COMM 313 exam 1

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Nuclear family

parent and child

Individualistic culture:

Individualistic cultures value individual over group self motivation, autonomy, independent thinking

Functions of the family

Reproduction - allows a culture to perpetuate itself Economic - providing for practical needs Socialization - teaching important traditions and social skills as well as values and morals Identity - most important social identity; precursor to all others

What is the most indispensable resource that can be overconsumed, misused, and polluted on our planet? (A) water; (B) oxygen; (C) gold; (D) minerals; (E) sunlight

A water

The uses of communication

A. Communication helps fulfill interpersonal needs B. Communication assists with person perception C. Communication establishes cultural and personal identities D. Communication has persuasive qualities

Around 2050, world population growth is expected to surpass : (A) 5 billion; (B) 6 billion; (C) 9 billion; (D) 15 billion; (E) 16 billion

C: 9 billion

. Which of the following is not true about culture? (A) culture is transmitted from generation to generation; (B) culture is based on symbols; (C) culture does not have boundaries; (D) culture is an integrated system; (E) culture is dynamic

C: culture does not have boundaries

____ differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable conduct. (A) speculations; (B) rituals; (C) ethics; (D) causes and effects; (E) prehistories

C: ethics

Most communication behavior is: (A) innate; (B) inborn; (C) learned; (D) habitual; (E) innate and habitual

C: learned

What percentage of the U.S. population is made up of minorities? (A) 12%; (B) 15%; (C) 22%; (D) 37%; (E) 48%

D: 37%

Societies around the world are interdepednet in what way?

Economically, technologically, politically, and socially

Globalization and Families

Mass media New technologies offer family members different set of value Families struggle to blend traditional patterns with new ones Migration To escape poverty, wage-earners separated for long period Personal closeness of family deteriorates due to absence Core family values affected

russian c=social issues

alcoholism, corrupt gov

chinese inventions

compass, paper, gun powder, printing


culture is a set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have increased the probability of survival and resulted in satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche, and thus became shared among those who could communicate with each other because they had a common language and they lived in the same time and place

Since 2006, nearly 60,000 people have been killed as a result of ___ in Mexico. (A) civil unrest; (B) drug-related violence; (C) eco-terrorism; (D) official corruption; (E) illegal migration

drug-related violence;

. Contemporary social issues facing Japanese society include: (A) demographic, economic, and religious changes; (B) demographic changes, immigration issues, and risk management; (C) economic changes, immigration issues, and political instability, (D) social and technological change and political instability; (E) widespread corruption, technological change, and political instability

demographic changes, immigration issues, and risk management;

mexican social issues

drug violence

Technology and globalization caused:

-growth in world trade -telecommunications -ease of data storage

Characteristics of culture

1. Culture is shared: common ideas, values, behaviors 2. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation: heritage 3. Culture is based on symbols: symbols bring people together, can be verbal or nonverbal 4. Culture is learned: through formal or informal teaching and through media 5. Culture is dynamic: resists change

The basic components of intercultural communication competence

1. Motivation 2. Knowledge 3. Skills

Elements of culture:

1. Worldview 2. Religion 3. History 4. Values 5. Social organizations

Which of the following is true about India? (A) fifth largest economy in the world; (B) 50% of the population lives in poverty; (C)14% of the population is Muslim; (D) little official corruption ; (E) caste system supported by laws

14% of the population is Muslim; (D) little official corruption

When did India become free of British rule? (A) 1947; (B) 1885; (C) 1904; (D) 1989; (E) 1843


Family defined:

A family is any sexually expressive or parent-child or other kin relationship in which people—usually related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption—(1) form an economic unit and care for any young, (2) consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group, and (3) commit to maintaining that group over time. (Lamanna and Riedman 2009, p.26)

Components of human communication

A. Communication is a dynamic process B. Communication is symbolic C. Communication is contextual 1. Number of participants 2. Environmental context 3. Occasion 4. Time D. Communication is self-reflective E. Communication is irreversible F. Communication has a consequence G. Communication is complex H. Misconceptions about human communication 1. Communication can solve all problems 2. Some people are born effective communicators 3. The message you send is the message received

(institutions)The deep structure of culture

A. Deep structure institutions transmit culture's most important messages B. Deep structure institutions and their messages endure C. Deep structure institutions and their messages are deeply felt D. Deep structure institutions supply much of a person's identity

Developing intercultural awareness by:

A. Individual uniqueness B. Generalizing C. Objectivity D. Compromise in intercultural communication E. Communication is not the universal solution

What are requiremens for intercultural cooperation?

A. Social challenges -immigration B. Ecological concerns -global warming/ natural disasters C. Humanitarian and legal cooperation -disease control D. Political issues -human rights/ ethics E. Security concerns -terroism

The three forms that worldview can take discussed in the text include: (A) atheism, spirituality, long-established religious traditions; (B) religion, spirituality, cosmology; (C) secular humanism, cosmology, spiritualism; (D) secular humanism, empiricism, pragmatism; (E) empiricism, objectivism, secular humanism

A: atheism, spirituality, long-established religious traditions;

The definition of culture preferred by the authors includes all of the following concepts except: (A) the biological parts of human life; (B) subjective elements; (C) the non- biological parts of human life; (D) objective elements; (E) the biological parts of human life and objective elements

A: biological parts of human life

The idea that you might talk differently in front of a few people than you might in front of hundreds reflects what characteristic of communication? (A) contextual; (B) sourcecentered; (C) dynamic; (D) symbolic; (E) receiver-centered

A: contexual

. How cultural traits "make sense" in that culture's context reflects culture as: (A) an integrated system; (B) internalization; (C) structuration; (D) ideation; (E) perpetuation

A: integrated system

__is about changes in the world and how the people in that world must adapt to them. (A) Intercultural communication; (B) Internationalization; (C) Globalization; (D) Cultural divides; (E) Egoism

A: intercultural communication

What is the basic function of culture? (A) to teach people how to adapt to their environment; (B) to teach people ethical behavior; (C) to perpetuate itself; (D) to differentiate one group from another; (E) to satisfy ego and identity needs

A: teach people to adapt to their environment

Many people who hold the atheistic worldview feel comfortable describing themselves as: (A) agnostics, nihilists, shamans; (B) agnostics, human secularists, deists; (C) nihilists, agnostics, shamans; (D) spiritualists, polytheists, nihilists (E) capitalists, spiritualists, nihilists

B: agnostics, human secularists, deists;

When the authors refer to words that mean different things in different languages, to what characteristic of communication are they referring? (A) communication is contextual; (B) communication is symbolic; (C) communication is dynamic; (D) communication is static; (E) communication is contextual, symbolic, and dynamic

B: communication is symbolic

Culture is accurately reflected in which of the following statements? (A) culture is innate; (B) culture and communication are inseparable; (C) culture is monolithic; (D) culture includes opera but not sporting events; (E) culture is innate and monolithic

B: culture and communication are inseperable

Which component of communication is most accurately represented when Andy is trying to decide how to explain a plan to Bill and Chris? (A) messages; (B) encoding; (C) decoding; (D) feedback; (E) noise

B: encoding

The elements of religion include all of the following except: (A) speculation; (B) finality of death; (C) sacred writings; (D) rituals; (E) ethics

B: finality of death

If a generalization must be made, it should: (A) be supported by a single reputable source (B) focus on the primary values and behaviors of a particular culture (C) be based on historical accounts (D) be based on immediate perceptions (E) be plausible

B: focus on the primary values and behaviors of a particular culture

The idea that "self is not innate, but is acquired in the process of communicating with others" best describes what use of communication? (A) person perception; (B) identity; (C) interpersonal needs; (D) influence; (E) control

B: identity

Which of the following is based on the Western concept of individual effort, but isn't consistent across all cultures? (A) treatment of the elderly; (B) international copyright law; (C) local resource management; (D) religious practices; (E) commerce

B: international copyright law

Pinocchio's nose is an example of: (A) learning culture through proverbs; (B) learning culture through folktales, legends, and myths; (C) learning culture through art; (D) deceitfulness; (E) public shame

B: learning culture through folktales, legends, and myths

The most important function of families in any culture is: (A) economic; (B) reproductive; (C) socialization; (D) indoctrination; (E) internalization

B: reproductive

Of the following, which is true about the elderly? (A) in the U.S., the dominant culture has a positive view of aging; (B) in Latino culture, the elderly have no authority in the family; (C) for Arab cultures, prestige and power are associated with age; (D) in Asian cultures, the elderly are rarely sought for advice; (E) All of these are correct.

C: for Arab cultures, prestige and power are associated with age;

Where do most new immigrants, both in the United States and in other nations, seek work and residence? (A) near their original countries; (B) in an area with terrain similar to their original countries; (C) in urban areas; (D) in wealthy areas; (E) near farms and ranches

C: in urban areas

Extended families: (A) are the most typical found in most Western societies; (B) are also known as "two-generation families"; (C) include the nuclear family, grandparents, and relatives; (D) are the most typical found in most Western societies and are also known as "two-generation families"; (E) are the most typical found in most Western societies and include the nuclear family, grandparents, and relatives

C: nuclear, grandparents and relatives

Which explanation accurately reflects the "interpersonal needs" use of communication? (A) it assists in helping us learn about other people; (B) it helps us decide how to present ourselves to other people; (C) it provides a sense of inclusion and affection; (D) it allows us to shape the behaviors of others; (E) All of these answers are correct.

C: provides a sense of inclusion and affection

Worldview deals with all of the following types of questions except: (A) what is the purpose of life? (B) what is the right way to live? (C) which counties should expand into new territories? (D) what is the nature of good and evil? (E) how did life begin?

C: which counties should expand into new territories?

7. For most Muslim communities, which of the following would not be true? (A) Islamic teachings spell out the roles, rights, and duties of women; (B) fathers and brothers are expected to assume protection over girls and women; (C) women typically take their husband's name when they marry; (D) men are considered to be stronger than women, both physically and mentally; (E) None of these is correct.

C: women typically take their husband's name when they marry

Which of the following is an example of international cooperation? (A) oil prices (B) weapons of mass destruction; (C) immigration of refugees; (D) UNpeacekeeping operations; (E) military buildup

D: UN peacekeeping operations

Religion serves as a mechanism of social control by: (A) establishing notions of right and wrong; (B) transferring some of the burden of decision-making from the individual to the supernatural; (C) reinforcing community values; (D) All of these are correct. (E) None of these is correct.

D: all correct

Proverbs: (A) are oversimplifications of a people's values and beliefs; (B) are learned easily and repeated with regularity; (C) with similar ideas are often found in different cultures; (D) are learned easily and repeated with regularity, and proverbs with similar ideas are often found in different cultures; (E) All of these answers are correct.

D: all learned easily and repeated with regularity and proverbs with similar ideas are often found in different cultures

The following caveats regarding cultural interaction patterns are true except for: (A) all of the major institutions of culture are linked; (B) families within a culture rarely display differences; (C) societies do not differ, between and within cultures, in their conceptions of the desired traits in children; (D) all of the major institutions of culture are linked and societies do not differ, between and within cultures, in their conceptions of the desired traits in children; (E) families within a culture rarely display differences and societies do not differ, between and within cultures, in their conceptions of the desired traits in children

D: all of the major institutions of culture are linked and societies do not differ, between and within cultures, in their conceptions of the desired traits in children;

10. Of the following, which example(s) reflect the contextual characteristic of communication? (A) a conversation at a restaurant; (B) a conversation at church; (C) a conversation at work; (D) a conversation at a restaurant, at a church, or at work; (E) None of these is correct.

D: conversation at work, church or restaurant

Andy asked Bill to tell Chris about the plan. Bill nodded in agreement. The nod is: (A) receiving; (B) noise; (C) encoding; (D) feedback; (E) decoding

D: feedback

A basic approach to spirituality as a worldview includes: (A) formal religion is not required to live a life of faith; (B) concern with the sacred, not ordinary reality; (C) the impermanence of the immaterial; (D) formal religion is not required to live a life of faith, and concern with the sacred, not ordinary reality; (E) All of these are correct.

D: formal religion is not required to live a life of faith, and concern with the sacred, not ordinary reality

To be objective, one must: (A) have an open mind; (B) avoid being too judgmental; (C) use a consistent metric; (D) have an open mind and avoid being too judgmental; (E) all three choices are correct

D: open min, and not be judgemental

The definition of communication used in the text includes all of the following ideas except: (A) dynamic process; (B) share thoughts; (C) using symbols; (D) general settings; (E) particular settings

D: particular settings

Values and morals develop due to this function of family: (A) indoctrination; (B) internalization; (C) economic; (D) socialization; (E) identity

D: socialization

Which of the following is not true about deep structure institutions? (A) they carry culture's most important messages; (B) the institutions and their messages endure; (C) the institutions and their messages are deeply felt; (D) they have a superficial impact on a person's identity; (E) they carry culture's most important messages and the institutions and their messages are deeply felt

D: they have a superficial impact on the persons identity.

Deep structure

Deep structure is conscious and unconscious assumptions of how world works

Element(s) of culture include: (A) social organizations; (B) religions; (C) values; (D) history; (E) All of these answers are correct.

E: all correct

Noise in communication could be: (A) a bad telephone connection; (B) other nearby conversations; (C) being cold or hungry; (D) a bad telephone connection and other nearby conversations; (E) All of these answers are correct.

E: all correct

Of the following, which is true about aggression? (A) in the U.S., children are typically encouraged to "stand up for themselves"; (B) in many Asian cultures, the word "no" is considered aggressive and belligerent; (C) the Thai avoid aggressive behavior; (D) collective cultures see assertive behavior as rude; (E) All of these are correct.

E: all correct

The idea that communication is a dynamic process is reflected in: (A) messages sent can't be unsent; (B) communication is an ongoing activity; (C) sending and receiving messages involve a host of variables simultaneously; (D) messages sent can't be unsent and communication is an ongoing activity; (E) All of these answers are correct.

E: all correct

Which of the following are interpersonal skills that are needed for effective communication with intercultural families? (A) being empathetic; (B) displaying expertise in conflict resolution; (C) listening intently; (D) exercising decision making skills; (E) All of these are correct.

E: all correct

Which of the following best describes the relationship between worldview, culture, and intercultural communication? (A) culture influences worldview; (B) worldview influences culture; (C) intercultural communication is impacted by culture and worldview; (D) worldview influences culture and intercultural communication is impacted by culture and worldview; (E) All of these are correct.

E: all correct

The definition of a family includes: (A) people who form an economic unit and care for any young; (B) people who consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group; (C) people who commit to maintaining that group over time; (D) any sexually expressive, parent-child, or kin relationship; (E) people who form an economic unit and care for any young; people who consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group; and people who commit to maintaining that group over time

E: people who form an economic unit and care for each others young.

. A good analogy for the relationship between a culture and a group of people would be: (A) a car and its driver; (B) gasoline for an engine; (C) a mind and its body; (D) self and brain; (E) personality and an individual

E: personality and eqaulity

Define Human Communication

Human communication is a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their thoughts with other people through the use of symbols in particular settings.

Muslims refer to the pre-Islamic era as Jahiliya, which is roughly translated as: (A) the age of ignorance; (B) the age of great humiliation; (C) the age of growth; (D) the age of reason (E) the age of waiting

age of ignorance

The most prominent aspect of Russia's history is: (A) geography; (B) political heritage; (C) historical tradition; (D) the arts; (E) militarization


The division between the beliefs of Sunni and Shiite Muslims began when they disagreed about: (A) the pillars of Islam; (B) women's rights; (C) the line of succession in Islam; (D) interpretations of Sharia law; (E) radicalization of beliefs

he line of succession in Islam

japanese social issues

immigration issues, risk management

Extended family

includes grandparents and relatives

Which of the following is not one of the three distinctly Russian values identified in the text? (A) patriotism; (B) Russia should play a role in world affairs; (C) independence; (D) state-centeredness; (E) independence and state-centeredness


What caused regional separation and differentiation in customs and dialects in China? (A) World War I; (B) World War II; (C) irregular topography; (D) political overtures from the United States; (E) the Cultural Revolution

irregular toppograghy

islamic social issues

official corruption, repressive regimes, lack of women equality

Which period of history do Mexicans generally take the most pride in? (A) modern Mexico; (B) the revolution; (C) independence from Spain; (D) pre-Columbian; (E) the Mexican-American War


According to the text, which of the following are among the most contentious and divisive social issues in the U.S.? (A) right to life vs. freedom of choice; (B) same-sex marriage; (C) prayer in school; (D) expansion of territory; (E) right to life vs. freedom of choice, samesex marriage, and prayer in school

right to life vs. freedom of choice, same sex marriage, and prayer in school

Group affiliation in Japan was historically inculcated by: (A) feudal government system; (B) rigid class system; (C) wetland cultivation; (D) World War II; (E) feudal government system, rigid class system, and wetland cultivation

rigid class system, fuedal gov., wetland cultivation


share intense feelings of dependence, loyalty collective interests of the group placed before personal harmony sought; disapproval avoided

The ingredients of human communication (the eight components)

source, encoder, message, channel, receiver, decoder, meaning and feedback

chinese social ssues

stagnant economy

Which of the following is not one of the contemporary social issues facing modern China? (A) growing social inequality; (B) stagnant economy; (C) perception of widespread corruption; (D) disproportionate number of young males; (E) All of these are correct

stagnent economy

What is sometimes referred to as the first multicultural nation in the world? (A) Greece; (B) the United States; (C) Egypt; (D) Italy; (E) Australia


. The contemporary social issues facing Russia include: (A) rapidly increasing birthrate; (B) widespread official corruption; (C) growing resentment of ethnic groups; (D) widespread official corruption and growing resentment of ethnic groups; (E) All of these are correct

widespread spread corruption and growing resentment of ethnic groups

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