COMM 220- Quiz Answers

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Refusing to speak

Which if the following is NOT a paralanguage behavior?

identify scripts

____ are rules for living and identity.


____language is more descriptive than 'you' language

Respecting what others say about what they feel and think

a cornerstone of effective interpersonal communication skills is:

selective listening

a form of non-listening is _____, which involves focusing only on particular parts of communication

hide the real issues in a conflict

according to Eric Berne, games:


according to the cognitive labeling view of emotions, the mechanism that allows this is language or symbols. This view claims that our labels for our psychological responses influence how we interpret those responses

external event

according to the cognitive labeling view of emotions, what occurs first?

rational judgement

according to the process of human perception, the selection process includes all of the following except:

nonverbal communication may be intentional or unintentional

all o the following are similarities between verbal and nonverbal communication except:

Look for points of disagreement

all of the following are conflict management skills EXCEPT:

listening mindlessly

all of the following are conflict management skills EXCEPT:


all of the following are external pressure to friendships except:

conflict can be destructive for individuals and relationships

all of the following are five principals of interpersonal conflict EXCEPT:


all of the following are five ways that symbolic abilities affect our lives except:


all of the following are forms of constructive communication EXCEPT

associate the similarities of facts and inferences

all of the following are guidelines for improving perception and communication EXCEPT:

make a social comparison

all of the following are guidelines for improving self-concept except:

communication problems

all of the following are reasons why we may not express emotions except:

nascent frienship

although during the ___ stage friends are working our rules for their relationship often they are aware of the rules until later


another reason women and men differ in how likely they are to maintain long-distance friendships is that the sexes tend to have different views of the nucleus of closeness.


compared to friendships sustained through face-to-face contact, friendships sustained via e-mail or the internet are less personal and committed


feeling rules define the emotional meaning of situations


for individuals socialized unfeminine speech communities, closeness in interpersonal relationships is primarily achieved through:

nascent friendship

friends settle into patterns of getting together for specific things like watching games or shopping and never expand those boundaries


of the many influences, four are particularly critical for building and sustaining satisfying personal relationships: investment, commitment, trust, and comfort with relational dialects.

mixed climate

on the continuum of interpersonal climates, the middle between confirming and disconfirming climates is known as _____:

work out private rules for interacting

one indication that a friendship is in the nascent stage, is that participants:


since there are no formal standards for friendships, there are also no consistent ideas for what counts as a friend or patterns of interaction between friends


situational obstacles include message overload, message complexity, and noise

speaking in generalities

common forms of expressing feelings INEFFECTIVELY include:

a memory aid

A mnemonic is


Because nonverbal communication is ____ selective perception is likely to occur.


Gerda is really upset and she feels like throwing a temper tantrum, even though she's twenty years old. disregarding the social inappropriateness of her behavior, Gerda beats a door and then kicks it when in a public area. In this instance, Gerda's behavior was motivated by which aspect of herself?


In some face-to-face business meetings, employees are typically instructed to raise their hands if they would like to make a point. This requirement is a ___ rule.


Nonverbal behaviors are generally more influential than verbal communication in establishing the relational level of meaning.

blind area

Stanton is giving a speech for the first time. He thinks he is doing well, ut his audience can tell that he is very insecure and nervous. This example can be categorized into which part of the Johari Window


assuming an attentive posture, holding eye contact, and nodding to show you understand what another person is saying are nonverbal behaviors that convey which dimension of relational-level meanings.


christy just moved into her new dorm room and spend that first-day hanging pictures, putting out souvenirs of important times, and putting favorite objects on the bookshelves. Christy has relied on what form of nonverbal communication to personalize the new apartment?


direct definitions, self-fulfilling prophecies, attachment styles, and identify scripts are all family influences on self-concept


edmund is very attentive and supportive to his son Mylan when he is sober, but when Edmond drinks, he often ignores his son and sometimes verbally abuses him. Mylan never knows which way his father will act. if the father is Mylan primary caregiver, Mylan is likely to develop which attachment style.

do not have uniform preferences

in 1955, the U.S. Department of Labor surveyed 60,000 households to learn what identify labels different ethnic groups prefer. The survey revealed that members of various racial groups:


in a study of both different and same-sex couples, researchers found that couples in which both partners had ____ attachment styles had the most mutually constructive communication.


in some cultures, such as many eastern cultures, silence indicates:

ones love style is permanent throughout life

in terms of love styles, all of the following statements are true except


in the ____ phase of romantic relationship deterioration, relational partners may begin to consider alternatives to the relationship


in this stage, attention shifts to resolving the tension and partners engage in contradicting:

cognitively complex

individuals who are more ___ are better able to integrate new information about others and situations


interaction punctuation can be objectively defined

social comparison

irene observes that on the most recent test in her engineering class, only two students out of 60 earned higher scores than she did. she concludes that she is smarter than most of the others in the class, at least in the subject of engineering. This is an example of a:


it is important to gain access to information in our blind and unknown areas. One way to do this is to expand our experiences by entering unfamiliar situations, trying novel things, and experimenting with new kinds of communication.

adapting listening appropriately

listening skills need to be modified according to the goals, situations, and people to whom we are listening. using different listening skills when listening for information and for relationship listening is known as:


literal listening involves focusing only on the relationship-level meaning of a message

moving toward friendship

many friendships never move beyond this phase

is a socially constructed category

many scholars argue that race:


prototypes, personal constructs, stereotypes, and scripts are cognitive schemata that we use to organize our perceptions of people and phenomena

assumed permanence

qualities that set committed romantic relationships apart from other close relationships include:


reciprocity of self-disclosures is especially important after a relationship has become established.

asking questions for clarification

specific communication behaviors that contribute to unproductive interpersonal conflict include all of the following EXCEPT:

organismic view

the ___ view of emotions is also called appraisal theory

organismic view

the ____ view of emotions posits this model: stimulus >physiological response > emotion.


the cognitive labeling view of notions regards emotions as instinctual responses to external stimuli


the final form of non-listening is literal listening, which involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning.

definition, evaluation, organization, hypothetical thought, self-reflection

the five symbolic abilities described in your textbook are:


the interactive view of emotions rests on three key concepts: framing rules, feeling rules, and emotion work


the likelihood of sustaining a long-distance friendship also depends on other factors, such as socio-economic class and sex


the most active and interpersonally constructive response to relational conflict is:

Recognizing another person exists

the most basic form of confirmation in interpersonal communication is:

preoccupation with self

the opposite of unproductive communication of dual perspective is:

all of these (tone and pitch, rate and pauses and disfluencies)

the paralanguage is communicated through

the two people conceive of themselves as single again

the resurrection process of relationship deterioration involves all of the following except


the sense of touch is:


the strongest level of confirmation is ____:


the tensions of relational dialects keep relationships stagnant because they increase interpersonal friction and stress.

language determines what we can perceive and think

the theory of linguistic determinism states:

eros, storge, and ludos

the three primary styles of love are

pragma, mania, and agape

the three secondary styles of love are

society as a while

the views of ___ compromise the generalized other


the wife nags at her husband because he constantly withdraws from her. the husband withdraws because he feels that his wife is nagging all the time. The difference between how the husband and wife see their communication behaviors is due to differences in: I


this communication test to cultivate supportive, confirming communication climates. if focuses on finding a solution that all parties find acceptable.

none of the above

this counterpoint to superiority is ____:


this describes the intensely positive feelings and fervent desire for the other person. it is not restricted to sexual and sensual feelings.

literal listening

this involves listening only for content and ignoring the relationship level of meaning

defensive listening

this involves perceiving personal attacks, criticism, or hostility in communication that is not critical or mean spirited.


this involves very careful listening


this is a comfortable, even0keeled kind of love based on friendship and compatibility


this is a predictive generalization applied to a person or situation. based on the category in which we place someone or something and how that person or thing measures up against the personal construct we apply, we predict what he, she, or it will do.


this is the most intuitive and spontaneous of all love styles and it is also the fastest moving.

intimacy, commitment, and passion

three dimensions of committed romantic relationships are:

message overload, message complexity, noise, preoccupation, and prejudgment

two broad types of barriers to mindful listening are obstacles in the communication situation and obstacles in the communicators. some examples of these obstacles are.


unlike passion or attraction, which arise in the present, commitment links partners together in the future.


using ____ language allows you to own your own feelings while explaining to others how you interpret their behaviors

Both are perceived as equally believable

verbal communication and nonverbal communication are similar in all of the following respects EXCEPT

think what we are feeling is inappropriate

we are most likely to engage in emotion work when we:


when we disagree with someone, we disconfirm her or him

cognitive schemata

when you meet a new person, you might classify the person as a possible friend, sate, or enemy. You also might focus on physical qualities. this is based on your_____.

the person who exemplifies a friend to you

which of the following is a prototype?

your idea about how you should interact with a friend

which of the following is a script?

conflict is inevitable in all interpersonal relationship

which one of the following statements is true about conflict in relationships


women and men tend to occupy different social locations in some sense, although they clearly share other social locations

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