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"I" language offers a more accurate and less provocative way to express a complaint. True or false

what are the four semantic rules and their definitions.

1. equivocal language: statements that have more than one commonly accpeted definiton. ex: "thats cheap', "your fake" "i love pizza". 2. relative language: words gain their meanings by comparsion. ex: large or small, happy or sad. 3. static evaluation: words leading to the assumption that something is consistent and unchagning ex: "she is smart" 4. abstract and behaivoral language: A is more vague while B is the specfic things people say or do. ex: Thanks vs thanks for helping me mow the lawn.

what are the three impacts of language

1. naming and identity 2. affilation of convergance 3. power

how do you manage difficult emotions

1. you make a distinction between facillitave and debillitative emtions. 2. use self talk: your interpretations of events will determine you emotions you feel. 3. regonize irrational thinking/ fallacies.

name four fallacies and their definitions.

1.fallacy of perfection: the idea that you have to be perfect at everything, this results in low self esteem and others not liking you. 2. fallacy of approval: the idea that the more people will like you if you go out of your way to please them. 3. overgenralization: limited evidence exaggeration of events. "you never listen to me", I'm always late" 4. causation: believes that emotions are caused by others rather than your self thinking.


According to cognitive psychologists, it is not events that cause people to feel bad, but rather the beliefs they hold about the events. True or False


After years of research, it has been concluded that names have little affect on how others think of us and the way we act. True or false


All human languages are symbolic in nature. True or false


Anger can be either a facilitative or debilitative emotion. True or False


Equivocal words are words that can be interpreted in more than one way. True or False


Feelings are often recognized by nonverbal changes, such as blushing. True or False


Generally speaking, people are more likely to share negative emotions rather than positive emotions. True or False


High-level abstractions can be useful as verbal shorthand between two people who know each other well. True or false


Inferential statements are conclusions arrived at from an interpretation of evidence. True or false


Linguistic relativism is a notion that holds that our cultural worldview is shaped and reflected by the language spoken by its members. True or false


Meanings are best found by studying the words people use, not by observing how people use them. True or false


Research shows that linguistic differences are more often a function of gender roles than they are of biological sex. True or false


Researchers have found that college students who can pinpoint the negative emotions they experience, such as anger, also have the best strategies for managing their emotions. True or False


Social rules discourage too much expression of negative emotion, but there are really no social limits to expressing positive emotions. Ture or False


The U.S. is a high-context language culture. true or false


The fallacy of causation is based on the irrational belief that emotions are caused by others rather than by one's own self-talk. True or False


True or False: Changing your vocal intonation pattern is one way to regulate a conversation.


True or False: Gestures can be intentional or unintentional.


True or False: Messages about status can be conveyed through clothing and chronemics.


True or False: Nonverbal communication plays a less important role in identity management than verbal communication.


True or False: Nonverbal messages are less ambiguous than verbal messages.


True or False: Nonverbal messages convey relational information such as respect and friendliness.


True or False: Paralinguistic elements always accompany the spoken word.


True or False: Patterns of eye contact are fairly consistent across cultures.


True or False: Pupil dilation can be a sign of interest.


True or False: Since "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," physical attractiveness is not a general factor in how people are perceived.


When sharing your feelings, it's not necessary to accept responsibility for them because so often others cause them. True or False


Your personality makes little difference in the way you experience and communicate emotions. True or False


Your text advises that when you feel a certain way, you should act on that feeling immediately. True or False


adapting ones speech to match anothers style in convergance. we are attracted to people whose style of speaking is similar to ours

describe symbolic language

allows for more communication can lead to communication breakdowns. the boat picture every one drew and different picture of a boat based on the symbloicness of lanugage.

what is territorality

any geographical are such as work area, room, house, or other phyiscal space that people have the "right" too

females in non verbal communication

are more non verbally expressive better ar regonzing others behaivo, make eye contact more vocally expressive face their conversational partners straight on.

waht are manipulators

are selft touching behaivors like fidgeting rubbing your arm.

what are some non-verbal reactions

blushing, trembling, posture. appearance changes include blushing and sweating, wheras behaivoral changes inclued facial expressions, posture and gestures.

what are some communication channels

electronically, face to face, over broadcast, social media

what consist of disruptive language

fact opinion: opinions can never be proved or disaproved. fact interference: conclusions come from interpretation of the evidencce at hand. Emotive language: as you describe something the language you use announces your emotions towards it.

definition of haptics

is the study of touching

what is facillitative emotion?

it contributes to effective functioning. its a controled emotion. not always postive

what is debilitative emotion?

it detracts from effective functioning. its an out of control emotion.

explain non-verbal emotion

it's the body reactions to the emtoion without you saying anything. when you get nerous you sweat and get butterflies.

what are chronemics

its consists of monochroncis which emaphasizes punctuality, shcehudles and completing one task at a time. Poluchronic is flexible shchedules in which multiuple tasks are pursued at the same time

describe paralanguage

its nonverbal and vocal messages includingn tone speed pitch and volume number and length pauses and disinfluences. listeners pay more attention to paralanguages then to the content of the message

what is linguistic relativism

its the world view of a culture. it is shaped and relfected by the lanugae its members speak. for example France has a romantic language and eskimos have 100 words for snow.

males in nonverbal communication

lean foward more and require personal space, face conversation partners at an angle

explain verbal communication styles

low context cultures look for the meaning of the statement in the words spoken they express thoughts feelings and ideas clearly. High context cultures discover meaninf from the context in which a message is delivered; they maintain soical harmony (asia, India)

naming and identity

names shape and reinforce a childs personal identity they show about the child and parents culture.

cultures wiil determnine which pragmatic rules are allowed. such as swearing its accpeted in some cultures but not all.

pragamtic rules


the more powerful you speech is the higher you are judged in intellect, competence, and attractiveness.

what is proximics

the study of the way people and animals use space

what is the defination of semantic rules

the way that words are assigned meanings; these meanings can vary are usually shared.

what are I statements

they are the consequences that other people's behaivor has for you. It consist of: the other persons behaivor, your interpret behaivors your feelings.

what are synatatic rules

they govern the grammer of a language; usually not noticed until they are viloated.

what are adapters

unconcious body movements in response to the enviroment

gender and language

women tend to be more indirect and elaborate and foucus on relationships, while men are more direct and taks oriented. women communicate to harnish relationships while men communciate to accomplish a job at hand. women talk about: food, clothing, reproductive matters, health, and family. men talk about music, current events, sports, and other men.

responsbility of emtions

you need to take responsibilty of you emotions no one casue your emotions because in the end you chose to let yourslef feel that way..

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