Comm 103 Exam 1

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T/F listing assumptions is a function of signposts in a speech

FALSE listing assumptions IS NOT a function of signposts in a speech

T/F public speaking anxiety is often experienced more by men than women

FALSE public speaking anxiety IS NOT experienced more often by men than women

how should gestures be/appear

-should appear spontaneous, not deliberate or choreographed -should be moderate in number -should be appropriate in size for your proximity to your audience

what are the functions of signposts in a speech

-to compare and contrast -to indicate a sequence if events -provide explanation -emphasize importance -show cause and effect -give additional examples -to summarize

how do you organize the main points of your speech in a cause and effect pattern

-you organize your main points so that they describe the causes of an event and the identify its effects/consequences

T/F speakers should aim to speak really fast


T/F one's ethnicity is directly related to one's culture

FALSE ethnicity and culture aren't related b/c culture is the totality of shared and learned beliefs, values, and norms which all individuals in the culture follow

which of the following will enable you to take advantage of your public speaking anxiety A focusing your nervous energy B. eliminating your nervous energy C. denying your nervous energy D. pretending you are not nervous

A. focusing you nervous energy focusing your nervous energy will enable you to take advantage of your public speaking anxiety

if you distrust messages given to you by a tipsy stranger, you are applying _____________ filters A. perceptual B. channel-rich C. channel lean D. physiological

A. perceptual

which of the following is not a major type of noise is the communication process? A. physiatristic B. physiological C. physical D.psychological

A. physiatristic

approaching your speech with a _____________ attitude will help you succeed at public speaking A. positive B. frightened C. nervous D. relaxed

A. positive approaching your speech with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE will help you succeed at public speaking

T/F gestures should appear deliberate, planned, and choreographed

FALSE gestures should appear to be SPONTANEOUS

using the term "death panel" for a group that reviews the medial procedures a person can have under his or her health care coverage is an example of _____________________ language A. denotative B. loaded C. ambiguous D. arbitrary

B. loaded this is b/c the term "death panel" has a very string negative connotation and loaded language/words are words that have very strong positive or negative connotative meanings

which of the following ranks highest in terms of what employers are seeking for in job applicants who are new college graduates A. the ability to obtain and process information B. the ability to communicate verbally C. the ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work

B. the ability to communicate verbally

what can help you manage your public speaking anxiety?

BEING OPTIMISTIC and STAYING POSITIVE can help you manage your public speaking anxiety

every culture has its own symbols that stand for ______________ that are important in that culture A. norms B. words C. ideas D. laws

C. ideas

which of the following is true of situation-specific communication? A. it is a simple form of communication B. it is inferior to universal communication C. what works in one context may not work in another D. it ignores culture to address people as individuals

C. what works in one context may not work in another

statements of belief about what ought to be true, not what is true, are called A. actualities B. facts C. values D. opinions

D opinions

a political communicator who is hiring a speech writer might look for which trait? A. experience with predictable situations B. diverse personal hobbies C. retail or customer service expertise D. audience analysis expertise

D. audience analysis expertise

knowing when to code switch, or switch between jargon and plain language, is an important aspect of being a(an) A. ethnocentric communicator B. member of society C.conscientious listener D. culturally aware communicator

D. culturally aware communicator

for good communicators, the process of being aware of their own behavior and how it affects others is called A. rich-context awareness B. self awareness C. source recognition D. self monitoring

D. self monitoring self monitoring is the process of being aware of one's own behaviors and how it affects others

T/F if the main points in your speech are equally important, then the order you present them in is note critical

FALSE even if the main points in your speech are of equal importance, you wan to organize them in a way that MAKES SENSE for your topic

T/F public speaking requires an equal amount of preparation time to interpersonal or small group communication

FALSE public speaking requires MORE PREPARATION TIME than small group and interpersonal communication

_______________, __________________, and _________________ are unique to the transaction model of communication

GENDER, CULTURE, AND EXPERIENCE are unique to the transaction model of communication

does a working outline include verbal footnotes


should verbal footnotes be included in working outlines


can you physically connect with an audience through an online video conference

NO, b/c you are not in their physical presence **you can use multiple different communication channels(verbal and nonverbal), but you are not physically there so you cannot connect physically/through physical presence

are collectivistic cultures more likely to question authority

NO, not necessarily

should speakers have their volume stay at a consistent level throughout their speeches?

NO; speakers SHOULD VARY their volume for EMPHASIS throughout their speech

will being realistic about what can go wrong in a speech help you manage your public speaking anxiety?

NOOOO to help manage your public speaking anxiety(stage fright), you should stay positive and optimistic

is stating a speech thesis a function of signposts in a speech


does research find that speaking at a slower rate is more credible to most audiences

NOOOOOO research does find, however, that speaking at a FASTER RATE is MORE PERSUASIVE to audiences

which component of context is included in the action, interaction, and transaction models of communication

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT is the component of context that is included in the action, interaction, and transaction models of communication

T/F a working outline does not include verbal footnotes

TRUE a working outline does not include verbal footnotes

T/F speakers may need to adapt their rate (how fast they speak) to their audience

TRUE it is true that speakers may need to adapt their rate to their audience

is it possible for summaries and previews to be combined? how

YES, IT IS POSSIBLE for summaries and previews to be COMBINED; many speakers will use a summary when they are finishing ups point and then will use a preview in order to start the next point

is it common to use explaining in informative speeches? why

YES; it ic common to use informative speeches in explaining b/c explaining is REVEALING WHY SOMETHING HAS OCCURRED or HOW SOMETHING WORKS

are instrumental needs often prerequisites for meeting other needs?

YES; since instruments needs are often prerequisites for other needs, they are very important

does use of eye contact vary between cultures

YES; some believe it is a sign of respect(like in U.S. culture) and others see it as you trying to stare them down and is therefore a sign of disrespect

can a speaker use multiple communication channels through an online video

YES; they can use verbal and nonverbal channels (gestures, body movement, speaking, facial expressions, eye contact)

what is a channel

a channel is a pathway for communication (the means by which a message is communicated) **channels can be verbal, like speaking, or nonverbal, like eye contact and facial expressions

a culture that believes that political power should be concentrated in a royal family or in a ruling party is called a(n) __________________ culture

a culture that believes that political power should be concentrated in a royal family or using party is called a HIGH-POWER DISTANCE culture

what is the best type of posture to maintain during a speech

a posture that is both RELAXED and CONFIDENT

a speaker should ______________ speaking too ____________

a speaker should AVOID speaking too fast

wha is a preview transition

a statement alerting the listeners that you are about to switch to a new topic

what is a summary transition

a statement that briefly remind the audience of the points you have made

ambiguity is part of intercultural communication and offers the chance to learn __________ and ___________ about a different culture

ambiguity IS PART OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION and offers the change to learn VALUES AND TRADITIONS about a different culture

being taught to question authority is a characteristic of what type of culture?

being taught to question authority is a characteristic of a LOW-POWER DISTANCE CULTURE

culture is primarily learned from who?

culture is primarily learned from THE PERSONS WHO RAISED YOU

what is code switching

code sitting is switching between Jargon and plain language

do collectivistic cultures value blending in or standing out

collectivistic cultures value BLENDING IN

do collectivistic cultures value having lots of comfort wit public speaking or little comfort with public speaking

collectivistic cultures value having LITTLE COMFORT WITH PUBLIC SPEAKING b/c they value people blending in/being part of a group and not standing out in any type of way (and public speaking makes people stand out)

what are instrumental needs

communication helps us accomplish many day to day tasks on both the long term and the short term

what are identity needs

communication helps us figure out who we are and what we want to be

what are relational needs

communication helps us form social and personal relationships

what are physical needs

communication helps us maintain mental and physical health/well-being

what are spiritual needs

communication lets us share our beliefs and values with others

communication that helps us accomplish many day-to-day tasks are called ________________________

communication that helps us accomplish many day-to-day tasks are called INSTRUMENTAL NEEDS

communication that helps us figure out who we are and what we want to be are called _______________

communication that helps us figure out who we are and what we want to be are called IDENTITY NEEDS

communication that helps us form social and personal relationships are called _____________________

communication that helps us form social and personal relationships are called RELATIONAL NEEDS

communication that helps us maintain physical and mental well-being are called ____________

communication that helps us maintain physical and mental well-being are called PHYSICAL NEEDS

communication that lets us share our beliefs and values with others are called ______________________

communication that lets us share our beliefs and values with others are called SPIRITUAL NEEDS

what are concrete words

concrete words are words that have a definition for a physical object

which if the following delivery styles is time-consuming to compare: extemporaneous, scripted, memorized, impromptu

extemporaneous, scripted, and memorized are ALL DELIVERY STYLES that are time consuming to prepare

what components of context are unique to the transaction model of communication?

gender, culture, and experience are unique to the transaction model of communication

groups of people who share a culture with one another are called ____________________

groups of people who share a culture with one another are called SOCIETIES

what is the difference between intentional and unintentional messages

he difference between intentional and unintentional messages is the intentional messages are DELIBERATE while unintentional messages are UNCONSCIOUS

if a main point in your speech is not related to the thesis, what are the two things you should do with it

if a main point in your speech is not related to the thesis, you should either DELETE THE POINT or REPLACE THE POINT

in the action model of communication, who is the receiver

in the action model of communication, the receiver is the INDIVIDUAL WHO WILL DECODE WHAT IS BEING COMMUNICATED

what is incremental theft

incremental theft is when you use a phrase or paragraph from another source but do not give credit to that other source in your speech

what is information hunger

information hunger is the listeners desire to learn

why are instrumental needs important


is is a strong _______________________ if it is specific, concise, and declarative

it is a strong PURPOSE STATEMENT, if it is specific, concise, and declarative

what is a purpose statement

its a declaration of your specific idea

one part of a speech is separated from another through the use of single words or short phrases known as ________________

one part of a speech is separated from another through the use of single words or short phases known as SIGNPOSTS

one's posture in a speech should be both _______________ and ________________

one's posture in a speech should be both RELAXED and CONFIDENT

what is libel? how does it differ from slander

libel is a type of defamatory statement made in print or in some other fixed medium, such as a photograph slander is also a defamatory statement but it is said out loud and is typically within earshot of the person it is about

what do low power distance cultures question

low power distance cultures are TAUGHT TO QUESTION AUTHORITY

what is noise

noise is anything that interferes with the receivers ability to pay attention to the message

why don't all thesis statements advocate a position?

not all thesis statements advocate a position because some speeches dont ask/require speakers to the a side. for example, speakers don't take a side in informative speeches, they simply inform the audience, and therefore it would be wrong of them to take a side/position

people in _________________ cultures are uncomfortable with ideas/opinions that differ from their own

people in UNCERTAINTY AVOIDING CULTURES are uncomfortable with ideas/opinions that differ from their own

presuming that most people think the same way we do, without asking if it is true, is called ______________________________

presuming that most people think the same way we do, without asking if it is true, is called similarity assumption

for good communicators, the process of being aware of one's own behaviors and how it affects others is called


what are sign posts

sign posts are single words or short phrases that separate one part of a speech from another

what is similarity assumption

similarity assumption is presuming that most people think the same way we do, without asking if it is true

for what purpose should speakers vary their volume throughout their speech

speakers should vary their volume throughout the speech for EMPHASIS

strong purpose statements have what three characteristics

strong purpose statements are CONCISE, SPECIFIC, AND DECLARATIVE

the __________________ specifies that some concepts in your speech are more important than others

the RULE OF SUBORDINATION specifies hat come concepts in you speech are more important than others

what do the action and interaction models of communication have that the transaction model of communication does not

the action and interaction models of communication have: -separate source and receiver roles -a series of back and forth communication transaction model of communication: -treats people as being the sources and the receivers simultaneously -treats communication as something that is being continuously sent back and forth through various channels

the individual who wishes to communicate a thought in the action model of communication is known as the ________________

the individual who wishes to communicate a thought in the action models of communication is known as the SOURCE

the listeners desire to learn is known as _______________________________

the listeners desire to learn is known as INFORMATION HUNGER

what is self monitoring

the process of being aware of one's own behaviors and how it affects others; involves being self aware and monitoring the effects of one's own behaviors

the verbal and nonverbal elements of communication are known as the what?

the verbal and nonverbal elements of communication are known as the MESSAGE

when someone applies/is expressing cognitive complexity, what are they doing

they are considering several different possibilities/situations as to why an event occurred (like why someone skipped a planned date) **cognitive complexity in this situation would be thinking about/considering if the person who skipped the date got sick, wa in a car crash, got cold feet, etc.

transactional model of communication takes place in channel-__________ environments

transactional model of communication takes place in CHANNEL-RICH environments

T/F ambiguity is part of intercultural communication


unintentional messages are _____________ while intentional messages are _____________

unintentional messages are UNCONSCIOUS which intentional messages are DELIBERATE

VALUES and TRADITIONS about a different culture are learn through _________________, which is part of ________________

values and traditions about a different culture are learned through AMBIGUITY, which is part of INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION

what is vocal pitch

vocal pitch is how high or deep your voice sounds

should you have gestures in a moderate amount or have many gestures

you should have gestures in a MODERATE AMOUNT

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