COMM 3100

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Research on majority/minority influences suggests that

All of these answers are correct

According to your textbook, in group communication all messages are strategic. This means that all messages

Are adapted to accomplish a group member's goals

According to your textbook, group communication involves interdependent messages, which means that all messages

Are dependent upon what communication comes before and influences what communication comes after

Which of the following types of networks is most likely to have barriers that prevent upward communication?


According to lecture, the relationship between group communication patterns and group structure is recursive, which means that

Communication patterns and group structure are mutually reinforcing

Which procedure requires all group members to support the solution, even if they do not totally agree with it?


Which of the following would be predicted by the two-process theory of the influence that minority opinion holders exert on groups?

Exposure to minority views may cause private opinion change among majorities

Which of the following, according to your textbook, is NOT one of the four decision-making principles?

Group decision-making is linear rather than a circular process

Which of the following is group polarization?

Group decisions are more extreme than the average of individual preferences

Which of the following is not an explanation for the reasons that groups usually fail to solve hidden profile tasks?

Group member personality

Which of the following has been a robust finding in the literature on information exchange in group discussion?

Groups tend to discuss already known common information rather than exchange unique information.

Which of the following best illustrates group polarization?

In our Carter Racing class exercise, we saw that after discussion nearly everyone reported feeling more confident in their decisions after discussion.

When Jasmine's group gathers for the first time, there is unease about what they should do. Even though she has not been appointed as leader, Jasmine decides to welcome everyone and starts facilitating discussion about the task. Group members have responded well to Jasmine's behavior. What type of role does Jasmine have?

Informal role

Which group element is being described when group members recognize that every member is being influence by every other member?


In class we have done several activities in which one or more group members have been given specific scripts or instructions about how they should behave (e.g. the Dealers in the Poker Hand exercise; the decision-makers in the Murder Mystery exercise). This is an example of:

Role differentiation

Hastie and Kameda (2005) conducted research using Monte Carlo simulation methods in order to compare various group decision-making rules to each other. Which of the following can be concluded from their study?

The plurality rule is the most efficient across a wide variety of situations

Which of the following is necessary for a hidden profile to exist in the way decision information is distributed to group members, prior to discussion?

There needs to be demonstrably superior decision alternative

Which of the following best describes the main problem addressed by the Hastie & Kameda article on the "Robust Beauty of Majority Rules..."?

To understand how groups combine individual preferences into a single group decision

In class we discussed the fact that when information is distributed within groups such that some of the information is known to only a few group members, groups tend to discuss disproportionately more of the information that everyone knows in common than the unique information that individuals possess. Which of the following strategies have been shown to be effective in reducing this tendency?

making individual members experts on certain alternatives

In our Murder Mystery exercise, which of the following allowed us to examine effects of epistemic motivation?

manipulating the framing of the task as solve versus judge

Which one of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of a group, according to your textbook?

mediated communication

Which of the following describes the classic framing effect in decisions involving risk:

positive frames lead to risk-avoiding behavior and negative frames lead to risk-seeking behavior

Research has demonstrated that group members

readily share common information

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