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The way in which one navigates his or her self-presentation in body and word is defined as...

impression management

Cedric is speaking about teenage birth control use to a largely anti-birth control group that consists mostly of young and middle-age adults. In this situation, which statement is most likely to help foster goodwill with the audience?

"We all want the best for our children. We want them to have every opportunity to succeed. So let's consider how we can help them." When addressing a hostile audience, speakers need to attempt to identify and build on common attitudes and values.

in order to reduce instances of miscommunication, an important phrase for both speakers and listeners to remember is:

'There are always two messages'. As a speaker, there are always two kinds of speeches: the one you deliver, and the one the audience hears. As a listener, there are always two kinds of speeches: what the speaker says, and what you actually respond to. When these two messages misalign or don't overlap, we have misunderstanding

Which statement is true about groupthink and conflict?

Groupthink can silence the thoughts of those who disagree, whereas conflict can lead to deeper understanding and insightful decision-making

The "magic number" of speech points to organize your speech into to help your audience to best remember your speech is:

3 Narrowing your main points to three — or into clusters of three — will serve you well as a public speaker

Which is true about the difference between a webinar and a streaming video?

A video stream always involves video; a webinar does not have to include video. Webinars often include video, but they can also include other presentational tools.

Which fallacy diverts an audience away from an issue to a person?

Ad hominem; The ad hominem fallacy misdirects the audience's attention away from the argument and unfairly onto the person

The online audience that you know exists but whose size and demographic information are unknown is referred to as...

Amorphous. The amorphous audience makes online speaking very different from a face-to-face speaking situation, in which you can see your audience and know exactly to whom you are talking.

A reasoned claim or series of claims that is supported by evidence is termed...

An argument. An argument is a reasoned claim or series of claims that is supported by evidence.

Which of the following sources would likely be the most reliable?

An article from an academic journal. Considering that an article from an academic journal is most likely peer reviewed, this is the most reliable source.

Which of the following sources would be the most appropriate to use for a speech about climate change?

An article from the journal Environmental Research

A fallacy is defined as:

An error in reasoning; A fallacy is simply an error in reasoning. Whether it is intentional or unintended, it invalidates an argument

A true _____ includes a claim, some evidence, and reasoning linking the two.

Argument. An argument is a reasoned claim supported by evidence

Trish is recording a makeup tutorial to put online later. Her presentation will be...

Asynchronous. Asynchronous communication is either written or recorded before it reaches the audience.

Joel says he does not like board games. This is best described as his...

Attitude. It can be difficult to distinguish between attitudes and beliefs. However, it is easier to think of attitudes as evaluative states, such as "I like board games."

Before giving her speech, Diane tries to find out more about the people she'll be speaking to. This process is called...

Audience analysis. Audience analysis is the process of studying an audience before, during, and after a speech.

When speaking to an audience, you emphasize that you care about the well-being of the listeners. In which of the following ways are you attempting to create ethos?

By showing goodwill toward the audience. The Greek term eunoia refers to thinking of the audience positively to create goodwill. This is one of three ways Aristotle suggested speakers could show their character.

When conducting an interview, you should ask questions that you...

Cannot answer by other means. When interviewing, it is important to not waste the interviewee's time. The best way to follow this rule is to ask questions that you cannot answer yourself by other means.

Which refers to employing various tools and methods for gathering information about people?

Conducting a formal audience analysis. Focus groups, interviews, or surveys are all tools speakers can use to conduct a formal audience analysis

When supporting a speech, what do we use to determine how to best use our support materials?

Contextual reasoning

_____ are more trustworthy research resources

Databases. In general, databases are more trustworthy research resources than general Internet searches because they index articles that have gone through some kind of editing process (meaning that more than one person has reviewed the work for quality and accuracy).

Which is NOT considered a way to avoid groupthink?

Defer decisions to an unbiased leader

When Thomas considers the age of his audience, he is studying the audience's...

Demography. Demography is the study of the statistical characteristics of a given population. Age is considered a statistical characteristic.

According to Aristotle, which is one of three ways a speaker can demonstrate his or her character and create ethos?

Develop a reputation for being ethical. A demonstration of our moral virtues or being a good person was known as arête in classical rhetoric. This is one of three ways Aristotle suggested speakers could show their character. The other two ways are demonstrating practical wisdom or prudence (phronesis) and demonstrating or evidence of goodwill toward the audience (eunoia).

Although you cannot actually look an audience member in the eye in online presentations, you can give the effect of eye contact by looking...

Directly at your camera. The camera is usually at the top of your device's screen, so you will need to look at it instead of at the screen to create the impression of eye contact.

Identify the fallacy in this statement: "You must pass this Business and Professional Speaking class, or you will never graduate from college."

Either-or; This is an example of the either-or fallacy. It presents the claim as if there are only two options, when in fact there are others. (Perhaps the person could change majors to one that doesn't require a speaking course, for example.)

Which type of claim asserts that something has happened, is happening, or will happen or asserts that something is true?

Fact; A claim of fact asserts that something is true.

Words can have a connotative meaning or a denotative meaning, but never both at the same time.


When using statistics for speech support, it is important to cherry-pick the most relevant data.

False. Cherry-picking occurs when a speaker knowingly points to a specific statistic that confirms his or her position while ignoring data that contradicts it. Handpicking data in this way leads to the fallacy of incomplete evidence.

To keep your speaking outline as condensed as possible, the entire speech should be collapsed into memorable words, phrases, or nonverbal cues

False. In the speaking outline, quotations from others, statistics, and other important facts or details that need to be precisely reported should be written word for word. Everything else can be collapsed into words, phrases, and cues that are helpful to you.

In Aine's speech, she intends to use personal anecdotes, emotional language, and well-researched, novel information to convince her audience to recycle. Aine is presenting an informative speech.

False. Persuasive speaking intends to change the mind of an audience to that of speaker using methods such as emotional reasoning, subjectivity, and calls to action. Informative speaking intends to inform the audience using objective, unbiased information. In this scenario, Aine is presenting a persuasive speech.

The standards for respectful treatment of diverse audiences are universal

False. Standards for the appropriate treatment of diverse audiences are constantly changing. What may be accepted in one situation may not be acceptable in another.

You have to work harder to appear animated in a face-to-face setting than in an online setting.

False. You have to work harder to appear animated in an online setting because of certain verbal and nonverbal cues that are missing due to the limitations of microphones and cameras.

Vocal fillers such as 'um', 'like', and 'you know' should always be avoided when speaking.

False. In casual conversation, we use verbal fillers to create a sense of informality and comfort, but in more formal speaking situations, these filler words can distract from your speech and should therefore be avoided.

As a speaker, you are responsible solely for your intentions, not for how others may interpret your words.

False; As speakers, we are almost always interacting with a diverse audience. For this reason, one of the most important components of style is cultivating an awareness of what words may mean regardless of what you intend them to mean. The task of a cultivated style is trying to make conscious those meanings that normally escape our notice.

_____________ is the physiological event that concerns waves of sound entering your ear, greeting your eardrum, and firing up neurons in your brain

Hearing. Hearing is a physical event. We hear things all the time without listening to them. Our brains, in fact, work to "filter out" the sounds we hear every day so that we are not overwhelmed by sensory information

Analyzing the speech space and knowing when you will be speaking can...

Help you prepare for your speech. Analyzing the speech space and knowing when you will be speaking will give you a lot of useful information for preparing for your speech

Kiera's professor tells her that her draft presentation overemphasizes pathos. Which elements will she most likely need to reevaluate?

Her research and citations. According to Aristotle, appeals to feelings are pathos. Pathos may make us love, hate, feel fearful, or feel assertive. For this reason, Aristotle included a focus on word and illustration choice in the domain of pathos.

While giving a speech, Rachel makes a joke involving a common situation at her school, and the audience laughs and claps. This shared moment is an example of...

Identification. Moments of identification can also be called finding common ground or, as Aristotle put it, fostering goodwill with the audience. Audience members express that they appreciate something similar to Michelle's experience, and they show it by clapping and laughing.

In contemporary times, rhetoric is the study of ways in which speaking and writing...

Influence people to do or think what they otherwise would not

You are giving an important presentation in a meeting that begins at 11am and ends right before lunchtime. As you are presenting, you notice the room is very quiet and your colleagues aren't as participatory as usual. Your presentation is likely suffering from _____________.

Internal noise. Internal noise is any thoughts, feelings, or bodily disturbances — such as a stomach growl that only you can hear — that distract you from attending to a message.

Which source is MOST LIKELY to provide unbiased information on the long-term effects of contracting measles?

Journal of Medical Research & Health Education

Suji owns an animal shelter and holds monthly community events where she gives a brief presentation with the intention of persuading her audience to adopt a pet from the shelter. To BEST persuade her audience, Suji should use...

Lay testimony. In this context, Suji should use lay testimony, or the experiences of everyday people who have adopted pets as an emotional appeal to her monthly audience. Statistics or expert testimony may be too logical to persuade her audience to make an often very emotional decision

What are appeals to reasoning or structure called?


If you call to another to think, do, or believe something, you are...

Making an appeal. An appeal is a request made to another person with the intent of influencing him or her.

Your friend texts you a photo of a cat and writes, "You have to adopt this cat!" What is this an example of?

Making an appeal. An appeal is a request made to another person with the intent of influencing him or her. In this example, your friend is reaching out with the intent of influencing your behavior

Elbert requests a cash bonus from his supervisor. As part of his request, he points out that he brought in 20 percent of the new sales in the previous month. This is an example of...

Making an argument. An argument is a reasoned claim or series of claims that is supported by evidence. Here, Elbert has made a request and provided proof of why his request should be fulfilled.

Emilio said, "We are seeing a societal shift such that it is much more common to see women as the breadmaker of a household", when he meant to say, '...breadwinner of a household'. What mistake did Emilio make?


Consider the following statements as potential statements in a speech. Which statement would best be supported with additional research and supporting information?

More censorship is needed on the internet. The statement that "More censorship is needed on the Internet" could be controversial to some, so it requires further investigation

Which speech topic would be most appropriate for a group of young professionals?

Networking strategies for long-term career success. Young professionals are typically concerned with deciding to start families, financial stability, and career achievement.

_______ is defined as 'anything that gets in the way of attaching meaning to what someone is trying to communicate


You are an HR manager listening to a colleague recount an event. Immediately after the colleague finishes, your BEST course of action to ensure they feel listened to is to:

Paraphrase the speaker's message and ask for clarification

Which is NOT considered an effective method to effectively manage conflict?

Passive observation

Which classical appeal is intended to arouse strong feelings?

Pathos. According to Aristotle, appeals to feelings are pathos. Pathos may make us love, hate, feel fearful, or feel assertive.

A scholar submits an essay for publication to an academic journal, and it is then evaluated by two or three other scholars in the same academic field. What is this process called?

Peer-review. When a scholar submits an essay or a paper for publication to an academic journal, it is sent to two or three scholars in the appropriate academic field, who read it to determine whether it is well researched and high quality. This vetting process is called peer review

"Congress should pass legislation to curb carbon emissions from livestock farms" is a claim of _________________.

Policy. A claim of policy asserts that something should or should not change, happen, or be done in the future

Aristotle argued that an ethical speaker must cultivate ethos, or the gestalt of __________, __________, and ______ with their audience

Practical wisdom; expertise; goodwill

Having worked on a __________, you have already begun to commit your speech to memory; the ______________ acts as a stimulus to that memory.

Preparation outline; speaking outline

Monroe's motivated sequence is based on the _____ pattern, a more widely used structure.

Problem-solution; The problem in the problem-solution pattern corresponds to the need step in the motivated sequence. The solution corresponds to the satisfaction step

Considering its informal nature, entertainment value, and demand of patience from an audience, the _____________ organizational approach is not recommended for formal or professional public speaking settings.


The four steps of active listening are:

Receiving & Attending; Understanding; Responding, paraphrasing, & clarifying; Recalling & Remembering

The speaker attempts to move an audience to accept his or her position by responding to opposing claims when using the _____ organizational pattern


Smiling, saying 'yeah!' to a point you relate to, or furrowing your brow when confused are all examples of the ______________ step of active listening

Responding, paraphrasing, & clarifying

If your audience is too large to make eye contact with every audience member, you should practice ______________________.


Ilana admits that she often tends to avoid news sources that disagree with her beliefs in favor of content that aligns with her beliefs. Ilana is engaging in:

Selective exposure. Selective exposure is the process by which audiences expose themselves to some messages while avoiding others

Adi is speaking to a dance class of middle schoolers. Even though all the students are beginners, they think of themselves as accomplished dancers. This assessment describes the students'...

Self-concepts. Self-concepts refer to how audience members think of themselves. It will affect how your message is received.

Although ________ memory cannot hold a lot of information, it is readily accessible to you in the moment. As a speaker, you are primarily engaging an audience's ________ memory.

Short term; Short term

When adapting language to an audience, which is NOT a question you should ask yourself?

Should I be humorous or serious?

When answering behavioral interview questions, experts recommend using the STAR method. What does STAR stand for?

Situation, Task, Action, Result

Identify the fallacy in this statement: "If we lose this contract, the company will have to close, and we'll all starve."

Slippery slope; The slippery slope fallacy says if one thing happens, a series of more unpleasant events will happen

A speaking genre in which ≥ 3 - ≤ 20 individuals who self-identify as a group come together to deliberate ideas or analyze information is called...

Small group communication

How does small group communication in the workplace relate to public speeches?

Small group workplace communication is less formal than public speeches. While you may be speaking to a small group of teammates who you may know quite well when speaking in the workplace, always remember, you are at work. You do not need to be as formal as when you are addressing a large audience, but it is important to remember to remain professional and respectful.

Jamin is organizing his informative speech on the basics of tree anatomy: the roots, the trunk and the leaves. The BEST organizational pattern for his speech topic would be:

Spatial. To best organize his speech and maximize the amount of information his audience can retain, Jamin should organize his speech spatially, guiding his audience from the roots up, or from the leaves down.

When you are speaking to inform you have one primary goal:

To provide a new point of view or new information on a topic

Online speakers do not have the benefit of feedback from their audience, as they would in person. As a result, they often appear...

Stiff. Speakers have to work harder to seem animated because of this lack of audience feedback.

_____ communication refers to live (real-time) online speaking.

Synchronous. Synchronous communication occurs in real time and requires the speaker and the audience to be logged onto the Internet at the same time.

Identify the claim of policy that can be inferred from this claim of value: "The death penalty is an inhumane way to punish people who have been convicted of crimes."

The death penalty should be abolished; The policy claim implied by this value claim is that the death penalty should be abolished on the grounds that it is inhumane.

Research has shifted standard selection interview questions such that instead of focusing on hypothetical situations, interviewers now ask questions addressing...

The interviewee's past behavior. Employers most frequently use the behavioral interview style of interviewing, where the behavioral interview asks candidates about past behavior in work-related situations in an attempt to predict future behavior based on the answers

Which is considered an advantage of synchronous presentations?

They allow for audience interaction and feedback. Synchronous presentations allow for audience interaction and feedback. Most times this is accomplished through a chat function that runs during or after the presentation so that questions can be answered and comments addressed.

Sabrina's speech includes a number of statements of fact, many of which are commonly known. Which of the following facts likely warrant further research?

Those that the audience may consider controversial. As the speaker, you should research statements of fact that are commonly known if they could be viewed as controversial by some audience members.

A seminar viewed on the internet is a...

Vodcast. A webinar is a seminar conducted with three or more people over the Internet using software created for this purpose.

When speaking to an audience of "inexperts", using shorter words will help you be perceived more as an expert.


One can listen to stimuli such as facial expressions, gestures, and non-word sounds

True. You can listen to a sneeze as much as you can listen to someone's facial expression; what makes either "listening" is the attribution of meaning to the message. Listening is the process of actively making meaning of messages

Even when a coworker's personality is causing conflict, you should not address it as the source of disagreement.

True. Arguments discussed and debated in a group should be about ideas, consequences, benefits, and outcomes, not individual personalities. You may perceive that a person's character or behavior is the ultimate cause of conflict, but you're much more likely to discover a productive outcome if you frame disagreement or tension in terms other than person-based issues and challenges

When speaking, it is best to blend in with your audience, and avoid drawing attention to what you are wearing.

True. You do not want audiences so distracted by how you are dressed that they ignore or cannot remember your message. In short: the goal is to blend in with your audience as much as possible when speaking. However, a good additional rule is to dress 'one step up' from your audience to show you were prepared for your presentation.

To achieve professional-looking lighting in your online presentation, you should...

Use 3 light sources. To control shadows, you should try to use a technique called three-point lighting — a key light, a back light, and a fill light.

AJ is presenting his PhD dissertation on the sleep patterns of a very specific underwater tape worm at an international zoological conference. In order to BEST inform his audience of zoologists, he should:

Use visual aids to reinforce his message

Using people-first language is an excellent way to _________________.

avoid biased language

The purpose of a ___________ is to narrow down an applicant pool; the purpose of a ____________ is for learning whether the interviewee and company are a good match.

screening interview; selection interview

When speaking in any work-related setting it is best practice to remain honest, even when delivering bad news.


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