Compend Business Law

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When an agent receives his authority through a contract with a principal agency is created by A appointment B bequest C default D estoppel


A draft drawn on a bank and payable on demand is A premium B dividend C bequest D check


The damages awarded an injured party in a contract in which the injured party is entitled to compensation for the exact amount of the loss are called A nominal damage B compensatory damages C punitive damages D liquidated damages

Conpensatory Damages

The one who ships by common carrier is called the A carrier B consignor C consignee D pawn


The maximum amount of interest that may be charged is called the A capital rate B legal rate C contract rate D prime rate

Contract rate

An association of individuals united for a common purpose and permitted by law to use a common name and to change its members without dissolution of the association is a(an) A corporation B assignment C bailment D partnership


Written instruments drawn in a special form, which can be transferred from person to person as a substitute for money or as instruments of credit are called A wills B bailments C negotiable instruments D contracts

Negotiable instruments

A small amount awarded when there is technical breach but no injury generally one dollar A compensatory damages B punitive damages C liquidated damages D nominal damages

Nominal Damages

All but one of the following are important duties of the principal to his agent A abide by the terms of the contract B indemnification C compensation D novation


All physical items that are not real property are classed as ___ property A personal B perpetual C short-term D general


Land, timber, minerals, buildings, and other man-made property permanently attached to land are called ___ property A real B implied C general D limited


When a principal terminates the agency because of a breach of material part of the contract of employment by the agent, the agency is terminated by A proxy B statute C revocation D quit claim


The owners of a corporation are known as A directors B stockholders C makers D drawee


When the duty of care that a motorist owes other motorists and pedestrians is breached and results in injury or damage to another a ____ has been committed A verdict B forgery C tort D conversion


An agreement that is not legally binding A valid contract B simple contract C unenforceable contract D implied contract

Unenforceable Contract

A contract made by an intoxicated person is A void B voidable C valid D simple


A written disposition of property real or personal to take effect at the death of an individual is called A will B lease C deed D promissory note


A special agent whose task is to bring two contracting parties together A independent contractor B attorney in fact C broker D power of attorney


Whatever the promisor demands and receives as a price for a promise is considered to be A novation B ratification C consideration D authority


The election to avoid a contract is called A forbearance B ratification C novation D disaffirmance


There are two general ways in which agencies may be terminated one of which is by operation of law and the other is by A endorsement B acts of parties C compensation D proxy

Acts of parties

A person appointed by the court to oversee the deceased estate is called A heir B executor C legatee D administrator


The contract between a principal and an agent creates a relationship called A novation B assignment C agency D partnership


A valid contract that is enforceable must meet which of the following requirements A mutual agreement B competent parties C consideration D all of these

All of these

In order to be enforceable a valid contract must meet which of the following requirements A competent parties B consideration C lawful purpose D all of these

All of these

The means whereby one party conveys his rights in a contract to another who is not a party to the original contract is called A Bill of lading B Contract of agency C novation D assignment


When a funeral director has the personal effects of a dead human body in his possession he is properly termed a A bailee B bailor C inn keeper D common carrier


If the payee of commercial paper is indicated as "myself", "cash", "payroll", or some similar name the term is equivalent to A acceptor B drawer C bearer D payee


A mutual exchange of promises makes a contract A voidable B bilateral C unilateral D void


The right to declare dividends in a corporation belongs to the A stockholders B board of directors C share holders D beneficiary

Board of Directors

The right to declare dividends rest upon the discretion of A the shareholders B stockholders C board of directors D stock owners

Board of Directors

A funeral director may serve an estate as A administrator B executor C both of the above D none of these

Both of these

A failure or refusal to perform contractual obligations A breach B fraud C duress D ratification


An addition or modification of a will is known as a A gift B letters testamentary C deed D codicil


Customs which have come to be recognized by the courts as law describes A administrative law B case law C common law D criminal law

Common Law

Which of the following involves judge-made law A equity law B police power C common law D canon law

Common Law

When a funeral director has a dead human body in his care he is properly termed a A bailee B bailor C custodian D none of these


In addition to his express authority a general agent has authority which one in his position usually exercises and this is known as A estoppel B limited C customary D breach


The decision to avoid a contract is called A ratification B disaffirmance C forbearance D novation


The election to avoid a contract is referred to as A forbearance B ratification C disaffirmance D novation


The profits of a corporation belong to the corporation until set aside by the directors for distribution as A drafts B patients C dividends D deeds


The person who is ordered to pay a draft is called the A drawee B payee C bailor D offeror


The person who executes a draft, such as a bill of exchange, trade acceptance, or a check is referred to as the A payee B bearer C drawee D drawer


A means of destroying anther person's free will by obtaining consent to a contract by means of a threat to do him some harm is A fraud B duress C undue influence D tort


A corporation has a distinct existence separate and apart from the existence of its individual members which is know as a(an) A entity B joint venture C abatement D annuity


Barred from asserting ownership and denying the right of another person to sell the property to a good-faith purchaser is called A acceptance B chattel C estoppel D usury


When a person by words or conduct leads another person to believe that a third person is his agent the relationship of agency is created by A appointment B legacy C forgery D estoppel


A personal representative of the decedent appointed in the will to carry out the provisions of the will is called A devisee B administrator C executor D surrogate


A contract in which the terms have not been fully performed by all the parties is said to be A void B voidable C executed D executory


A statement of guarantee by the seller is called A implied warranty B constructive warranty C limited warranty D express warranty

Express warranty

A term involving a relationship of trust is known as A bailment B usury C fiduciary D custody


Any agreement that is based on the promise of trust is called A canon law B fiduciary agreement C administrative agreement D common agreement

Fiduciary Agreement

When one promises to refrain from doing something his conduct is known as A consideration B forbearance C disaffirmance D ratification


Which of the following would be a corporation that is chartered in another state? A alien corporation B domestic corporation C private corporation D foreign corporation

Foreign Corporation

A contract under seal is called A simple B executed C executory D formal


One who induces another to enter into a contract as a result of an intentionally or recklessly false statement of a material fact is guilty of A fraud B duress C undue influence D perjury


One who is authorized by a principle to transact all of the principal's business at a particular place or of a particular kind is called a ____ agent A special B legal C principal D general


If an agent discloses confidential information this is a breach of A good faith B redemption C concealment D legacy

Good Faith

With this type of sale, the seller bears the risk and expenses until the goods are delivered at a point designated A consignment sale B goods sold COD C goods sold FOB D auction sale

Goods sold FOB

Property rights consisting merely of evidences of ownership of property, such as copyrights, checks, notes, and stocks are _________ personal property A real B mixed C intangible D watered


When a person dies without a will he is said to die A testate B intestate C executor D none of these


The power or authority which each court has to hear cases is called A forbearance B disaffirmance C jurisdiction D judicial power


Harming or injuring a person by defaming him/her in writing is known as A libel B assault C slander D battery


A person who executes a promissory note is called the A drafter B maker C holder D endorser


When agency is created by unforeseen emergency through the pledging of another's credit agency is created by A forbearance B necessity C ratification D delivery


The substitution of a new party for the original party who is to perform is A contract of agency B assignment C novation D ratification


The laws of city councils are called A statutes B ordinances C torts D constitutions


"Spoken words" A police power B stare decisis C parole evidence D formal law

Parole Evidence

This states that complete written contracts may not be modified by oral testimony unless evidence of fraud exists A Statutes of Frauds B Parole evidence rule C Usury rule D Formal contract rule

Parole evidence rule

You receive an offer in the mail containing no stipulations as to the acceptance and you decide to return your acceptance by mail. The agreement is complete when the acceptance is: A received by the offeror B placed in the mail by the offeree C received by the offeree D placed in the mail by the offeror

Placed in the mail by the offeree

The consideration that an insured pays for protection is known as A policyholder B face amount C premium D amount due


The filing and proving of the will following death is called A lawsuit B accounting C probate D specific performance


An unconditional written promise made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed future time, a sum certain in money to order or to bearer is a A Bill of Sale B tort C promissory note D codicil

Promissory Note

Anything that may be owned, possessed, used, or disposed of for a price is called A slander B property C estoppel D usury


The approval of an act previously done by another in a person's name without authority is known as A assignment B usury C ratification D novation


The restatement of one's willingness to be bound by his promises made during minority is called A ratification B novation C disaffirmance D forbearance


Unilateral act of holder giving up rights in the instrument or against a party to it A fiduciary B renunciation C special endorsement D debenture


The action used to recover possession of property unlawfully detained A novation B replevin C abatement D forbearance


Which of the following means stare decisis A unwritten law B common law C stand by the decision D stature law

Stand by the decision

The statute listing certain classes of contracts which must be in writing to be enforceable is called A Uniform Commercial Code B Statue of Limitations C Statute of Fraud D Statute of Contracts

Statute of Fraud

When one party to a contract breaches it the other party has the right to sue for breach of contract but they must exercise this right within the time fixed by a statute which is called A Uniform Commercial Code B Statute of Limitations C Statute of Frauds D Statute of Time

Statute of Limitations

Which of the following is considered personal property A land B house C stocks D all of these


Personal property which can be seen and touched is ____ personal property A converted B voidable C tangible D special


A person who dies leaving a valid will is called a A testator B intestate C administrator D donor


A breach of the duty of care one individual has toward others is called: A criminal B duress C tort D usury


Law designed to compensate the aggrieved not to punish the wrongdoer is A state B business C criminal D tort


The purpose of ___law is to compensate the aggrieved not to punish the wrongdoer A business B tort C criminal D college


Any rate of interest above the maximum allowable by law is said to be A fiduciary B usurious C illegal rate D prime rate


A contract which is enforceable by the courts is known as A simple B valid C formal D voidable


A contract made by a legally declared insane person is A void B valid C voidable D simple


A contract that is of no legal effect is A simple B valid C void D voidable


A contract where there are mutual mistakes as to the existence of the subject matter will render a contract A void B voidable C valid D simple


A contract which is not enforceable by law A valid B simple C void D voidable


A mistake made by both parties regarding a fact makes a contract A valid B simple C void D voidable


Mutual mistakes as to the existence of the subject matter renders a contract A void B valid C voidable D simple


A contract in which duress is proven is considered A valid B void C voidable D simple


A contract in which undue influence is proven, is considered to be A valid B void C voidable D formal


A contract that may set aside by at least one of the parties is: A void B simple C valid D voidable


An enforceable agreement that can be set aside by one party is called A valid B void C voidable D executed


Duress makes a contract A valid B simple C void D voidable


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