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Surgical removal of the prostate.

radical prostatectomy

Procedure that involves fertilizing an egg in a lab dish and placing the zygote or embryo directly into the Fallopian tube.

zygote intrafallopian transfer

T/F: Anyone who looks at magazines with nude photos or who watches erotic films can be classified as being a voyeur


_____ are a persistent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase.

Orgasm disorders

TRUE OR FALSE: The current demographic profile of a single mother has changed significantly from that of the old "stereotypical" single mother that lacks judgment and desires a government stipend.


The longer a woman delays making an adoption plan, the more likely she is to bond emotionally with her baby and the less likely she is to place her baby for adoption.


The main difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is that operant conditioning uses a reinforcer (positive or negative) as motivation for the behavior.


Persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain until completion of sexual activity, an adequate erection.

male erectile disorder

Deaths that result from complications associated with pregnancy or childbirth.

maternal mortality

Who tends to be more accepting of rape myths (or rape-supportive beliefs)?


Mental disorder characterized by social withdrawal and disturbances in thought, motor behavior, and interpersonal functioning.


See acquired dysfunction.

secondary dysfunction

corpus luteum

secretes the hormone progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle

ECPAT is an organization that

seeks to end child prostitution and child pornography. Stands for End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes

Ability to make informed and voluntary choices about sexual behavior.

sexual consent capacity

One's first sexual intercourse.

sexual debut

Diagnosis that a disturbance in sexual desire or the psychophysiological components of one's sexual response cycle cause significant distress and interpersonal difficulty.

sexual disorder

Impairment or difficulty that affects sexual functioning or produces sexual pain.

sexual dysfunction

The average annual income of 72 members of ASSECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists) who responded to an Internet survey is


The average annual income of 72 members of ASSECT who responded to an Internet survey is


Rape Survivors

- Many survivors of stranger rape fear for their lives during the attack - Many are in crisis in the day and weeks following the rape. *They have insomnia and cry frequently, they tend to report eating problems, cystitis, headaches, irritability, mood changes, anxiety, depression, menstrual irregularity. They may become withdrawn, sullen and mistrustful.* Emotional distress tends to peak in severity by about week three following the assault and remains high for about a month or two. Lasting problems for victims: - feelings of being powerless to affect their own fate - change in personality - Physical injuries - STIs - may have problems at work with coworkers and trouble concentrating. - problems with relationships with spouse - lack of sexual desire - fear of sex - have difficulty becoming aroused

When part or all of the penis is surgically removed, this is called what?


Survey Result Factors

- The way in which the questions are phrased - The social desirability of the professed behavior. - The sex of the interviewer - The manner in which the questions were administered, such as face -to -face interviews, by phone calls, or in written form. - Possible biases of respondents, such as volunteer bias

Which of the following is not considered one of the "4 P's"?


Which condition is caused by brain damage that occurs before or during birth or in infancy?

. Cerebral Palsy

Sally lost 34 lbs on the Biggest Loser Diet. However, she has _________ and is gradually losing the will to continue the diet.

. Prevention Fatigue

The majority of _______ who report experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction

. neither women nor men

What percent of the U.S. population are categorized as transsexuals?


NuvaRing®, which is a contraceptive device worn inside the vagina, provides pregnancy protection for

1 month

NuvaRing®, which is a contraceptive device worn inside the vagina, provides pregnancy protection for

1 month **NuvaRing, which is a soft, flexible, and transparent ring that is approximately 2 inches in diameter, is worn inside the vagina and provides month-long pregnancy protection. NuvaRing is inserted into the vagina and is designed to release hormones that are absorbed by the woman's body for 3 weeks. The ring is then removed for a week, at which time the menstrual cycle will occur; afterward the ring is then replaced.

1. Nonconsensual observation of others for the purpose of sexual arousal. ___________ 2.Touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person for the purpose of sexual arousal. ____________ 3.Sexual contact with a corpse.

1. Voyeurism 2. Frotteruism 3. Necrophilia

Fertility Problems

30% of the time the problem is found in the male. 20% problems are found with both partners.

How much does the average phone sex call cost?

30-40 dollars

Mifepristone (RU-486), which can be used to induce abortion, must be taken within _________ of becoming pregnant.

7 weeks

There are ___ infant death per 1,000 births



A blood protein found in some people's red blood cells.

Zona Pellucida

A gelatinous layer that surrounds an ovum. This layer must be penetrated by the sperm for fertilization to occur.

Some people with ___________ experience what has been referred to as the Lazarus Syndrome.




According to Garland (2005), the primary reasons for rape include

All of the Above

Syphilis can be transmitted through which of the following? Kissing Genital contact From an infected pregnant woman to her unborn baby

All of the above

Which of the following is true about pedophiles?

All of the answer choices re correct

What is the most common cause of dementia?

Alzheimer's disease

Biopsychosocial Model

An approach to explaining dysfunctions that refers to the interactions of biological, psychological, and social/cultural factors.


An endocrine disorder that reduces the output of testosterone.


An enzyme that briefly thins the zona pellicida, enabling one sperm to penetrate the egg. Then the zona pellucida thickens in order to lock other sperms out.

Abortion Methods - D& C Dilation & Curettage

An operation in which the cervix is dilated and uterine contents are the gently scraped away. Performed 8-20 weeks following the last menstrual period. (LMP) Once dilated the uterine contents are scraped from the uterine lining with a blunt scraping tool. D&Cs are performed at a hospital, usually under general anesthesia. The scraping increase the chance of hemorrhaging,, infection and perforation.

Crocodile dung

Ancient Egyptians used crocodile dung as contraception.

Total lack of orgasm is referred to as what?


Signs of labor

Bloody mucus discharge - plug dislodges Water breaks - labor begins within a day of this happening. Indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal cramps an ache in the small of the back. Labor begins with the onset of regular uterine contractions.

Who wrote The Courage to Heal?

Bass and Davis

During what period of time were many crucial changes made in regards to societal view on sexual behavior?

Between 1890 and 1930

Which of the following government agencies is funding research to learn more about the demographics and HIV behavior of men who identify them selves as "on the DL"?


Alcohol is a central nervous system

Cerebral Palsy

________is a condition often caused by brain damage that occurs before or during birth or in infancy, resulting in muscular impairment and sometimes speech and learning disabilities.

Cerebral palsy

Which of the following is the most common bacterial STD in the United States?



Conceived from the union of an ovum and a Y-bearing sperm.


Conceived from the union of an ovum and an X-bearing sperm.

Sexual Orientation

Concerns the direction of one's romantic interest and erotic attractions - toward members of the same sex, the other sex, or both. Sexual orientation is not necessarily expressed in sexual behavior. Many people see themselves as gay or heterosexual long before they ever have sex with members of their own sex.


Contains several hundred million sperm produced by the man.

Mini Pill

Contains synthetic progesterone only. They are taken daily and through the menstrual cycle. They thicken the cervical mucus to impede the passage of sperm through the cervix and they render the inner lining of the uterus less receptive to a fertilized egg. If the woman does conceive, the fertilized egg will pass from the body rather than becoming implanted in the uterine wall.


Coverings for penis. They were first worn as a decorative coverings by ancient Egyptians.

Which of the following is NOT a method of decreasing arousal to an unacceptable sexual stimulus

Covert sensitization

Erotica is different from pornography in that the former is neither ___ nor ___

Degrading; violent

When performing oral sex, what is the name of the latex square used to cover the anus or vagina?

Dental Dam

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is defined by the absence of what?


Prenatal Development

Developmental changes are most rapid and dramatic during this phase. Growth of the head takes precedence over the growth of the lower parts of the body. This phase has three stages.

In the word paraphilia, the first part para means


Name a chronic disease in which the pancrease fails to produce sufficient insulin.

Diabetes Mellitus

Erectile Dysfunction

Difficulties either in obtaining an erection that is sufficient to accomplish intercourse or maintaining an erection long enough to satisfy themselves and their partners.

Abortion Methods - Dilators

Dilating the cervix by insertion of progressively larger curved metal rods, or dilators, or by insertion, hours earlier, of a stick of seaweed called Laminaria digitata. Laminaria expands as it absorbs cervical moisture, providing a gentler means of opening the os.


Dimensions of responsiveness to male-female sexual stimulation

When T cells decrease to 200-500/milliliter of blood is what phase of infection of HIV/AIDS?

Intermediate phase

Sexual Arousal Disorder / Lack of Vasocongestion

Engorgement of blood vessels with blood, which swells the genitals and breast during sexual arousal. People with this disorder fail to have a erection or lubrication in order to have sex. Or the lack of feeling of sexual pleasure or excitement that normally accompany sexual arousal.

Sensate Focus Exercises

Exercises in which sex partners take turns giving and receiving pleasurable stimulation in nongenital areas of the body. These exercises are performed in the nude. This practice provides pleasure under relaxed and non-demanding conditions. Because no genitals are allowed the alleviates the pressure to perform. The receiving partner directs the giving partner as needed.

A team of researches looked at the relative percentages of various paraphilic behaviors reported by a sample of nonincarcerated men with paraphilias. The most frequently reported paraphilic behavior was


Abortions - Legal In The US

From 1607-1828.

Becoming aroused by elderly individuls is known as what?


Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that stable and memorable sexual attraction occurs by what age?

Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that stable and memorable sexual attraction occurs by what age?

Who is the most famous striptease performer?

Gypsie Rose

Which of the following is NOT a side effect of stroke?

Hair loss

AIDS has lowered the life expectancy by 6 years in which country?


Multiple Births

Have been linked to Clomiphene and Pergonal.

At a party you hear some guys talking about having the "morning drop." Which of the following best describes his situation?

He is suffering from gonorrhea


Heroin and Methadone can pass from mother to fetus through the placental membrane. Fetus will be addicted and suffer withdrawal, show muscle tension and agitation.

According to the text, which group of women is least comfortable discussing condom use with their partners?

Hispanic Women

According to your text, which group of women is least comfortable discussing condom use with their partners?

Hispanic women

Psychologists refer to sexual arousal as what?

Hypothetical construct

What does HCG stand for?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin


Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is blood-borne and is sometimes transmitted through the placenta to infect the fetus. The rupturing of blood vessels in mother and child during birth provides for another opportunity for transmission of HIV. The majority of babies born by infected mother DO NOT contract the virus. HIV CAN be transmitted to children by breast feeding.

Which of the following STDs can causes genital warts?

Human papilomavirus (HPV)

In late 2002, the FDA approved Essure, which is a

permanent sterilization procedure

The Pill

In 1960 it was finally marketed in the US.

HCG levels are highest _____.

In the morning

The concept of an open marriage refers to a marriage

In which spouses agree to allow each one to have sexual relationships with others


Killing of wanted babies in China.

Psychological challenge experienced by individuals who had expected to die from AIDS but now have a new opportunity for survival due to recent treatment developments.

Lazarus Syndrome

Investigators who have studied sexual responses in normal women have reported what?

Low correlations between self-reports of subjective arousal and physiological measures

Using a finger cot during while engaging in fisting would be considered a ______

Low risk

Male Fertility Problems

Low sperm count, irregular shaped sperm, low sperm motility, chronic diseases (diabetes or sexually transmitted infections), injury to testes, an autoimmune response in which antibodies produce by the man deactivates his own sperm, pituitary imbalance and thyroid disease.

Transverse Position

Lying in a crosswise position.

Sex education for people with _____ can help prevent sexual abuse, pregnancy, and STDs.

Mental Retardation


Marriage or sexual relations between people who are so closely related (by "blood" or consanguineous) that sexual relations are prohibited and punishable by law.

Which celebrity is associated with the Rainbow Visa Card?

Martina Navratilova


Means searching for a sex partner, principally for casual sex. One can "cruise" or "be cruised". Lesbians were more likely to find partners among friends, at work, and at informal gatherings.

Who tends to believe that women who dress provocatively are responsible for being raped?


Synthetic steroid that effectively inhibits implantation of a fertilized egg by making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation. In effect, it aborts the fetus, and may be used within the first 7 weeks of pregnancy. (See also RU-486.)


Which court case defined obscenity as something prurient, offensive to the community, and lacking serious social value?

Miller v. California

Deriving sexual gratification from sex with a dead person is known as what?


Sexual contact with a corpse is ___



Negative attitudes and feelings toward bisexual people, including intolerance, hatred and fear. This can be found in heterosexual and homosexual populations.

The majority of ___ who reported experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction

Neither men nor women

Prostitution has been legalized in some districts of


Prostitution has been legalized in some districts of

Nevada **Prostitution has been legalized in some districts of Nevada

Erectile Dysfunctions - Prostrate

Never damage resulting from prostrate surgery may impair erectile response.

Anorgasmic / Preorgasmic

Never having reached orgasm through any means.

Cigarette Smoking

Nicotine and carbon monoxide is transferred to the fetus. It lessens the amount of oxygen that the fetus receives. Could cause spontaneous abortion, premature rupturing of the amniotic sac, stillbirth,premature birth, low birth-weight, and early infant mortality. Risk increase with the amount smoked. May also impair intellectual development. Increases risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SID)

When weighing the pros and cons of remaining single, which of the following statements might you expect to hear as a benefit of singlehood?

No emotional or financial stress caused by divorce

When weighing the pros and cons of remaining single, which of the following statements might you expect to hear as a benefit of singlehood?

No emotional or financial stress caused by divorce **The possibility of divorce is a limitation of marriage

Which of the following statements is true?

None of statements are true-they are all sex myths

Which of the following would be considered most qualified to deliver a baby at home based upon educational training?

Nurse midwife

Which of the following would be considered most qualified to deliver a baby at home based upon educational training?

Nurse midwife **Nurse midwives (a type of midwife) are nationally board certified, usually have completed a master's degree, and are licensed in all states. Lay midwives are only apprentice trained and attend births in the home. There is no such thing as a practitioners midwife

Soft, flexible, and transparent ring approximately 2 inches in diameter that is worn inside the vagina; it provides month-long pregnancy protection.



Of an erotic nature and involving members of one's own sex.


Of an erotic nature and involving members of the other sex.

International Straight Spouse Network

Online support group. 2/3rds of the women who contact this group eventually divorce.

Odor receptors

Ova secrete a chemical that attracts the sperm. Sperm have a sense of smell.

Overdependence on a culturally unacceptable or unusual stimulus for sexual arousal and satisfaction is ________


Sexual Sadists

People who become sexually aroused by infliction pain or humiliation on others. - It is not uncommon for a sexual masochists and sexual sadists to form sexual relationships to meet each others needs.

The P in the PLISSIT Model of Sex Therapy stands for:


The 3rd stage of labor is called:

Placenta Delivery

Childbirth - 3rd Stage

Placenta stage - During this stage the placenta is expelled. The uterus begins to contract to a smaller size. The doctor stitches any tears in the perineum.

The squeeze technique is used to treat which of the following sexual dysfunctions

Premature ejaculation

In a study by Sturza and Campbell (2005), 44% of rape survivors used?

Prescription Drugs

Sodomy Laws

Prohibit "unnatural" sexual acts, even between consenting adults.

Comstock Law

Prohibited the dissemination of birth control information through the mail because it was "obscene and indecent".

Condom - Prophylactic

Prophylactic is an agent that protects against disease. Can prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STIs. Current popularity has been spurred on by the assertiveness of woman. They are the only contraception devise worn by men. They are made of latex rubber. Skins are made from the intestinal membranes of lambs. They allow for greater sensation but aren't effective against HIV. 1-2% break or fall off during sex. Failure rate is 12%. Rate drops when used with spermicide. Disadvantages: They disrupt sex, lessen sensations, may slip or tear allowing sperm to leak.

Psychoanalytic Perspectives

Psychoanalytic theory and learning theory provide two of the major psychoanalytic approaches to understanding the origins of sexual orientation.

Anesthesia - Block

Pudendal block - external genitals are numbed epidural block and spinal block - anesthetic is injected into the spinal cord. Anesthesia slows contractions.

Which condition involves paralysis from the neck down?


Two types of sexual harassment are hostile environment sexual harassment and ________ sexual harassment.

Quid Pro Quo

See Mifepristone.


Birth-Control Pills - Good side effects

Reduce the risk of (PID) pelvic inflammatory disease, benign ovarian cysts, and fibrocystic breast growths. The help regularize menstrual cycle and reduce cramping and premenstrual discomfort. May help with Iron deficiency anemia and facial acne. The combination pill may reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.


Reversal of vasectomy. The ends of the vas deferens are sewn back together. Success rate is 16-79%.

What is the technical term for having your tubes tied?


EPACT is an organization that:

Seeks to end child prostitution and child pornography

Which of the following types of incest is the most common?

Sibling incest

Psychoanalytic Views

Sigmund Freud, the originator of psychoanalytic theory, believed that children are naturally open to all forms of sexual stimulation.

A sexual dysfunction that occurs with one partner or in one situation only is known as a/an:

Situational dysfunction

The statement "It is not only okay to have intercourse when married, it is expected" would represent which of the following perspectives?

Social Legitimacy

The statement "It is not only okay to have intercourse when married, it is expected" would represent which of the following perspectives?

Social Legitimacy **In our society, marital intercourse is the most legitimate form of sexual behavior = social legitimacy

Sudden disturbance in the blood supply to the brain by hemorrhage from rupture or blockage of a blood vessel is ________


Premature ejaculation places emphasis on what?

Subjective control and the couple's satisfaction

Rape Prevention

The elimination of rape will require massive changes in cultural attitudes and socialization processes. Education intervention on a smaller scale may reduce its incidence. Many colleges offer coeducational programs about date rape that have apparently lowered the number of date rapes. *These programs aim to develop empathy for the victim by explaining the damage done by rape, exposing traditional cultural myths that endorse rape, and explaining the borders between encouraging a date to have sex and rape.* *The rapist is always responsible for the assault.* Precautions to protect yourself: -Establish a set of signals with other women in building or neighborhood. -List yourself in the phone directory and on the mailbox by your first initial only. -Use dead-bolt locks -Lock windows and install iron grids on first-floor windows. -Keep doorways and entries well lit. -Keep your keys handy when approaching the car or the front door. -Do not walk by yourself after dark. -Avoid deserted areas. -Do not allow strange men into your house or apartment without first checking their credentials. -Keep your car doors locked and the windows up. -Check out the back seat of your car before entering. -Don't live in a risky building. -Don't give rides to hitchhikers (both men & women) -Don't converse with strange men on the street. -Shout "fire!" rather than "rape!" People are likely to flock to fires but to avoid scenes of violence. How to avoid date rape: -Tell your partner how far you would like to go so that he will know what the limits are. -Meet new dates in public places, and avoid driving with a stranger or a group of people you've just met. -Be firm in refusing a sexual overture. Look your partner straight in the eye. -Listen to your "vibes". Trust your gut-level feelings. -Be especially cautious if you are in a new environment, such as college or a foreign country. -If you have broken off a relationship with someone you don't really like or feel good about, don't let him into your place. Many acquaintance rapes are committed by ex-boyfriends.


The full nine months

First Trimester - End

The major organ systems, the fingers and toes, and the external genitals have been formed. The sex of the fetus can be determined visually. The eyes are clearly distinguishable.

Environmental Influences

The mother's diet, maternal diseases and disorders and the mother's usage of drugs.


The outer most cell layer of the newly formed embryo from which the skin and nervous system develop.


The outer part of the blastocyst, from which the amniotic sac, placenta and umbilical cord develops.

Embryonic Stage

The stage of prenatal development that last from implantation through the eight week and is characterized by the differentiation of the major organ systems.

Anesthesia - General

The use of drugs to put people to sleep and eliminate pain.

Ovum transfer involves a physician placing the sperm of the male partner in

The uterus of the woman who will carry the pregnancy

T/F: Psychosexual development begins in infancy.


Diabetes Mellitus

This is a disease that can damage blood vessels and nerves.

Fetal Stage

This stage begins by the ninth week and continues until birth.


When the babies head is visible at the vagina opening.

Which of the following children has the best chance of getting adopted?

White infant

As men age, the time it takes to achieve an erection a. increases b. decreases

a. increases

genital herpes

an STD caused by the herpex simplex virus type 2

Lack of sperm production.


Who tends to be more accepting of rape myths (or rape-supportive beliefs)? a. women b. men

b. men

What does HCG stand for? a. Human Chromtic Growth b. Hydroplatic Chromosome Gland c. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin d. Helio Chorionic Growth

c. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Term often used synonymously with menopause, refers to changes that both men and women experience at midlife.


Emotionally intense relationship between individuals whose primary method of communication is the computer. The relationship may escalate to phone calls, meetings, and sexual behavior.

computer affair

Point at which the egg and sperm are joined. (See also fertilization.)



consists of the labia, clitoris, Bartholin's glands, and vaginal orifice

See surrogate. (See also gestational carrier.)

contract mother

Based on national data, on average, which of the following individuals reports having sex most frequently?

couples living together but not married

Frotteurism is most likely to occur in which of the following places?

crowded subway

Dyspareunia refers to which of the following?

d. genital pain associated with intercourse

In the word paraphilia the first part para means


Sexual relationship that occurs outside the couple, as when an individual of a dyad (couple) becomes sexually involved with someone other than the partner or mate.

extradyadic sexual involvement

Your text describes a group of mentally retarded men who believed that masturbation would cause their penises to fall off. Where did they learn this information?

from caregivers who were attempting to stop the men from masturbating

Children who experience sex abuse between the ages of 7 and 13 experience the __________ incidence of psychopathology related to the abuse.

highest **The age at which a child experiences sex abuse is relevant to the effects of the experience. Children who experience sex abuse between the ages of 7 and 13, when they are old enough to be aware of cultural taboos, experience the highest incidence of psychopathology (Browne & Finkelhor, 1986).

Combination of drugs an HIV-infected person takes to treat the virus. (Also known as "cocktail therapy.")

highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

Which of the following increases the likelihood of ovulating multiple eggs, resulting in multiple births?

hormone therapy for infertility

Which of the following increases the likelihood of ovulating multiple eggs, resulting in multiple births? a. having intercourse more than once in a 24-hour period b. having intercourse more than once in a 3-day period c. hormone therapy for infertility d. having intercourse with multiple partners in a 3-day period

hormone therapy for infertility

Very high sexual interest, which influences persons to behave as though they are driven to sexual expression and the pursuit of sex, which may have negative effects on the health, relationships, or career of the individual.

hyperactive sexual desire disorder

See abortion

induced abortion


inflammation of an ovary

Narrow, telescope-like medical instrument. One use involves inserting the instrument through an incision just below the woman's navel to view the Fallopian tubes and ovaries.


Tubal ligation performed with the use of a laparoscope.


Sustained drop-off in sexual frequency of lesbian couples in long-term relationships.

lesbian death bed

seminiferous tubules

location of sperm formation

Using a finger cot during while engaging in fisting would be considered a ______ activity.

low risk **People who perform oral sex on a man or woman with a condom or dental dam run a low risk of contracting an STD. Allowing body fluids to contact mucous membranes places a person at an extremely high risk of contracting an STD, unprotected fisting or intercourse using one or more fingers exposes a person to a moderate risk, and hugging and non-genital touching or caressing is not a risk factor. A finger cot is a mini-condom worn on the fingers for finger intercourse or fisting. Use of a finger cot decreases ones risk to a low level but does not eliminate all risk.

See breast-conserving therapy.


Fetishes can be divided into two types:

media and form

Intentional termination of pregnancy through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. (See also pharmaceutical abortion.)

medical abortion

Sexual contact with a corpse



occurs when a sperm penetrates and fertilizes the descending ovum

Surgical removal of part or all of the penis.


In late 2002, the FDA approved Essure, which is a

permanent sterilization procedure **In late 2002, the FDA approved Essure, which is a permanent sterilization procedure that requires no cutting and only a local anesthetic in a half-hour procedure that blocks the Fallopian tubes. Women typically may return home within 45 minutes (and to work the next day).

In the PLISSIT model approach to sex therapy, the P stands for which of the following?


Bartholin's glands

produce a mucus secretion to lubricate the vagina

Becoming sexually aroused by surprise attack and violent assault is __________


See inhibited male orgasm.

retarded ejaculation

Permanent surgical procedure that prevents reproduction.



tearing or laceration of the vaginal wall


the first movement of the fetus in the uterus that can be felt by the mother

The term puberty comes from the Latin pubescere, which means

to be covered with hair

The term puberty comes from the Latin pubescere, which means

to be covered with hair **The term puberty comes from the Latin pubescere, which means to be covered with hair. During puberty, girls and boys develop hair on their pubic area, as well as on other areas of their body (e.g., underarm hair).

Which of the following is NOT a barrier method of contraception?

transdermal patch **Barrier contraceptive methods include the cervical cap, condom (male and female), spermicides, and diaphragm. The transdermal patch is a hormonal contraceptive because it delivers hormones to a woman's body through skin absorption

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

transmitted through exposure to infected body fluids, particularly through sexual intercourse with an infected partner

Closed head injury that results from an exterior force and creates a temporary or enduring impairment in brain functioning.

traumatic brain injury

Fertility problems are equally likely to be attributed ot the man as they are to the woman


Barrier methods are _____ effective at preventing pregnancy. a. 75-99% b. 50-74% c. 25-49% d. Always

a. 75-99%


the male sex organ that transports the sperm into the female vagina


the male sterilization procedure in which a small portion of the vas deferens is surgically removed


the middle portion of the uterus

mammary glands

the milk-producing glands that develop during puberty

Physicians routinely provide information to their clients about how illness and disability affect sexuality.


A persistent or recurrent difficulty, delay in, or absence of experiencing orgasm following sufficient stimulation and arousal.

female orgasmic disorder

The term menarche refers to which of the following?

first menstruation **Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that sexual attraction emerges "after the advent of adrenal puberty, typically precipitating the development of stable and memorable sexual attraction by the age of 10 across cultures" (p. 601).

Becoming sexually aroused by ants, bugs, or other small, crawling creatures is


Syphilis can be transmitted through which of the following

all answer choices are correct

amnionic fluid

also known as amniotic fluid; the liquid that protects the fetus and makes possible its floating movements

According to a study by Wasserman and Richmond-Abbott (2005), married individuals report _______ use of the internet than single individuals. a. Higher b. Lower c. Much Lower d. The Same

a. Higher


an STD caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum; has many symptoms that are difficult to distinguish from other STDs

genital warts

an STD caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV); highly contagious


an abnormal absence of menstrual periods for 3 or more months

Which court case defined obscenity as something prurient, offensive to the community, and lacking serious social value? a. Miller v. California b. Brown v. White c. Willingham v. the Board d. Ais v. City of Irvine

a. Miller v. California

Obscenity has been legally defined by meeting three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to a prurient interest in sex (i.e., the material is sexually arousing in a lewd way). Second, the material must be patently offensive to the community. Third, the sexual material must

have no redeeming social value


an inflammation of the lining of the vagina


an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the cervix


an organ of sensitive, erectile tissue located anterior to the urethral meatus and the vaginal orifice


any procedure rendering an individual (male or female) incapable of reproduction

Impaired communicative ability.


There _________ legal penalties for a person who falsely accuses someone of rape.

are **The penalty for false rape allegations may vary from a $2,000 fine to 6 months in jail

The majority of apprehended sex offenders are arrested for acts of each of the following EXCEPT


(D & X) Abortion procedure involving breech delivery of fetus, except for the head, partial evacuation of the brain, resulting in the vaginal delivery of a dead fetus.

intact dilation and extraction

Braxton Hicks contractions

intermittent painless uterine contractions that occur with increasing frequency as the pregnancy progresses

Procedure whereby sperm are directly injected into an egg.

intracytoplasmic sperm injection

uterine cancer

involves cancerous growth on the linint of the uterus

Surrogate partner sex therapy ______ available in the United States.


National U.S. data presented in your text reveal that 31% of men and 43% of women reported having at least one major sexual dysfunction in

the past year.


the plancenta expelled after delivery of the newborn


the postpartum vaginal discharge that typically continues for 4-6 weeks after childbirth


the process of sperm formation


the production of breast milk in a women who is not breastfeeding


the release of a mature egg from a follicle on the surface of the ovary


the rupture of an ovary


the saclike structure that surrounds, protects, and supports the testicles

cervical cancer

the second-most common cancer in women and usually affects women between the ages of 45 and 65 years


the single cell formed that results from the union of sperm and egg; a new life


the surgical suturing of a tear in the vagina


the term used to designate the transition phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all

labia major and labia minora

the vaginal lips that protect the other external genitalis and the urethral meatus

Surrogate partner sex therapy ______ available in the United States.

is **Surrogate partner sex therapy is available in the United States. For example, the Riskin-Banker Sex Therapy Center ( offers a Surrogate Partner Sex Therapy Program. The center (in Orange County, California) operates an "in-house" program in that both counseling and experiential sessions take place.

Flexible cord that connects the developing fetus and the placenta; this cord contains two arteries and a vein that facilitate this exchange.

umbilical cord

In a study of women aged 60-91, more than half described their frequency of orgasm now compared to when they were younger as


In a study of women aged 60-91, more than half described their frequency of orgasm now compared to when they were younger as

unchanged **Of women aged 60-91, those reporting their frequency of orgasm now as opposed to when they were younger, 65% said "unchanged," 20% said "increased," and 14% said "decreased" (Starr & Weiner, 1981).

Intrafamilial child sexual abuse refers to exploitative sexual contact or attempted or forced sex that occurs between relatives when the victim is

under age 18 **Intrafamilial child sexual abuse refers to exploitative sexual contact or attempted or forced sex that occurs between relatives when the victim is under the age of 18

Infection of the vagina.


Minor surgical procedure whereby the vas deferens are cut so as to prevent sperm from entering the penis.



vasectomy reversal

Nonconsensual observation of others for the purpose of sexual arousal.


Burning, stinging, irritation, or knife-like pain of the vulva for more than 3 months, without obvious visible lesions.


More than half of all sterilizations are performed on


Progressive disease that attacks the central nervous system.

multiple sclerosis

The majority of ______ who report experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction.

neither women nor men

The majority of _______ who report experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction.

neither women nor men **Rationale: Only 10% of men and 20% of women who reported experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction (Laumann et al., 2001).


newborn infant during the first 4 weeks after birth

Based on national data, on average, which of the following individuals reports having sex most frequently? Couples living together but not married married couples Single adults

couples living together but not married

Low sperm production.


Excessive sexual drive

Include such behaviors as seeking new sexual encounters out of boredom, frequent use of pornography, and legal problems resulting from sexual behaviors

Orgasmic Disorder

Includes 1- Female orgasmic disorder 2- Male orgasmic disorder and 3- premature or rapid ejaculation. In female and male orgasmic disorder, the woman or man is persistently delayed in reaching orgasm or doesn't reach orgasm at all despite achieving sexual stimulation of sufficient intensity ti normally result in orgasm. This is more common in women. Sometimes it can be with one partner vs another.

X Rays

Increase the risk of malformed organs in the fetus especially within a month and a half after conception.

Based on national data, on average, which of the following individuals reports having sex most frequently?

couples living together but not married **Based on data from the 1992 National Health and Social Life Survey, the average number of times a national sample of single adults reported having sex per month was 4.45 compared to 4.79 for marrieds and 6.72 for cohabitants (Waite & Joyner, 2001).

From 1975 to 1976, a period referred to as "the Emergency era" forced sterilizations in which country?


Sexual dysfunctions

Inhibitions of sexual desire and interference with the physiological responses leading to orgasm. Persistent or recurrent difficulties in becoming sexually aroused or reaching orgasm. They cause distress. NHSLS reports that 43% of women had sexual dysfunction.


Injectable birth-control like the mini-pill it only contains progestin. It prevents pregnancy for 3 months. It prevents ovulation. Is as effective as female sterilization.

Surgical removal of the ovaries.


Which of the following results in surgical menopause?


Which of the following results in surgical menopause?

oophorectomy **Surgical removal of the ovaries, known as oophorectomy, alters the estrogen levels of women, resulting in what is known as surgical menopause. The sudden decrease in estrogen can lead to decreased desire, vaginal dryness, and dyspareunia

See stoma.


Surgery whereby a portion of the large or small intestine or urinary system is rerouted and brought to the skin surface of the abdomen where the contents are collected in a bag. Cancers of the colon, rectum, bladder, cervix, or ovaries are typical causes of ostomy surgery.

ostomy surgery


pain caused by uterine cramps during a menstrual period


pain in the breast

Child prostitutes are often forced into prostitution by _________.


Anxiety that involves excessive concern over adequate sexual performance is known as a. sexual performance syndrome b. performance anxiety c. sexual performance obsession d. performance neurosis

b. performance anxiety

In the PLISSIT model approach to sex therapy, the P stands for which of the following? a. pleasure b. permission c. participation d. performance

b. permission

Which of the following is (are) the most common form of mental illness? a. major depression b. substance-related disorders c. phobias (including sexual phobias) d. anxiety disorders

b. substance-related disorders

What does the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in a woman's urine mean? a. the woman is going through menopause and cannot become pregnant b. the woman is pregnant c. the woman's developing fetus has a genetic abnormality d. the woman should receive preconception counseling

b. the woman is pregnant

Which of the following is NOT a barrier method of contraception? a. cervical cap b. transdermal patch c. condom d. diaphragm

b. transdermal patch

ejaculatory duct

begins at the vas deferens, passes through the prostate glands, and empties into the urethra; a reflex action caused by these ducts causes ejaculation

Social bias in favor of having children.



Jews and Christian have traditionally referred to male-male sexual activity as the sin of Sodom - hence the orgin of the term sodomy, which generally alludes to anal intercourse and sometimes to- oral genital contact. According to the book of Genesis, the city of Sodom was destroyed by God.

In addition to intercourse, which of the following behaviors can constitute child sexual abuse?

both fondling of the breasts and genitals and oral sex

In addition to intercourse, which of the following behaviors can constitute child sexual abuse?

both fondling of the breasts and genitals and oral sex **Child sexual abuse refers to exploitative sexual contact or attempted or forced sex that occurs when the victim is under the age of 18. Sexual contact or attempted sexual contact includes intercourse, fondling of the breasts and genitals, and oral sex.

In the early Masters and Johnson's approach to sex therapy

both partners are expected to participate in treatment.

Developmental stage in which a youth achieves reproductive capacity.


Parasitic insects found in coarse body hair of humans, causing itching. (Also known as "crabs.")

pubic lice

Paralysis from the neck down.


Two types of sexual harassment are hostile environment sexual harassment and ________ sexual harassment.

quid pro quo

The persistent or recurrent onset of orgasm and ejaculation-with minimal sexual stimulation-before, on, or shortly after penetration.

rapid ejaculation

Doctor visits

Once a month for the first 7 months, then every two to three week s from the 28 - 36 weeks, and then every week from the 35th week until delivery.

Name the recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with vaginal penetration.


When a man has one of his testicles surgically removed due to cancer, fertility, sexual desire, and sexual functioning are ________ affected.

rarely **In cases of testicular cancer, if surgery is performed, the surgeon usually removes only the affected testicle, leaving the man with one testicle. Fertility, sexual desire, and sexual functioning are rarely affected when only one testicle is removed.

According to data from a national sample, most married people said they ___________ their sex lives.

received great emotional satisfaction and great physical pleasure from

According to data from a national sample, most married people said they ___________ their sex lives.

received great emotional satisfaction and great physical pleasure from **In a national sample, 88% of married people said they received great physical pleasure from their sexual lives, and almost 85% said they received great emotional satisfaction (Michael et al., 1994).

According to the DSM-IV-TR, what is vaginismus?

recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina


referred to as male menopause; is marked by the decrease of the male hormone testosterone


refers to the final state of pregnancy just before the onset of labor

Tiefer and her colleagues (2001b) developed a "New View of Women's Sexual Problems" whereby they defined women's sexual problems as "discontent or dissatisfaction with any emotional, physical or _____ aspect of sexual experience."


Sudden disturbance in the blood supply to the brain caused by hemorrhage from rupture or blockage of a blood vessel.


Overuse or overdependence on drugs or chemicals that results in a failure to fulfill role obligations at work, school, or home. Effects include danger (e.g., driving while impaired), recurrent substance-related legal problems, and continued substance use despite its negative effect on social or interpersonal relationships. (See also substance dependence .)

substance abuse

See substance abuse.

substance dependence

Which of the following is (are) the most common form of mental illness

substance-related disorders

Which of the following is (are) the most common form of mental illness?

substance-related disorders

The majority of new spinal cord injuries in the US each year involve a. men between the ages of 16 and 30 b. women under age 25 c. women over the age of 55 d. men over the age of 65

a. men between the ages of 16 and 30

Which of the following results in surgical menopause? a. oophorectomy b. endometriosis c. orchiectomy d. ostomy surgery

a. oophorectomy

______ are a persistent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase. a. orgasm disorders b. sexual pain disorders c. sexual aversion disorder d. sexual arousal disorders

a. orgasm disorders

In regard to insurance companies and their payment for contraception/birth control, a. payment is limited b. they are required by law to pay c. most insurance companies pay without question d. the paperwork is too much trouble for most individuals

a. payment is limited

ECPAT is an organization that a. seeks to end child prostitution and child pornography b. seeks to rehabilitate prostitues by offering them an alternative lifestyle c. provides free sexual health care for persons in the porn industry d. seeks to rescue runaway teens who have become prostitutes

a. seeks to end child prostitution and child pornography

In Canada, the predominant means of transmission of new HIV cases was a. sex between men b. sex between women c. sex between women and men d. sex between women and farm animals

a. sex between men

Which of the following STDs progresses through the stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary)? a. syphilis b. gonorrhea c. HIV/AIDS d. human papilloma virus

a. syphilis

Many STDs are asymptomatic, which means that a. they do not produce symptoms or signs b. the symptoms get worse over time c. the symptoms get better over time d. the symptoms can be treated with medication

a. they do not produce symptoms or signs

The term puberty comes from the Latin pubescere, which means a. to be covered with hair b. in a confused state c. to be in a dangerous situation d. being in between two places

a. to be covered with hair

Oedipus Complex

When a young boy falls in love with their mother, girls with their father.

As the status of women within a society becomes more equivalent to men, the likelihood of rape decreases. a. true b. false

a. true

Escorts are another name for a call girl. a. true b. false

a. true

Which of the following is also known as coitus interrupts? a. withdrawal b. intrauterine device c. postcoital contraception d. sterilization

a. withdrawal

More than half of all sterilizations are performed on a. women b. men

a. women

Sudden decrease in estrogen resulting from removal of the ovaries that can lead to decreased desire, vaginal dryness, and dyspareunia.

surgical menopause

Agreement between the partners of one marriage or committed relationship that they will have sexual relations with the partners of another relationship. (Also referred to as comarital sex.)


Sexually transmitted (or congenital) infection caused by a spirochete ( Treponema pallidum ); if untreated, it can progress to a systemic infection through three stages and can be fatal.


Which of the following STDs progresses through stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary)?



a breast infection that is most frequently caused by bacteria that enter the breast tissue during breastfeeding


a coiled tube at the supper part of each testicle

premature menopause

a condition in which the ovaries cease functioning before age 40 years due to disease, a hormonal disorder, or surgical removal

pruritus vulvae

a condition of severe itching of the external female genitalia


a cyst that develops in the epididymis and is filled with a milky fluid containing sperm


a developmental defect in which one or both of the testicles fail to descend into the normal position in the scrotum

According to your text, who is most likely to be the perpetrator in child abuse cases?

a family friend

According to your text, who is most likely to be the perpetrator in child abuse cases?

a family friend **In child abuse cases, the most likely perpetrator is a "family friend" (Laumann et al., 1994


a fluid-filled sac containing a single ovum (egg)


a fluid-filled sac in the scrotum along the spermatic cord leading from the testicles

Peyronie's disease

a form of sexual dysfunction in which the penis is bent or curved during erection; also known as penile curvature


a measure taken, or a device used, to lessen the likelihood of conception and pregnancy

Research on the phenomenon of Internet sex addiction suggests that

a minority of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to Internet sex.

postpartum depression

a mood disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and the loss of pleasure in normal activities that can occur shortly after giving birth


a more serious form of preeclampsia, characterized by convulsions and sometimes coma


a mucous membrane that partially covers this opening before a woman has had intercourse


a pear-shaped organ with muscular walls and a mucous membrane lining filled with a rich supply of blood vessels

Which of the following BEST represents the current definition of AIDS?

a person infected with HIV who has a low T-cell count (less than 200

Behavior of keeping one's activity private; term used to describe men who have sex with men but do not label themselves gay or bisexual.

down low

Which of the following BEST represents the current definition of AIDS?

a person infected with HIV who has a low T-cell count (less than 200)


a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system

testicular torsion

a sharp pain in the scrotum caused by twisting of the vas deferens and blood vessels leading into the testicle

Inhibited sexual arousal

The woman cannot either achieve or maintain genital responses, such as lubrication and swelling, that are necessary to complete sexual intercourse

What percent of 12th graders report have had sexual intercourse? a. 6% b. 12% c. 62% d. 92%

c. 62%

There are no effective treatments for PSAS (persistent sexual arousal syndrome).


Dizygotic Twins (DZ)

Twins who develop from different fertilized ova; Fraternal twins. They only share 50% of their heredity.

Woman who has experienced more than one pregnancy.


Infertility is defined as

the inability to conceive after trying for one or more year.

First year of life following birth.



inflammation of one or both testicles

uterine involution

the return of the uterus to its normal size and former condition after delivery

First stage of female orgasm

A sensation of suspension or stoppage

For women having their first baby, labor lasts an average of a. 3 hours b. 8 hours c. 13 hours d. 28 hours

c. 13 hours

Mfepristone (RU-486), which can be used to induce abortion, must be taken within _______ of becoming pregnant. a. 3 days b. 2 weeks c. 7 weeks d. 3 months

c. 7 weeks

Emergency contraception must be taken within ______ after unprotected intercourse. a. 24 hours b. 2 days c. 72 hours d. 1 week

c. 72 hours

See inhibited male orgasm.

male orgasmic disorder

breast augmentation

mammoplasty performed to increase breast size


mammoplasty to affix sagging breasts ina more elevated position

Surgical removal of one breast.


What item can be used as a substitute for a dental dam?

.Plastic Wrap

The International Surrogates Association requires how many hours of training?

60 plus

What percent of rapes happen in the woman's home, or the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor?


In a 1999 study by Duindam, research revealed that only __% of 182 men viewed their father as a positive model for fatherhood.


Spectator Role

A role usually taken on because of performance anxiety, in which people observe rather than fully participate in their sexual encounters.

What is considered the most widely used date-rape drug?


A woman having her first baby is referred to as:


Spontaneous Abortion

The sudden involuntary expulsion of the embryo or fetus from the uterus before it is capable of independent life. This usually happens during the first month of pregnancy. Male fetuses are more likely to be aborted.

More than half of all sterilizations are performed on



an abnormal discharge, such as mucus or pus, from the uterus


dark-pigmented area that surrounds the nipple

Alcohol is a central nervous system


Rape - Types

* Most women are raped by men they know- often men that they have come to trust. 83% are committed by acquaintances of the victim.* - Only 4% of the women in a National Health and Social Life Survey were "forced to do something that they didn't want to do" by strangers.

Which of the following requires academic training at one of the more than 400 accredited programs, supervised internship, and a license?

*** Therapeutic massage ***

Which of the following does NOT make up the "Triple-A Engine" of the internet?


Which of the following is an origin of sexual difficulty? Physiological Cultural Individual

All answer choices are correct

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

infections that affect both males and females

vaginal orifice

the exterior opening of the vagina

A person who is uncomfortable to the point of not being able to buy condoms for a clerk in a pharmacy may be referred to as


Ovulatory pain.


T/F: Romantic affairs involve little to no emotional investment; encounters with prostitutes or gigolos are examples.


Which theory states that women "really want sex" and so raping them is giving them what they want?

The Rape Myth Effect


Vaginal Birth After a Caesarean


an inflammation of the vulva


the external surface region in both males and females between the pubic symphysis and the coccyx


the female gametes; also known as eggs

T/F: T/F. A person can be labeled as a paraphilia by having only one intense sexually arousing fantasy about a nonhuman object.


T/F: The majority of eggs fertilized through in vitro fertilization implant on the uterine wall



breast milk flows through the nipple


the fetus when it is capable of living outside the uterus

amniotic cavity

the fluid-filled space between the embryo and the amniotic sac

Union of a sperm and an egg resulting in a zygote. (See also conception.)


Inflammatory disease of the liver caused by a virus.

hepatitis B

_____ of women are widows at age _____ and older.

59%: 75

Which of the following is a sign and/or symptom of early pregnancy? Hagar Sleepines Nausea Breast tenderness

All answer choices are correct

Which of the following is a sign and/or symptom of early pregnancy?

All answer choices are correct.

TRUE OR FALSE: Lunelle is a type of Implant.



From Greek meaning same


From head downward. Growth of the head (Cephalic region) takes precedence over the growth of the lower parts of the body.


From the central axis if the body outward. This coincides with the spinal cord.Growth of organ systems close to the axis (proximal to the axis) take precedence over those that are farther away.

Which of the following are considered the "4 P's"

Positions Pain Places People

Which of the following would be considerred a social-cultural factor in the development of a sexual dysfunction?

Religious training

Sexual Orientation And The Law

Sodomy Laws prohibit "unnatural" sexual acts, even between consenting adults. Certain sexual acts that many gay people (and heterosexual people) practice, such as anal intercourse and oral-genital contact, fall under the legal definition of sodomy in many states.

Abortion in some countries is considered a category ____ criminal act.

V **Category IV crimes include sex acts between consenting adults like homosexual behavior and behaviors within marriage. Category V behaviors do not involve sexual contact but are either criminalized or considered to be sex crimes, i.e., illegal abortions and pornography.

Minor surgical procedure whereby the tubes connecting the testes and the urethra are cut so as to prevent sperm from entering the penis is called


Nonconsensual observation of others for the purpose of sexual arousal is _____


Obscenity has been legally defined by meeting three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to a prurient interest in sex (i.e., the material is sexually arousing in a lewd way). Second, the material must be patently offensive to the community. Third, the sexual material must ____.

a. display aggression b. have no redeeming social value c. display nudity d. display sexual acts ***The legal definition of obscenity involves three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to a prurient interest in sex; second, the material must be patently offensive to the community; and third, the sexual material must have no redeeming social value. If the material can be viewed as entertaining or educational (if it helps with the sexual communication of couples, for example), a case can be made for its social value

Surrogate partner sex therapy ______ available in the US. a. is b. is not

a. is

According to your text, which group of women is least comfortable discussing condom use with their partners? a. black women b. hispanic women c. white women d. australian women

b. hispanic women

The surgical procedure in which the Fallopian tubes are cut, tied, or blocked to prevent passage of the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus is called a. Oophorectomy b. Tubal sterilization c. Vasectomy d. Hysterectomy

b. Tubal sterilization

What is sensate focus?

b. an exercise in which partners focus on pleasuring each other in nongenital ways

_____ is a curable bacterial STD. a. Herpes b. HPV c. HIV d. Chlamydia

d. Chlamydia

What percent of women report being married to or living with a man who has a vasectomy? a. Ten b. Fourteen c. Three d. Eleven

d. Eleven

conception and pregnancy are two terms that ___ the same thing.

do not mean

Some large cities have "clubs" that specialize in sadomasochism (S&M). The "staff" consists of ___________ (sadists), ________ (masochists), and "switch-hitters.

dominants; submissives

Fetishes can be divided into two types a. harmful and playful b. internally focused and externally focused c. public and private d. media and form

d. media and form

The background of a prostitute is likely to include the following characteristics:

early first sexual experience (13), not emotionally close to parents, seeks emotional comfort of older men

The background of a prostitute is likely to include the following characteristics:

early first sexual experience (13), not emotionally close to parents, seeks emotional comfort of older men **Van Brunschot and Brannigan (2002) studied the backgrounds of street prostitutes and described common characteristics.

Drug which has both stimulant and psychedelic effects that can result in increased energy; enhanced sense of pleasure and self-confidence; and feelings of peacefulness, acceptance, and closeness with others. Use of the drug is also associated with dangerous risks such as heart failure. (Also known as MDMA, X or E.)


Condition in which a fertilized egg becomes implanted in a site other than the uterus.

ectopic pregnancy

Condition which implies that the woman will be able to achieve orgasm, given sufficient context, stimulation, or training.


One shot of Depo-Provera protects a woman from getting pregnant for which of the following time periods?

3 months

Stage 3 of Labor consists of the delivery of the placenta.


T/F: A person with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child.


T/F: A woman must wait 24 hours after making her abortion appointment before engaging in an abortion procedure.


Rape - If You Are Rapes

* Don't change anything about your body - don't wash, don't even comb your hair. Leave your clothes as the are. Otherwise you could destroy evidence. * Strongly consider reporting the incident to the police. You could keep this from happening to someone else, this will be taking control which will help with becoming a survivor. * Ask a relative or friend to take you to the hospital if you can't get the police or an ambulance. When you call the hospital to have them send out an ambulance let them know that you were raped so they can send out a trained person. * Seek help in an assertive way. Seek medical help. Injuries you are unaware of may be detected. Insist that a written or photographic record be made to document your condition. If you decide to file charges, the prosecutor may need this evidence to obtain a conviction. * Question health professionals. Ask about your biological risks. Ask about prophylactic treatment against HIV infection. Ask what treatments are available. Ask for whatever will help make you comfortable. Call the shots. Demand confidentiality if that is what you want. Refuse what you don't want. If there is a rape crisis center or rape hotline is available call them for advice. A rape crisis volunteer may accompany you to the hospital and help see you through your medical treatment.

Incest - Father Daughter

*Father-Daughter incest often begins with affectionate cuddling or embraces and then progresses to teasing sexual play, lengthy caresses, hugs, kisses, and genital contact, even penetration. Force is not typically used to gain compliance.*

STDs comprise _____ of the cases of infectious diseases reported to the CDC.


Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that stable and memorable sexual attraction occurs by what age?

10 **Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that sexual attraction emerges "after the advent of adrenal puberty, typically precipitating the development of stable and memorable sexual attraction by the age of 10 across cultures" (p. 601).

According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, only 7.4% of students reported having had sexual intercourse for the first time before age _____.


For women having their first baby, labor lasts an average of

13 hours **The beginning of labor signals the end of pregnancy. Labor occurs in three stages, and although there are great variations, it lasts an average of 13 hours for the woman having her first baby.

According to the lecture, _____ of female models in magazines articles were posing sexy poses or had intimate contact in men or women's magazines. When looking at only men's magazine, _____ of women in the ads were placed in provocative poses and were sexually dressed.


About how many American women and their partners cope with infertility?

6 million

Both boys and girls have been observed masturbating to orgasm as early as

6 months

Exhibitionism involves an intense, recurrent sexual urge (over a period of at least _______), often accompanied by sexually arousing fantasies, to expose one's genitals to a stranger.

6 months

Both boys and girls have been observed masturbating to orgasm as early as

6 months **Both boys and girls have been observed masturbating to the point of orgasm as early as 6 months of age (Bancroft, 1989).

Exhibitionism involves an intense, recurrent sexual urge (over a period of at least _______), often accompanied by sexually arousing fantasies, to expose one's genitals to a stranger.

6 months **Exhibitionism involves an intense, recurrent sexual urge (over a period of at least 6 months), often accompanied by sexually arousing fantasies, to expose one's genitals to a stranger

Mifepristone (RU-486), which can be used to induce abortion, must be taken within___ of becoming pregnant

7 weeks

About how many salpingectomy surgeries are performed annually?


Emergency contraception must be taken within______after unprotected intercourse.

72 hours

After the egg and sperm unite and attach to the uterine wall, the developing organism is called an embryo for the first _______ and a fetus thereafter

8 weeks **After the egg and sperm unite, typically in the Fallopian tube, the egg begins to divide and is pushed by hairlike cilia down the tube into the uterus, where it attaches itself to the inner wall. Furnished with a rich supply of blood and nutrients, the developing organism is called an embryo for the first 8 weeks and a fetus thereafter.

Kinsey et al. (1953) reported that the average woman reached orgasm in ____ or more of her masturbatory attempts.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

A cluster of symptoms caused by maternal drinking, in which the child shows developmental lags and characteristic facial features such as underdeveloped upper jaw, flattened nose and widely spaced eyes. They are smaller in size and possess smaller brains. They may suffer from mental retardation,lack coordination, deformed limbs and heart problems. They may also develop conduct problems in middle childhood.

Sex Therapy

A collective term for short-term behavior models for treatment of sexual dysfunctions. It aims to: - Change self-defeating beliefs and attitudes - Enhance sexual knowledge - Teach sexual skill - Improve sexual communication - Reduce performance anxiety It usually involves both partners but not always.

AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

A condition caused by HIV that destroys white blood cells in the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to various "opportunistic" diseases.

Basal Body Temperature Method (BBT)

A fertility awareness method of contraception that relies on prediction of ovulation by tracking the woman's temperature over the menstrual cycle. The woman tracks her body temperature upon waking up each morning to detect small changes that occur directly before and after ovulation. A woman's BBT sometimes dips slightly just before ovulation and then tends to rise between 0.4 & 0.8 degree F just before, during, after and remains elevated until the onset of menstruation. ** The temp raises from the increase production of progesterone by the corpus luteum during the luteal phase of the cycle. ** This method doesn't indicate the "unsafe" preovulatory days during which sperm could still be present in the vagina. Some woman triple-check by tracking cervical mucus.

Hemophilia / Sex-Linked

A genetic defect carried on the X sex chromosome, which makes it sex-linked. "The Royal Disease" because England's Queen Victoria had this disease who transmitted the condition to many of her children who in turn carried it to other royal families. Boys of mothers with this are more at risk because they only have one X chromosome. (XX) Both would have to be affected.

Neural Tube

A hollow area in the blastocyst from which the nervous system will develop. Two ridges appear in the embryo. The ridges fold together to form the neural tube. (this happens around three weeks after conception)

Tubal Sterilization - Mini-Laparotomy

A kind of tubal sterilization in which an incision is made in the abdomen to access the fallopian tubes. Each tube is cut and tied back or clamped.


A life threatening condition that is characterized by high blood pressure. It can't be passes onto the baby, but it can adversely affect the environment in which it develops. Linked to malnutrition. Women who gain weight rapidly and haven't increase their food intake should consult their doctor.

Masters and Johnson Approach

A male-female therapy team focus on the couple as the unit of treatment during a two week residential program. They considered the couple as dysfunctional not the individual. The dual therapist team allows each person to be able to talk to someone else that is the same sex as them. This reduced the chance of therapist bias of the female or male partner. The couple is assigned daily sexual homework assignments. With this approach the couple begins having sex after about 10 days of treatment.

Masters and Johnson described the human sexual response cycle in terms of what?

A sequence of overlapping phases: excitement, orgasm, and resolution


A medication that causes an abortion.

Squeeze Technique

A method for treating premature ejaculation whereby the tip of the penis is squeezed temporarily to prevent ejaculation.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

A method of conception in which mature ova are surgically removed from an ovary and placed in a laboratory dish along with sperm.

Sadomasochism (S&M)

A mutually gratifying sexual interaction between consenting sex partners in which sexual arousal is associated with the infliction and receipt of pain or humiliation.

Frotteurism (mashing or groping)

A paraphilia characterized by recurrent, powerful sexual urges and related fantasies involving rubbing against our touching a non-consenting person. They find it hard to have relationships with women and are handicapped by fears of rejection.

Voyeurism "peepers" Peeping Toms

A paraphilia characterized by strong, repetitive urges and related sexual fantasies of observing unsuspecting strangers who are naked, disrobing, or engaged in sexual relations. *They become aroused by just watching and typically doesn't seek a relationship with the person.* -Found mostly in men -They may masturbate while peeping and replay it in their mind * This provides sexual satisfaction without the risk of rejections.

Sexual Masochism

A paraphilia characterized by the desire or need for pain or humiliation to enhance sexual arousal so that gratification may be attained. *It is considered normal to enjoy some mild forms of pain during sexual activity. Love bites, hair pulls and minor scratches are example of sources of pain that are considered normal.* *Sexual masochism is the only paraphilia that is found among women with some frequency.* These people derive pleasure from various types of punishing experiences, including being restrained, blindfolded, spanked, whipped or made to perfom humilating acts, such as walking around on all fours and licking the boots or shoes of the partner.


A paraphilia in which a person repeatedly cross-dresses to achieve sexual arousal or gratification, or is troubled by persistent, recurring urges to cross-dress. Transvestites become excited by wearing articles of clothing - the fetishistic objects- of the other gender. The object is sexually alluring only when it is worn. -Transvestism has been described among both heterosexual and gay males. -Many are in male-female relationships and otherwise stereotypically masculine in behavior. *Many transvestites have masculine gender identities and do not seek to change their anatomic sex.*


A pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine contractions strong enough to expel the baby.


A practice in which a person seeks to enhance sexual arousal, usually during masturbation, by becoming deprived of oxygen. *This can be a potentially lethal practice. They put bags over their heads. nooses around their necks, or pressure on the chest temporarily depriving them of oxygen. They usually fantasize that they are being strangled by a lover.*


A practice related to frotteurism and characterized by the persistent urge to fondle nonconsenting strangers.

Premature (rapid) Ejaculation

A sexual dysfunction in which ejaculation occurs with minimal sexual stimulation and before the partners desire it.


A sheath made of animal membrane pr latex that covers the penis and serves as a barrier to sperm. This term started being used during the 18th century. Used as a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. the slang "rubber" in 1843.

Contraceptive Sponge

A soft disposable device. It doesn't need to be fitted. It is a barrier with built in spermicide. Can be inserted several hours before sex. It also absorbs the sperm. No odor or taste.


A spontaneous abortion. They can be caused by several different things including chromosome defects in the fetus and abnormalities of the placenta and uterus. They are more common is older mothers.


A stage within the germinal stage of prenatal development, at which the embryo is a sphere of cell surrounding a cavity of fluid. Some cell differential has begun. "Hollow sphere of cells" Becomes implanted in the wall of the uterus.

Factor Analysis

A statistical grouping technique.

According to your text, who is least likely to be the perpetrator in child abuse cases?

A stranger to the child


A test in which a dye is injected into the reproductive tract and its progress is tracked by Xrays to determine whether or not the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Rubin Test

A test in which carbon dioxide gas is blown through the cervix and its pressure and progress through the reproductive tract is tracked to determine whether or not the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Contraceptive Patch

A thin 2x2 inch square that delivers estrogen and progesterone/progestom to prevent ovulation and implantation. Provides 1wks worth of hormones. Can be worn on abdomen, buttocks, upper arm or upper torso. If used correctly the patch is 99% effective.

Recessive Traits

A trait that is not expressed when the gene or genes involved have been paired with dominate genes. Recessive traits are transmitted to future generations, however and are expressed if they are paired with other recessive genes.

Anesthesia - Local

A type of anesthesia that eliminates pain in a specific area of the body.


A vasodilator that relaxes the muscles surrounding the arteries in the penis, allowing more blood to flow in, increasing vasocongestion and causing erection. This medication is injected into the penis.

Sex Surrogate

A woman that helps male clients overcome their sexual dysfunctions by having sex with them. Legitimate sex surrogates work with qualified sex therapist.

Surrogate Motherhood

A woman who is impregnated, through artificial insemination, with the sperm of a prospective father, carries the embryo and fetus to term, and then gives the child to the prospective parents.

Orgasmic Disorder - Female

A women that can reach orgasm through masturbation and oral sex may not necessarily reach orgasm during sex with their partner. Penile thrusting may not stimulate the clitoris enough. Women who try to force an orgasm may find that they are unable to do so.

T/F: A person who has had a stroke should avoid sexual activity because having sex involves a high risk of having another


T/F: According to a study of 182 men, most of the men viewed their father as a positive model for fatherhood.


Failure to Ovulate

About 10-15% of infertility's are from failure to ovulate. Many factors may also play a part: hormonal irregularities, malnutrition, genetic factors, stress and chronic disease. It can also be caused from low body fat from athletics or eating disorders.

What percent of 60 undergraduate college males reported that they had engaged in a sexual offense for which they could be arrested? What percent had been arrested?

About half sex offense/ less than 5% arrested

Coming Out

Accepting of one's sexual orientation. Coming out is a two pronged process. Coming out to ones self and coming out to others. Coming out can create a sense of pride in one's sexual orientation and foster the ability to form emotionally and sexually satisfying relationships with gay male or lesbian partners.

T/F: According to research, fear of remaining fat after delivery is considered the biggest stressor of women as they are near the end of their pregnancy.


T/F: Although the symptoms of untreated chlamydia may cause discomfort, there are no serious effects of leaving chlamydia untreated


Scrotal Temperature

Average temperature is between 94 - 95 degrees. 1 or 2 degrees above this temp could impair sperm production.

T/F: Although the symptoms of untreated chlamydia may cause discomfort, there are no serious effects of leaving chlamydia untreated.


T/F: Although most women in developing countries do not receive any prenatal care, virtually all women in the U.S. who give birth receive prenatal care beginning in the first trimester


Bobby's mother discovered Bobby (age7) and Sue (age 4)playing doctor. While talking to the children Bobby's mother said,It is interesting to find out how other people's bodies look , isn't it? According to developmental psychologist her statement was an appropriate response for the situation?


Candidiasis, also known as monila and yeast infection,____ be spread to a


Having sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner ___ considered sexual assault

Can be

Sexual Abuse of Children -Patterns of Abuse

Children from a stable, middle-class family appear to be generally at lower risk of encountering sexual abuse than children from poorer, single parent or step-families. *Most molesters are people that are close to the victim: relatives, step-relatives, family friends, and neighbors.* Many times abuse by a family member is not reported to the authorities. The decision to report abuse to the the police depends largely on the relationship between the abuser and the person who discovered the abuse. *In a Finkelhor survey, none of the parents whose children were abused by a family member notified the authorities. By contrast parents whose children have been abused by strangers did so.* Most sexually abused children are abused only once, those who are abused by a family member are more likely to suffer repeated abuse. *Genital fondling is the most common type of abuse. Intercourse is rare.* *Repeated abuse by a family member commonly follow a patter that begins with fondling during preschool, progresses to oral sex or mutual masturbation during the early school years, and then to penetration (vaginal or anal intercourse) in preadolescence or adolescence.* Adults may suspect abuse if a child shows sudden personality changes or develops fears, problems in school, or eating or sleeping problems. *Average age at which most children are first sexually abused ranges from 6 to 12 years for girls and 7-10 years for boys.*

Who sponsors the Go Ask Alice cite?

Columbia University

Multiphasic Pills

Combination Pills that vary the dosage of these hormones across the menstrual cycle to reduce the overall dosages to which the woman is exposed and possible side effects.

Megan's Law requires which of the following

Communities must be notified of a neighbor's previous sex convictions

Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants in an area other than the uterus, resulting in massive bleeding and seizures for the pregnant woman.


Half of pregnant women will experience nausea


Human error is the main reason why birth control fails.


One in eight girls in elementary or high school want to quit school due to harassment.


Sexual Harassment

Deliberate of repeated unsolicited verbal comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature that is considered to be unwelcomed by the recipient.

T/F: A person has reached "middle aged" when they are between 50-70 years old.


Sexual aversion disorder is defined by the presence of what?

Fear and avoidance

Toxemia Stages

First stage is call preeclampsia - It is diagnosed by protein the the urine, swelling from fluid retention and high blood pressure. This condition can be mild. Mother can suffer from headaches, visual problems from high blood pressure and abdominal pain. Final stage - eclampsia - can lead to maternal of fetal death. Babies born to woman with toxemia are often undersized or premature.

Touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person for the purpose of sexual arousal is ____


All of the following are true of infertility therapy

It often affects sexual relationships It is a lengthy process It is expensive

Contraceptive transdermal patch that delivers hormones to a woman's body through skin absorption. The contraceptive patch is worn for 3 weeks (anywhere on the body except the breasts) and is changed on a weekly basis

Ortho Evra

Luteinizing Hormones

Over the counter kits - they analyze urine or saliva for luteinizing hormones. This hormones precedes ovulation by about 12-24 hours.


People that are sexually aroused by sending obscene emails, instant messages, and chat-room messages. -They are considered a form of exhibitionism. -Male obscene phone callers are motivated by a desire for sexual excitement and usually choose their randomly from the phone book or by chance dialing. -They masturbate during or shortly after the phone call. *Typically these people also engage in other paraphilic acts, especially voyeurism and exhibitionism.* -they are socially inadequate heterosexual males who have had difficulty forming intimate relationships with women. The anonymity of the telephone may shield him from the risk or rejection. -These types of phone calls are illegal, but they are hard to track down. They can try to catch the person with call tracing. *How to deal with the call? Remain calm and do not show signs of shock or anger. Or say nothing and hang up.*

Male Erectile Disorder

Persistent or recurrent inability to attain or maintain until completion of the sexual activity, an adequate erection

Morning After Pill

Postcoital contraceptive, refers to several types of pills that have high doses of estrogen and progestin. The prevent fertilization or prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. These pills are effective if taken within 72m hours after ovulation. Women 17 and over can get this pill from Pharmacy. These pills have a higher hormone content than birth-control pills so woman may become nauseous.

Sally lost 34 lbs on the Biggest Loser Diet. However, she has _________ and is gradually losing the will to continue the diet.

Prevention Fatigue

Birth-Control Pills - Bad side effects

Provides not protection of STIs. May reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics used to treat STIs. Main drawback are the potential side effects and possible health risks.

Rape - Stranger

Rape that is committed by an assailant previously unknown to the victim. * Stranger Rapist target: -someone who seems vulnerable - women who live alone - who are older or retarded -who are walking down a deserted streets -who are asleep -who are intoxicated * After finding the target, the rapist may search for the right time and place to commit the crime.


Recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse in either a male or a female Persistant genital pain during or after sexual intercourse Painful intercourse. Men and women both can suffer from this. This is a common sexual dysfunction. Pain is usually a sign that something is physically wrong. Can result from physical causes, emotional factors or an interaction of the two. The most common cause from women is vaginal dryness. Vaginal infections or STI may also produce painful sex. Allergic reactions to latex condoms and spermicides can cause painful sex. Pain during deep thrusting indicate endometriosis,PID or structural disorders of the reproductive organs. Psychological issues can lead to vaginal dryness. For men they may experience burning or pain during ejaculation. Uncircumcised men may have something under their foreskin causing irritation.

Which of the following would be considerred a social-cultural factor in the development of a sexual dysfunction?

Religious training **Rationale: Sociocultural factors include negative familial attitudes like "sex is dirty" and religious training.

Withdrawal Method

Removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. Has a failure rate of 20%. Sperm may be present on the preejaculatory secretions of fluid from the Cowper's glands. Withdrawal is not a viable method of contraception.


Ritual restraint, as by shackles, as practiced by many sexual masochists.

Who is the guru of the modern swinging movement?

Robert McGinley

What is the technical term for the 'forget me drug'?



Sexual activity that takes place without consent. -Rape is considered the most common crime of violence. (1/2 million American women are raped each year. -In ancient Babylonian and Hebrew culture, the wife was seen as guilty of adultery. Babylonian women were bound and thrown in the river with the assailant. Virgins who were raped within the protection of the city gates would also be stoned by the Hebrews. It was thought that they could have maintained their purity by crying out. *The definition of rape varies from state to state.* Traditionally, a man couldn't be convicted of raping his wife, even though he might have forced her to submit to sexual activity by physical power or threats. This was derived from the English common law that held that a woman "gives herself over" to her husband when she becomes his wife and can not retract her consent.

Statutory Rape

Sexual activity with a person below the age of consent, even when the victim cooperates.

Which of the following is not one of the categories of sexual dysfunction disorders is as discussed in the lecture?

Sexual arousal


Sexual stimulation that involves someone of the same sex.

Rapist - Confronting (Fight, Flee or Plead)

Some women have avoided attacks by pleading or crying. Screaming my help ward off some attacks. Running away sometimes works. -Self defense training may help a woman defend herself against an attacker. Physical resistance may spur some rapist to be more aggressive. This may increase the chances of being injured.

Hypoactive sexual desire is defined in terms of what?

Subjective experiences, such as lack of sexual fantasies and lack of interest in sexual experiences

________ is defined as "partners of one marriage/committed relationship have sexual relations with partners of another relationship."


Morning Sickness

Symptoms of pregnancy, including nausea, aversions to specific foods and vomiting. It usually subsides by about the 12th week of pregnancy.


THC is the active ingredient in marijuana crosses the placenta and can cause trouble with problem solving and decision making. It is also related to hyperactivity, impulsivity and problems paying attention.

Age Of Viability

The age at which a fetus can sustain independent life. This happens at the end of the second trimester.

Second Trimester - End (4 months)

The mother can feel the first fetal movements. By the end of the second trimester the movement are vigorous. The fetus open and shuts eyes, sucks its thumb, alternates between being awake and asleep,perceives lights and sound. The fetus can do somersaults. The cord will not break or strangle the fetus.

Which of the following is NOT a barrier method of contraception?

The correct answer is: transdermal patch

Peak days

The days during the menstrual cycle during which a woman is most likely to be fertile.

Construct Validity

The extent to which measures produce results that are consistent with the theoretical construct

Breech Presentation

The fetus is bottom, feet or shoulder first because it failed to turn during the seventh month.

Period of the Ovum/ Germinal Stage

The period of prenatal development before implantation in the uterus.

Sexual Dysfunctions Classification

They are classified as lifelong or acquired. They are also classified as generalized or situational. Generalized dysfunctions occur in all situations. Situational dysfunctions affect sexual functioning only in some situations, as during intercourse but not masturbation or with one partner but not another.

Pakistan's Hudood Ordinances

They do not any distinction between rape and adultery and have created a war of terror against women. - A report published by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) stated that of the 6,000 women and children being held in prison in Pakistan, 80% were imprisoned because of the Hudood Ordinances. * The sin of rape is regarded as zina-bil-jabr and the sentence is the same, except that a non-Muslim can be sentenced to death as well as receiving 100 lashes. If a perpetrator (or victim of) zina-bil-jabr is a minor, the person can be given a sentence of 5 years, along with 30 lashes and a fine.* -A man can be found guilty of rape only if he makes a confession or if at least 4 Muslim adult males eye-witnesses, held to be in good religious by the court, provide testimony against him. Testimony by women, including the victim, is not admissible. So if she reports a rape, she is confessing to zina, and is liable to stoning.

The main difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is that operant conditioning uses a reinforcer (positive or negative) as motivation for the behavior.

True **Operant conditioning is based on the reinforcing qualities of behavior .

There are no effective treatments for PSAS (persistent sexual arousal syndrome).

True **Rationale: Although different treatments such as antidepressants, anti-androgens, birth control pills, hypnosis, and anesthetizing creams have been tried, none have proven widely effective. REF: Up close 14-1.

Sexual dysfunction can be caused by extreme levels of weight (both over and under).

True **Rationale: Common causes of sexual dysfunction include: obesity, diabetes, anorexia, fatigue, and stress.

As the ethnic similarities between partners increase, the likelihood that they will use a condom increases.

True **Research indicates that the more similar partners are in terms of race or ethnicity, the more likely they are to report condom use.

The surgical procedure in which the Fallopian tubes are cut, tied, or blocked to prevent passage of the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus is called

Tubal sterilization

Rape Kit

When a woman reports a rape, her body is the crime scene. Typically she is asked to undress over a large white sheet of paper to collect hairs or fibers, and then her body is examined with an ultraviolet light, photographed and thoroughly swabbed for the rapist DNA. - It can last 4 to 6 hours and produces a "rape kit". Many times this rape kit will sit around and may never be opened or tested. It is not tested because it is not deemed a priority. *Each rape kit cost $1,500 to test. This may be the reason for the delay in their testing. New York City has made the testing of these kits a priority resulting in 2,000 cold hits in rape cases and the arrest rate when from 40 to 70% for rape.*

Dropping / Lightening

When the fetus's head settles in the pelvis. This happens early in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Whether flirtation is sexual harassment depends on which 3 factors

Whether you have equal power; Whether you previously knew this person; Whether you are approached appropriately

Telephone Scatologia

a paraohilia characterized by the making obsence telephone calls. They are mostly men. -They expose themselves verbally

In order to prevent Female Sexual Arousal Disorder one should maintain open relationships and physical and emotional health. a. true b. false

a. true

Most antidepressant medications have an impact on sexual desire and arousal. a. true b. false

a. true

Phone sex, a common sexuality business, is not considered prostitution. a. true b. false

a. true

The more time an individual spends on the internet, the more likely they are to run into sexual material on the internet. a. true b. false

a. true

Vaginal Mucus

Women can track the thickness of vaginal thickness during the menstrual cycle by rolling it between their fingers and noting the changes in texture. It is usually thick and milky, but a couple of days before ovulation it turns thin, slippery and clear. A day or so after ovulation it become thick again.

Frotteurism is most likely to occur in which of the following places?

a crowded subway **Frotteurism is the recurring, intense, sexual urge (that has lasted for at least 6 months; arousing fantasies may also be involved) that involves touching or rubbing, often with the genitals, against a nonconsenting person. Examples of ideal environments for frotteurism include a crowded bar, concert, or subway


a highly contagious condition caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Which of the following BEST represents the current definition of AIDS?

a person infected with HIV who has a low T-cell count (less than 200 ***Before 1993, a diagnosis of AIDS was made only when an HIV-infected individual developed one of more than 20 serious illnesses delineated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), such as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, cervical cancer, or Kaposi's sarcoma (a form of cancer). Since 1993, the definition of AIDS has been expanded to include anyone with HIV whose immune system is severely impaired, as indicated by a T-cell (or CD4 cell) count of less than 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood. T-cell counts in healthy people not infected with HIV range from 800 to 1200 per cubic millimeter of blood.


a physician who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders and diseases of children


a physician who specializes in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately thereafter

endometrial biopsy

a small amount of the tissue from the lining of the uterus is removed for microscopic examination


a specialized form of milk that delivers essential nutrients and antibodies in a form that the newborn can digest


a woman during her first pregnancy

Nonconsensual observation of others for the purpose of sexual arousal. a. voyeurism b. necrophilia c. frotteruism

a. voyeurism

Deliberate termination of a pregnancy through chemical or surgical means. (See also induced abortion.)


Sexual dysfunction that a person is currently experiencing but has not always experienced.

acquired dysfunction

Syphilis can be transmitted through which of the following a. kissing b. from infected pregnant woman to unborn baby c. genital contact d. all of the above

all of the above

When part or all of the penis is surgically removed, this is called what? a. Penectomy b. Radical Prostatectomy c. Orchiectomy d. Testectomy

a. Penectomy

Data on reporting and conviction rates in Ohio reveal that of 92,490 rapes reported, ______ actually resulted in conviction (Langan & Dawson, 1988). a. less than 5% b. about one quarter c. nearly half d. more than 90%

a. less than 5%

Using a finger cot while engaging in fisting would be considered a ______ activity. a. low risk b. extremely high risk c. no risk d. moderate risk

a. low risk

Currently, many public health organizations use the term _________ to avoid the negative connotations sometimes associated with the term's predecessor _________.

a. Sexually transmitted infection (STI); Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The movement to criminalize abortion in the mid-nineteenth century was motivated by _______ concern(s). a. moral and economic b. economic c. economic and legal d. legal e. moral f. moral and legal

a. moral and economic

The majority of apprehended sex offenders are arrested for acts of each of the following EXCEPT

a. pedophilia b. exhibitionism c. AUTONEPIOPHILIA d. voyeurism The majority of apprehended sex offenders are arrested for acts of exhibitionism, pedophilia, and voyeurism (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Autonepiophilia (dressing up a partner in diapers) is not illegal.

According to the DSM-IV-TR, what is vaginismus? a. recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina b. recurrent or persistent vaginal infections that can be caused by either yeast or one of several bacteria c. recurrent or persistent pain in the vaginal area d. excessive vaginal lubrication

a. recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina

Among US women who married in the 1990s, more than half reported that they had lived with someone before they married. a. true b. false

a. true

Cases of females with pedophilia may be underreported due to the stereotypes of female nurturance which may hamper recognition of pedophilic activities. a. true b. false

a. true

Molluscum Contagiosum are also referred to as what? a. Water Warts b. Genital Warts c. Pubic Lice d. Scabies

a. Water Warts

In a study of women who had been raped (Rothbaum et al., 1992), 3 months after the rape nearly one-half of the women presented symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). a. true b. false

a. true

Frotteurism is most likely to occur in which of the following places? a. a crowded subway b. a deserted beach c. one's bedroom d. one's automobile

a. a crowded subway

Masturbation is ______________ orgasm difficulties.

a. a widely used treatment for women with

Which of the following are ethological indicators for sexual dysfunctions? a. all answer choices are correct b. health status and emotional factors c. social status variables d. lifestyle variables

a. all answer choices are correct

Which of the following is a sign and/or symptom of early pregnancy? a. All answer choices are correct b. Breast tenderness c. Hagar d. Nausea e. Sleepiness

a. all answer choices are correct

Sex offenders most vulnerable to recidivism have been diagnosed with a. antisocial personality b. chronic substance abuse c. lovemap distortion d. infantile bonding distortion

a. antisocial personality

There ______ legal penalties for a person who falsely accuses someone of rape. a. are b. are no

a. are

One type of HIV test can be bought at pharmacies, college health centers, and public health clinics, or it can be ordered through the mail for a cost of around $50. The test involves obtaining a sample of______ and mailing it to a laboratory. a. blood b. hair c. urine d. saliva

a. blood

The prenatal test in which a needle is inserted into the pregnant woman's uterus to withdraw fluid, which is analyzed to see if the cells carry XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomes, and to identify chromosomal defects is


abruption placentae

an abnormal disorder in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall before the birth of the fetus

Marcus just found out he is HIV positive. After some thought he decides to just try to think about better times in the past. His behavior would be an example of _______________ coping strategy.

an avoidance **Accepting one's condition is a positive coping strategy; the other alternatives are avoidance coping strategies (thinking about better times or turning to drugs/alcohol) and seeking social support coping strategy (asking friends for advice).


an excessive amount of menstrual flow over a period of more than 7 days

What is a sensate focus?

an exercise in which partners focus on pleasuring each other in nongenital ways

What is sensate focus?

an exercise in which partners focus on pleasuring each other in nongenital ways


an unusually small amount of menstrual flow during a shortened regular menstrual period

Academic degress, therapy experience under supervision, and exposure to other aspects of formal training in human sexuality _______ legally required to market one's self as a sex therapist.

are not

Characteristics of contractions in true labor are different from contractions in preparatory labor. In true labor the contractions:

are not affected by sedation

Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that stable and memorable sexual attraction occurs by what age? a. 6 b. 10 c. 13 d. 16

b. 10

According to the text, childhood is a developmental time frame that extends from age: a. 2 to 10 b. 2 to 12 c. birth to 13 d. birth to 12

b. 2 to 12

One shot of Depo-Provera protects a woman from getting pregnant for which of the following time periods? a. 3 weeks b. 3 months c. 6 months d. 1 year

b. 3 months

How much does the average phone sex call cost? a. 40-50 dollars b. 30-40 dollars c. 20-30 dollars d. 10-20 dollars

b. 30-40 dollars

Exhibitionism involves an intense, recurrent sexual urge (over a period of at least _______), often accompanied by sexually arousing fantasies, to expose one's genitals to a stranger. a. 6 weeks b. 6 months c. 1 year d. 6 years

b. 6 months

The American Psychiatric Association recognizes sex addiction as a disorder. a. true b. false

b. false

The majority of eggs fertilized through in vitro fertilization implant on the uterine wall. a. true b. false

b. false

Cryopreservation involves which of the following?

b. freezing fertilized eggs for possible future implantation

Sexual dysfunctions can be classified as being either life-long, acquired, situational, or a. adaptive b. generalized c. regressive d. progressive

b. generalized

A study of medical records of 56 women who were discharged from a hospital psychiatric ward found that contraception was a. heavily emphasized b. hardly mentioned

b. hardly mentioned

What is Priapsim? a. Genital stimulation without ejaculation b. Continuous erection c. Penis does not become erect when sexually aroused d. Disease which causes painful curving or bending of the penis during an erection

b. Continuous erection

In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80-102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the ______ reported that they currently masturbated. a. women b. men c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

b. men

Individual who has been affirmed as HIV-seropositive but has nevertheless retained a healthy immune system.

long-term nonprogressor (LTNP)

Which of the following is the most common reason for ostomy surgery? a. chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder b. motor vehicle accident c. endometriosis d. cancer

d. cancer

The authors of your text make which of the following arguments? a. Any individual diagnosed with mental retardation cannot fulfill the role of parent and either should be sterilized or use long-term effective birth control (such as Norplant). b. Many individuals with mental retardation who desire to have a child may be able to assume that responsibility if provided with adequate social support.

b. Many individuals with mental retardation who desire to have a child may be able to assume that responsibility if provided with adequate social support.

Obscenity has been legally defined by meeting three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to a prurient interest in sex (i.e., the material is sexually arousing in a lewd way). Second, the material must be patently offensive to the community. Third, the sexual material must a. display sexual acts b. have no redeeming social value c. display aggression d. display nudity

b. have no redeeming social value

_____ is recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child. a. Partialism b. Pedophilia c. Pictophilia d. Zoophilia

b. Pedophilia

Male first ejaculation is called: a. Menarche b. Semenarche c. Adolescence d. Puberty

b. Semenarche

Children who experience sex abuse between the ages of 7 and 13 experience the ______ incidence of psychopathology related to the abuse. a. lowest b. highest

b. highest

Using a finger cot during while engaging in fisting would be considered a ______ activity.

low risk

According to your text, what is the most frequent response victims have to sexual harassment? a. retaliation of some type b. ignore it c. avoid the harasser d. file a formal complaint

b. ignore it

According to research cited in your text, the more forcefully a woman resists a rapist, the _____ severe the sexual abuse. a. more b. less

b. less

The majority of ______ who report experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction. a. women b. men c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

d. neither a nor b

Research on the phenomenon of internet sex addiction suggests that a. Internet sex is a concept discussed in the popular media, but it has not been substantiated by studies or case reports. b. a minority of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to Internet sex. c. up to 50% of those who use the Internet for sexual purposes become addicted to this use. d. homosexuals are more prone to sex addiction than bisexuals or heterosexuals.

b. a minority of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to Internet sex.

In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80-102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the _______ reported that sex was currently important to them. a. women b. men c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

b. men

Deriving sexual gratification from sex with a dead person is known as what? a. pictohphilia b. necrophilia c. partialism d. urophilia

b. necrophilia

Sexual contact with a corpse a. frotterurism b. necrophilia c. voyeurism

b. necrophilia

The best intercourse position for the woman to get pregnant is for the woman to be a. on top b. on the bottom c. on her side d. on her hands (or elbows) and knees

b. on the bottom

When a man has one of his testicles surgically removed due to cancer, fertility, sexual desire, and sexual functioning are _____ affected. a. usually b. rarely

b. rarely

Suction curettage (also known as vacuum aspiration) a. takes about 2-3 hours and must be done in a hospital b. takes about 10-20 minutes and can be performed in a clinic or physician's office

b. takes about 10-20 minutes and can be performed in a clinic or physician's office

According to your text, why do individuals with schizophrenia tend to masturbate more often and have fewer sexual relationships than the normal population?

because they lack social and relationship skills

In the early Masters and Johnson's approach to sex therapy,

both partners are expected to participate in treatment **Rationale: One of the essential elements of the early Masters and Johnson approach to resolving sexual dysfunctions is that both partners in a marital or coupled unit are expected to participate in sex therapy.

______ is a condition often caused by brain damage that occurs before or during birth or in infancy, resulting in muscular impairment and sometimes speech and learning disabilities.

c. Cerebral palsy

Rates of STDs are higher among populations that are economically


What percent of 60 undergraduate college males reported that they had engaged in a sexual offense for which they could be arrested? What percent had been arrested? a. 5% sexual offense/all were arrested b. 15% sexual offense/non were arrested c. about half sexual offense/less than 5% arrested d. about a quarter sexual offense/half arrested

c. about half sexual offense/less than 5% arrested

Surgical removal of the testicles is referred to as _________. a. Radical Prostatectomy b. Testectomy c. Orchiectomy d. Penectomy

c. Orchiectomy

The majority of apprehended sex offenders are arrested for acts of each of the following EXCEPT a. voyeurism b. pedophilia c. autonepiophilia d. exhibitionism

c. autonepiophilia

The statement "It is not only okay to have intercourse when married, it is expected" would represent which of the following perspectives? a. Coolidge effect b. Extradyadic Sexual Involvement c. Social Legitimacy d. Climacteric

c. Social Legitimacy

According to your text, a major depression is associated with low sexual desire in a. women b. men c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

c. both a and b

Which of the following is(are) the most common form of mental illness?

major depression

________ is defined as "partners of one marriage/committed relationship have sexual relations with partners of another relationship." a. Computer affairs b. Open marriage c. Swinging d. Polygamoy

c. Swinging

In addition to intercourse, which of the following behaviors can constitute child sexual abuse? a. fondling of the breasts and genitals b. oral sex c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

c. both a and b Fondling of the breast and genitals Oral Sex

In the early Masters and Johnson's approach to sex therapy,

c. both partners are expected to participate in treatment

Ovum transfer involves a physician placing the sperm of the male partner in a. the uterus of his partner b. the uterus of the woman who will carry the pregnancy c. a glass dish, to which his partner's egg is added

c. a glass dish, to which his partner's egg is added

Most early (less than 12 weeks) miscarriages are associated with which of the following?

chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus **About 60% of early (less than 12 weeks) spontaneous abortions or miscarriages are associated with chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus (Callahan, Caughey, & Heffner, 1998).

Collective term for diseases that affect the flow of air into the body (such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema). Individuals with COPD often experience fatigue due to decreased oxygen intake and the effort involved in breathing.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Therapeutic technique that involves changing the way an individual thinks about something.

cognitive restructuring

Treatment method emphasizing that negative thoughts and attitudes about sex interfere with sexual interest, pleasure, and performance.

cognitive sex therapy

Living situation in which two heterosexual adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship share a common residence for 4 nights a week for 3 months.


Practice whereby the man withdraws his penis from the vagina before he ejaculates. (See also withdrawal.)

coitus interruptus

Megan's Law requires which of the following?

communities must be notified of a neighbor's previous sex convictions

Who wrote The Courage to Heal? a. Knudsen b. Evans and Earl c. Bennett d. Bass and Davis

d. Bass and Davis

Megan's Law requires which of the following? a. castration for male sex offenders who have been convicted of sexual assault three times b. the provision of rape-prevention programs in public schools c. men who have been convicted of adult or child sexual abuse cannot get a marriage license unless they inform their partner of their prior sex abuse convictions d. communities must be notified of a neighbor's previous sex convictions

d. communities must be notified of a neighbor's previous sex convictions

The surgical removal of the uterus is a. Tubal sterilization b. Vasectomy c. Oophorectomy d. Hysterectomy

d. Hysterectomy

Erotica is different from pornography in that the former is neither ______ nor _____. a. unhealthy, prurient b. legal, harmful c. sexually explicit, dirty d. degrading, violent

d. degrading, violent

The squeeze technique is used to treat which of the following sexual dysfunctions?

d. premature ejaculation

Loss of inhibition due to the perception that reduced risk makes risk-taking more acceptable or attractive.


Which perspective views paraphilias such as pedophilia and sexual sadism as expressions of aggression more than sexuality?


Which of the following STDs can cause genital warts

herpes chlamydia *****human papillomavirus ***** syphilis **There are more than 60 types of human papillomavirus (HPV). More than a dozen of them can cause genital warts

Viral infection that may cause blistering, typically of the lips and mouth; it may also infect the genitals.

herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)

The majority of new spinal cord injuries in the United States each year involve

men between the ages of 16 and 30 **The majority of new spinal cord injuries in the United States each year involve men (82%) between the ages of 16 and 30

Mental states characterized by mild to severe disturbances in thinking, mood, and/or behavior associated with distress and/or impaired functioning.

mental disorders

Unintended termination of a pregnancy. (See also "spontaneous abortion".)




Inflammation of the pelvic organs often requiring hospitalization and surgery. PID is associated with complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic abdominal pain.

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Excessive concern over adequate sexual performance, which may result in sexual dysfunction.

performance anxiety

See medical abortion.

pharmaceutical abortion


the condition of having a developing child in the uterus

Intrafamilial child sexual abuse refers to exploitative sexual contact or attempted or forced sex that occurs between relatives when the victim is

under age 18

The average annual income of 72 members of ASSECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists) who responded to an Internet survey is

$64,400 **While the annual income average was $64,400, the range was from $5,000 to $200,000. See Introduction.

All of the following are true of infertility therapy EXCEPT

***** a. It involves surgical procedures ****** ***Although most infertility treatments are noninvasive, the treatment process is often expensive, the process can be lengthy, and the couple's sexual relationship can be expected to change.

Which of the following statements is true?

****None of statements are true-they are all sex myths ****

Which of the following couple/people would most frequently have intercourse?

****d. Helen and Bob, an unmarried couple in their 20's **** ** Research indicates that single people have sexual intercourse less frequently than married people, who, in turn, have sexual intercourse less frequently than cohabiting people. Singles also have intercourse less frequently than those who are married or living together. Frequency: singles < married couples < cohabiting unmarried couples

Rape - Gang

*Exercise of power is a major motive behind gang rapes., although some attackers may also be expressing anger against women.* -Gang members often believe that once women have sex they are "whores". This is why each offending gang member may become more aggressive as he takes his turn. The Koss college survey showed that sexual assaults involving a group of assailants tends to be more vicious than individual assaults.

Rape - Date

*Is a form of acquaintance rape.* 10 to 20% of college woman report being forced into sexual intercourse by dates. -Date rapes are more likely to occur when the couple has too much to drink and then park in the man's car or goes back to his residence. The man tends to perceive his partner's willingness to return home with him as signal of sexual interest, even if she resists his advances. -Date rapist may believe that acceptance of a date indicates willingness to have sex. -They may think that women should reciprocate with sex if they are taken to dinner. -Date rapist may believe that "no" means "yes" especially when a sexual relationship has already been established. -The more that a man focuses on his own wants and ignores those of the woman, the more likely he is to commit rape. In these cases, the motive may be largely sexual, but the man remains a violent criminal who refuses to take no for an answer. *The issue of consent lies at the heart of determining if a sexual act is rape. Date rape occurs within a context in which sexual relations could occur voluntarily. This is why the issue of consent is murky. *"Take Back The Night" this is a protest march to demonstrate their disgust for the men who might assault them if they were out walking by themselves and toward a society that too often blame the victim for what happens to her. Many colleges have mandated date rape seminars and workshops.*

Rape - Partner

*Partner rape is more common than date rape because a sexual relationship has already been established.* -It is largely unreported and often unrecognized by survivors as actually being rape. -Women fail to report this type of rape because they fear that no one will believe them. Motives: -Sex, but some people use sex to dominate their partners -Others degrade their partner through sex, especially after an argument. *Sexual coercion often occurs within a context of a pattern of violence and physical intimidation.* -Some men see sex as the solution to disputes. They think if they can force their partner into sex "everything will be ok" *The long-term effects of partner rape on survivors are also similar to those experienced by survivors of stranger rape including: fear, depression, and sexual dysfunctions. Moreover, the woman who is raped by her husband usually continues to live with her assailant and may fear repeated attacks.*

Homophobia / Forms Of

- Use of deragatory names (queer, ******, and dyke) - Telling disparaging "queer jokes" - Barring gay people from housing, employment or social opportunities. - Taunting (verbal abuse) - Gay bashing (physical, sometimes lethal abuse)

Rape - Social Attitudes, Myths & Cultural Factors That Encourage Rape

-*Women say no when they mean yes - this myth has the effect of encouraging rape* -All women like a man who is pushy and forceful -The way women dress they are just asking to be raped -Rapist are crazed by sexual desire -Deep down women want to be overpowered and forced into sex by men *Rape myths create a social climate that legitimizes rape.* - College men are more susceptible to rape myths than college women -Men also cling to the myths about date rape than women do,even after date rape education classes.

Ethnicity & Sexual Orientation / Asian

-Asian American culture emphasize respect for elders, obedience to parents, and sharp distinctions in gender roles. The subject of sex is considered taboo. They assume that sex is unimportant to women. Open admission of a lesbian or gay male sexual orientation is seen as rejection of traditional cultural roles and a threat to continuity of the family line. Asian college students report being more homophobic than European Americans.

Some large cities have "clubs" that specialize in sadomasochism (S&M). The "staff" consists of ___________ (sadists), ________ (masochists), and "switch-hitters.

. dominants; submissives **In sadomasochistic clubs, the "staff" consists of dominants (sadists), submissives (masochists), and "switch-hitters."

Infertility is defined as

. the inability to conceive after trying for one or more year

In societies where rape is almost nonexistent,

. women and men have equal status **In one study of 95 societies (Sanday, 1981), rape was either absent or rare in almost half (47%) of the cases. In these societies (the Ashanti of West Africa, for example), women tend to have equal status with men. "In 'rape free' societies women are treated with considerable respect, and prestige is attached to female reproductive and productive roles" (p. 16).

______ is recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child.


Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after at least ___ without birth control, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth

1 year of sexual relations

Herdt and McClintock (2000) noted that stable and memorable sexual attraction occurs by what age?


What percent of women report being married to or living with a man who has a vasectomy?


The luteinizing hormone is released in increasing amounts in an ovulating woman _______ hours prior to ovulation.

12 to 24

For women having their first baby, labor lasts an average of

13 hours

Rape - Incidence

150,000 to 200,000 women are sexually assaulted per year. This means on average a woman in the US is raped every 7 minutes. About 10% of victims are men. About 2/3rds of rapes in the US go unreported and are not prosecuted. - Many women choose not to report assaults because of concern that they will be humiliated by the criminal justice system. -Some fear reprisal from their families or the rapist * Because Mexican American women live in a culture in which women are often expected to "suffer in silence", they are even more likely to remain quite about rape and sexual abuse than European American women. The National Crime Victimization Survey underestimates the incidents of rape in the US because: -Many women mistakenly believe that coercive sex is rape only when the rapist is a stranger. -Many women mistakenly assume that only forced vaginal penetration is defined as rape. *1 in 4 women in the US is raped during her lifetime.* -Young women are at greater risk of being raped -Women ages 16 to 24 are two to three times more likely to be raped then older women. - Many offenders rape children, young and older adults.

how many of US women who delivered a live baby in 2002 did not receive prenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy?


Roe v Wade

1973 The US Supreme Court in effect legalized abortion nationwide. A woman's right to an abortion was protected under the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution. The decision legalized abortions during the first trimester for any reason. It ruling noted that a fetus is not considered a person and is thus not entitled to constitutional protection. The court ruled that states may regulate a woman's right to have an abortion during the second trimester to protect her health, as in requiring her to obtain an abortion in a hospital rather than a doctors office. They ruled that when a fetus becomes viable, its rights override the mother's right to privacy. Fetus's become viable early in the third trimester.

According to the text, childhood is a developmental time frame that extends from age:

2 to 12

After ejaculation, sperm typically remain viable (able to fertilize an ovum) for how long

2 to 3 days, but may survive for up to 5 days

After ejaculation, sperm typically remain viable (able to fertilize an ovum) for how long?

2 to 3 days, but may survive for up to 5 days

After ejaculation, sperm typically remain viable (able to fertilize an ovum) for how long

2 to 3 days, but may survive for up to 5 days **After ejaculation, sperm typically remain viable (able to fertilize an ovum) for 2 to 3 days, but may survive for up to 5 days.

normal sperm count

20-120 million or more sperm per millileter of semen

Approximately how many individuals in the United States are divorced?

21.7 million

What percent of the babies born in the US are born by Cesarean section?


What percent of women reported that they always have an orgasm with a specific partner?

29% as compared to the 75% of men

According to the lecture, _____ of female models in magazines articles were posing sexy poses or had intimate contact in men or women's magazines. When looking at only men's magazine, _____ of women in the ads were placed in provocative poses and were sexually dressed.


What percent of 12th graders report have had sexual intercourse?


Mifepristone (RU-486), which can be used to induce abortion, must be taken within _________ of becoming pregnant.

7 weeks **Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a synthetic steroid that effectively inhibits implantation of a fertilized egg by making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation. The so-called abortion pill, recently approved by the FDA in the United States, is marketed under the name Mifeprex, and can be given to induce abortion within 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Emergency contraception must be taken within______after unprotected intercourse

72 hours **Emergency contraception must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse

Barrier methods are _____ effective at preventing pregnancy.


A national survey of women with disabilities found that _______ % reported higher or moderately high self-esteem.


After the egg and sperm unite and attach to the uterine wall, the developing organism is called an embryo for the first ___ and a fetus thereafter

8 weeks

After the egg and sperm unite and attach to the uterine wall, the developing organism is called an embryo for the first _______ and a fetus thereafter

8 weeks

A study by Herman-Giddens et al. (1997) revealed that the average age for breast development was___ for African American girls.


Which of the following people would most likely be influenced in sexuality according to object relations theory?

A 2 month old infant

Which of the following people would most likely be influenced in sexuality according to object relations theory?

A 2 month old infant **Object relations theory holds that a person's early relationships establish images or representations of themselves and others that influence our future relationships. The 2 year old is would be most likely influenced because he/she has had fewer exposures to influential data.

IUDs - Copper T 380A / Para Guard

A T-shaped copper based device. Para Guard is recommended because it can be used for upwards of 8 years. Failure rate is 0.8%. This is the most effective IUD

HCG Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

A blood test - beta subnit can detect HCG in the woman's blood as early as the eight day of pregnancy, about 5 days preceding her expected period.

Lamaze Method

A childbirth method in which women learn about childbirth, learn to relax and breathe in patterns that conserve energy and lessen pain. They have a coach present a the birth. (Usually the father) Also termed "prepared childbirth". Lamaze help women gain a greater sense of control over the delivery process. Many women still obtain anesthetic with Lamaze.

In the absence of any specific standard, the identification of hypoactive sexual desire must depend on what?

A clinician's subjective evaluation of the level of desire that is expected given the person's age, gender, marital status, and many other relevant considerations.


A cluster of negative attitudes and feelings toward gay people, including intolerance, hatred and fear. Men seem to be more homophobic than women. Homophobia is connected with traditional "tough" masculine attitudes. Heterosexual men have a hard understanding how any man could be attracted to a person of the same sex.

Fetal Erythroblastosis

A condition caused by the mothers antibodies entering the fetal bloodstream. Can result in anemia, mental deficiency even death of the fetus or newborn infant. Bood-typing of pregnant women can decrease the thereat of this condition. The baby may have to receive a blood transfusion in order to remove the mothers RH-positive antibodies from its blood.


A condition in which antibodies produced by a pregnant woman are transmitted to the fetus and may cause brain damage or death. This happens when a mother DOES Not have this blood factor, (RH-Negative) but the fetus DOES. (RH-Positive) This can happen if the father is RH-Positve. The mother's antibodies attack the red blood cells of the fetus which causes brain damage or death. This usually doesn't affect the first born because the mother has not yet formed the antibodies for the RH factor.


A condition in which the individual is sexually stimulated by fantasies that his own body is female. This is what motivates a transsexual.

Oral Contraceptive

A contraceptive consisting of sex hormones that is taken by mouth. Combination Pills and Mini Pills are the two major categories that birth-control pills fall under. They are only available through a prescription. The pill is the most popular from of contraception among single women.

Frotteurism is most likely to occur in which of the following places

A crowded subway

Rhogan - Vaccine

A drug that if injected into a RH-negative mother within 72 hours after delivery of a RH-positive baby, she will not develop the antibodies and will not pass them on to the fetus of subsequent pregnancy's.


A drug that increases ovulation. (Clomid) It stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete FSH and LH, which in turn stimulates the maturation of ova. 1/2 of the women that take this drug get pregnant. (Problem that it helps with is lack of ovulation)

Calendar Method

A fertility awareness method that relies on prediction of ovulation by tracking menstrual cycle, typically for a 10-12 month period and assuming that ovulation occurs 14 days prior to menstruation. The couple abstains from sex during the period that begins 3 days prior to day 13. (because sperm are unlikely to survive for more than 72 hours in the female reproductive tract) and ends 2 days after day 15 (because an unfertilized ovum is unlikely to remain receptive to fertilization for longer than 48 hours.) The period of abstention covers days 10-17 of the woman's cycle. 3days before & 2 days after.

Sickle-Cell Anemia

A genetic disorder that is most prevalent int he United State among African Americans. Red blood cells assume the a sickle shape that form clumps that obstruct narrow blood vessels and diminish the supply of oxygen. Victims suffer from swollen painful joints, possibly life threatening aliments such as pneumonia and heart failure. Infections are the leading causes of death.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

A hormone produced by women shortly after conception, which stimulates the corpus luteum to continue to produce progesterone, The presence of HCG in a woman's urine indicates that she is pregnant. This test can detect a pregnancy as early as the third week of pregnancy.

Tubal Sterilization - Culpotomy

A kind of tubal sterilization that the fallopian tubes are approached through an incision in the back wall of the vagina.

"Cold Hit"

A match in a database of the DNA of previous offenders.


A medical procedure in which a long, narrow tube (laparoscope) is inserted through an incision in the navel, permitting the visual inspection of organs in the pelvis cavity. This procedure can diagnose endometriosis with certainty.

Cesarean Section

A method of childbirth in which the fetus is delivered through a surgical incision in the abdomen. The word section means "to cut". Incisions are made in the abdomen and the uterus. Women who have C-sections are 4 times more likely to experience pregnancy related deaths. They are performed if the baby present in the breech position, transverse position - laying crosswise or if the baby is distressed.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

A method of conception in which a single sperm is injected directly into an ovum. This can be used when a man has too few sperm for IVF or if IVF fails.

Embryonic Transfer

A method of conception in which a woman volunteer is artificially inseminated by the male partner of the intended mother, (5 days later) the embryo is removed from the volunteer and inserted withing the uterus of the intended mother.

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)

A method of conception in which an ovum is fertilized in a laboratory dish and then placed in a fallopian tube. It is a combination IVF and GIFT.

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)

A method of conception in which sperm and ova are inserted into a fallopian tube to encourage conception. Unlike in vitro fertilization conception occurs in a fallopian tube rather than a laboratory dish.

Coitus Interruptus

A method of contraception in which the penis is withdrawn from the vagina prior to ejaculation. Also know as the withdrawal method. There is mention of this in the Bible.

Exhibitionism "flashing"

A paraphilia characterized by persistent, powerful urges and sexual fantasies involving exposing one's genitals to unsuspecting strangers for the purpose of achieving sexual arousal or gratification. The urges are either acted upon or are disturbing to the individual. *Exhibitionist are most always males, but there are some cases of female exhibitionist.* *The clinical definition of exhibitionist involves exposure to a stranger, but 1/3 rd(36%) of the incidences among the college women were committed by acquaintances, relatives or good friends. The typical exhibitionist is: -young -lonely or in an unhappy male-female relationship. -sexually repressed -usually single -usually begins before age 18, generally begins by ages of 13 and 16 - they are highly likely to repeat their crimes even if they spend tie in jail -usually occurs when his masculinity has been threatened. -shy, dependant, lacking in sexual and social skills *How to respond? Showing no reaction or simply continuing on one's way is the best response.*

Sexual Sadism

A paraphilia characterized by the desire or need to inflict pain or humiliation on others to enhance sexual arousal so that gratification is attained.


A paraphilia in which an inanimate object such as an article of clothing or items made of rubber. leather, or silk elicit sexual arousal. Many fetishists cannot achieve sexual arousal without fantasizing about them. *Women's undergarments and objects made of rubber, leather, silk or fur are common fetishistic objects* *Most fetishes are harmless. Fetishistic practices are almost always private and involves masturbation or are incorporated into sex with a willing partner. Only rarely have fetishists coerced others in to paraphilic activities. Some fetishists commit burglaries to acquire the fetishistic objects.*


A paraphilia related to fetishism in which sexual arousal is exaggeratedly associated with a particular body part, such as feet, breast or buttocks. *Most Partialisms are harmless. However, some partialists have touched parts of women's bodies in public. *


A paraphilia where children become the objects of sexual arousal. Pedophilia often takes the form of sexual coercion of children, as in incest or sexual molestation.


A parphilia involving persistent or repeated sexual urges and related to fantasies involving sexual contact with animals. Urges can be acted on or cause personal distress.

Critical Period of Vulnerability

A period of time during which and embryo or fetus is vulnerable to the effects of a teratogen. This period is during when major organs are being developed. Between 3-5 weeks after conception. Arms and legs are most vulnerable from the 4-8th week of development. The embryo is most vulnerable since the major organ systems develop during this time. 4-7 weeks.


A rubber cup or dome made of latex, fitted to the contour of a woman's vagina, coated with a spermicide and inserted prior to sex to prevent conception. They come is several sizes and are fitted by the physician. Failure rate is 6% during a year of use if used correctly. Typically the failure rate is 18%.

Orgasmic Disorder - Premature ejaculation

A second type of male orgasmic disorder. This is the most common male sexual dysfunction. When men ejaculate too rapidly to permit their partners or themselves to fully enjoy sexual relations. Persistently or recurrently lack voluntary control over their ejaculation. Ejaculation is considered a reflex. It can be regulated by reducing the amount of stimulation that is experienced until he and his partner are ready.

First stage of male orgasm

A sensation of ejaculatory inevitability

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A type of stress reaction brought on by a traumatic event and characterized by flashbacks of the experience in the form of disturbing dreams or intrusive recollections, a sense of emotional numbing or restricted range of feelings and heightened body arousal. - This is an anxiety disorder.

To help with vaginismus, sex therapists may suggest using:

A vaginal dialator

Donor IVF

A variation of in vitro fertilization in which the ovum is taken from one woman, fertilized, and injected into the uterus or fallopian tube of another woman. This procedure is done when a woman doesn't produce ova.

Masturbation is ____ orgasm difficulties

A widely used treatment for women with

Pill - How they work

A woman cannot conceive when they are already pregnant because their bodies suppress maturation of egg follicles and ovulation. The combination pill fools the brain into acting as though the woman is already pregnant so no additional ova mature or are released. If ovulation doesn't take place the woman cannot get pregnant. It is taken for 21 days of the typical 28 days. The sudden drop in hormone levels causes the endometrium to disintegrate and the menstrual cycle to start 3-4 days later.

Some people with ___________ experience what has been referred to as the Lazarus Syndrome.

AIDS **Some people with AIDS who expected to die from the disease but have a chance to survive due to recent treatment developments experience the Lazarus Syndrome. Named after the biblical figure, Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by Christ, the Lazarus Syndrome involves feeling that one has a chance for a "second life." This can provoke anxiety; individuals in this situation may feel as if they are walking on eggshells, uncertain as to how long treatment effects may last, and may feel survivor guilt because of friends or others who died before the treatment innovations were available, or because the treatments were not effective for them

Heterosexuality and Homosexuality as Separate Dimensions

According to this model, homosexuality and heterosexuality are independent dimensions. One can thus be high or low on both dimensions at the same time. Most people are high on one dimension. Bisexuals are high on both dimensions. People who are low on both are considered asexual. pg 285

Which of the following are ethological indicators for sexual dysfunctions? Lifestyle variables Health status and emotional factors Social status variables

All answer choices are correct

Which of the following is an origin of sexual difficulty?

All answer choices are correct

Orgasmic Disorder - Male

Also has been termed delayed ejaculation, retarded ejaculation and ejaculatory incompetence. It may be a lifelong problem, generalized or situational. In most cases the disorder is limited to sex. Can be caused by physical problems such as: neurological damage,multiple sclerosis or even a side effect from certain drugs. Psychological: performance anxiety, sexual guilt and hostility toward their partner, fear of their partner getting pregnant or anger.

Progressive and degenerative brain disease progressing from mild memory loss, through significant cognitive impairment, to very serious confusion and the loss of ability to manage activities of daily living, such as dressing, eating, and bathing.

Alzheimer's disease

What is the most common cause of dementia?

Alzheimer's disease **The most common cause of dementia, accounting for two thirds of all dementia cases, is Alzheimer's disease-a progressive and degenerative brain disease that typically progresses through stages from mild memory loss, through significant cognitive impairment, to very serious confusion and the loss of ability to manage activities of daily living, such as dressing, eating, and bathing (Moody, 2000). A person with end-stage Alzheimer's may be incontinent, unable to speak, and unable to walk

DES - Diethylstibestrol

An estrogen that was once given to woman at risk for miscarriage to help maintain pregnancy. Is suspected of causing cervical and testicular cancer in some children whose mother took this during pregnancy. Daughters have a higher risk factor of miscarriages and premature deliveries. Men who were exposed prenatally have a high rate of infertility. It also contributed to Breast Cancer in mothers.


An infertility drug that contains a high concentration of FSH, which directly stimulates maturation of ovarian follicles. (Helps with lack of ovulation problems) It has a high success rate.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

An object inserted into the uterus and left in place to prevent conception. They are inserted by a physician or nurse and left in place for 1 year or more. Fine threads hang down into the vagina so that a woman can check to see that it remains in place. Mostly used in China. Only 3% of women in the US use them. They were popular in the 1960's and 70's. There was a sharp drop of use in 1980s after the model "Dalkon Shield" caused infection and infertility.

Gonorrhea is treated with what?


Sex offenders most vulnerable to recidivism have become diagnosed with

Antisocial personality

Performance Anxiety

Anxiety concerning one's ability to perform behaviors, especially behaviors that may be evaluated by other people. Anxiety can inhibit erection and trigger premature ejaculation. For women it can prohibit lubrication and contribute to orgasmic disorder.

Sexual Assault

Any sexual activity that involves the use of force or the threat of force.

Academic degrees, therapy experience under supervision, and exposure to other aspects of formal training in human sexuality _______ legally required to market one's self as a sex therapist.

Are not

Sex in advertising sells because it ___ of the customer

Arouses and gets the attention

Nancy has a paraphilia in which she derives sexual arousal by wearing diapers. She has ________.


Childbirth - 1st stage

Begins with the onset of labor and has three stages. 1st - Uterine contractions efface and dilate the cervix to about 4 inches (10cm) Stretching the cervix cause most of the pain of chilbirth. This stage could last a couple of hours to more than a day.

Mother's Diet

Being too slender - risk preterm deliveries and have babies of low birth weight. Adequately nourished mothers - deliver babies of average or above average in size, the babies are less likely to develop cols or repository disorders. Obese mothers - is linked with higher risk of a stillbirth.

One type of HIV test can be bought at pharmacies, college health centers, and public health clinics, or it can be ordered through the mail for a cost of around $50. The test involves obtaining a sample of ___ and mailing it to a laboratory



Born before 37 weeks of gestation. Prematurity is linked with low birth weight. Low birth weight is weighing less than 5 pounds. Neurological and developmental problems are common among premature infants especially one born prior to 25 weeks.

By age 19, most ___________ in the United States report having had sexual intercourse.

Both girls and boys

In the early Masters and Johnson's approach to sex therapy

Both partners are expected to participate in treatment

Which of the following government agencies is funding research to learn more about the demographics and HIV behavior of men who identify them selves as "on the DL"?

CDC **Being "on the down low," which is the behavior of keeping one's activity private, is a term used to describe men who have sex with men but do not label themselves gay or bisexual. It is currently being studied by the CDC.

Home Pregnancy Test

Can be taken as early as one day after her missed period. Test done in the lab are considered 98 to 99% accurate. Home test are less accurate.

Drugs Taken by Mother

Can cause birth defects. Thalidomide which was marketed to pregnant woman for nausea and insomnia caused deformities including stunted or missing limbs. Use of illegal drugs marijuana/cocaine can place fetus at risk.

PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Can produce scar tissue that blocks the fallopian tubes, causing infertility and life threatening infection if left untreated.

_______is a condition often caused by brain damage that occurs before or during birth or in infancy, resulting in muscular impairment and sometimes speech and learning disabilities.

Cerebral palsy

Down Syndrome

Characteristics - Round faces, wide, flat noses, protruding tongues, downward sloping crease of skin in inner corners of the eyes. They are moderately mentally retarded. They often suffer from respiratory problems and heart malformations - these problems tend to claim their lives by middle age. The risk is greater as mothers age increases. Cause by an extra chromosome on the 21st pair. In most cases it is transmitted by the mother.

Cultural Influences

Children reared in sexually repressive cultural or home environments may learn to respond to sex with feelings of anxiety and shame instead of anticipation and pleasure. Many young women are reared that sex is more of a duty than personal pleasure.

______ is a curable bacterial STD.


_______ is responsible for 80% of women's tubal infertility.


_______ is responsible for 80% of women's tubal infertility. Choose one answer.


Ova Contain?

Chromosomes, proteins, fats and nutritious fluids. These are all surrounded by the zona pellucida.

Helen Singer Kaplan

Combined sex therapy with psychoanalytic methods. She saw sexual dysfunction as having immediate causes and remote causes (conflicts that date from childhood). As a sex therapist she focused on improving the couples sexual communication, eliminating performance anxiety and fostering sexual skills and knowledge. As a psychoanalyst she used insight-orientated therapy when it appeared that remote causes impaired response to sex therapy. By doing so she aimed to bring to awareness unconscious conflicts that might have stifled the person's sexual desire or response.`

Genetics, The Brain and Sexual Orientation

Considerable evidence exists that gay male and lesbian sexual orientation run in families. Researchers have found evidence linking a region on the X sex chromosome to a gay male sexual orientation. The tip of the X chromosome is a region that may hold a gene that predisposes men to a gay male sexual orientation. They haven't found a specific gene but a possible general location where the gene may be found. Savic & Lindstom did MRIs on the brains of 90 subjects 25-heterosexual men and women, 20 gay men and lesbians. They found that the brains of the heterosexual men and the lesbians were slightly asymmetrical; the right hemisphere was slightly larger than the left hemisphere. This difference was not found among the brains of gay men and heterosexual women.

Pro-Choice Movement

Contends that abortion is a matter of personal choice and that the government has no right to interfere with a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy. Advocates argue that women are free to control what happens within their bodies, including pregnancies.

Effect of novelty and variety on sexual arousal; when a novel partner is available, a sexually satiated male regains capacity for arousal.

Coolidge effect

Which of the following is not one of the abortion procedures Andrea lists in her lecture?


A synthetic compound similar to progesterone injected into the woman's arm or buttock that protects her against pregnancy for 3 months by preventing ovulation.


Conception and pregnancy are two terms ___ the same thing

Do not mean

Most people who have genital herpes___ they are infected

Don't know

Recurrent genital pain associated with intercourse could signal what?


"Office of the Night" / 1432

Enabled the populace to anonymously accuse individuals of sodomy, During the 70 years that the office was in operation, 17,000 men were investigated as possible sodomites, nearly half of the males population of Florence throughout that period. Fewer than 3,000 were actually convicted, if they were convicted they had to pay a fine rather than going to prison. -Christians considered any non-procreative sexual act was considered sinful, even within marriage. By late Middle Ages, most civil statutes throughout Western Europe contained penalties for non-procreative sexual acts involving the discharge of semen: oral or anal sex, masturbation, male-male sexual behavior, and bestiality. Our legal system, grounded in this religious tradition, maintains criminal penalties for sexual practices commonly associated with male-male and female-female sex, such as anal and oral sex. But much of the criminalization of male-male and female-female sex has been directed against men.


Engorgement of the blood vessels of various organs, especially the genitals.


Environmental influences or agents that can damage an embryo or fetus. Examples: Drugs taken by the mother such as alcohol, aspirin, as well as substances that are produced by the mother's body. (RH-Positive antibodies) Other: Metal lead and mercury, radiation and disease causing organisms such as viruses and bacteria.


Erotic attraction to, and interest in developing romantic relationships with, males and females. Sometimes said to "to swing both ways" or to be A/C D/C (meaning alternating current and direct current) Many people have a stronger attraction ti one sex than the other. They are considered "bi-gay" this means having a stronger leaning to their own sex, "bi-straight"toward the opposite sex or "bi-bi" appearing to be equally attracted to people of their own sex and the opposite sex. 1%-4% is considered bi-sexual. 0.8% were men .09% were women. Some gay people feel that saying that you are bisexual is a "cop-out" that people use to deny that they are gay. Possibly because of fear of leaving their spouse or "coming out". Others view it as sexual experimentation with people of one's own sex by people who are mostly heterosexual.

Heterosexual Orientation

Erotic attraction to, and preference for, developing romantic relationships with, members of the other sex. In absence of heterosexual outlets, adolescents and isolated populations such as prison inmates may have sexual experiences with people of their own sex while they maintain their heterosexual identities.

Homosexual Orientation

Erotic attraction to, and preference for, developing romantic relationships with, members or the same sex. Like heterosexual people, they struggle to incorporate their sexuality within their personal identity, to find lovers, and to establish satisfying lifestyles. It is not all about sex for these people it is about forming romantic relationships with the same sex. These attachments provide the framework for love and intimacy. Gay males and lesbians may engage in male-female sexual activity while maintaining a gay sexual orientation. Some gay and lesbians will marry members of the other sex but harbor unfulfilled desires for members of their own sex. Some people are bisexual but may not act on their attraction to members of their same sex.

Permanent sterilization procedure that requires no cutting and only a local anesthetic in a half-hour procedure that blocks the Fallopian tubes.


National Birth Control League

Established in 1914 by Margaret Sanger which published the magazine The Woman Rebel. This magazine didn't publish birth control information but challenged the view that said it was obscene.

Structure of the Brain

Evidence suggest that there may be structural differences between the brain of heterosexual and gay men. Simon LeVay did autopsy's on 35 AIDS victims (19 gay men & 16 heterosexual men) He found that a section of the hypothalamus (specifically, the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus) in the brains of the gay men was less than half the size of the same segment in the heterosexual men. The same brain segment was larger in the brain tissue of heterosexual men than in the brain tissues obtained from a comparison group of 6 heterosexual females. No significant differences in size were found between the brain tissues of the gay men and women.

Mike often "flashes" or exposes his penis to strangers. He is a _________.


Methods to increase non-deviant sexual arousal include:


Methods to increase non-deviant sexual arousal include:

Exposure **Exposure involves introducing the individual to the non-deviant stimulus for increasing longer periods of time so that the individual can develop positive associations.

Diseases that can pass through Placenta

Extremely small organisms such as those causing syphilis, measles, mumps and chicken pox.

A man withdrawing his penis from his partner's vagina before he ejaculates is an effective way to prevent pregnancy


A man withdrawing his penis from his partner's vagina before he ejaculates is an effective way to prevent pregnancy.


A person who has had a stroke should avoid sexual activity because having sex involves a high risk of having another stroke.


Abortion is considered a method of family planning.


According to a study of 182 men, most of the men viewed their father as a positive model for fatherhood.


According to research, fear of remaining fat after delivery is considered the biggest stressor of women as they are near the end of their pregnancy.


All date rape drugs are illegal.


Although the symptoms of untreated chlamydia may cause discomfort, there are no serious effects of leaving chlamydia untreated.


Anyone who looks at magazines with nude photos or who watches erotic films can be classified as being a voyeur.


In 1986, the Attorney General took the position that protection of society's moral environment, in regard to pornography, was NOT a legitimate purpose of the government.


Risks of abortion are equally as dangerous no matter what week the abortion is performed at.


Romantic affairs involve little to no emotional investment; encounters with prostitutes or gigolos are examples.


Sexual aggression is the use of force to engage a person in sexual acts against that person's will.


T/F: Bobby's mother discovered Bobby (age7) and Sue (age 4)playing doctor. While talking to the children Bobby's mother said,It is interesting to find out how other people's bodies look , isn't it? According to developmental psychologist her statement was an appropriate response for the situation?


T/F: Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants in an area other than the uterus, resulting in massive bleeding and seizures for the pregnant woman.


T/F: Half of pregnant women will experience nausea.


T/F: In a formal adoption, the woman places her child with another caregiver.


T/F: In a study by Ford et al. (2001), the more similar partners were to each other in terms of race or ethnicity, the less likely the adolescent reported condom use.


T/F: Infant mortality rate is defined as the rate of infant death within the 3 months from birth expressed as a number per 1,000 live births.


T/F: Lunelle is a type of Implant.


T/F: Men are more likely to be infected with STDs than women.


T/F: Most antidepressant medications have an impact on sexual desire and arousal.


T/F: Physicians routinely provide information to their clients about how illness and disability affect sexuality.


T/F: The American Psychiatric Association recognizes sex addiction as a disorder


T/F: The terms climacteric and menopause are synonymous.


T/F: The use of alcohol and other drugs is not associated with increase in unprotected sex.


TRUE OR FALSE: Bobby's mother discovered Bobby (age7) and Sue (age 4)playing doctor. While talking to the children Bobby's mother said,It is interesting to find out how other people's bodies look , isn't it? According to developmental psychologist her statement was an appropriate response for the situation?


TRUE OR FALSE: Infant mortality rate is defined as the rate of infant death within the 3 months from birth expressed as a number per 1,000 live births.


TRUE OR FALSE: Risks of abortion are equally as dangerous no matter what week the abortion is performed at.


TRUE OR FALSE: Romantic affairs involve little to no emotional investment; encounters with prostitutes or gigolos are examples.


TRUE OR FALSE: The terms climacteric and menopause are synonomous


The Jessica Lunsford Act is better know as " Megan's Law," which requires a mandatory sentence of 25 years in prison for a person convicted of a sex crime against a child.


The majority of eggs fertilized through in vitro fertilization implant on the uterine wall.


The terms climacteric and menopause are synonomous.


The use of alcohol and other drugs is not associated with increase in unprotected sex.


The majority of eggs fertilized through in vitro fertilization implant on the uterine wall.

False **A major problem with in vitro fertilization is that only about 15-20% of the fertilized eggs will implant in the uterine wall

All date rape drugs are illegal.

False **Although rohypnol and GHB (illegal drugs) are used to incapacitate women, alcohol is considered the most widely used date rape drug and it is legal.

Bobby's mother discovered Bobby (age7) and Sue (age 4)playing doctor. While talking to the children Bobby's mother said,It is interesting to find out how other people's bodies look , isn't it? According to developmental psychologist her statement was an appropriate response for the situation?

False **Developmental psychologist suggests parents should be concerned, and should intervene...if the activity is potentially harmful, there is a significant age difference or if the child is unwilling or coerced.

According to a study of 182 men, most of the men viewed their father as a positive model for fatherhood.

False **Duindam (1999) cited research which revealed that only 7% of 182 men viewed their father as a positive model for fatherhood.

Abortion is considered a method of family planning.

False **In 1991, the Supreme Court ruled that federally funded family planning clinics could not provide any information about abortion. Instead, women are told that the clinics do not consider abortion an appropriate method of family planning

Physicians routinely provide information to their clients about how illness and disability affect sexuality.

False **It is not unusual for physicians to ignore sexual aspects of illness and disability. Physicians caring for individuals with disabilities sometimes assume that their patients are asexual. Some health-care providers mistakenly believe that older individuals are not sexually active, so they view addressing sexual issues as unnecessary. Other barriers to health-care providers addressing sexual concerns of their patients include discomfort in discussing sexuality; lack of knowledge about the sexual consequences of an illness, disability, or treatment; and ignorance about treatments available for sexual problems

Although the symptoms of untreated chlamydia may cause discomfort, there are no serious effects of leaving chlamydia untreated.

False **Left untreated, chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility, arthritis, blindness, miscarriage, and premature birth

According to research, fear of remaining fat after delivery is considered the biggest stressor of women as they are near the end of their pregnancy.

False **Research has indicated that as women near the end of pregnancy, stressors include fears of pain, complications, and the threat of a cesarean delivery.

Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants in an area other than the uterus, resulting in massive bleeding and seizures for the pregnant woman.

False **Severe lower abdominal pain, irregular bleeding, and periods of dizziness that last for almost a minute experienced by a pregnant woman probably indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants anywhere other than the uterus.

A person who has had a stroke should avoid sexual activity because having sex involves a high risk of having another stroke.

False **Some stroke patients avoid sexual activity because they fear that having sex increases their risk of having another stroke, although this risk is low (Kalayjian & Morrell, 2000).

Anyone who looks at magazines with nude photos or who watches erotic films can be classified as being a voyeur.

False **The person who looks at magazines with nude photos or who watches erotic films is not necessarily classified as being a voyeur because the people posing in the magazines and films know that they are being watched. (Although a voyeuristic person may look at nude people in magazines or in movies and fantasize that they do not know they are being looked at).

The Jessica Lunsford Act is better know as " Megan's Law," which requires a mandatory sentence of 25 years in prison for a person convicted of a sex crime against a child.

False **They are two different laws. The Jessica Lunsford Act is a Florida law that establishes a mandatory sentence of 25 years in prison for a person convicted of a sex crime against a child, and on release, the person must wear a global positioning device. Megan's law—requires that people convicted as sex-offenders be registered.

Braxton-Hicks Contractions

False labor contractions - they are considered false because they do not widen the cervix or advance the baby through the birth canal. They are less regular that labor contractions. Real labor contractions become more intense when the woman moves around or walks.

TRUE OR FALSE: Physicians routinely provide information to their clients about how illness and disability affect sexuality.

False. It is not unusual for physicians to ignore sexual aspects of illness and disability. Physicians caring for individuals with disabilities sometimes assume that their patients are asexual. Some health-care providers mistakenly believe that older individuals are not sexually active, so they view addressing sexual issues as unnecessary. Other barriers to health-care providers addressing sexual concerns of their patients include discomfort in discussing sexuality; lack of knowledge about the sexual consequences of an illness, disability, or treatment; and ignorance about treatments available for sexual problems

Second stage of female orgasm

Feeling of warmth spreading throughout the pelvic area

What is another name for persistent or recurrent difficulty, delay in, or absence of experiencing orgasm?

Female Orgasmic Disorder

What is another name for persistent or recurrent difficulty, dely in, or absence of experiencing orgasm?

Female Orgasmic Disorder


Females who are erotically attracted to and desire to form romantic relationships with other females. Named after Lesbos, the Greek island on which, legend has it, female-female sexual activity was idealized. As time goes on many lesbians become heterosexual.

_____ focuses on how conditions of the womb may influence the risk of disease many years later when the baby grows into an adult.

Fetal Programming

Second Trimester

Fetus increases dramatically in size, organ systems continue to mature, brain contributes to the regulation of basic body functions, Increases in weight from 1 ounce to 2 pounds and grows from 4 -14 inches. Soft hair grows above the eyes and scalp. Blood vessels show through the surface of skin.

Amniotic Fluid

Fluid within the amniotic sac that suspends and protects the fetus. It acts like a shock absorber, cushions the embryo from damage and helps maintain a steady temperature.

Biological Perspective

Focuses on the possible role of evolution, genetics and hormonal influences in shaping sexual orientation.

An addiction to intercourse, which of the following behaviors can constitute child sexual abuse?

Fondling of the breasts and genitals, and oral sex

Social Organization of Sexuality Study (1990)

Found that 3.9% of American men who had ever been married had sex with men in the previous five years. 2-4% of ever-married American women had knowingly or unknowingly been in what are now called mixed-orientation marriages.

Touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person for the purpose of sexual arousal.


Gay Activism

Gay activism has also focused on ending discrimination against gays on all fronts. -Notable among these are obtaining partner job benefits (health plan, retirement and so on) -Serving openly in the military -Having governments permit gays to get married Largest Issue Today: -Gay marriage -Replacement of the Don't Ask-Don't Tell order in the military-instituted by Bill Clinton in 1993 -Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) also passed while Clinton was in office, which defines marriage as taking place between a man and woman.

Gay Lifestyle

Gay men and lesbians in larger US urban centers can usually look to gay communal structures to provide services and support. These include: -Gay right organizations -Gay-oriented newspapers, magazines -Gay bookstores - Housing cooperatives - Medical services and other support services. Gay communities provides a sense of acceptance and belonging that gay people do not find in society at large. Gay rights organizations fight for rights for gay people to participate fully in society, to teach in public schools, adopt children, to live together in sanctioned relationships and to serve openly and proudly in the military.

Sexual dysfunctions can be classified as being either life-long, acquired, situational, or


Obscenity has been legally defined by meeting three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to the prurient interest in sex. Second, the material must be patently offensive to the community. Third, the sexual material must

Have no redeeming social value

What were Kinsey's views of sexual dysfunction?

He believed that low sexual desire was simply a reflection of individual differences in erotic capacity rather than a reflection of psychopathology

At a party you hear some guys talking about having the "morning drop." Which of the following best describes his situation?

He is suffering from gonorrhea **Gonorrhea is a bacteria infection that has several common names including "the clap," "the whites," "morning drop," and "the drip."

Which of the following are ethological indicators for sexual dysfunctions?

Health status and emotional factors, Social status variables, Lifestyle variables

Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT)

Healthy men usually have erections during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which occur every 90-100 mins. Men with biology based erectile dysfunctions will not have NPT.

Which of the following couple/people would most frequently have intercourse?

Helen and Bob, an unmarried couple in their 20's

Basal Body Temperature Chart (BBT)

Help women try to pinpoint when they are ovulating. Body temperature is pretty even before ovulation (98.6F), but then dips slightly. On the day after ovulation a woman's body temperature increases about 0.4 to 0.8F above the level before ovulation and remains higher until menstruation.


High-pitched sound waves are bounced of the fetus, like radar, revealing a picture of the fetus on a TV monitor. This allows the doctor to detect abnormalities. It is also used to help guide the amniocentesis.

According to a study by Wasserman and Richmond-Abbott (2005), married individuals report _______ use of the internet than single individuals.


Children who experience sex abuse between the ages of 7 and 13 experience the ___ incidence of psychopathology related to the abuse


If an individual contracts HIV, a physician will often prescribe HAART. What does this stand for?

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy


Hormone given to woman at risk of miscarriage. If taken when sex organs are forming it is possible for a female to be born with external male organs. It has been linked to aggressive behavior during childhood.

The surgical removal of the uterus is


Castration Anxiety

In psychoanalytic theory, a man's fear that his genitals will be removed. Castration anxiety is an element of the Oedipus complex and is implicated in the directionality of erotic interest.

Incest - Brother-Sister

In sibling incest, the brother usually initiates sexual activities and assumes the dominant role. One study reported that penetration was more frequent in brother-sister incest (71%) than in stepfather-stepdaughter incest (27%), or father-daughter incest (35%).

Historical Perspective / Gay & Lesbians

In western culture, few sexual practices have met with such widespread censure as sexual activities with members of one's own sex. -Ancient Greece, establish men frequently formed sexual relationships with adolescent males at about the age of first growing a beard. The older man putting his penis between the younger mans thighs until he ejaculated. -Roman described highly feminine gay men who dressed flamboyantly, had showy hair styles and mannerisms, and cruised certain neighborhoods, searching for partners. The Apostle Paul said that this behavior was a sign of the decadence of Rome, and the Christian Church assumed a strongly negative attitude toward homosexuality.

Incest - Family Factors

Incest frequently occurs within the context of general family disruption, as in families in which there is spouse abuse, a dysfunctional marriage, or alcoholic or physically abusive parents. *Fathers who abuse older daughters tend to be authoritarian with their families. Fathers that abuse younger, preschool daughter are more likely to be passive, dependent, and low in self esteem.* *Gedhard and his colleges found that many fathers who committed incest with their daughters were religiously devout, fundamentalist, and moralistic.* - Incestuous abuse is usually repeat from generation to generation.

A/an _____ spinal cord injury means there is functioning below the primary level of injury.



Injectable birth control similar to the combination pill because it has estrogen and progestin. It is injected monthly. It prevents ovulation; thickens cervical mucus- which prevents the sperm from reaching the egg, changes the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation. 1% failure rate

IUDs - Disadvantages

Insertion can be painful. Side effects - most common are excessive menstrual cramping, irregular bleeding between periods and heavier than usual menstrual bleeding. Risk of PIDs due to the insertion of device. Could tear the uterine or cervical walls. Cost is high and doesn't protect from STIs.


Involves sexual arousal in response to unusual stimuli such as children or other non-consenting persons (such as unsuspecting people whom on watches or to whom one's genitals), nonhuman objects (shoes, leather or rubber undergarments) or pain or humiliation. *The psychiatric diagnosis of paraphilia requires that the person has acted on the urges or is distinctly distressed by them.* -Paraphilias vary in severity -In some cases the person can function sexually in absence of the unusual stimuli and seldom ever act on his or her deviant urges. -Sometime they only act on their urges in times of stress -In extreme cases the person repeatedly engages in paraphilic behavior and may become preoccupied by thoughts and fantasies about their experiences. -Some of these people can't become sexually aroused without fantasizing about the paraphilic stimulus and for others the paraphilia behavior is the only way they can get aroused. *Harmless / victimless paraphilias: fetishism and cross-dressing to achieve sexual arousal (transvestic fetishism). Even being humiliated by one's partner may be relatively harmless if the partner consents. Exposing oneself in public or enticing children into sexual relations, do have victims and may cause harm, sometimes severe physical or psychological harm. They are also against the law. Sexual sadism, in which sexual arousal is connected to hurting or humiliating another person, can be a most harmful parahilia when it is forced on a non-consenting person. Some brutal rapes involve sexual sadism.*

Female Fertility Problems

Irregular ovulation, including failure to ovulate, Obstructions or malfunctions of the reproductive tract, which are often caused by infections or diseases involving the reproductive tract, Endometriosis, Declining hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone that occur with aging and may prevent the ovum from becoming fertilized or remaining implanted int the uterus.

Cervical Cap

Is a dome shape cup. It comes in different sizes and must be fitted by a health professional. It is about the size of a thimble and is meant to fit over the cervical opening snugly. Used with spermicide in it. It should be left in place for at least 8 hours after sex. The cap provides continuous protection for about 48 hours w/out need for more spermicide. Should not be left in place for more than 48 hours. Can last up to 3 years if cared for properly. Failure rate is 18-36%. Hard to fit and expensive. Not very popular.

Tay-Sachs Disease

Is a fatal neurological disease of young children. Jews of Eastern European background are more at risk. It is characterized by degeneration of the central nervous system and gives rise to retardation, loss of muscle control, paralysis, blindness and deafness. Victims seldom live beyond age of 5.


Is male-female sexual intercourse between an unmarred couple. (pakistan) *The law allows men and women who are found guilty of zina to be subject to Hadd, which is carried out in the form of public stoning to death if the perpetrator is a Muslim. If they are not a Muslim then the perpetrator of zina can be given a public flogging of 100 lashes.*

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

Is performed at 10 weeks. A narrow tube is used to snip off material from the chorion, which is a membrane that contains the amniotic sac and fetus. The material is analyzed. This test detects: Downs syndrome, sickle-cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, spina bifidam muscular dystrophy, RH-incompatability and other conditions. Can also detect the sex of the fetus.

Childbirth - 2nd Stage

It follow transition and begins when the cervix has become fully dilated and the baby begins to move into the vagina and first appears at the opening of the birth canal. It is shorter than the first stage. It last from a few minutes to a few hours and ends with the birth of the baby.

All of the following are true of infertility therapy EXCEPT

It involves surgical procedures

HIV and Sexual Dysfunctions

It is associated with sexual dysfunction in men and women. Men with HIV are also more likely to have hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction which worsen with antiretroviral therapy. This therapy is known to increase estrogen in men. Women with HIV also show sexual dysfunctions. These dysfunctions are psychological (anxiety, irritability & depression) and the effects of HIV.

Marriages - Brokeback

It is estimated that 1.7 million to 3.4 American women once were or are now married to men who have sex with men.

Failure to reach orgasm in not considered a disorder unless what?

It is persistent or recurrent and results in marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.

Diaphragm - How it is used

It should be inserted no more than 2 hours before sex, because the spermicide may lose effectiveness beyond this time. The woman places a tablespoon of spermicidal cream or jelly on the inside of the cup and spreads it inside the rim. It is inserted against the cervix with the inner side facing upward. Should be left in place for 6 hours to allow spermicide to kill sperm remaining in the vagina. After removal it should be washed with mild soap and stored in a dry cool place. Can last up to 2 years. May need to be refitted after 10 pound weight gain or pregnancy.

System of rod-shaped silicone implants that are inserted under the skin in the upper inner arm to provide time-release progestin into a woman's system for contraception.


Early Effects of Pregnancy

Just a few days after conception a woman may notice tenderness of the breast. Hormonal stimulation of the mammary glands may make the breast more sensitive and cause sensations of tingling and fullness.

Kinsey Continuum

Kinsey and his colleagues conceived of a 7-point heterosexual-homosexual continuum that classifies people according to their homosexual behavior and the magnitude of their attraction to members of their own gender. People in category 0, who accounted for most of Kinsey's study participants, were considered exclusively heterosexual. People in category 6 were considered exclusively homosexual. ** Finding suggest that 10% of the US population was gay or predominantly gay, a number that dramatically exceed current estimates.** Some were considered equally gay and heterosexual in orientation and could be labeled bisexual (3). Most people were classified as exclusively heterosexual. (0) Half of the men who reported male-male sexual activity in Kinsey's sample limited it to the ages of 12-14. Another 3rd had male-male sexual experiences by the age of 18, but not again. Kinseys research showed that sexual behavior patterns can change, sometimes dramatically so. Sexual experiences or feelings involving people of one's sex are common, especially in adolescence, an do not necessarily mean that one will engage in sexual activity exclusively with people of one's own sex in adulthood. It is estimated that 2%-10% of the population is gay male or lesbian.

Evolutionary Perspective

Kirpatrick suggest that male-male and female-female sexual behavior derive from individual selection for reciprocal altruism. That is, strong male-male and female-female alliances have advantages for group survival in that they bind group members together emotionally.

Ovulation Prediction Kits

Kits allow women to test their urine regularly for the presence of luteinizing hormone. (LH) LH levels surge 12-24 hours prior to ovulation. Kits can help conceive or avoid pregnancy. Can be costly.

Psychosocial Causes

Lack of desire -Depression,stress, and problems in the relationship. Anxiety is the common cause. Sexual dysfunction - Cultural influences, economic problems, psychosexual trauma, gay sexual orientation, dissatisfaction with one's relationship, lack of sexual skill, irrational beliefs and performance anxiety.

Erectile Dysfunctions - Connections

Large waist, physical inactivity, drinking too much alcohol or not having any. High cholesterol levels, heart disease and hypertension inhibits sexual function. Exercise, weight loss and eating fewer animal fats can help lower cholesterol. Exercise seems to prevent clogging of arteries, keeping them clear for blood flow to the penis.

Ethnicity & Sexual Orientation / Latino Americans

Latino and Latina American culture believes that a woman should be a virgin when she gets married. Men will sometime engage in male-male sexual behavior, but not consider themselves gay. This culture denies the sexuality of women. Women that label themselves as lesbians are condemned, because they are lesbians and because they are confronting others with sexuality. They are considered a threat to the traditions of male dominance.

According to data presented in your text, the more partners a person reports having sex with in the past 12 months, the___ satisfied the person reports his or her sex life to be


According to research cited in your text, the more forcefully a woman resists a rapist, the ___ severe the sexual abuse


Linz, Paul, Land, Williams, and Ezell studied the effect of 20 topless nightclubs on the surrounding areas in terms of reported crimes and matched these with similar sites with no adult business. They found:

Less crime next to adult businesses

What percent of Internet consumers report using it for the compulsive expression of unconventional sex practices, including "preoccupation with pornography, multiple affairs, sex with several or anonymous partner."

Less than 10%

In regard to treating sex offenders with hormones, what percent of 1036 sex offenders re-offended after castration?

Less than 3%

Data on reporting and conviction rates in Ohio reveal that of 92,490 rapes reported, ___ actually resulted in a conviction

Less than 5%

Tranquilizers & Sedatives

Librium and Valium - Tranquilizers cross the placenta membrane and can cause birth defects such as harelip. Phenobarbital - Sedative are suspected in lowering of testosterone production and causing reproductive problems for the sons of mother that used them during pregnancy.

Man people who admit to compulsive sexual behavior also suffer from what?

Major depression, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders

Gay Males

Males who are erotically attracted to and desire to form romantic relationships with other males.

Coming Out - Others

Many gay men and lesbians remain reluctant to declare their sexual orientation, even to friends and family. Gay men and lesbians often anticipate negative reactions from informing family members, including denial, anger,and rejection. Family members may be unwilling to hear or accept the news.

Coming Out - Oneself

Many gay people have a difficult time coming to recognize, let alone accept, their sexual orientation. Sexual identity in gay males and lesbians involve four steps or features: 1) Attraction to members of the same sex 2) Self-labeling as gay or lesbian 3) Sexual contact with members of the same sex 4) Disclosure of one's sexual orientation to others Males come out about 2 years earlier than females.

The authors of your text make which of the following arguments?

Many individuals with mental retardation who desire to have a child may be able to assume that responsibility if provided with adequate social support **Many individuals with mild mental retardation who desire to have a child may be able to be responsible in the parental role if provided with adequate social support. A variety of legal, medical, and ethical issues should be considered in each case.

The authors of your text make which of the following arguments?

Many individuals with mental retardation who desire to have a child may be able to assume that responsibility if provided with adequate social support.

Treatment of Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Many therapist recommend a comprehensive approach: individual therapy for the child, mother and father; group therapy for the adolescent or even pre-adolescent survivors; art therapy or play therapy for the younger child., using drawings or puppets to express feelings, marital counseling for the parents, and family therapy for the entire family.

Sexual Abuse of Children

Many view sexual abuse of children as among the most heinous of crimes. *Children who are sexually assaulted often suffer social and emotional problems that impair their development and persist into adulthood, affecting their self-esteem and their ability to form intimate relationships.* *Most sexually abused children are girls, 1/3 are boys. 7-8% of boys and 19-20% of girls have been sexually abused.* (These numbers came from 65 studies in 22 countries.) -The numbers might be higher because many people do not report incidents due to: faulty memory shame embarrassment *Sex abuse of children ranges from exhibitionism, kissing, fondling and sexual touching to oral sex and anal intercourse and with girls, vaginal intercourse.* *Sexual contact between an adult and a child is abusive, even it the child is willing, since children are legally incapable of consenting.* - Voluntary sexual activity between children of similar ages is not sexual abuse. -Children often engage in consensual sex play with peers or siblings, as in "playing doctor" or in mutual masturbation. *When the experience involves coercion, or when the other child is significantly older or in a position of power over the younger child, the sexual contact may be considered sexual abuse.*

Gender Nonconformity - Butch-Femme

Masculine-typed behavior among lesbians as children. Lesbians were more than likely to perceive themselves as "tomboys". They would play rough and tumble instead of dolls and they enjoyed wearing boys clothing rather than dresses.

Fetishistic Behavior

Masturbating or stroking an object or while fantasizing about it, or he may be distressed about such urges or fantasies and not act on them.

Tranvestic Behaviors

May range from wearing a single female garment when alone to sporting dresses, wigs, make up and freminine mannerisms at a transvestite club.

Gender Nonconformity

Means not behaving in a way that is consistent with the gender-role stereotype with one's anatomic sex in a given culture. On average, gay males tend to be somewhat feminine and lesbians to be somewhat masculine. Gender nonconformity begins in childhood. Many gay males and lesbians recall acting and felling "different" than their childhood peers. These feeling can be present as early as ages 3 or 4. Gay males are also more likely to recall feeling more sensitive than their heterosexual peers during childhood. They cried more easily. Their feelings were more readily hurt. They had more artistic interests.

Biological Causes

Medical conditions that diminish sexual desire are testosterone deficiency, thyroid over activity or under and temporal lobe epilepsy. Sexual desire is generated by testosterone. Testosterone is produce by men in the testes and both women and men in the adrenal glands. Low sexual desire happens in women that have had their adrenal glands removed. Medication also has adverse effects on sexual desire.


Medication that reduces the amount of HIV in the mother's bloodstream. Reduces the rate of HIV infection in babies by 2/3s. This drug used in combination with a C-section reduces the chance of the baby being infected.

Ethnicity & Sexual Orientation

Member of ethnic minorities in the Us tend to be less tolerant of homosexuals than European Americans are. Lesbian or gay male sexual orientation is rejected by ethnic minority groups in the US. Lesbians and gay males are pressured to keep their sexual orientations a secret or move to communities where they can live openly without sanction. Lesbians and gay men find more of a sense of belonging in the gay community than in their ethnic communities.

In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80-102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the___ reported that they currently masturbate


In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80-102, Bretschneider and McCoy(1988) found that most of the___ reported that sex was currently important to them


Refractory period

Men are typically unresponsive to further sexual stimulation for a variable period of time after reaching orgasm

Mexican American Attitude toward G&L

Men's attitudes toward homosexual men were significantly more negative than women's. Women were more negative to Lesbians. Negative reactions came from people: -endorsed more traditional gender attitudes -tended to be older and less educated -had more children -were more likely to belong to a fundamentalist religious denomination and to attend religious services religiously -were more conservative politically -were less likely to have personal contact with gay people.

Which court case defined obscenity as something prurient, offensive to the community, and lacking serious social value?

Miller v. California **The court case of Miller v. California provided a widely cited definition of obscenity

Pheromones and Sexual Orientation

Most odors activate neurons in specific regions of the brain, increasing blood flow to these regions and causing them to "light up" when imaged by the PET scan. The estrogenlike compound activated the usual smell-related areas in women, but it lit up the hypothalamus-a structure involved in sexual behavior- in heterosexual men. The chemical extracted from male sweat, in contrast, did the opposite;it activated the hypothalamus in women and the usual smell-related area in men. However gay men in the study responded to the chemicals as women did. Their Hypothalamus was lit up by the chemical drawn from male sweat.

Incest - Types

Most of our knowledge of incestuous relationships concerns father-daughter incest. Most identified cases involve fathers who were eventually incarcerated. (1%) *Brother-Sister incest is the most common type if incest. 21% of the college men in Finkelhor's sample, and 39% or the college women, reported incestuous relationships with a sibling of the other sex. Only 4% reported incestuous relationships with their fathers. Mother-Daughter is the least common incest.


Mother who drink during pregnancy expose their babies to greater risk of birth defects, infant mortality, sensory and motor problems, and mental retardation.

Fetal Movement

Movement is noticed during the second trimester.

_______is a progressive disease that attacks the central nervous system.

Multiple sclerosis

Which of the following would be considered most qualified to deliver a baby at home based upon educational training?

Nurse Midwife

Situational orgasmic difficulties

Occur when the woman is able to reach orgasm in some situations, but not in others

The best intercourse position for the woman to get pregnant is for the woman to be

On the bottom

The surgical removal of the ovaries is


Surgical removal of the testicles is referred to as ________.


Third Trimester

Organ systems continue to mature and enlarge. The heart and lungs become more capable of maintaining independent life.

Combination Pill

Ortho-Novum, Ovcon and Loestrin, contain a combination of synthetic forms of the hormone estrogen and progesterone. Most provide a steady dose of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. The progestin also increases the thickness and acidity of the cervical mucus. The mucus becomes a more resistant barrier to the sperm and inhibits the development of endometrium.


Oxygen deprivation. It leads to complications such as brain damage and mental retardation. It can also result in cerebral palsy and possibly death.

Method of sex therapy that involves four treatment levels: permission, limited information, specific suggestions, and intensive therapy.


Papanicolaou test

Pap smear; an exfoliative biopsy for the detection of conditions that can be early indicators of cervical cancer

Failure to control sexual impulses can be associated with several other disorders, including what?

Paraphilias, impulse control disorders, and bipolar mood disorders

Jay derives sexual aousal from gazing at his girlfriend's feet. He may have which paraphilia?


In regard to insurance companies and their payment for contraception/birth control

Payment is limited

Male Erectile Disorder / Erectile Dysfunction

Persistent difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection sufficient to allow the man to engage in or complete sexual intercourse. Develops after a period of normal functioning. Failure is limited to sexual activity with partners or with some partners but not others. (Situational) Other times in can be found during sexual activity including masturbation. (Generalized) Different studies have been done with different results,but the findings suggest that it is more common than expected. The best way to deal with it is to know that it is normal to experience this occasionally and not to overreact otherwise it could start a vicous cycle of self doubt.

Female Orgasmic Disorder

Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase

Male Orgasmic Disorder

Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase during sexual activity

Premature Ejaculation

Persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it a condition in which the male reaches climax too soon, usually before, or shortly after, penetration of the female

Sexual Aversion Disorder

Persistent or recurrent extreme aversion of, all (or almost all) genital sexual contact with a sexual partner People that are repelled by genital contact or find sex disgusting or aversive. They avoid genital contact. This can be due to their own frustration (lack of erection), history of sexual trauma (rape), sexual abuse or incest.

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

Persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain, until completion of the sexual activity, an adequate lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement Persistent difficulties becoming sexually excited or sufficiently lubricated in response to sexual stimulation. This could be a lifelong issue or come about over time. It can be situational, with one partner vs another. Most times it accompanies other disorders such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder and orgasmic disorder. May have physical causes: neurological, vascular or hormonal problems may contribute to this disorder. Reduced estrogen production can lead to vaginal dryness. Most commonly caused by psychological issues. Anger, sexual trauma, sexual abuse, anxiety and guilt are some examples of this.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Persistently or recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity People with little or no sexual interest or desire. The most commonly diagnosed sexual dysfunction. Affects 25-53% of women. 26.7% for postmenopausal women and 52.4% postmenopausal. This is considered a problem when couples recognize that their level of sexual interest has gotten so low that little remains. It is often limited to one partner.

Disease that causes a painful curving or bending in the penis during erection.

Peyronie's disease

Sexual Abuse of Children - Prevention

Prevention programs help children understand what sexual abuse is and how they can avoid it. School based programs can help prepare children to handle an actual encounter with a molester. -Children who receive training are more likely to use strategies such as running away, yelling, or saying no when they are threatened by an abuser. They are also more likely to report incidents to adults. -Besides learning to avoid strangers, children need to recognize the difference between acceptable touching, as in an affectionate embrace or pat on the head, and unacceptable or "bad" touching. *Most preventative programs emphasize teaching children messages such as "It's not your fault", "Never keep a bad or scary secret" and "Always tell your parents about this especially if someone says you shouldn't tell them." School based prevention programs focus on protecting the child. In most states teachers and helpers are required to report suspected abuse to authorities.

Low Sperm Count - Most common problem

Problems producing normal abundant sperm may because by genetics, advanced age,hormonal problems, diabetes, injuries to the testes, varicose veins in the scrotum, drugs (alcohol, narcotics, marijuana, tobacco) blood pressure medicine, environment toxins, excess heat and stress. A count fewer than 20 million is considered low.

Operational Definition

Procedure that is used to measure a theoretical construct

Penile Implant

Provides erection when the man's cardiovascular system doesn't do the job. The implant consists of cylinders that are implanted in the penis. Implants are either malleable (semi-rigid) or inflatable. The semi-rigid implant is made of rods that remain in a permanent semi-rigid position. The inflatable type requires that cylinders be implanted in the penis. A fluid reservoir is placed near the bladder and a tiny pump is inserted into the scrotum. To attain erection the man squeezes the pump releasing fluid into the cylinders.

Rape - Acquaintance

Rape by an acquaintance of the victim. *Women are more likely to be raped by men they know: - A classmate -Fellow office worker -Even a brothers friend* These kind of rapes are less likely to be reported than stranger rape. -One reason is that rape survivors may not perceive sexual assault by an acquaintance as rapes. -Acquaintance rapist tend to rationalize their behavior believing in myths such as the traditional view that men are expected to assume a sexually aggressive role in dating and the belief that rapist are strangers. *Many times when an acquaintance rape is reported the police treat it as a "misunderstanding" or a "lovers quarrel rather than a violent crime.*

Rape - By Women

Rape by women is rare. When it does happen, it often involves aiding or abetting men who are attacking another woman. -Rape by a women may occur in gang rape in which women follow male leaders to gain their approval. They may help lure the woman to a safe place to perform the rape or help hold her down. Some men have been raped by women. Sarrel and Masters reported 11 cases.

Rap Survivors - Psychological Disorders

Rape survivors are at higher risk of developing anxiety disorders and depression, abusing alcohol and other substances. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one form of anxiety that is common for rape victims. It is brought on by a experiencing a traumatic event and is often seen in soldiers that were in combat. Women who blame themselves for the rape tend to suffer more severe depression and adjustment problems, including sexual problems.

Deviant Sexual Behavior / Abnormal

Rare or unusual sexual behaviors. These behavior deviate from what the person has been let to believe is normal or proper. The yardstick of normality is based on the frequency of the behavior, not on judgment of its social acceptability. *Some professionals speak of unusual patterns of sexual arousal or behaviors as "atypical variations" in sexual behavior rather than as "sexual deviations" * - We consider sexual behaviors abnormal or deviant, when they go against our religious values, when they make us wince (sadism or masochism), or when they seem inexplicable (being turned on more by the woman's shoes than the woman herself.) *Concepts of "normalcy" and "deviance" the, reflects the mores and customs of a particular culture at a given time. -Another basis for determining sexual deviance is to classify sexual practices as deviant when they involve the persistent preference for nongenital sexual outlets. Such behaviors have a bizarre or "kinky" quality.

According to data from a national sample, most married people said they___ their sex lives

Received great emotional satisfaction and great physical pleasure from


Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse A sexual dysfunction characterized by involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the vaginal barrel, preventing penile penetration or rendering penetration painful. This occurs reflexively during attempts at vaginal penetration. Muscle contractions are accompanied by fear of penetration. Some women can't handle any penetration by object, finger, tampon or Dr's speculum. This is considered to be caused by psychological fear of penetration rather than physical injury or defect. Women with this disorder often have histories of sexual trauma, rape or botched abortions.


Refers to the technique that prevents conception.

Psychological Response to Pregnancy

Reflects her desire to be pregnant, her physical changes, and her attitude toward these changes.

Second stage of male orgasm

Regular contractions propel semen through the urethra

Tiefer and her colleagues developed a "New View of woman's sexual problems" whereby they defined women's sexual problems as "discontent or dissatisfaction with any emotional, physical, or ___ aspect of sexual experience


IUDs - Progestaser T

Releases small quantities of progesterone daily. Must be replace annually. Replacement could lead to infection. Progesterone released has the same effect as the progestin-only mini-pill. It lessens the likelihood of fertilization and implantation. Failure rate is 2%. Spontaneous expulsions occur in 2-10% of users within a year of use. The risk of expulsion is greatest in the first 3 months.

What were early medical approaches to sexual behavior influenced by?

Religious doctrines and prevailing cultural values

Abortion Methods - Vacuum Aspiration / Suction Curettage

Removal of the uterine contents by suction, an abortion method used early in pregnancy. Accounts for 90% of abortions in the US. Considered the safest and most common method of abortion.

Gay Lifestyles - Differences between G&L

Researchers found that gay males are more likely than lesbians to engage in casual sex with many partners. Lesbians more often confine their sexual activity to a committed, affectionate relationship. Bell & Weinberg reported that 84% of gay males,compared to about 7% lesbian women, report having more than 50 partners in their lifetimes. 79% of males compared to 6% of lesbians, reported that more than half of their partners were strangers.

SSRIs and Sexual Response

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are prescribed for depression, panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa and other illnesses. These drugs almost impair sexual arousal in many patients especially older patients. After discontinuing use sometimes sexual functioning still doesn't return. Wellbutrin can improve sexual functioning and is sometimes prescribed with other SSRIs to help prevent sexual side effects.


Self-propulsion. A measure of the viability of sperm cells.

Male first ejaculation is called:


Third stage of female orgasm

Sensations of throbbing or pulsating, which are tied to rhythmic contractions of the vagina and uterus

Sexual Orientation / Treatment for G&L

Several G&L wish to change their sexual orientation. Some people feel this is because of the social pressure and prejudice. Master and Johnson treated sexual dysfunctions to "reverse" clients gay male and lesbians orientations. They involved gay males in a graded series of pleasurable activities with women, such as massage and genital stimulation. They reported a 20% failure rate for men and 23% for lesbians.

In Canada, the predominant means of transmission of new HIV cases was

Sex between men

Hormonal Influences & Sexual Orientation

Sex hormones strongly influence the mating behavior of other species. Testosterone is essential to male sexual differentiation. Research has failed to connect sexual orientation in either sex with differences in levels of either male or female sex hormones in adulthood.

Ethnicity & Sexual Orientation / Native Americans

Sex was seen as a natural part of life. Individuals who incorporated both traditional feminine and masculine styles we generally accepted and even admired. The influence of the religions of colonist let to greater rejection of lesbians and gay men, and pressured to move off the reservation to the big city. They would feel removed from their families.

Sexual Abuse on Children - Effects

Sexual abuse often inflicts great psychological harm on a child, whether perpetrated by a family member, acquaintance, or stranger. *Children who are sexually abused may suffer from a litany of short- and long-term psychological complaints, including anger, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, inappropriate sexual behavior, aggressive behavior, self-destructive behavior, sexual promiscuity, drug abuse, suicide attempts, posttraumatic stress disorder, low-self esteem, sexual dysfunction, mistrust of others, and feelings of detachment.* -Sexual abuse may also have physical effects such as genital injuries and cause psychosomatic problems suh as stomach aches and headaches. -Regressive behaviors , such as thumb sucking, fear of the dark, and fear of strangers, are also common among sexually abused children. These children also show signs of posttraumatic stress disorder.

Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Sexual activities between males are sometimes limited to rites that mark the young male's initiation into manhood. In some preliterate societies, semen is believed to boost strength and virility. Older males thus transmit semen to younger males through oral or anal sexual activities. The pre-pubertal Sambian males do not seek sexual liaisons with other males. He is removed from his home and thrust into male-male sexual encounters by older males.

Forcible Rape

Sexual activity obtained by the use of force or the threat of force. *This is a form of sexual assault.*

What does sexual desire set the stage for?

Sexual arousal and orgasm

Sexual Desire Disorders

Sexual dysfunctions in which people have persistent or recurrent lack of sexual desire or aversion to sexual contact.

Sexual Pain Disorder

Sexual dysfunctions in which people persistently or recurrently experience pain during sex.

Sexual Arousal Disorders

Sexual dysfunctions in which people persistently or recurrently fail to become adequately sexually aroused to engage in or sustain sexual intercourse.

Cross-Species Perspectives

Sexual motivation appears to play a role in some, but not all, male-male and female-female sexual iterations among animals. Fellatio and anal intercourse to ejaculation among juvenile male orangutans may be a case point, as may be thrusting by one adult female gorilla against another.

Rapist - Psychological

Sexual motivation plays a key role in rape *Rape can be in part motivated by: -anger -striving toward power -sadism Anger usually motivates the rapist to use more force than needed to obtain compliance and to force the victim into degrading and humiliating acts.* -Those who are motivated by power seek to control and dominate the victim. *Sadistic rapist are most vicious, some torture or murder their victims.* Rapist vary in: - Their psychological characteristics - Family backgrounds - Mental health - Criminal histories They are not mentally ill or less intelligent than other people. *They have anti-social personalities that enables them to violate their victims without guilt, shame, anxiety, or empathy. Some have long term histories of violent behavior. The use of alcohol may also dampen self-retraint and spur sexual aggressiveness.* Some rapist are more sexually aroused by: - verbal descriptions - films - or audiotape that portray themes of rape than are other people. *Sexually coercive men are more likely than other men to: - Condone rape and violence against women - Hold traditional gender-role attitudes - Be sexually experienced - Be hostile toward women - Engage in sexual activity in order to express social dominance - Be sexually aroused by depictions of rape - Be irresponsible and lack a social conscience - Have peer groups, such as fraternities, that pressure them into sexual activity.*

Currently, many public health organizations use the term _________ to avoid the negative connotations sometimes associated with the term's predecessor _________.

Sexually transmitted infection (STI); Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

What were William Masters and Virginia Johnson best known for?

Sexy therapy and research in the US

Louise Brown

She was born in England after being conceived by method of in vitro fertilization (IVF). He was dubbed the world's first test-tube-baby.

A sexual dysfunction that occurs with one partner or in one situation only is known as a/an:

Situational dysfunction **Rationale: An acquired sexual dysfunction is one that a person is currently experiencing, but has not always had. A situational dysfunction occurs with one partner or in one situation only.

Bisexuality - Lifestyle

Some gay people also mask their sexyal orientation by adopting a bisexual lifestyle. That is they get married by also enter into clandestine sexual liaisons with members of their own sex. Many bisexual men remain reasonably comfortable in committed heterosexual relationships, such as marriages. They encounter: - anxiety -some feelings of guilt -some sense of loss, but not to the point where they experienced high levels of stress. The authors conclude that long-term committed relationships with women are a "viable option" for bisexual men.

How to chart Basal Body Temp

Temperature needs to be taken with a digital thermometer first thing in the morning before getting out of bed. Couple records the temperature and day of the cycle as well as the day of month and if they had sex or not. After charting for 6 months a woman may predict the date of ovulation if her periods are fairly regular.

The term chicken porn refers to which of the following?

Text p. 579

Ethnicity & Sexual Orientation / African American

The African American community appears to strongly reject gay men and lesbians, pressuring them to remain secretive about their sexual orientations. Hostility factors: Allegiance to Christianity and Biblical scripture. Internalization of the dominant culture's stereotyping of African Americans as highly sexual beings . That is, many African American may wish to assert their sexual "normalcy".


The agents that kill sperm. They coat the cervical opening, blocking the passage of sperm and killing sperm by chemical reaction. Should be left in place for several hours after sex. Creams and Jellies come in tubes w/plastic applicator. Foam come in a pressurized can and is introduced w/plastic applicator. Suppositories are inserted into the upper vagina, near cervix where they release the spermicide and dissolve. Suppositories need to be inserted no less than 10-15 mins before sex. Spermicidal film (2" thin square) dissolves into a gel - needs to be inserted at least 5 mins before. Failure rate of spermicides is 21%.


The central layer of the embryo, from which the reproductive, excretory, circulatory systems, inner layer of the skin, bones and muscle develop.

Which theory of rape is concerned with the sex violence linkage effect, the modeling effect, the desensitization effect, and the "rape myth" effect?

The correct answer is: social learning theory of rape

Combination Pill - side effects

The estrogen may cause nausea and vomiting, fluid retention, weight gain, increase in vaginal discharge, headaches, tenderness in breast, and dizziness. May also increase blood pressure. Possible blood clots.

Cephalic Presentation

The fetus turns upside down in the uterus so that it will be head first for delivery. This happens during the seventh month.

IUDs - How they work

The foreign body irritates the uterine lining. This irritation causes mild inflammation and the production of antibodies that may be toxic to sperm or fertilized ova and or may prevent fertilized eggs from becoming implanted.


The inner layer of the newly formed embryo, from which the lungs and digestive system develop. The liver and the pancreas develop from this layer too.

Artificial Insemination

The introduction of sperm in the reproductive tract through means other than sexual intercourse. Sperm can be collected from multiple ejaculations, frozen and then injected into a woman's uterus.

Sexual Abuse of Children - Abuser Types

The majority of people who sexually abuse children (boys or girls) are males. Male adolescent sex offenders have most likely been molested themselves as boys. Adolescent child molesters also tend to feel socially inadequate and to be fearful of social interactions with age-mates of the other gender. *Female abusers may go undetected because society accords women a much freer range of physical contact with children than it does men.*

Tubal Sterilization / Ligation

The method of female sterilization in which the fallopian tubes are surgically blocked. Tubal sterilization prevents ova and sperm from passing through the fallopian tubes. Doesn't effect sex drive, menstrual cycle, egg is absorbed by the body rather than being sloughed of in the menstrual flow and doesn't induce premature menopause. Highly effective, but not as effective as male sterilization. .04%. Reversal success rate 43-88%. Woman continue to ovulate even after being sterilized. ** Complications- abdominal infections,excessive bleeding,punctures of nearby organs, and scarring. Death can occur - mostly anesthesia related. **

"Bipolar" Sexual Orientation (Lippa & Arad)

The more a man is aroused by women, the less they were aroused by men, and vice versa, Women showed factors of both for homosexuality and heterosexuality. That is, whether or not they were aroused by men could be independent of whether or not they were aroused by other women, and vice versa. Sexual behaviors and attitudes had little to do with the other personality measures.

Kinsey Continuum - Challenges

The more a man is aroused by women, the less they were aroused by men, and vice versa, Women showed factors of both for homosexuality and heterosexuality. That is, whether or not they were aroused by men could be independent of whether or not they were aroused by other women, and vice versa. Sexual behaviors and attitudes had little to do with the other personality measures.

Germinal Stage/Period Of The Ovum

The period of prenatal development before implantation in the uterus. Within 36 hours of conception , the zygote divides into 2 cells. It then divides repeatedly, becoming 32 cells within another 36 hours as it continues the journey to the uterus.

Resolution phase

The person's body returns to its resting state

Rape - Male

The prevalence of male rape is unknown because most assaults are not reported. -1 in ten rape survivors is a man -* Men who rape other men are not gay. Most are heterosexual.* Motives are: -Domination -Revenge and retaliation -Sadism and degradation -Status and affiliation (when the rape is carried out by a gang member) -Most occur in prison settings -Males are more often attacked by multiple assailants, are held captive longer and are more often reluctant to report the assault. -Males are expected to be strong and silent. Male survivors may suffer the same traumatic effect as females do.

Childbirth - Transition

The process that occurs when the cervix become nearly fully dilated and the baby's head begins to move into the vagina or birth canal. Contractions come quickly during transition. Usually last 30 minutes or less. It is accompanied by feeling of nausea, chills and intense pain.

Autoimmune Response

The production of antibodies that attack naturally occurring substances that are (incorrectly) recognized as being foreign or harmful.

Induced Abortion / Abortion

The purposeful termination of a pregnancy before the embryo or fetus i s capable of sustaining independent life. They occur during the first trimester. 88% take place during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Amniotic Sac

The sac containing the fetus. This is the protective environment in the mother's uterus which is surrounded by a clear membrane.


The safest most effective method of contraception and least favorite.


The surgical removal of the testicles. The Czech Republic is the only European country that uses this procedure. Castration reduces testosterone levels and, consequently, offenders' sex drives. *On study showed that anti-androgen drugs decreased pedophilic fantasies and masturbation to pedophilic fantasies in a group of incarcerated offenders.

What does the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in a woman's urine mean?

The woman is pregnant

What does the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in a woman's urine mean?

The woman is pregnant **Several laboratory tests of pregnancy have a high degree of accuracy. All of them depend on the presence of a hormone produced by the developing embryo, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which appears in the pregnant woman's urine

Lippa and Arad's and Chivers and Baileys Findings

Their findings are consistent with the research showing that women's sexual orientations are more flexible than men's and apparently more intertwined with their social experience.

Which of the following requires academic training at one of the more than 400 accredited programs, supervised internship, and a license?

Therapeutic massage

Conclusions from the surgeon general's workshop on the effects of pornography concluded all of the following except:

There are no consistent negative effects of violent pornography on men's fantasies, attitudes, and behaviors toward women

Genetic Counselors

They help couples appraise the risks of passing along genetic defects to their children. People with a great risk decide to adopt. Some couples choose to abort the fetus if it is found to have certain abnormalities.

Fertility Awareness Method - Rhythm Method

They rely on awareness of the fertile segments of the woman's menstrual cycle. Avoidance of sex when conception is likely. It is accepted by the Catholic Church because it doesn't employ artificial devices. Failure rate 20%. It is hard to determine when ovulation occurs. It appeals to people for religious reasons.


They want to become members of the opposite sex. Transsexuals usually cross-dress because they are uncomfortable with the attire associated with their anatomic sex and truly wish to be members of the other sex. It is for this reason that many transsexuals seek sex reassignment.

Rophies - Date Rape Drug (roofies,R2, Roofenol, roachies, la rocha,rope)

This drug is easily slipped into an unsuspecting persons drink. The drug lowers inhibitions, lessening their ability to resist sexual assault, and when it is mixed with alcohol, sometimes causing blackouts that prevent the victims from remembering the assault. *Rohypnol is also called: "the forget pill" "trip-and-fall and "the mind-eraser"* The drug has no taste or odor, so victim does not know what is happening when they sip their drink. - about 10 mins later the woman may feel dizzy and disoriented - simultaneously too hot and too cold - nauseated - She may have difficulty speaking and moving - then pass out - She may "black out" for 8-24 hours with little of no memory of what happened *Rohypnol is a prescription drug used as treatment for insomnia and as a sedative hypnotic in other countries. It is in the same class of drugs as the tranquilizer Valium, but about 10 times stronger.* It is often used with alcohol to create a dramatic "high". *Rohypnol intoxication is generally associated with: -impaired judgement, memory, motor skills and can make a victim unable to resist or recall a sexual attack. Effects begin within 30 mins, peak within 2 hours and last for up to 8 hours or more.* How to avoid problems with Rohypnol: -Be wary of accepting drink from people you do not know and trust -Do not put your drink down or leave it unattended -If you think you have been a victim notify the police immediately.

Nagele's Rule

This is another way of figuring out the due date. Jot down the date of the first day of the last menstrual period, add seven days, subtract three months and add one year.

Pregnancy Date

This is figured out by onset of the last menstrual cycle before conception, which make the normal gestation period 280 days. It can also be dated from the date at which fertilization was assumed to have taken place, which corresponds to two weeks after the beginning of the woman's last menstrual cycle. In this case the normal gestation period is 266 days.


This is the label that has been placed on problems with sexual arousal in men.


This is the label that has been placed on problems with sexual arousal in women.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

This is the only reliable method for selecting the sex of your child prior to implantation. Eggs are fertilized in vitro, after a few days of cell division the sex can be detected. Then the eggs with the desired sex are implanted. It is medically invasive and expensive.

What are the most dramatic physiological changes during sexual excitement?

Those associated with vasocongestion

Hormonal Influences & Sexual Orientation - Activating Effects

Those effects of sex hormones that influence the levels of the sex drive but not the sexual orientation. In adulthood testosterone affects the intensity of sexual desire, but not the preference for partners of the same or the other sex.


To rinse or wash the vaginal canal by inserting a liquid and allowing it to drain out. This is not an effective birth-control measure. Sperm can be way out of reach of the douche. Douching is a "nonmethod" of contraception.


Too high of doses of vitamins A,B6, D and K have been liked to birth defects. A-cleft palate & eye damage, D-mental retardation.

Cervical Mucus / Ovulation Method

Tracks changes in the viscosity (stickiness) of the cervical mucus. After menstruation the vagina is rather dry. Dry days are relatively safe. The mucus discharge appears in the vagina that is first thick and sticky and white or cloudy in color. Sex should be avoided at the first sign of mucus. The mucus thins and clears, becoming slippery or stringy like raw egg whites. These are the peak days. Ovulation takes place after the ovulatory mucus appears. Sex may resume 4 days after the last peak day. Very hard to tell changes.

Rape Survivor - Treatment

Treatment of rape survivors involves helping the woman through the crisis following the attack and then helping her foster long term adjustment. Crisis intervention typically provides the survivor with support and information to help her express her feelings and develop strategies for coping with the trauma. Emotional consequences of rape and how treatment helps: -avoid self blame -improve self-esteem -validate the welter of feelings surrounding the experience -help establish and maintain loving relationships. *It is important for the victim to get social support from: family, friends, religious leaders, and health care specialist.* *A review of the effectiveness of various kinds of therapy for survivors of rape found that the treatment targets are most often post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety.

A person with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child.


A woman must wait 24 hours after making her abortion appointment before engaging in an abortion procedure.


According to the lecture, a study found that infants who experience physical affection are more able to develop intimate relationships whereas those who are deprived of that contact are less likely to establish and have difficulty with intimate relationships.


Among U.S. women who married in the 1990s, more than half reported that they had lived with someone before they married.


As the ethnic similarities between partners increase, the likelihood that they will use a condom increases.


As the status of women within a society becomes more equivalent to men, the likelihood of rape decreases.


By age 30, half of all Americans have cohabitated.


Cases of females with pedophilia may be underreported due to the stereotypes of female nurturance which may hamper recognition of pedophilic activities.


Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) has a higher risk of miscarriage than amniocentesis.


Douching is a non-method of pregnancy prevention.


Escorts are another name for a call girl.


Herpes are incurable.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus responsible for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


In a study of women who had been raped (Rothbaum et al., 1992), 3 months after the rape nearly one-half of the women presented symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Miscarriage is also known as a spontaneous abortion.


Phone sex is NOT considered prostitution.


Pro-life supporters can be described according to a demographic profile that includes their gender, marital status, SES status and religious affiliation.


Psychosexual development begins in infancy.


Sexual dysfunction can be caused by extreme levels of weight (both over and under).


Sexuality of older Americans tends to be invisible, society discounts or denies their sexuality.


Sperm life is consistently 36 hours. True or False?


Sterilization is the permanent surgical procedure that prevents reproduction.


T/F: According to the lecture, a study found that infants who experience physical affection are more able to develop intimate relationships whereas those who are deprived of that contact are less likely to establish and have difficulty with intimate relationships.


T/F: Among U.S. women who married in the 1990s, more than half reported that they had lived with someone before they married.


T/F: Among U.S. women who married in the 1990s, more than half reported that they have lived with someone before they married


T/F: Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) has a higher risk of miscarriage than amniocentesis.


T/F: Emergency contraception, or emergency birth control, is used to keep a woman from getting pregnant when she has had unprotected vaginal intercourse.


T/F: Escorts are another name for a call girl.


T/F: Human error is the main reason why birth control fails.


T/F: In a study of women who had been raped (Rothbaum et al., 1992), 3 months after the rape nearly one-half of the women presented symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


T/F: Phone sex, a common sexuality business, is not considered prostitution.


T/F: Pro-life supporters can be described according to a demographic profile that includes their gender, marital status, SES status and religious affiliation.


T/F: Spontaneous abortion is known as the natural cessation of pregnancy.


T/F: Stage 3 of Labor consists of the delivery of the placenta.


T/F: The current demographic profile of a single mother has changed significantly from that of the old "stereotypical" single mother that lacks judgment and desires a government stipend.


T/F: The longer a woman delays making an adoption plan, the more likely she is to bond emotionally with her baby and the less likely she is to place her baby for adoption.


T/F: There are no effective treatments for PSAS (persistent sexual arousal syndrome).


TRUE OR FALSE: A woman must wait 24 hours after making her abortion appointment before engaging in an abortion procedure.


TRUE OR FALSE: Most antidepressant medications have an impact on sexual desire and arousal


TRUE OR FALSE: Spontaneous abortion is known as the natural cessation of pregnancy.


The current demographic profile of a single mother has changed significantly from that of the old "stereotypical" single mother that lacks judgment and desires a government stipend.


The more time an individual spends on the internet, the more likely they are to run into sexual material on the internet.


Uncle - niece sexual abuse is the most common form of intrafamilial sexual abuse.


Among U.S. women who married in the 1990s, more than half reported that they had lived with someone before they married.

True **Almost 60% of U.S. women who married in the 1990s reported that they had lived with someone before they married (Bachrach et al., 2000).

In a study of women who had been raped (Rothbaum et al., 1992), 3 months after the rape nearly one-half of the women presented symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

True **In a study of women who had been raped (Rothbaum et al., 1992), 94% of the women they assessed within the first 2 weeks of a rape experience had symptoms that met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. (However, PTSD is not diagnosed unless the full symptom pattern is present for more than 1 month.) At 3 months after the rape, PTSD persisted for almost half (47%).

Pro-life supporters can be described according to a demographic profile that includes their gender, marital status, SES status and religious affiliation.

True **In general, pro-life supporters are often profiled as: over the age of 44, female, mothers of three or more children, married to white-collar workers, and affiliated with a religion, primarily Catholic.

The current demographic profile of a single mother has changed significantly from that of the old "stereotypical" single mother that lacks judgment and desires a government stipend.

True **The current stereotypical demographic profile of the single mother is a mature woman who consciously chooses single parenthood. This is very different from the historical perspective of a single mother who makes poor choices and lives on food stamps

As the status of women within a society becomes more equivalent to men, the likelihood of rape decreases.

True/False **Although any of the other options may be true, research has shown that rape is rare in societies in which women have equal status with men.

Tubal Sterilization - Laparoscopy

Tubal sterilization by means of a laparoscope, which is inserted through a small incision just below the navel and used to cauterize, cut or clamp the fallopian tubes. Sometimes called "belly button surgery".

Monozygotic Twins (MZ)

Twins who develop from the same fertilized ovum; Identical twins. They share 100% of their heredity.

Embryonic Disk

Two distinct inner layers of cells are beginning to form. These cells will become the embryo and eventually the fetus. The platelike inner part of th blastocyst, which differentiates into the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm of the embryo.

Parental Blood Test

Used to detect problems such as sickle-cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease and neural tube defects. Blood test also detect Downs syndrome if done within the first trimester.

Scabies is spread by ________.

Using infected bedding


Uterine hormones that stimulate uterine contractions.

Abortion in some countries is considered a category ____ criminal act.


Which of the following methods of male sterilization is considered to be a non-reversible method (according to the text)?


Which of the following methods of male sterilization is considered to be a non-reversible method (according to the text)?

Vasectomy **The VASOC and SHUG are plug methods and considered to be reversible

When using sex therapy to rehabilitate a sex offender, the most beneficial time to provide therapy would be__________.

When he is facing a court sentencing

When using sex therapy to rehabilitate a sex offender, the most beneficial time to provide therapy would be__________.

When he is facing a court sentencing **The United States Justice Department reported that convicted sex offenders were more likely to recommit sex offenses than any other type of felon. Unless the therapy occurs when the offender is facing a court sentencing or as a condition of probation, the perpetrator usually denies the existence of a problem and has little motivation for treatment.

Treatment of Rapist & Child Molesters

When we speak of treating a sex offender, the goal is likely, or more likely, to be to help society by eliminating the problem behavior. *Most convicted rapist and child molesters are incarcerated as a form of punishment, not treatment.* -The most common form of treatment is group therapy, which based on the belief that although offenders may fool counselors, they do not easily fool each other. Yet most incarcerated sex offenders receive little or no treatment.

Which of the following is not one of the methods of pregnancy prevention defined by Dr. McNeill? Withdrawal Natural Family Planning Barriers Hormonal Sterilization


In societies where rape is almost nonexistent:

Women and men have equal status

Pyschosexual Trauma

Women and men who were sexually victimized in childhood are more likely to have difficulty becoming sexually aroused. Unresolved anger, misplaced guilt and feeling of disgust make it hard for these individuals even later on in life in loving relationships.

Generalized orgasmic impairment

Women who have never experienced orgasm by any means

Sexual Orientation - Women

Women's sexual orientations are more flexible or plastic than men's, with women being somewhat more dependent on social experience.

_______ is responsible for 80% of women's tubal infertility.

_______ is responsible for 80% of women's tubal infertility.

Which of the following children has the best chance of getting adopted?

a White infant **Adoptees in highest demand are most likely to be White, healthy infants.

uterine fibroid

a benign tumor composed of muscle and fibrous tissue that occurs in the wall of the uterus


a complication of pregnancy characterized by hypertension, edema, and proteinuria

premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

a condition associated with severe emotional and physical problems that are closely linked to the menstrual cycle

polycystic ovary syndrome

a condition caused by a hormonal imbalance in which the ovaries are enlarged by the presence of many cysts formed by incompletely developed follicles


a condition in which patches of endometrial tissue escape the uterus and become attached to other structures in the pelvic cavity

bacterial vaginosis

a condition in women in which there is an abnormal overgrowth of certain bacteria in the vagina

premature infant

a fetus born before the 37th week of gestation


a general term for a cosmetic operation on the breasts


a greasy substance that protects the fetus in utero and can still be present at birth

premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

a group of symptoms experienced by some women within the 2-week period before menstruation


a knot of varicose veins in one side of the scrotum

Research on the phenomenon of Internet sex addiction suggests that

a minority of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to Internet sex **In his review of research on the concept of Internet sex addiction, Griffiths (2001) concluded that a minority of those who use the Internet for sexual purposes experience such profound negative outcomes that they might be considered as having Internet sex addiction.

Research on the phenomenon of Internet sex addiction suggests tha

a minority of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to Internet sex.

intrauterine device

a molded plastic contraceptive inserted through the cervix into the uterus

Which of the following would be considered an act of maternal-child incest?

a mother bathing her son long after he is able to care for himself

Which of the following would be considered an act of maternal-child incest?

a mother bathing her son long after he is able to care for himself *********** **Maternal-child incest occurs less frequently than the other types of incest and rarely includes intercourse. Bathing boys when the child can care for himself or sleeping nude with their son is more typical behavior in a maternal-child incest situation


a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin so that it cannot be retracted (pulled back) to expose the glans penis


a painful erection that lasts 4 hours or more but is not accompanied by sexual excitement


a pair of small, almond-shaped organs located in the lower abdomen, one on either side of the uterus

Where would someone with klismaphilia most likely find the object that he or she needs for sexual arousal?

a pharmacy

Where would someone with klismaphilia most likely find the object that he or she needs for sexual arousal?

a pharmacy **Klismaphilia involves becoming sexually aroused by receiving an enema. Enema products are found in pharmacies.


a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system of females and the genitourinary system of males


a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the newborn

ectopic pregnancy

a potentially dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop outside of the uterus

radical hysterectomy

a procedure that includes the surgical removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, the uterus and cervix, plus nearby lymph nodes; most commonly performed to treat uterine cancer


a profuse, whitish mucus discharge from the uterus and vagina


a radiographic examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes


a radiographic study to measure the dimentions of the pelvis to evaluate its capacity to allow passage of the fetus through the birth canal


a retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers and protects the glans penis


a round, firm, rubbery mass that arises from excess growth of glandular and connective tissue in the breast

mons pubis

a rounded, fleshy prominence located over the pubic symphysis

Apgar score

a scale of 1-10 to evaluate a newborn infant's physical status at 1 and 5 minutes after birth

testicular self-examination

a self-help step in early detection of testicular cancer by detecting limps, swelling, or changes in the skin of the scrotum

low sperm count

a sperm count below 20 million/ml; also known as oligospermia


a surgical incision made through the perineum to enlarge the vaginal origice to prevent tearing of the tissues as the infant moves out of the birth canal

dilation and curettage

a surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the endometrium of the uterus is scraped away; also known as a D&C


a surgical puncture with a needle to obtain a specimen of amniotic fluid

tubal ligation

a surgical sterilization procedure in which the fallopian tubes are sealed or cut to prevent sperm from reaching a mature ovum


a syndrome of unknown cause that is characterized by chronic burning, pain during sexual intercourse, itching, or stinging irritation of the vulva


a temporary organ that forms within the uterus to allow the exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between the mother and fetus without allowing maternal blood and fetal blood to mix

vaginal candidiasis

a vaginal infection caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans; also known as a yeast infection

Masturbation is _______________ orgasm difficulties.

a widely used treatment for women with

Masturbation is _______________ orgasm difficulties

a widely used treatment for women with **LoPiccolo and Lobitz (1972) developed a nine-step program of masturbation for women with orgasm difficulties. The rationale behind masturbation as a therapeutic technique is that masturbation is the technique that is most likely to produce orgasm. Masturbation gives the individual complete control of the stimulation, provides direct feedback to the women of the type of stimulation she enjoys, and eliminates the distraction of a partner.

Masturbation is _______________ orgasm difficulties.

a widely used treatment for women with **LoPiccolo and Lobitz (1972) developed a nine-step program of masturbation for women with orgasm difficulties. The rationale behind masturbation as a therapeutic technique is that masturbation is the technique that is most likely to produce orgasm. Masturbation gives the individual complete control of the stimulation, provides direct feedback to the women of the type of stimulation she enjoys, and eliminates the distraction of a partner.


a woman who has given birth two or more times


a woman who has never been pregnant


a women who has borne one viable child


a women who has never borne a viable child

The average annual income of 72 members of ASSECT who responded to an Internet survey is a. $64,400 b. between $4,000 and $6,000 (their role as sex educator or counselor was not primary) c. $94,000 d. $9,000

a. $64,400

A study by Herman-Giddens et al. (1997) revealed that the average age for breast development was___ for African American girls. a. 8.9 b. 11.1 c. 9.8 d. 10.2

a. 8.9

The authors of your text make which of the following arguments?

a. Many individuals with mental retardation who desire to have a child may be able to assume that responsibility if provided with adequate social support.

Prostitution has been legalized in some districts of a. Nevada b. New York c. Hawaii and California d. none of the above

a. Nevada

When weighing the pros and cons of remaining single, which of the following statements might you expect to hear as a benefit of singlehood? a. No emotional or financial stress caused by divorce b. Potential to be influenced by others c. Pressure to have friends of one gender d. Greater control and responsibility for one's financial stability

a. No emotional or financial stress caused by divorce

What is the technical term for having your tubes tied? a. Salpingectomy b. Lapaoscopy c. Oophorectomy d. Hysterectomy

a. Salpingectomy

Candidiasis, also known as monilia and yeast infection, _______ be spread to a partner. a. can b. cannot

a. can

Having sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner _______ considered sexual assault. a. can be b. is not

a. can be

Predatory rape is also known as _______ rape. a. classic b. stranger c. aggressive d. violent

a. classic

Based on national data, on average, which of the following individuals reports having sex most frequently? a. couples living together but not married b. single adults c. married couples

a. couples living together but not married

According to data in your text, 4 of 10 US adults suffer from pain a. daily b. weekly c. monthly d. yearly

a. daily

In the word paraphilia, the first part para means a. deviation b. sexual c. perverse d. psychotic

a. deviation

Female sexual arousal dysfunction may result from ____ associated with menopause.

a. estrogen deficiency

Which perspective views paraphilias such as pedophilia and sexual sadism as expressions of aggression more than sexuality? a. feminist b. psychoanalytic c. learning d. biological

a. feminist

Becoming sexually aroused by ants, bugs, or other small, crawling creatures is a. formicophilia b. scatalogia c. narratophilia d. raptophilia

a. formicophilia

Ectopic pregnancies usually occur a. in the Fallopian tube b. in the uterus c. in a test tube d. in a surrogate

a. in the Fallopian tube

Data from the Women's Health Initiative study found that long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (combined estrogen plus progestin) ______ a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. a. increases b. decreases

a. increases

Data from the Women's Health Initiative study found that long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (combined estrogen plus progestin) __________ a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. a. increases b. decreases

a. increases

According to research cited in your text, the more forcefully a woman resists a rapist, the _______ severe the sexual abuse. a. less b. more

a. less

What percent of Internet consumers reported using it for the compulsive expression of unconventional sex practices, including "preoccupation with pornography, multiple affairs, sex with several or anonymous partners." a. less than 10% b. about 1/4 c. about 1/2 d. 85% with older married males most vulnerable

a. less than 10%

In regard to treating sex offenders with hormones, what percent of 1,036 sex offenders reoffended after castration? a. less than 3% b. 30% c. 60% d. 95% (it didn't work)

a. less than 3%

A woman must wait 24 hours after making her abortion appointment before engaging in an abortion procedure. a. true b. false

a. true

After a baby comes out of mother, her uterus continues to contract. a. true b. false

a. true

HIV is the virus responsible for AIDS. a. true b. false

a. true

Last stage of HIV infection in which the immune system of a person's body is so weakened that it becomes vulnerable to infection and disease (opportunistic infections).

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Developmental period in which youth move from childhood to adulthood.



after childbirth

When does pregnancy begin?

after implantation

When does pregnancy begin?

after implantation (5-7 days after conception) after implantation **Pregnancy, which does not begin until 5 to 7 days after conception, occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted, typically in the uterine wall, therefore a woman is not considered to be pregnant unless implementation has occurred.

Loss of auditory, sensory, or visual comprehension.


Prenatal test in which a needle is inserted (usually in the 16th or 17th week of pregnancy) into the pregnant woman's uterus to withdraw fluid, which is analyzed to see if the cells carry XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomes, and to identify chromosomal defects.



an accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube

Marcus just found out he is HIV positive. After some thought he decides to just try to think about better times in the past. His behavior would be an example of _______________ coping strategy.

an avoidance

What is sensate focus?

an exercise in which partners focus on pleasuring each other in nongenital ways **Rationale: Sensate focus is an exercise whereby the partners focus on pleasuring each other in nongenital ways. Sensate focus was developed by Masters and Johnson (1966) to treat various sexual dynsfunctions. Sensate focus may also be used by couples who are not experiencing sexual dysfunction but who want to enhance their sexual relationship.


an infection caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis; also known as trich


an inflammation of a fallopian tube


an inflammation of the cervix that is usually caused by an infection


an inflammation of the glans penis that is usually caused by poor hygiene in men who have not had the foreskin removed by circumcision

Gonorrhea is treated with which of the following?


Gonorrhea is treated with which of the following?

antibiotics **Like other bacterial infections, gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics. The key to this question at the back of the textbook is wrong. The correct answer can be found in the text of Chapter 15.

Social attitude that is anti, or against, children.


pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

any inflammation of the female reproductive organs that is not associated with surgery or pregnancy

Inability to perform coordinated movements.


Becoming sexually aroused by surprise attack and violent assault is __________


There _________ legal penalties for a person who falsely accuses someone of rape.


Academic degress, therapy experience under supervision, and exposure to other aspects of formal training in human sexuality _______ legally required to market one's self as a sex therapist.

are not **Academic degress, therapy experience under supervision, and exposure to other aspects of formal training in human sexuality are not legally required to market one's self as a sex therapist. California is the only state that exercises some legal restraint on sex therapy.

Characteristics of contractions in true labor are different from contractions in preparatory labor. In true labor the contractions:

are not affected by sedation **Characteristics of true labor include: Occur at regular intervals, intervals gradually shorten, intensity gradually increases, discomfort is in the back and abdomen (lower abdomen in preparatory labor), cervix dilates, and are not affected by sedation

Sex in advertising sells because it _____ of the customer.

arouses and gets the attention

Sex in advertising sells because it _____________ of the customer.

arouses and gets the attention

Sex in advertising sells because it _____________ of the customer.

arouses and gets the attention **The consumer is aroused, and while the advertiser has his or her attention, it is shifted to the product the seller is marketing.

Introduction of sperm into a woman's vagina or cervix by means of a syringe, rather than a penis. The sperm may be from a partner, a husband (AIH, artificial insemination by husband), or a donor (AID, artificial insemination by donor).

artificial insemination

Producing no symptoms or signs, or as in some STDs, yielding symptoms so mild that medical care is not sought.


The majority of apprehended sex offenders are arrested for acts of each of the following

autonepiophilia **The majority of apprehended sex offenders are arrested for acts of exhibitionism, pedophilia, and voyeurism (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Autonepiophilia (dressing up a partner in diapers) is not illegal.

Research on the phenomenon of internet sex addiction suggests that a. up to 50% of those who use the internet for sexual purposes become addicted to this use b. a minority of individuals who use the internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to internet sex c. internet sex is a concept discussed in the popular media, but it has not been substantiated by studies or case reports d. homosexual are more prone to sex addiction than bisexuals or heterosexuals

b. a minority of individuals who use the internet for sexual purpose experiences can be described as addicted to internet sex

To help with vaginismus, sex therapists may suggest using: a. all of the answer choices are correct b. a vaginal dialator c. a vibrator d. alternate methodologies

b. a vaginal dialator

Academic degrees, therapy experience under supervision, and exposure to other aspects of formal training in human sexuality _______ legally required to market one's self as a sex therapist. a. are b. are not

b. are not

According to your text, who do individuals with schizophrenia tend to masturbate more often and have fewer sexual relationships than the normal population? a. because they fear pregnancy b. because they lack social and relationship skills c. because they are physically unattractive d. because they are selfish

b. because they lack social and relationship skills

According to your text, why do individuals with schizophrenia tend to masturbate more often and have fewer sexual relationships than the normal population? a. because they are selfish b. because they lack social and relationship skills c. because they are physically unattractive d. because they fear pregnancy

b. because they lack social and relationship skills

Most early (less than 12 weeks) miscarriages are associated with which of the following? a. alcohol consumption of the pregnant woman b. chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus c. physical violence (abuse) or trauma, such as a fall or car accident d. over-the-counter medication

b. chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus

Most early (less than 12 weeks) miscarriages are associated with which of the following? a. physical violence (abuse) or trauma, such as a fall or car accident b. chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus c. alcohol consumption of the pregnant woman d. over-the-counter medication

b. chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus

Gonorrhea is treated with which of the following? a. laser surgery b. cortisone ointment c. antibiotics d. none of the above

b. cortisone ointment

Which of the following is NOT a method of decreasing arousal to an unacceptable sexual stimulus? a. aversive conditioning b. covert sensitization c. hormone medication d. social skills training

b. covert sensitization

Alcohol is a central nervous system

b. depressant

Women tend to feel it is okay if their partners look at pornography as long as their partners a. did not masturbate b. did not fantasize about other women while doing so c. did not verbally compare them with the women in the pictures d. did not make comments bout their weight or thighs

b. did not fantasize about other women while doing so

Most people who have genital herpes ______ they are infected. a. know b. do not know

b. do not know

Most public high schools in the US ______ condoms available to students. a. make b. do not make

b. do not make

Conception and pregnancy are two terms that _______ the same thing. a. mean b. do not mean

b. do not mean

A team of researchers (Abel et al., 1987) looked at the relative percentages of various paraphilic behaviors reported by a sample of nonincarcerated men with paraphilias. The most frequently reported paraphilic behavior was a. voyeurism b. exhibitionism c. sexual sadism d. nonincestual pedophilia

b. exhibitionism

1 in 8 girls in elementary or high school want to quit school due to harassment. a. true b. false

b. false

A person who has had a stroke should avoid sexual activity because having sex involves a high risk of having another stroke. a. true b. false

b. false

According to a study of 182 men, most of the men viewed their father as a positive model for fatherhood. a. true b. false

b. false

Although most women in developing countries do not receive any prenatal care, virtually all women in the US who give birth receive prenatal care beginning in the first trimester. a. true b. false

b. false

Although the symptoms of untreated chlamydia may cause discomfort, there are no serious effects of leaving chlamydia untreated. a. true b. false

b. false

Another name for Hyperactive Sexual Desire Disorder is frigidity. a. true b. false

b. false

Anyone who looks at magazines with nude photos or who watches erotic films can be classified as being a voyeur. a. true b. false

b. false

Bobby's mother discovered Bobby (age7) and Sue (age 4)playing doctor. While talking to the children Bobby's mother said,It is interesting to find out how other people's bodies look , isn't it? According to developmental psychologist her statement was an appropriate response for the situation? a. true b. false

b. false

In 1986, the Attorney General took the position that protection of society's moral environment, in regard to pornography, was NOT a legitimate purpose of the government. a. true b. false

b. false

Infant mortality rate is defined as the rate of infant death within the 3 months from birth expressed as a number per 1,000 live births. a. true b. false

b. false

Physicians routinely provide information to their clients about how illness and disability affect sexuality. a. true b. false

b. false

According to data presented in your text, the more partners a person reports having sex with in the past 12 months, the ________ satisfied the person reports his or her sex life to be. a. more b. less

b. less

Who tends to believe that women who dress provocatively are responsible for being raped? a. women b. men

b. men

In late 2002, the FDA approved Essure, which is a a. brand of female condom b. permanent sterilization procedure c. emergency contraceptive pill d. spermicidal foam

b. permanent sterilization procedure

Which of the following involves sexual urges and fantasies that involve acts that hurt or humiliate the sexual partner? a. sexual sadism b. sexual masochism

b. sexual masochism

According to your text, why do individuals with schizophrenia tend to masturbate more often and have fewer sexual relationships than the normal population?

because they lack social and relationship skills **Individuals with schizophrenia tend to masturbate more often and have fewer sexual relationships than the normal population because of deficits in their social and relational abilities (Fortier et al., 2000).


belly button

One type of HIV test can be bought at pharmacies, college health centers, and public health clinics, or it can be ordered through the mail for a cost of around $50. The test involves obtaining a sample of _______ and mailing it to a laboratory.


One type of HIV test can be bought at pharmacies, college health centers, and public health clinics, or it can be ordered through the mail for a cost of around $50. The test involves obtaining a sample of _______ and mailing it to a laboratory.

blood **One type of HIV test can be bought at pharmacies, college health centers, and public health clinics, or it can be ordered through the mail for a cost of around $50. The test involves pricking a finger, putting three drops of blood on a special card, and mailing the card to a laboratory. To obtain the results, one calls the company's toll-free number after 7 days and gives the personal identification number that was included with the test kit. HIV counselors are available to discuss test results and give advice and information

By age 19, most ___________ in the United States report having had sexual intercourse.

both girls and boys

In the early Masters and Johnson's approach to sex therapy,

both partners are expected to participate in treatment.

According to your text, major depression is associated with low sexual desire in

both women and men

According to your text, major depression is associated with low sexual desire in

both women and men **Major depression is associated with a higher risk of erectile dysfunction in men and low sexual desire in both women and men.

Removal of the cancerous lump rather than the whole breast. (See also lumpectomy.)

breast-conserving therapy

Delivery in which the baby's feet or buttocks come out of the vagina first.

breech birth

NuvaRing, which is a contraceptive device worn inside the vagina, provides pregnancy protection for a. up to 6 hours b. one act of intercourse c. 1 month d. 3 monts

c. 1 month

A national survey of women with disabilities found that _____ % reported higher of moderately high self-esteem. a. 45 b. 64 c. 78 d. 83

c. 78

Aborted fetal tissue is valuable because it a. is disease resistant b. is inexpensive and widely available c. can develop into any kind of tissue d. can be used in the production of a variety of cosmetics and household products

c. can develop into any kind of tissue

The term chicken porn refers to which of the following? a. pornography involving animals b. "soft" porn (showing nudity but not explicit genitalia or sexual acts) c. child pornography d. lesbian pornography

c. child pornography

Which of the following is the most common bacterial STD in the US? a. Gardenerella b. gonorrhea c. chlamydia d. syphilis

c. chlamydia

According to data in your text, 4 of 10 U.S. adults suffer from pain a. yearly b. weekly c. daily d. monthly

c. daily

Some large cities have "clubs" that specialize in sadomasochism (S&M). The "staff" consists of _____ (sadists), ______ (masochists), and "switch-hitters." a. spankers, spankees b. bosses; workers c. dominants; submissives d. bulldogs; poodles

c. dominants; submissives

The background of a prostitute is likely to include the following characteristics a. confused sexual identity, drug abuse, sexually abused by father b. lesbian, stripped early in career, alcohol abuse c. early first sexual experience (13), not emotionally close to parents, seeks emotional comfort of older men d. early drug involvement, early incarceration, bisexual

c. early first sexual experience (13), not emotionally close to parents, seeks emotional comfort of older men

A person who is uncomfortable to the point of not being able to buy condoms from a clerk in a pharmacy may be referred to as a. erotosensitive b. erotophilic c. erotophobic d. erotoabrasive

c. erotophobic

The term menarche refers to which of the following? a. an individual who is biologically both male and female b. a women who is over 50 and who has never had sexual intercourse c. first menstruation d. cessation of menstruation

c. first menstruation

Your text describes a group of mentally retarded men who believed that masturbation would cause their penises to fall off. Where did they learn this information? a. from their parents b. from one of the mentally retarded men in their group c. from caregivers who were attempting to stop the men from masturbating d. from their physician

c. from caregivers who were attempting to stop the men from masturbating

Touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person for the purpose of sexual arousal. a. voyeurism b. necrophilia c. frotteurism

c. frotteurism

At a party you hear some guys talking about having the "morning drop." Which of the following best describes his situation? a. he has experienced a nocturnal emission b. he is suffering from Peyronie's disease c. he is suffering from gonorrhea d. he has erectile dysfunction

c. he is suffering from gonorrhea

Which of the following increases the likelihood of ovulating multiple eggs, resulting in multiple births? a. having intercourse more than once in a 24 hour period b. having intercourse more than once in a 3 day period c. hormone therapy for infertility d. having intercourse with multiple partners in a 3 day period

c. hormone therapy for infertility

The concept of an open marriage refers to a marriage a. characterized by open communication b. in which the partners have flexible rather than traditional roles c. in which spouses agree to allow each one to have sexual relationships with others d. in which spouses agree to re-evaluate their marriage each year, rather than assume they will stay together "until death do us part"

c. in which spouses agree to allow each one to have sexual relationships with others

What is another name for an online emotional relationship involving the exchange of sexual fantasies with a person who is a stranger? a. online opportunity b. cyber sex c. internet infidelity d. hooking up

c. internet infidelity

A devotee is a person who a. remains loyal to his or her partner in sickness and in health b. advocates for the rights of mentally retarded adults to have children c. is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities d. works as a professional caregiver for individuals with disabilities

c. is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities

Every time Mark smells banana bread, he becomes sexually aroused. He most likely has ________. a. gerontophilia b. coprophilia c. olfactophilia d. asphixiophilia

c. olfactophilia

During true labor, the cervix: a. closes and thickens b. opens and thickens c. opens and thins d. closes and thins

c. opens and thins

Child prostitutes are often forced into prostitution by ________. a. siblings b. friends c. parents d. abusive pimps

c. parents

Two types of sexual harassment are hostile environment sexual harassment and _______ sexual harassment. a. reciprocal b. ambiguous c. quid pro quo d. ad hoc

c. quid pro quo

Tiefer and her colleagues (2001b) developed a "New View of Women's Sexual Problems" whereby they defined women's sexual problems as "discontent or dissatisfaction with any emotional, physical, or _________ aspect of sexual experience."

c. relational

In a study of women aged 60-91, more than half described their frequency of orgasm now compared to when they were younger as a. increased b. decreased c. unchanged

c. unchanged

Intrafamilial child sexual abuse refers to exploitative sexual contact or attempted or forced sex that occurs between relatives when the victim is a. 12 or younger b. under age 16 c. under age 18 d. under age 21

c. under age 18

When using sex therapy to rehabilitate a sex offender, the most beneficial tie to provide therapy would be _________. a. when he is caught in the act b. while he is in jail serving time for his offense c. when he is facing a court sentencing d. when he volunteers for the therapy

c. when he is facing a court sentencing

due date

calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period

Candidiasis, also known as monilia and yeast infection, __________ be spread to a partner.


Candidiasis, also known as monilia and yeast infection, __________ be spread to a partner.

can **Candidiasis, also known as monilia and yeast infection, can spread to a partner, so it is important for both the identified patient and the sexual partner to be treated

Having sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner ________ considered sexual assault.

can be

Having sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner ________ considered sexual assault

can be **Men must be educated that sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner can be considered sexual assault for which they can be prosecuted and imprisoned (Fouts & Knapp, 2001).

Having sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner ________ considered sexual assault.

can be **Men must be educated that sex with an intoxicated or drugged partner can be considered sexual assault for which they can be prosecuted and imprisoned (Fouts & Knapp, 2001).

Aborted fetal tissue is valuable because it

can develop into any kind of tissue

Which of the following is the most common reason for ostomy surgery?


Which of the following is the most common reason for ostomy surgery?

cancer **The most common reason for ostomy surgery is cancer, usually of the colon, rectum, bladder, cervix, or ovaries.

Vaginal yeast infection that tends to occur in women during pregnancy, when they are on oral contraceptives, or when they have poor resistance to infection.


Condition often caused by brain damage that occurs before or during birth or in infancy, resulting in muscular impairment and sometimes speech and learning disabilities.

cerebral palsy

Thimble-shaped contraceptive device made of rubber or polyethylene that fits tightly over the cervix and is held in place by suction.

cervical cap

Outgrowth of membranous tissue from the cervix toward the vagina.

cervical ectopy

Surgical incision made in the woman's abdomen and uterus to deliver a fetus is called

cesarean section

Surgical incision made in the woman's abdomen and uterus to deliver a fetus.

cesarean section

The term chicken porn refers to which of the following?

child pornography

The term chicken porn refers to which of the following?

child pornography **Child pornography is also referred to as kiddie porn and chicken porn

Developmental time frame that extends from age 2 to age 12 and involves physical, cognitive, social, and sexual development.


Conclusions from the Surgeon General's workshop on the effects of pornography concluded all of the following except

children who participate in pornography production do not experience adverse enduring effects **Nineteen specialists in the area of pornography convened and reviewed the available research. The key to this question at the back of the textbook is wrong. The correct answer can be found in the text of Chapter 18.

Conclusions from the Surgeon General's workshop on the effects of pornography concluded all of the following except

children who participate in pornography production do not experience adverse enduring effects.

Common sexually transmitted infection caused by the microorganism chlamydia trachomatis, often asymptomatic (therefore known as "the silent disease").


Which of the following is the most common bacterial STD in the United States?


Prenatal diagnostic test of cells from the chorion (membrane surrounding the fetus) (performed at 10 to 12 weeks gestation) to identify chromosomal abnormalities and some other diseases.

chorionic villus sampling

Most early (less than 12 weeks) miscarriages are associated with which of the following?

chromosomal abnormalities in the developing zygote, embryo, or fetus

Megan's Law requires which of the following?

communities must be notified of a neighbor's previous sex convictions **Megan's Law requires that communities be notified of a neighbor's previous sex convictions

Preservation by freezing, as when fertilized eggs are frozen for possible implantation at a later time.


Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after at least ______ without birth control, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth. a. 10 intercourse experiences b. 50 intercourse experiences c. 6 months of sexual relations d. 1 year of sexual relations

d. 1 year of sexual relations

After ejaculation, sperm typically remain viable (able to fertilize an ovum) for how long? a. 20-30 minutes, but may survive for up to 2-3 hours b. 2-3 hours, but may survive for up to 24 hours c. 24 hours, but may survive for up to 2-3 days d. 2-3 days, but may survive for up to 5 days

d. 2-3 days, but may survive for up to 5 days

_____ of the babies born in the US are born by Cesarean section. a. 60% b. 50% c. 47% d. 22%

d. 22%

Both boys and girls have been observed masturbating to orgasm as early as a. 7 years b. 4 years c. 2 years d. 6 months

d. 6 months

After the egg and sperm unite and attach to the uterine wall, the developing organism is called an embryo for the first ______ and a fetus thereafter. a. 3 days b. 8 days c. 3 weeks d. 8 weeks

d. 8 weeks

Some people with ______ experience what has been referred to as the Lazarus Syndrome. a. syphilis b. herpes c. human papilloma virus d. AIDS


What is the most common cause of dementia? a. spinal cord injury b. traumatic brain injury c. stroke d. Alzheimer's disease

d. Alzheimer's disease

According to your text, which of the following statements is true? a. Most infertility problems may be attributed to the man b. Most infertility problems may be attributed to the woman c. Most infertility problems may be attributed to both the man and the woman d. Fertility problems are equally likely to be attributed to the man as they are to the woman

d. Fertility problems are equally likely to be attributed to the man as they are to the woman

Which of the following sexual behaviors is the most risky? a. Using vibrators or sex toys (not shared) b. Masturbation c. Hugging and nongenital touching d. Unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse

d. Unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse

Which of the following BEST represents the current definition of AIDS? a. an HIV-infected person who has developed an opportunistic disease b. a person infected with HIV c. a person infected with HIV who has a high T-cell count (greater than 800) d. a person infected with HIV who has a low T-cell count (less than 200)

d. a person infected with HIV who has a low T-cell count (less than 200)

Where would someone with klismaphilia most likely find the object that he or she needs for sexual arousal? a. a zoo b. a clothing store c. a hardware store d. a pharmacy

d. a pharmacy

According to your text, who is least likely to be the perpetrator in child abuse cases? a. a pastor, minister, priest, or clergy b. a stepparent c. a family friend d. a stranger to the child

d. a stranger to the child

Syphilis can be transmitted through which of the following a. from an infected pregnant woman to her unborn baby b. genital contact c. kissing d. all answer choices are correct

d. all answer choices are correct

Syphilis can be transmitted through which of the following? a. kissing b. genital contact c. from an infected pregnant woman to her unborn baby d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Cryopreservation involves which of the following? a. a technique whereby men can increase their sperm count by practicing short-term abstinence b. preserving aborted fetal tissue for use in medical research or intervention c. medical intervention designed to increase the viability of multiple pregnancies d. freezing fertilized eggs for possible future implantation

d. freezing fertilized eggs for possible future implantation

Children most vulnerable to being solicited online are a. males, marijuana smokers, younger teens b. infrequent internet users, younger teens, males c. males, religious, unsupervised, chat room participants d. girls, older teens, troubled youth, frequent internet users, and chat room participants

d. girls, older teens, troubled youth, frequent internet users, and chat room participants

A devotee is a person who a. advocates for the rights of mentally retarded adults to have children. b. works as a professional caregiver for individuals with disabilities c. remains loyal to his or her partner in sickness and in health d. is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities.

d. is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities

The majority of ______ who report experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction. a. women b. men c. both women and men d. neither women nor men

d. neither women nor men

According to data from a national sample, most married people say they _____ their sex lives. a. were frustrated with b. were bored by c. received great emotional satisfaction, but only occasional physical pleasure from d. received great emotional satisfaction and great physical pleasure from

d. received great emotional satisfaction and great physical pleasure from

A woman is considered to be through menopause when a. she has her 50th birthday b. she misses her first menstrual period after age 50 c. she has had three irregular menstrual periods in a row d. she has had no menstrual period for 12 months

d. she has had no menstrual period for 12 months

Which of the following types of incest is the most common? a. mother-son incest b. father-daughter incest c. grandfather-grandchild incest d. sibling incest

d. sibling incest

Which theory of rape is concerned with the sex violence linkage effect, the modeling effect, the desensitization effect, and the "rape myth" effect? a. evolutionary and biological theories of rape b. psychopathological theory of rape c. feminist theory of rape d. social learning theory of rape

d. social learning theory of rape

Which of the following is the most commonly used method of all the nonsurgical forms of contraception? a. the diaphragm b. the condom c. Deop-Provera d. the birth control pill

d. the birth control pill

National US data presented in your text reveals that 31% of men and 43% of women reported having at least one major sexual dysfunction in a. their lifetime b. the past 5 years c. the past week d. the past year

d. the past year

Conclusions from the Surgeon General's workshop on the effects of pornography concluded all of the following except a. children who participate in pornography production do not experience adverse enduring effects b. prolonged exposure to pornography results in people believing that less common sexual practices are more common than they are c. viewing pornography that depicts sexual aggression as pleasurable to the victim increases the chance of engaging in sexual aggression d. there are no consistent negative effects of violent pornography on men's fantasies, attitudes, and behaviors toward women

d. there are no consistent negative effects of violent pornography on men's fantasies, attitudes, and behaviors toward women

In societies where rape is almost nonexistent, a. marriage is monogamous b. marriage is polygynous c. poverty rates are low d. women and men have equal status

d. women and men have equal status

According to data in your text, 4 of 10 U.S. adults suffer from pain


According to data in your text, 4 of 10 U.S. adults suffer from pain

daily **According to a Gallup Survey, 4 of 10 U.S. adults suffer from pain daily

Erotica is different from pornography in that the former is neither _________ nor _______ _.

degrading, violent

Erotica is different from pornography in that the former is neither _________ nor _______ _.

degrading, violent **Fisher and Barak (2001) identified erotica as sexually explicit material that is a neither degrading nor violent portrayal of consensual sexual activity.

Brain disorder involving multiple cognitive deficits, including memory impairment and at least one of the following: aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, or loss of ability to think abstractly and to plan, initiate, sequence, monitor, and stop complex behavior.


Alcohol is a central nervous system

depressant **Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that physiologically suppresses sexual response for both women and men, and can interfere with sexual arousal, penile erection, and ability to achieve orgasm.

In the word paraphilia the first part para means

deviation **The term paraphilia is derived from the words para, meaning "deviation," and philia, meaning "attracted." Hence, the paraphiliac is attracted to a stimulus that is regarded by the society as deviant.

Person who is sexually aroused and/or interested in people with disabilities.


Chronic disease in which the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin, which is necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates and fats.

diabetes mellitus

infertility specialist

diagnoses and treats problems associated with conception and maintaining pregnancy

Shallow rubber dome attached to a flexible, circular steel spring, 2-4 inches in diameter, that can be inserted vaginally to cover the cervix and prevent sperm from entering the uterus.


Women tend to feel it is okay if their partners look at pornography as long as their partners

did not fantasize about other women while doing so

Women tend to feel it is okay if their partners look at pornography as long as their partners

did not fantasize about other women while doing so **O'Reilly, Knox, and Zusman (In press) surveyed pornography use of 305 undergraduates and found that women got upset when their partners fantasized about other women.

Abortion procedure whereby a metal surgical instrument is used to scrape any remaining fetal tissue and placenta from the uterine walls after suctioning the contents of the uterus.

dilation and curettage

Abortion procedure during the second trimester (13-24 weeks gestation) whereby the cervix is dilated and the fetal parts inside are dismembered so they can be suctioned out.

dilation and evacuation

Abortion procedure during the first 12 weeks whereby the cervix is dilated before the suction procedure occurs.

dilation and suction

Health condition that involves functional deficits in performing activities of daily living.


Rates of STDs are higher among populations that are economically

disadvantaged **Rates of STDs are higher among populations that are economically disadvantaged. The reason is that individuals in lower socioeconomic conditions tend to lack health insurance, have inadequate access to health care, and receive inadequate education (including education related to STDs).

Most people who have genital herpes ________ they are infected.

do not know

Most people who have genital herpes ________ they are infected

do not know **Of the estimated one in five Americans age 12 or older who carries the genital herpes virus, about 90% of these individuals do not know they are infected (Fleming, et al. 1997

Most people who have genital herpes ________ they are infected.

do not know **Of the estimated one in five Americans age 12 or older who carries the genital herpes virus, about 90% of these individuals do not know they are infected (Fleming, et al. 1997

Most public high schools in the United States ___________ condoms available to students.

do not make

Most public high schools in the United States ___________ condoms available to students.

do not make **Only 2.2% of all public high schools and 0.3% of all high school districts in the United States make condoms available to students (Kirby & Brown, 1996

Some large cities have "clubs" that specialize in sadomasochism. The "staff" consists of ___ (sadists), ___ (masochists), and "switch hitters"

dominants; submissives

Removal of both breasts.

double mastectomy

The recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with intercourse or attempts at sexual intercourse.


Developing organism from conception to the 8th week of pregnancy.


See ovum transfer.

embryo transfer

Contraceptive administered within 72 hours following unprotected intercourse; referred to as the "morning-after pill." (See also postcoital contraception.)

emergency contraception

Growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus (in the Fallopian tubes or abdominal cavity), which may cause pain.



endoscopic surgery to move an undescended testicle into its normal position in the scrotum

Birthing procedure that involves cutting the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) to make a larger opening for the baby and to prevent uncontrolled tearing of the perineum.


The birthing procedure that involves cutting the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) to make a larger opening for the baby and to prevent uncontrolled tearing of the perineum is


Female sexual arousal dysfunction may result from ______ associated with menopause.

estrogen deficiency

Female sexual arousal dysfunction may result from ______ associated with menopause.

estrogen deficiency **Rationale: Female sexual arousal dysfunction may result from estrogen deficiency; the most common cause of estrogen deficiency is menopause


excessive uterine bleeding at both the usual time of menstrual periods and at other irregular intervals

A team of researchers (Abel et al., 1987) looked at the relative percentages of various paraphilic behaviors reported by a sample of nonincarcerated men with paraphilias. The most frequently reported paraphilic behavior was


A team of researchers (Abel et al., 1987) looked at the relative percentages of various paraphilic behaviors reported by a sample of nonincarcerated men with paraphilias. The most frequently reported paraphilic behavior was

exhibitionism **A team of researchers (Abel et al., 1987) looked at the relative percentages of various paraphilic behaviors reported by a sample of nonincarcerated men with paraphilias. The most frequently reported paraphilic behavior was exhibitionism (about 25% of the respondents), followed by frotteurism (18%), nonincestual pedophilia (14%), and voyeurism (10%). The least reported paraphilia in this sample was sexual sadism (about 1%).

Attraction of a spouse to someone other than one's mate.


The terms climacteric and menopause are synonomous.


the majority of eggs fertilized through in vitro fertilization implant on the uterine wall


Lubricated, polyurethane adaptation of the male condom. It is about 6½ inches long and has flexible rings at both ends—one inserted vaginally, which covers the cervix, and one external, which partially covers the labia.

female condom

The persistent or recurrent inability to attain or maintain sufficient sexual excitement or a lack of genital (lubrication/swelling) or other somatic responses.

female sexual arousal disorder

Which perspective views paraphilias such as pedophilia and sexual sadism as expressions of aggression more than sexuality?

feminist **Paraphilias such as pedophilia and sexual sadism are, from a feminist perspective, expressions of aggression more than sexuality.

Possible negative consequences (e.g., facial malformation, low birth weight) for the fetus and infant of the mother who drinks alcohol during pregnancy.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Developing organism from the 8th week of pregnancy forward.


The term menarche refers to which of the following?

first menstruation

identical twins

formed by the fertilization of a single egg cell by a single sperm that divides to form two embryos

Cryopreservation involves ___

freezing fertilized eggs for possible future implantation

Cryopreservation involves which of the following?

freezing fertilized eggs for possible future implantation

Cryopreservation involves which of the following?

freezing fertilized eggs for possible future implantation **Eggs that are fertilized through in vitro fertilization can be frozen and implanted at a later time. This procedure is known as cryopreservation

Your text describes a group of mentally retarded men who believed that masturbation would cause their penises to fall off. Where did they learn this information?

from caregivers who were attempting to stop the men from masturbating **Inappropriate masturbation among mentally retarded individuals frequently is either ignored or treated with ridicule, punishment, or misinformation. One group of mentally retarded men believed that masturbation would cause their penises to fall off. They learned this misinformation from caregivers who were attempting to stop the men from masturbating (Walsh, 2000).

Procedure whereby a physician places an egg and sperm directly into the Fallopian tube.

gamete intrafallopian transfer

Sexual dysfunctions can be classified as being either lifelong, acquired, situational, or

generalized **Rationale: A lifelong dysfunction is one that a person has always experienced. An acquired dynsfunction is one that a person is currently experiencing but has not always experienced. Dysfunctions may also be situational, in that they occur only with one partner or in one situation, or generalized, in that they occur with all partners, contexts, and settings.

Sexual dysfunction that occurs with all partners, contexts, and settings.

generalized dysfunction

Sexual dysfunctions can be classified as being either lifelong, acquired, situational, or


Viral infection that may cause blistering, typically of the genitals; it may also infect the lips, mouth, and eyes.

genital herpes

Dyspareunia refers to which of the following?

genital pain associated with intercourse

Dyspareunia refers to which of the following? a. excessive volume of semen in an ejaculation b. inability to ejaculate c. excessive vaginal lubrication d. genital pain associated with intercourse

genital pain associated with intercourse

Dyspareunia refers to which of the following?

genital pain associated with intercourse **Rationale: Dyspareunia refers to the "recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with intercourse or attempts at sexual intercourse" (Basson, 2001a, p. 110).

See human papillomavirus.

genital warts

Woman who carries a developing embryo for a couple (the intended parents) who have infertility problems (sometimes called a surrogate, see also Contract Mother.)

gestational carrier

Children most vulnerable to being solicited online are

girls, older teens, troubled youth, frequent Internet users, and chat room participants **A profile of children most vulnerable to solicitation from previous research (Mitchell et al., 2001) indicated that those at greatest risk were girls, older teens, troubled youth, frequent Internet users, and chat room participants.

Children most vulnerable to being solicited online are

girls, older teens, troubled youth, frequent Internet users, and chat room participants.

seminal vesicles

glands that secrete a thick, yellow substance to nourish the sperm cells

Bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted. (Also known as "the clap," "the drip," "the whites," and "morning drop.")


A study of medical records of 56 women who were discharged from a hospital psychiatric ward found that contraception was

hardly mentioned

A study of medical records of 56 women who were discharged from a hospital psychiatric ward found that contraception was

hardly mentioned **Case managers and clinicians who work with mentally ill patients often feel uncomfortable discussing sexuality with their clients. A study of medical records of 56 women who were discharged from a hospital psychiatric ward found "a striking paucity of data in the notes and care plans about any aspect of sexual health....usage of contraception was hardly mentioned" (Cole, 2000, p. 308).

Obscenity has been legally defined by meeting three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to a prurient interest in sex (i.e., the material is sexually arousing in a lewd way). Second, the material must be patently offensive to the community. Third, the sexual material must

have no redeeming social value ** The legal definition of obscenity involves three criteria. First, the dominant theme of the material must appeal to a prurient interest in sex; second, the material must be patently offensive to the community; and third, the sexual material must have no redeeming social value. If the material can be viewed as entertaining or educational (if it helps with the sexual communication of couples, for example), a case can be made for its social value

See genital herpes.

herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)

Children who experience sex abuse between the ages of 7 and 13 experience the __________ incidence of psychopathology related to the abuse.


Virus that attacks the immune system and may lead to AIDS.

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Which of the following STDs can cause genital warts? a. herpes b. chlamydia c. syhpilis d. human papilloma virus

human papilloma viris

Which of the following STDs can cause genital warts

human papillomavirus

Sexually transmitted viral infection that may produce genital warts.

human papillomavirus (HPV)

Persistent or recurrent deficiency (or absence) of sexual fantasies/thoughts and/or desire for, or receptivity to, sexual activity, which causes personal distress.

hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Surgical removal of the uterus.


According to your text, what is the most frequent response victims have to sexual harassment?

ignore it

According to your text, what is the most frequent response victims have to sexual harassment?

ignore it **Victims' most frequent response to sexual harassment is to ignore it. Unfortunately, ignoring harassment does not make it go away. Many victims try to avoid the harasser by dropping a class, changing a position, or quitting a job


in the male, the urethra passes through the penis to the outside of the body

Procedure that involves removing the woman's ovum and placing it in a lab dish, fertilizing it with a partner's or donor's sperm, and inserting the fertilized egg into the woman's uterus. (Also known as test tube fertilization).

in vitro fertilization

The concept of an open marriage refers to a marriage

in which spouses agree to allow each one to have sexual relationships with others.

As men age, the time it takes to achieve an erection


Data from the Women's Health Initiative study found that long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (combined estrogen plus progestin) __________ a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots.


Data from the Women's health Initiative study found that long-term use of hormone replacement therapy ( combined estrogen plus progestin)___ a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots


As men age, the time it takes to achieve an erection

increases **As men age, it takes them longer to get an erection. Whereas the young man may get an erection within 10 seconds, elderly men may take several minutes (10 to 30).

As men age, the time it takes to achieve an erection________

increases **As men age, it takes them longer to get an erection. Whereas the young man may get an erection within 10 seconds, elderly men may take several minutes (10 to 30).

Data from the Women's Health Initiative study found that long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (combined estrogen plus progestin) __________ a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots.

increases **Data from the Women's Health Initiative study found that long-term use of combined estrogen plus progestin increases a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots (Women's Health Initiative Investigators, 2002).

Deaths among infants under 1 year of age.

infant mortality

Inability to achieve a pregnancy after at least 1 year of regular sexual relations without birth control, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth.



inflammation of the epididymis that is frequently caused by the spread of infection from the urethra or the bladder

Persistent or recurrent delay in or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase.

inhibited male orgasm

ectopic pregnancies usually occur

int he fallopian tube

Object inserted into the uterus by a physician to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting on the uterine wall.

intrauterine device

Surrogate partner sex therapy ______ available in the United States.

is not

A devotee is a person who

is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities **A devotee is a person who is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities. Amputees are the most commonly desired disability population among devotees, but there are also devotees who are aroused by wheelchairs, crutches, braces, cerebral palsy, and other subgroups of the disability community

A devotee is a person who

is sexually aroused and/or interested specifically in people with disabilities.

According to data presented in your text, the more partners a person reports having sex with in the past 12 months, the _____________ satisfied the person reports his or her sex life to be.


According to research cited in your text, the more forcefully a woman resists a rapist, the _________ severe the sexual abuse.


According to data presented in your text, the more partners a person reports having sex with in the past 12 months, the _____________ satisfied the person reports his or her sex life to be.

less **Of adults reporting between two and four partners in the past 12 months, 22.4% reported being "unhappy" with their sex life; in contrast, of adults who reported having one sex partner in the past 12 months, 9.4% reported being "unhappy" with their sex life (Laumann & Michael, 2001, p. 18).

Linz, Paul, Land, Williams, and Ezell (2004) studied the effect of 20 topless nightclubs on the surrounding areas (500 and 1,000 food radii) in terms of reported crime and matched these with similar sites with no adult businesses. They found a. less crime next to adult businesses b. more crime next to adult businesses c. no difference d. police refused to come to the area, so there were no arrest records of crime in the area

less crime next to adult businesses

Linz, Paul, Land, Williams, and Ezell (2004) studied the effect of 20 topless nightclubs on the surrounding areas (500 and 1,000 foot radii) in terms of reported crime and matched these with similar sites with no adult businesses. They found

less crime next to adult businesses

Linz, Paul, Land, Williams, and Ezell (2004) studied the effect of 20 topless nightclubs on the surrounding areas (500 and 1,000 foot radii) in terms of reported crime and matched these with similar sites with no adult businesses. They found

less crime next to adult businesses **Research shows just the opposite of what is expected

What percent of Internet consumers report using it for the compulsive expression of unconventional sex practices, including "preoccupation with pornography, multiple affairs, sex with several or anonymous partners."

less than 10%

What percent of Internet consumers report using it for the compulsive expression of unconventional sex practices, including "preoccupation with pornography, multiple affairs, sex with several or anonymous partners."

less than 10% **Research shows that most individuals do not become "addicted" to using the Internet

Data on reporting and conviction rates in Ohio reveal that of 92,490 rapes reported, _________ actually resulted in a conviction (Langan & Dawson, 1988).

less than 5%

Data on reporting and conviction rates in Ohio reveal that of 92,490 rapes reported, _________ actually resulted in a conviction (Langan & Dawson, 1988).

less than 5% **Data on reporting and conviction rates in Ohio reveal that of 92,490 rapes reported, less than 5% actually resulted in a conviction (Langan & Dawson, 1988).

prostate gland

lies under the bladder and surrounds the end of the urethra in the region where the vas deferens enters the urethra

Sexual dysfunction that a person has always experienced; for example, a person may have always lacked sexual desire.

lifelong dysfunction

bulbourethral glands

located just below the prostrate gland; during sexual arousa, these glands secrete a fluid known as pre-ejaculate

breast reduction

mammoplasty performed to decrease and reshape excessively large, heavy breasts

Fetishes can be divided into two types:

media and form **Fetishes can be divided into two types: media and form. A media fetish is one that focuses on the substance rather than the form of the object. For example, a person with a leather fetish responds to leather as an erotic stimulus whether the leather is in the form of a glove, shoe, or coat. A form fetish focuses on the form of the object, rather than on the material of which it is composed. For example, a person with a shoe fetish responds to shoes as an erotic stimulus no matter whether the shoes are made of plastic, leather, or cloth.

Emphasis that sexual dysfunctions have a medical or biological basis rather than an emotional or relationship cause.

medicalization of sexual dysfunctions

In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80 to 102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the ___________ reported that sex was currently important to them.


In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80 to 102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the ____________ reported that they currently masturbated.


In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80 to 102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the ___________ reported that sex was currently important to them.

men **One of the few studies on the sexuality of elderly women and men was by Bretschneider and McCoy (1988), who reported data on 102 White women and 100 White men ranging in age from 80 to 102. This study found that 38% of the women and 66% of the men reported that sex was currently important to them.

In a study on the sexuality of elderly women and men ranging in age from 80 to 102, Bretschneider and McCoy (1988) found that most of the ____________ reported that they currently masturbated.

men **One of the few studies on the sexuality of elderly women and men was by Bretschneider and McCoy (1988), who reported data on 102 White women and 100 White men ranging in age from 80 to 102. This study found that 40% of the women and 72% of the men reported that they currently masturbated.

Who tends to be more accepting of rape myths (or rape-supportive beliefs)?

men **The rape literature suggests that men are more accepting of rape myths than women and use such beliefs to justify their conviction that they did not actually commit a rape (Buddie & Miller, 2001). Text p. 528

The majority of new spinal cord injuries in the US each year involve

men between the ages of 16 and 30

The majority of new spinal cord injuries in the United States each year involve

men between the ages of 16 and 30

Permanent cessation of menstruation that occurs in middle age.


Collective term for all mental disorders.

mental illness

Condition that involves subaverage intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive behavior. (Also referred to as intellectual disability.)

mental retardation

Time in a person's life that begins when the last child leaves home and continues until retirement or the death of either spouse; defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as age 45.

middle age

lactiferous ducts

milk ducts which carry milk from the mammary glands to the nipple

The movement to criminalize abortion in the mid-nineteenth century was motivated by _______ concern(s).

moral and economic

The movement to criminalize abortion in the mid-nineteenth century was motivated by _______ concern(s).

moral and economic **Motivated by economic and moral concerns, the American Medical Association led the campaign to criminalize abortion during the mid-nineteenth century.

Chronic illness and disease.


Becoming sexually aroused by listening to "dirty talk" is_______


Refraining from sexual intercourse during the 1 to 2 weeks each month when the woman is thought to be fertile.

natural family planning

The majority of _______ who report experiencing sexual dysfunction seek medical help for their dysfunction.

neither women nor men

Infection of the urethra—the tube that carries urine from the bladder.

nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)

Psychodynamic theory in which early relationships with people or things (objects of an infant's drive for satisfaction) establish the blueprint for future relationships.

object relations theory

When using the BBT method for family planning, when can intercourse be resumed?

on the night of the third day after the BBT has risen and remained elevated for 3 consecutive days

When using the BBT method for family planning, when can intercourse be resumed?

on the night of the third day after the BBT has risen and remained elevated for 3 consecutive days. **Intercourse may be resumed on the night of the third day after the BBT has risen and remained elevated for 3 consecutive days.

Marriages in which the spouses regard their own relationship as primary but agree that each will have sexual relation ships with others.

open marriages

During true labor, the cervis:

opens and thins

Sores of the lip and mouth, often caused by herpes simplex virus type I but can also be caused by herpes simplex virus type II.

oral herpes

Surgical removal of the testicles.


ovarian cancer

originates within the walls of the ovaries

Procedure whereby sperm is placed into a surrogate woman. When the egg is fertilized, her uterus is flushed out, and the zygote is implanted into the otherwise infertile female partner.

ovum transfer

testicular pain

pain in one or both testicles

Paralysis of the lower half of the body.


Child prostitutes are often forced into prostitution by _________.

parents **Research indicates that women who become prostitutes have their first sexual experience at age 13 or younger, do not feel emotionally close to their birth or foster parents, and sought emotional satisfaction through involvement with older men. In addition, there are an estimated 10 million child prostitutes worldwide. Most of the 10 million child prostitutes are forced into the profession by their parents to provide financial support for the family

Nonmedical term used by abortion opponents to describe abortions performed very late in pregnancy in which the terminated fetus is delivered. (See also intact dilation and extraction.)

partial birth abortions

Anxiety that involves excessive concern over adequate sexual performance is known as

performance anxiety **Rationale: One specific type of anxiety relates to sexual dysfunction is performance anxiety, which refers to excessive concern over adequate sexual performance. Text p.429

Anxiety that involves excessive concern over adequate sexual performance is known as

performance anxiety.

first trimester screening

performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy and involves an ultrasound and a finger stick blood test

pregnancy test

performed to detect an unusually high level of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in either a blood or urine specimen, which is usually an indication of pregnancy

endovaginal ultrasound

performed to determine the cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding

Refraining from sexual intercourse during the 1 to 2 weeks each month when the woman is thought to be fertile. (Also known as rhythm method, fertility awareness, and natural family planning.)

periodic abstinence

In the PLISSIT model approach to sex therapy, the P stands for which of the following?

permission **The PLISSIT model outlines four sex therapy treatment levels: permission, limited information, specific suggestions, and intensive therapy. The permission level of the PLISSIT model invloves encouraging clients to discuss their sexual problems. The therapist may also assure clients that (in many cases) their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and concerns are "normal," common, and understandable

Condition in which a woman experiences excessive and seemingly continuous arousal.

persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS)

Involvement of more than three individuals in a pair-bonded relationship (some of the individuals may be married to each other) who have an emotional, sexual, and parenting relationship.


Range of adverse psychological effects women who have had an abortion experience

post abortion syndrome

See emergency contraception.

postcoital contraception

Abstaining from sexual intercourse after the baby is born.

postnatal abstinence

Severe depressive reaction following the birth of one's baby.

postpartum depression

Risk assessment, interventions to reduce risk (such as treatment of infections and diseases and assistance with quitting smoking), and general health promotion (such as encouraging healthy eating, sleep, and exercise patterns; avoiding drugs; and eating a nutritional diet) to help ensure the development of a healthy baby during pregnancy. (Also called preconception counseling.)

preconception care

State of carrying developing offspring within the woman's body. Pregnancy begins when the fertilized egg implants on the uterine wall, usually 5 to 7 days after the sperm and egg unite.


See rapid ejaculation.

premature ejaculation

The squeeze technique is used to treat which of the following sexual dysfunctions?

premature ejaculation

The squeeze technique is used to treat which of the following sexual dysfunctions?

premature ejaculation **Rationale: The squeeze technique, a procedure for treating premature ejaculation, involves the partner stimulating the man's penis manually until the man signals that he feels the urge to ejaculate. At the man's signal, the partner places his or her thumb on the underside of the partner's penis and squeezes hard for 3 to 4 seconds. This pressure causes the man to lose his urge to ejaculate. After 30 seconds, the partner resumes stimulation, applying the squeeze technique again when the man signals

Gradual loss of will to maintain a preventive behavior.

prevention fatigue

See lifelong dysfunction.

primary dysfunction

A woman having her first baby is referred to as:


Condition of being pregnant for the first time


When a man has one of his testicles surgically removed due to cancer, fertility, sexual desire, and sexual functioning are ________ affected.


According to the DSM-IV-TR, what is vaginismus?

recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina **Rationale: Vaginismus is the recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with vaginal penetration.

Tiefer and her colleagues (2001b) developed a "New View of Women's Sexual Problems" whereby they defined women's sexual problems as "discontent or dissatisfaction with any emotional, physical or _____ aspect of sexual experience

relational **Tiefer and her colleagues (2001b) developed a "New View of Women's Sexual Problems" whereby they defined women's sexual problems as "discontent or dissatisfaction with any emotional, physical or relational aspect of sexual experience."

fraternal twins

result from the fertilization of separate ova by separate sperm cells

Tubal ligation or "tying of the tubes" sterilization procedure whereby the woman's Fallopian tubes are cut out and the ends are tied, clamped, or cauterized so that eggs cannot pass down the Fallopian tubes to be fertilized.


Psychological term that refers to the repeated exposure to a stimulus which results in the loss of ability of that stimulus to reinforce.


Infestation of the skin by microscopic mites, causing intense itching.


Becoming sexually aroused by calling a stranger on telephone and either talking about sex or making sexual sounds (such as breathing heavily) is __________


ECPAT is an organization that

seeks to end child prostitution and child pornography **The acronym ECPAT stands for End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes.

Boy's first seminal ejaculation.


Treatment used in sex therapy developed by Masters and Johnson whereby the partners focus on pleasuring each other in nongenital ways.

sensate focus

Persistent or recurrent phobic aversion to and avoidance of sexual contact with a sexual partner.

sexual aversion disorder


sexual intercourse

Which of the following involves sexual urges and fantasies that involve acts that hurt or humiliate the sexual partner?

sexual sadism

Which of the following involves sexual urges and fantasies that involve acts that hurt or humiliate the sexual partner?

sexual sadism **Sexual sadism is characterized by recurrent, intense, sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies, of at least 6 months' duration, involving acts (real, not simulated) that hurt or humiliate the sexual partner. The key to this question at the back of the textbook is wrong. The correct answer can be found in the text of Chapter 16.

Diseases caused by any of more than 25 infectious organisms that are transmitted primarily through sexual activity.

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Infection transmitted primarily through sexual activity. A recent term sometimes used to avoid the negative connotations sometimes associated with STD.

sexually transmitted infection (STI)

A woman is considered to be through menopause when

she has had no menstrual period for 12 months

A woman is considered to be through menopause when

she has had no menstrual period for 12 months **Menstruation is the permanent cessation of menstruation. After 12 months with no period, the woman is said to be through menopause. It occurs around age 50 for most women, but may begin earlier or later.

Which of the following type of incest is the most common?

sibling incest

Which of the following type of incest is the most common?

sibling incest **Sibling incest is more common than parent-child incest; in fact, it is probably the most common type of incest (Adler & Schultz, 1995

Sexual dysfunction that occurs with one partner or in one situation only.

situational dysfunction

Which theory of rape is concerned with the sex violence linkage effect, the modeling effect, the desensitization effect, and the "rape myth" effect?

social learning theory of rape **According to the social learning theory of rape, men learn aggressive behavior toward women, including rape behavior, through four interrelated processes: the sex violence linkage effect, the modeling effect, the desensitization effect, and the "rape myth" effect

Self-monitoring one's own sexual responses to the point that a sexual dysfunction may occur.


Chemical that kills sperm.


The slippery, elastic, raw egg white consistency of the cervical mucus that becomes evident at the time of ovulation. When the cervical mucus becomes this consistency, it is likely that the woman has ovulated.


Disk-shaped polyurethane device containing the spermicide nonoxynol-9; it protects for repeated acts of intercourse for 24 hours without the need for supplying additional spermicide.


See "miscarriage."

spontaneous abortion

Ecstasy is a central nervous system _______


Protruding portion of the large or small intestine (bowel) or urinary system that is rerouted and brought to the skin surface of the abdomen during ostomy surgery. (See also ostomy.)


Which of the following is (are) the most common form of mental illness?

substance-related disorders **Substance-related disorders are the most common form of mental illness

Abortion procedure performed the first 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy whereby a hollow plastic rod is inserted into the woman's uterus where the fetal tissue is evacuated. (See also vacuum aspiration.)

suction curettage

Woman who carries a developing embryo for a couple (the intended parents) who have infertility problems. (See also (gestational carrier)


Treatment method that involves a person with sexual difficulties becoming sexually involved with a trained individual (other tham,,,,n the primary therapist) for therapeutic purposes.

surrogate sex partner therapy

Which of the following STDs progresses through stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary)?

syphilis **Syphilis progresses through identifiable stages. Each of these stages-primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary-involves different symptoms

Suction curettage (also known as vacuum aspiration)

takes about 10 to 20 minutes and can be performed in a clinic or physician's office

Which is considered a 'rape free society'?

the Ashanti of West Africa

Ectopic pregnancies usually occur in

the Fallopian tube

Ectopic pregnancies usually occur in

the Fallopian tube **In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo begins to develop outside the uterus, such as in the cervix, abdominal area, or ovary. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the Fallopian tube

placenta previa

the abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower portion of the uterus


the absence of one or both testicles


the absence of ovulation when it would be normally expected


the absence of sperm in the semen


the beginning of the menstrual function

Which of the following is the most commonly used method of all the nonsurgical forms of contraception?

the birth control pill

Which of the following is the most commonly used method of all the nonsurgical forms of contraception?

the birth control pill **The birth control pill is the most commonly used method of all the nonsurgical forms of contraception.


the birth of a fetus that died before, or during, the delivery


the bulging, rounded part of the uterus above the entrance of the fallopian tubes

uterine prolapse

the condition in which the uterus slides from its normal position in the pelvic cavity and sags into the vagina

caesarean section

the delivery of the child through an incision in the maternal abdominal and uterinen walls


the developing child from implantation through the 8th week of pregnancy


the developing child from the 9th week of pregnancy to the time of birth


the direct visual examination of the interior of the uterus and fallopian tubes


the direct visual examination of the tissues of the cervix and vagina

chorionic villus sampling

the examination of cells retrieved from the chorionic villi


the fringed, finger-like extensions of the opening at the end of the fallopian tubes


the funnel-shaped opening into the fallopian tube near the ovary


the greenish material that collects in the intestine of a fetus and forms the first stools of a newborn

cervical dysplasia

the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix

glans penis

the head of the penis


the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of regular, unprotected intercourse, or the inability of a woman to carry a pregnancy to live birth


the inner layer of the uterus


the interruption or termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable

vas deferens

the long, narrow continuations of each epididymis


the lower, narrow portion of the uterus that extends into the vagina


the male gametes (reproductive cells)

testicular cancer

the most common cancer in American males between the ages of 15 and 34 years


the most commonly reported STD in the US; is highly contagious and requires early treatment with antibiotics


the muscular middle layer of uterine tissue


the muscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body


the normal position of the uterus, where the body of the uterus is bent forward


the normal termination of the menstrual function


the normal, periodic discharge of the endometrial lining and unfertilized egg from the uterus


the occurrence of menstrual cycles more frequently than is normal


the organs of reproduction and their associated structures

National U.S. data presented in your text reveal that 31% of men and 43% of women reported having at least one major sexual dysfunction in

the past year **Rationale: Data from the National Health and Social Life Survey reveal that 31% of men and 43% of women reported having at least one major sexual dysfunction in the past year.

National U.S. data presented in your text reveal that 31% of men and 43% of women reported having at least one major sexual dysfunction in ¬______

the past year. Rationale: Data from the National Health and Social Life Survey reveal that 31% of men and 43% of women reported having at least one major sexual dysfunction in the past year.


the period of development of the child in the mother's uterus; lasts approximately 280 days


the presence of blood in the seminal fluid

fibrocysticbreast disease

the presence of single or multiple benign cysts in the breasts


the process of forming and secreting milk from the breasts as nourishment for the infant


the removal of a portion of an enlarged vein to relieve a varicocele


the surgical fixation of a prolapsed vagina to a surrounding structure such as the abdominal wall


the surgical removal of a cone-shaped specimen of tissue from the cervix


the surgical removal of a fallopian tube and ovary


the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes


the surgical removal of one or both ovaries


the surgical removal of one or both testicles


the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis


the surgical removal of the uterus

total hysterectomy

the surgical removal of the uterus and the cervix


the surgical removal of uterine fibroids


the surgical suturing to repair an episiotomy


the term used to describe a birth involving more than two infants


the term used to describe infrequent or very light menstruation in a women with previously normal periods

sperm count

the testing of freshly ejaculated semen to determine the volume plus the number, shape, size, and motility of the sperm


the thin outer membrane that encloses the embryo


the time from the delivery of the placenta through approximately the first 6 weeks after the delivery


the tough, membranous outer layer of the uterus

umbilical cord

the tube that carries blood, oxygen, and nutrients from the placenta to the developing child


the two small, egg-shaped glands that produce the sperm

fetal monitoring

the use of an electronic device to record the fetal heart rate and the maternal uterine contractions during labor

hormone replacement therapy

the use of the female hormones estrogen and progestin to replace those the body no longer produces during and after perimenopause


the whitish fluid containing sperm that is ejaculated through the urethra at the peak of male sexual excitement

Many STDs are asymptomatic, which means that

they do not produce symptoms or signs

Many STDs are asymptomatic, which means that

they do not produce symptoms or signs **Many STDs are asymptomatic, meaning that they do not produce symptoms or signs

Maternal deaths account for 8.9 deaths per 1,000 live births


fallopian tubes

tubes which extend from the upper end of the uterus to a point near, but not attached to, an ovary

Procedure whereby sound waves are used to project an image of the developing fetus on a video screen; used in prenatal testing.

ultrasound scan

Inflammation of the urethra.


See suction curettage.

vacuum aspiration

Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with vaginal penetration.


See coitus interruptus.


Which of the following is also known as coitus interruptus?


Which of the following is also known as coitus interruptus?

withdrawl **Also known as coitus interruptus, withdrawal is the practice whereby the man withdraws his penis from the vagina before he ejaculates.

When is a woman most likely to experience the symptoms of post-partum depression?

within the first month after returning home from the hospital

When is a woman most likely to experience the symptoms of post-partum depression?

within the first month after returning home from the hospital **Although the woman may become depressed in the hospital, she more often experiences these feelings within the first month after returning home with her baby.

In societies where rape is almost nonexistent,

women and men have equal status

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