computer abbreviations all
what does bit stand for
binary digit
a word that represents binary digits; a series of 8 __ equals a byte
what does cpu stand for
central processing unit
3 letter abbreviation for one of the most important pieces of hardware on the motherboard; the brains of the computer
what does dsl stand for
digital subscriber line
this is a type of line providing an internet connection
what does isp stand for
internet service provider
3 letter abbreviation that represents organizations who provide access to the internet (typically for a fee)
the abbreviation for approximately 1000 bytes (1024 bytes)
what does kb stand for
this is the abbreviation for a collection of computer closely located to share resources
what does lan stand for
local area network
what does mhz stand for
mega hertz
this is the measure of the speed of the processor; it is a measurement of hertz
what does nic stand for
network interface card
this is a card necessary for a computer to connect to other computers to share resources
two letter abbreviation referring to computers in the home or in an office
what does pc stand for
personal computer
this type of memory can be accessed and changed; it is volatile
what does ram stand for
random access memory
what does rom stand for
read-only memory
3 letter abbreviation referring to mom volatile memory
what does url stand for
universal resource locator
3 letter abbreviation for web address
a combination of lans; the internet in the worlds largest example
what does wan stand for
wide-area network
this is the abbreviation commonly referred to when accessing the internet without hard wire
what does wifi stand for
wireless fidelity
what does www stand for
world wide web
where documents and other web resources are identified by urls; used by business and organizations