COMM 204 Study Guide

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How did newspapers emerge as a mass medium during the penny press era? How did content changes make this happen?


In what ways does the profession of public relations serve the process of election campaigns? In what ways can it impede such campaigns?

- PR more spin doctors to favorably shape or reshape a candidates image. - candidates who not as well financed are not able to be heard.

Why was the printing press such an important and revolutionary invention?

It was an important and revolutionary invention because it allowed more books to be published at a time, which then made books cheaper, and since the books were cheap the knowledge and individual ideas were able to spread pass the people with authority.

Explain the antagonism between journalism and public relations. Can and should the often hostile relationship between the two be mended? Why or why not?

Journalists have long considered themselves part of a public service profession, but some regard PR as having emerged as a pseudo-profession created to distort the facts that reporters work hard to gather. Yet this antagonism belies journalism's dependence on public relations. Many editors admit that more than half of their story ideas each day originate with PR people.

Explain the interrelationship between mass communication and mass media.

Mass media are the industries that create and distribute songs, novels, newspapers, movies, WiFi, TV shows, and magazines. Mass communications was the creation and use of symbols that conveyed information and meaning to large diverse audiences. They relate because in order to have mass media you need mass communication.

What are ways in which the mass media might be implicated in social problems like bullying, gun violence, and vitriolic political speech, and how might the social scientific and cultural studies research traditions respond differently to them?

Mass media implicated bullying and violence in many ways. At a young age, kids are exposed to violence in video games, in movies, and other media.

What are the main ways in which digital technologies have changed the publishing industry?

People can listen to Audio Books and purchase E-books on their electronic devices instead of having a psychical copy.

What are pseudo-polls, and what about them makes them less reliable than social scientific polls and surveys?

Pseudo-polls are call in, online, or person in the street polls that news media use to address a "question of the day." These polls are less reliable because they don't understand, explain, or predict the impact of mass media on individuals and society, unlike social scientific.

Why is the critical process important?

The critical process is important because it helps better you literately in communication media and being tolerate of diverse forms. Five stages: Description Analysis Interpretation Evaluation Engagement

What are some of the differences between the practices of print and broadcast journalism? How might the changes to journalism as it entered the broadcasting age be similar or different to the changes currently happening to journalism in the Information Age?


What is journalism's role in a democracy?


Describe and discuss some of the business challenges faced by newspapers today.


What are the two organizational structures for a PR firm? What are some of the ways these structures conduct business for their clients?

independent PR agencies: job is to provide clients with PR services -major companies: maintain their own in house PR staffs to handle routine tasks

What different forms of journalism developed? What are their characteristics? What are their strengths and limitations?


How might the "echo chamber" and "fake" news be changing the way the public views, and uses, the news?


What are the stages a medium goes through before becoming a mass medium?

A medium must go through three stages before becoming a mass medium. Development, aka novelty stage, the inventors and technicians try to solve a certain problem. During entrepreneurial stage, inventors and investors determine a marketable use for the new device. Lastly, the mass medium stage, businesses figure out how to market the new device as a consumer product.

How do books play a vital role in our society?

Books are used for entertainment for our minds and eventually those fiction books become TV shows or movies. Also, books are filled with knowledge and allows us to expand our vocabulary and create our own ideas and beliefs.

What are the main sources of revenue in book publishing?

Brick-and mortar stores Online stores Book clubs Mail order

Why did cultural studies develop oppositions to social scientific media research?

Cultural studies developed because social scientists warned against the limits of "gathering data" and "charting trends" because those kinds of research projects only served advertisers and media organizations and tended to only focus on individual behavior and ignoring important questions

What are the major differences in how the linear, cultural, and social scientific models approaching the study of media?

Linear model represents a traditional approach to understanding media content. It explains how a mass medium communicates messages and how people understand them. Cultural model views media content as a part of culture. Social scientific models ask important questions about media, but tests hypotheses with measurable date.

What role do media researchers play in public debates about the mass media?

Media researchers can expose propaganda in public debates because they try and uncover the mess media can cause.

Why did publishing houses develop?

Publishing houses developed because of the high demand for books being publish and this way authors could publish their writings.

Who were the individuals who conducted the earliest type of public relations in the nineteenth century? How did they contribute to the development of modern public relations in the twentieth century?

The earliest PRs were P.T Barnum and Buffalo Bill, who were press agents who conveyed favorable messages to the public and their client. They shaped many of the lasting myths about rugged American individualism and frontier expression. They were also one of the first to use publicity—a type of PR communication that uses various media messages to spread information about a person, corporation, issue, or policy—to elevate entertainment culture to an international level.

Describe the skyscraper model of culture and the map model of culture. What are their strengths and limitations

The skyscraper model of culture are our ranks. The top of the skyscraper are the high culture with good taste, education, and wealthy. The lower floor is the popular culture who lack what the higher culture has. Culture as a map refers to culture as an ongoing process that accommodates diverse taste. Culture as a skyscraper has a strength of influences the lower class.

What are the main ideas behind social learning theory, agenda-setting theory, the cultivation effect theory, the spiral of silence theory, and the third-person effect theory?

Social learning theory has four steps: attention (subject must attend to the media an witness the aggressive behavior), retention (the subject must retain the memory of what he or she saw for later retrieval), motor reproduction (the subject must be able to physically imitate the behavior), and motivation (there must be a social reward or reinforcement to encourage modeling of the behavior) Agenda-setting theory is when researchers believe that when mass media focus their attention on particular events or issues, they determine what people discuss and what they pay attention to. Cultivation effect theory holds that heavy viewing of TV leads individuals to perceive the world in ways consistent with television portrayals. Spiral of silence theory links mass media,social psychology. and public opinion formation and proposes that those who believe that their views are minority, they will keep beliefs to themselves. Third person effect theory people believe others are more affected by media messages than suggests that people believe others are more affected by media messages than they are themselves.

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