $25-50K large corporate site: $100K - millions


small graphics used to keep loading time down


small piece of information collected and saved in the browser from a site and retrieved when the user returns to that site


small pre-built chunk of code that executes automatically in an HTML web page


small text file placed on the user's client computer that can contain any kind of info about the customer (customer ID, purchases at the site) *PRIMARY METHOD FOR ACHIEVING PERSONALIZATION + CUSTOMIZATION)

Security software

software that provides protection for both merchant and customer data

Encryption software

software that scrambles data into a secret code that can only be broken by complicated mathematical algorithms

Discussion group software

software that supports discussion threads

Firewall software

software that surrounds an intranet to prevent unauthorized access by examining each message or request that enters and exits the intranet

From handling software

specialized software that allows users to provide responses and submit the data to the servers

web app servers provide...

specific business fxnality req for a website

Paid inclusion

speed up the process by paying a fee for being being listed in search engines results. Paid inclusion cannot influence ranking

Different forms of E-government?

• G2B • G2G

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

standards for cx b/w browser + program running on a server that allows for interaxn b/w user + server

Millennium Digital commerce act

states that electronic commerce contracts are valid when signed electronically


structured query language is the standardized language used to request information from a database

domain extension

suffix that indicates which top level domain it belongs to

planning + building mobile presence uses...

systems analysis/design to identify unique and specific bus objectives


tangible products, they have a touch and feel

e-mail marketing

targets messages to the individuals most likely to purchase the company's product or service

income taxes

taxes that are levied by national, state, and local governments

Classified Ad

text ad just like a classified ad in print except it is listed on a website


the ability of the government to exert control over a person or corporation


the ability to make a profit after expenses are deducted from success


the act of becoming worldwide in scope or application

Cyber Squatting

the act of registering, selling, or using an internet domain name with bad-faith


the actual layout of the website

E-commerce Business process perspective

the application of technology toward the automation of business transactions and workflow (Kalakota and Whinston, 1997)

Registered copyright

the author has registered the piece with the us copyright office. Doing this makes it easier to prove copyright infringement

E-commerce Online perspective

the capability of buying and selling products and information on the Internet and other online services (Kalakota and Whinston, 1997)

e-supply chain management

the co-ordination for managing the supply chain takes place by using Internet technologies


the combination or language and atoms

internet infrastructure

the computers and software connected to the internet


the conduct of selling, buying, logistics, or other organization management activities via the web

E-commerce Communications perspective

the delivery of goods, services, information or payments over computer networks by any electronic means (Kalakota and Whinston, 1997)

the most important factor affecting the speed of your site is...

the demand that customers put on the site


the division of a company which hires employees and takes care of all employee-related matters


the exchange of products like on ebay


the exchange of products over the internet


the exchange of products, services, or info between consumers like on

E-commerce Collaborations perspective

the framework for inter- and intraorganizational collaboration (Turban et al.)


the intermediary is removed in the value chain. • known as: the threatened intermediaries hypothesis (TIH) (Sarkar et al., 1995). • Most sensitive: intermediaries proving information about demand, supply, prices and requirements to match buyers and sellers (Turban et al., 2010). • Example:


the navigation features of the website

Number of impressions

the number of times a banner is displayed to individual viewers

Number of click throughs

the number of times viewers click on the banner


the process of developing and diagramming a site's structure that best matches your user's needs

exchange rate

the ratio at which the principal of two currencies may be traded

Intellectual property

the right an individual or group of individuals has in an idea


the website's web address


this function creates or obtains products or services for sale


this is a company that offers individuals or enterprises access over the internet to application programs and related services that would otherwise have to be located in their own personal or enterprise computers.


to go worldwide in slope and approximation; a consumer can access the internet form anywhere at anytime

Shallow Hierarchy

too many sections

stock on hand

too small decreases response time, too large increases cost

Stock on hand

too small/ decreases response time, too large increases cost

web sites: platform

traditional mobile tablet

E-commerce (narrow)

transactions conducted via electronic networks


transactions conducted via electronic networks (Web, mobile etc...)

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

transferring of information from one computer to another

t/f: maintenance is ongoing


logical and physical design are all on paper!!!



unauthorized access to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and compiling data

3 Types of testing

unit testing system testing acceptance testing


unwanted e-mails

Encrypted service/ browser

use in order to protect against unlawful access to a user's credit card number


used to control objects on a web page and handle interaxns with browser


uses hyperlinks; the internet is a form of this

External hosting

using an outside company to serve your website

Text Menu

using any keyed text for links from a home page or other website pages

Graphics Menu

using images as links from a home page or other web page

acceptance testing

verifies that the business objectives of the system as originally conceived are in fact working

Site certificate

verifies the host's identity to computers that access it

dragon naturally speaking

voice activated software

Type of presence:

website e-mail social media offline media


when a company hires another company to handle some of the tasks related to the creation and maintenance of a web site.


when a segment of the value chain becomes unnecessary or is replaced by another intermediary


when one business transfers computer readable data into an agreed upon format

order fulfillment

when the selected object is shipped to the buyer


windows program with powerful accessibility solution that reads information found on the computer and speaks it

Advantages and Disadvantages of EDI?

• Advantages - Streamlining business processes - Reduction of error rates • Disadvantages - Costly - Mid-size and small companies disadvantaged

Example: Integration

• Alaska Airlines customers can access their mileage program any time - Real-time link between company database and customer

Intranet: Collaboration

• Boeing - Information shared between employees across the world - Reduced product development cycles - Ability to stay current on projects - Ability to stay current with the changing market conditions

Intranet: Training?

• Boeing Company - 200,000 employees get trained - Quality eTraining program • Catalogue of courses • Online course content • Standardized courses - Business improvements - Cost reduction • Eliminated travel cost

Click-and-Mortar Business Strategy?

• Bricks-and-clicks business strategy • Hybrid strategy • Cons: Added complexity combining two different environments

Click-Only Business Strategy?

• Business conducted in cyberspace—no physical location • Virtual companies • Cons: Customers uncomfortable with online transactions No face-to-face interaction with customers

How are companies competing in cyberspace?

• Business model • Revenue model

Most Common Types of E-Commerce?

• Business-to-consumer (B2C) - A person buys a book from • Business-to-business (B2B) - Retailer like Wal-Mart ordering from distributors • Business-to-employee (B2E) - Employee uses the Web to change employee benefits • Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) - One person purchases from another on eBay


• Business-to-employee (B2E) electronic commerce • Internet based private network using Web technologies • Boeing - More than 1 million pages - 200,000 employees

Disadvantages intermediaries

• Costs: fee, tariff • Information: loss of information • Direct contact: who's responsible? • Abuse of power: conflicts

E-Commerce Business Strategies?

• Differentiated, based on levels of physical/virtual presence • Physical: Brick and Mortar • Hybrid: Click and Mortar • Virtual: Click Only

Government-to-employees (G2E)

• E-Government category that includes ac4vi4es and services between government units and their employees.

Government-to-government (G2G)

• E-Government category that includes ac4vi4es within government units and those between governments.

E-Government (G2C)

• E-Government category that includes all the interac4ons between a government and its citizens. • Major areas: - discovery of government services - informa4on about public policy - advice about health and safety issues - tourism and recrea4on - downloadable forms - taxes - vo4ng - digital identification & digital profile (DigID) - digital counter/digitaal loket

Government-to-business (G2B)

• E-government category that includes interac4ons between governments and businesses (government selling to businesses and providing them with services and businesses selling products and services to government).

B2B E-Commerce Extranet?

• Extranet - Enables firms to do business together (B2B) - One of best ways for organizations to gain return on technology-based investments - Boeing • 1,000 authorized business partners - Nearly all Fortune 1,000 companies deploy some type of B2B applications

What is Information Dissemination?

• Firms across the world have access to customers • Economical medium for marketing products and services • Increased geographical reach

online consumer behavior Factor-oriented models

• Focus on consumer psychology • Psychological states and theories of consumer while they are going through their decision processes • Factor: measurement at a specified moment in =me • Factor: interrelated factors • Goal: understanding and predic=ng purchase behavior

(4) E-Government adoption horizontal integration

• Focus on integra4ng horizontal services. • Purpose (website) =one stop service centers for the ci4zen. • Examples: - housing, educa4on, medical aeen4on record integrated via one portal; easy administra4on when moving to another city. • Func4onality: (next slide). • Main challenges: database communica4on across func4onal areas, integra4on of heterogeneous databases, change of mindset (managerial challenge).

online consumer behavior Process models

• Focus on the processes consumer go through • Consumer behavior = series of steps • Assump=on: the steps spread out over =me • Goal: describing and understanding purchase behavior • Example: website as Customer Decision Support System (CDSS).

(3) E-Government adoption vertical integration

• Focus on transforma4on of government services towards an integrated approach of scaeered systems at different levels (local level, state level, federal/na4onal level). • Integra4on of the systems at different ver4cal levels. • Purpose (website) = transac4ons conducted at a par4cular level are communicated with databases at al levels . • Example: renewal of driver license should be communicated at federal level as well. • Func4onality: - Integrated oriented backoffice applica4ons (ERP, CRM) - Portals • Main challenges: system integra4on, database flexibility, privacy and confiden4ality issues.

Key capabilities of the web?

• Global information disseminiation • Mass customization • Intergration • Interactive communication • Collaboration • Transactional support

online consumer behavior Process models

• Goal: targeted website investments • Methods have been applied to understand which components to invest in: content analysis • Goal: website finetuning • Methods have been applied to track consumers going through the decision process: website traffic monitoring (see previous discussion on observing consumer behavior)

online consumer behavior Factor-oriented models

• Goal: understanding and predic=ng online behavior • Useful insights in the impact of website percep=ons on on online consumer behavior • Various website percep=ons have been related to awtudes and inten=ons (usage and purchase) • E.g.: website style, website enjoyment, website familiarity, usefulness, ease-of-use, trust, perceived risk.

Government E-Commerce?

• Government-to-citizen (G2C) - A person filing income taxes online • Government-to-business (G2B) - Government purchases supplies using Internet-enabled procurement system • Government-to-government (G2G) - Foreign government accessing U.S. federal regulations

Interactive Communication?

• Immediate feedback between company and customers - E-mail notifications - Customer service online chat • Best Buy - Geek Squad - 24-hour computer support

Intranet: Application Integration?

• Information from separate applications can be consolidated and presented to the user • Netegrity SiteMinder


• Integration of information via Web sites • Real-time access to personalized information • No time lag between company decisions and customers' ability to access these

Transaction Support?

• Internet and the Web: - Reduced transaction costs - Enhanced operational efficiency • Dell—automated transaction support - Cost savings per sale • Disintermediation

Intranet System Architecture?

• Internet-based application • Firewalls used for security - Software placed between LAN and the Internet • VPN used to access intranet from remote locations

Intranet: Real-Time Access to Information?

• Manage, update, distribute, and access corporate information - Boeing • News releases uploaded to the Intranet • Previously sent to all corporate offices as videotapes • Reduced distribution costs • Efficient information sharing • Company-wide access

Mass Customization?

• Meeting particular customers' needs on a large scale • - Custom Messenger Bag Builder • Customers create a virtual bag • Preference-tracking helps Timbuk2 in marketing efforts

Community model

• Model based on user loyalty • Revenue can be based on sale ancillary products, services or voluntary contributions. • Important submodels: Open Source Software (revenue through related services; Red Hat), Open content (Wikipedia), Public Broadcasting (revenue through donations), Social networking services (Flickr, Hyves; Youtube; revenue through ads).

Typical Revenue Models for EC?

• Most important ingredient of business model • How will the firm earn revenue? • Affiliate marketing • Subscription based • Transaction fees • Traditional sales • Web advertising


• New, more affordable alternative to EDI • Advantages - Improved timelines and accuracy of information - Central management of documents - Cross-platform nature - Low cost of adoption - No specific user training required

Affiliate model

• Offers financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to ....... partner sites • Provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing • The ...... provides purchase-point click-through to the merchant (pay-for-performance model). • Important submodels: Banner Exchange (banner placement among network of affiliated sites), Pay-Per- Click (click-through), Revenue Sharing (percent-of-sale commission based on an user click-through)

(2) E-Government adoption transaction

• Online comple4on of paper/forms. • Registering vehicles, filling in taxes... • Purpose website = improving efficiency for customer and agency. • Website func4onality: - electronic forms - more focused on ac4ve users - helpdesk • Main challenges: integra4on with business processes, integra4on website with backoffice, outsourcing, reprogramming of databases.

What is Electronic Commerce?

• Online exchange of goods, services, and money

virtual community

• People with shared interests or goals for whom electronic communica-on is a primary form of interac-on (Dennis, Pootheri, & Natarajan, 1998). • Groups of people who meet regularly to discuss a subject of interest to all members (Figallo, 1998). • Groups of people brought together by shared interests or a geographic bond (Kilsheimer, 1997). • Groups of people with common interests and prac-ces that communicate regularly and for some dura-on in an organized way over the Internet through a common loca-on or mechanism (Ridings, 2002).

Brick-and-Mortar Business Strategy?

• Physical locations only • Traditional stores • Cons: Limited geographical reach

online consumer behavior Conceptual models

• Provide an overall picture • Conceptual models • Goal: overview & discussion purposes • Star=ng point for further research

online consumer behavior Conceptual models

• Provide the 'overall picture' • Integrate mul=ple references into one model • Input for strategy and tac=cs • Overview of aspects at different levels (e.g. consumer lifestyle versus service quality)

A plan of how to achieve EC success?

• Revenue model • Value proposition • Competitive environment • Marketing strategy • Management team

Advantages intermediaries

• Search costs: reduce search costs and match buyers and sellers • Privacy: protection of sensitive information • Information: provide information from different sources • Risk: 'risk-mediator' • Pricing: reassure appropriate trades for both parties (e.g. for houses)


• Selling Goods and Services in the Digital World

virtual community as a business model

• Subscrip-on fees • Member fees: content delivery fees & service fees • Transac-ons • Plaeorm for social media marketing

Utility model

• The ..... or "on-demand" model is based on metering usage • Unlike subscriber services, metered services are based on actual usage rates • Important submodels: Metered Usage (measures/bills on actual service usage), Metered Subscriptions (purchase access to content in metered portions, e.g. numbers of pages viewed).


• The use of IT and e-commerce to provide access to government informa4on and delivery of public services to ci4zens and business partners. • Offers an opportunity to improve the efficiency and effec4veness of the func4ons of government and to make governments more transparent to ci4zens and businesses by providing access to more of the informa4on generated by government.

Intranet: Online Entry of Information?

• Use of Web browsers to enter information online • Example: Microsoft MSExpense - Prior to MSExpense • 136 different report templates • Outdated versions - With MSExpense • Online submission of expense records • Easy and centralized updates to templates • Savings of $4.3 million a year • Shortened period for reimbursement from 3 weeks to 3 days

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

• Used prior to the introduction of the Internet • EDI used for B2B systems • Digital or electronic transmission of business documents between organizations - Value-added networks (VAN) - Dedicated circuit between companies

Subscription model

• Users are charged a periodic fee to subscribe to a service. • ...... fees are incurred irrespective of actual usage rates. • Often combined with advertising models. • Content Services: text, audio, or video content • Important examples: Content services (content for a fee), Person-to-Person Networking Services (search for former schoolmates), Trust Services/Assurance services (Truste/ Thuiswinkel waarborg).

Benefits of E-tailing?

• Web sites can offer a virtually unlimited number and variety of products because e-tailing is not limited by physical store and shelf space restrictions. • comparison shopping is much easier on the Web. • Place Benefits: As company storefronts (virtually) exist on every computer that is connected to the Web. • The ubiquity of the Internet has enabled companies to sell goods and services on a global scale. • Price Benefits: E-tailors can also compete on price effectively since they can turn their inventory more often because of the sheer volume of products and customers who purchase them. • Long Tail

(1) E-Government adoption catalogue

• Website created for online presence. • Not much experience within the organiza4on. • Purpose website = informing ci4zens. • Website func4onality: - descrip4on department - contact informa4on - Informa4on - links • Main challenges: resource alloca4on, website maintenance and answering e-mail.

Trends in C2C?

• e-auctions • mobile commerce

Long Tail?

• refers to a focus on niche markets, rather than purely on mainstream products.

Transaction cost Theory (TCT)

• search, information, bargaining, decision, policing, enforcement (Coase, 1937, Downes and Mui, 1998). • organizational structure of an organization depends on the balance between external and internal transaction costs. • External transaction costs: transaction costs of an activity performed by the market. • Internal transaction costs: transaction costs of an activity performed by the organization itself. • two governance structures - hierarchy: internal TC < external TC (TIH) - market: external TC < internal TC • there is a spectrum in between.

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