Computer Applications for Business Chapter 1-8 (minus 6)

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(American Standard Code for Info. Interchange) 7-bit code for the characters


(Graphics Interchange Format) standard encoding for icons, cartoons, and simple art (loseless)


(Hypertext Markup Language) main language used to define how a web page should look


(Internet Service Provider) sells connection to the internet → phone companies and cable companies


(Local Area Network) when computers are close enough to be linked by a single cable or pair of wires → the interconnection is referred to as this

TCP/IP Protocol

(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) sending process


(Wide Area Networks) networks designed to send info. between 2 locations widely separated and not directly connected

Properties of Algorithms

1) Input specified 2) Output specified 3) Definite 4) Effective 5) Finite


1st step: software that does the crawling; has a To Do List of URLs that it's given to begin with; builds an index


256 extended ASCII codes over most Western languages; represents many more characters by using up to 32 bits to code characters

query processor

2nd step: looks up the tokens (search terms) in the index and returns a hit list

tertiary sources

3 levels removed from the person with the direct knowledge of the event

Required HTML Tags for Web Pages

<!doctype html> <html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html>

structure tags

<div> Divides HTML document into sections <span> Grouping attribute <p> Paragraph <h1> through <h6> Heading styles

definition lists

<dl></dl>; it's made up of definition terms <dt></dt> and definition data <dd></dd>

top-levels heading tags

<h1> general description of a section of a document's content


<span> surrounds content that we want to style in a certain way -- <span style="color:blue">Mo</span>


<table></table> Border around it: Table row tabs: <tr> </tr> Cells of each row <td> and </td> Captions: <caption> and </caption>


<title> tags enclose a short phrase describing the whole page

unordered lists

<ul> and </ul> surrounds the items of the list which are themselves enclosed in list tags <li> and </li>


A general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples Determine irrelevant from relevant


A precise and systematic method for producing a specified result


A small amount of memory

ARM Processor

Advanced RISC Machine Reduced Instruction-Set Computer Specialized to be part of other systems


Built out of wires, rollers, and motors Computer machinery and equipment

Box Model of CSS

CSS considers every HTML5 element to be enclosed in a "box"; can clearly visualize content, padding, border, and margin


Chip makers "print" the wires and all other parts onto the chip


Collective term for programs "Instructs" the computer hardware by providing the steps needed to perform a task

Tim Berners-Lee

Created a "home page" where everyone could access documents, images and other resources of CERN (the agency Tim worked for) allowing rapid dissemination of information This used the famous HTTP, where a page using the HTTP protocol , your browser (the client) and the host (Web server) know exactly how to interact

Herman Hollerith

Credited with the first "production" application of digital information with his application for the U.S. Census Bureau

DNS Servers

Domain Name System translates the hierarchical, human readable names into the four number IP addresses → both people and computers to use their preferred naming

Moore's Law

Gordon Moore; a computer of a given capacity needed fewer and fewer chips as the years went by, and therefore became cheaper and cheaper So inexpensive, in fact, that everyone could afford a personal computer

domain names

Human readable symbolic names for computers that are based on a hierarchy of domains


Includes CPU, a small amount of memory usually called a cache, and is connected to some input and/or output devices


Instructing an agent to perform some function or action by giving a step-by-step process "Agent" being anything that can follow directions


Invented by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley in 1947 which had three superior properties: Low power (less heat) Extremely reliable Small in size and weight Allowed computers to become much smaller, extremely reliable, very cheap, and have much more complex CPUs


Involves a single sender and many receivers (radio and television)


It is within the "abilities" of the agent following the instructions

Campus or Enterprise Network

LAN → organizations' system administrators connect the computers to form a LAN

Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Monolithic blocks (chips) made of silicon and closely related elements in which both active parts like transistors and connective parts like wires are fabricated together in a multistep process

server name

Name is the server IP address given by the domain hierarchy→ computer uses this name to send a request to the server computer for the page


Opposite of the other two → telephone communication and text message because there is one specific sender one specific receiver

Central Processing Unit

Performs instructions stored in the computer's memory Executes commands from a computer's hardware and software; the principal computer chip that contains several processing components, which determines the computer's operating speed; the "brain" of a computer

Layered Software Development Advantages

Programmers can use the software without ever understanding how those programs work, beyond knowing the proper way to use them. They are building on the work of thousands of other programmers, who have contributed to these layers As technology advances, more boxes will be included and more layers will be added. Over time, the stack grows, both in terms of components and layers

Advantages of Software>Hardware

Programs can be changed rapidly, simply by loading new instructions into the memory Programs can be much more complex, being limited only by the size of the memory Computations are autonomous, meaning that they can run on their own without a person attending to them


Restart a computer

Linear Search Algorithm

Sequentially look for a data item in a list Return -1(or null) if reaches end


Start a computer

types of communication

Synchronous (Voice, phone), Asynchronous (Email, Text), Multi Cast, Broadcast, Point to Point Unicast

Key Ideas*

The CPU and soft instructions allowed a machine to do more complex computations, and to accomplish them autonomously Integration and photolithography all but eliminated the complexity of building electronic devices Layered software developments allows programmers to build on the work of thousands of others without the need to understand the operation of their computations--only how to use them--and then others will build on their work


The agent will eventually finish the computation, giving the right answer, or stop and report that none is possible


The instructions computers perform to implement applications A collection of computer instructions that implement a function or action

le mot juste

The right word or phrase


The statement that sums up the overall idea


The whole process is spelled out unambiguously


There are many receivers, but the intended recipients are not the whole population (ex: magazines often covering specializing topics)

Operationally Attuned

To apply what we know about how a device or system works to simplify its use


To express an idea, concept, or process hat applies to many situations

Abstract (used "to abstract")

To remove the basic concept, idea, or process from a situation

Specifying Input & Output

To say what the computation is given as data, and what it will produce as a result

What was the "game-changing" substitute for vacuum tubes?



Universal Resource Locator


Written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory


a related group of networked computers

IP (Internet Protocol) Address

a unique address each computer connected to the internet gets → series of 4 numbers (one byte each) separated by dots (0-255)

wireless networks

a variation on the LAN connection is often referred to by its protocol name 802.11

black color

absence of light (all 0's)


act of saving info. for possible reuse soon


additional input specification for the tag

escape symbol

ampersand (&) followed by an abbreviation, followed by a semicolon (ex: &lt; displays as < ; &gt; displays as > ; &amp; displays as &)


an icon or image used as representative or symbolic of a computation


anchor text (text in the current document which is highlighted) and the hyperlink reference (address of the other webpage)


any indication that either the computer is still working or has completed the request → takes many forms, depending on what operation a user has commanded

new instance

any specific piece of info. (image, month, or document) is considered an instance; structure w/o any properties or content filled in

binary #s compared with decimal #s

binary numbers are limited to two digits 0 and 1

Styling/Format Tags

bold: <b></b> italic: <i></i> paragraph: <p></p>

navigation bar

built using an unordered list of links ul {list-style-type:none; margin:0; margin-left:140px;padding:0;}

Markup Validation Service

checks to make sure the XHTML is perfectly correct → if wrong the service tells you where the mistakes are and whats not proper

search engine

collection of computer programs that helps us find info. on the Web


compression scheme of the Motion Picture Experts Group of ISO

root name servers

computer s that know the IP addresses for the top-level domain

Perfect Reproduction

computers encode info. as a sequence of binary digits, 0's and 1's → digital information (only use 0's and 1's means it can be perfectly reproduced)

the cascade - sources for style info.

default - comes with the browser; external - styling a file; style section - defined inside of <style> tags; inherited - properties set by enclosing tag; tagged - defined with the style attribute

relative reference

describes how to find the referenced file relative to the file in which the anchor tag appears


different amounts of light

Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

edu domain for educational institutions is one of several top level domain names → ex: commercial enterprises (.com), .edu, organizations (.org), networks (.net), military (.mil), governmental agencies (.gov)


full intensity of each color Binary: all 1's Decimal: (255, 255, 255) Hexadecimal: FF, FF, FF

alt attributes

gives textual description of a picture

primary source

has direct knowledge of the info.


has space for one unit of info., a destination IP address, and sequence # → sent over the internet one at a time using whatever route is available

IP Packet

has the IP address of the comp being contacted and the return IP address (like a postcard); also has a sequence number (a few bits used for technical purposes and a payload)

hex notation

hex digits that are base 16 numbers; used to specify an RGB color or other encoding using bits → we must give the bits in order


how close to white the pixels are

URL Parameters

info. added by a client to a URL when it connects to the server (info. following the question mark)


info. describing info.


instructs the query processor to find pages relevant to all the words; there is no index entry corresponding to a set


list of tokens that are associated with the page


local networks that connect to the internet by a gateway


logical operator; hits on pages that are associated with one (at least, but possibly more) of the words

site search

looking only on their site

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Groups of the ISO)

lossy compression technique that exploits same kinds of "human perception" characteristics for light and color


main technology for LAN → setting up connection on all computers in a lab or building


mnemonic for presence and absence- describes info. that is "black" or "white"

Extended ASCII

now called: ISO-8859-1; an 8-bit code; 2 to the 8th = 256 symbols; byte

bit depth

number of bits used to represent each sample


order in which hits are returned to a query

lossy compression

original representation cannot be exactly reconstructed from the compressed form

loseless compression

original representation of 0's and 1's can be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed version

secondary source

people who interviewed primary sources


physical setup for an Ethernet network is a wire, wire pair, or optical fiber


physically connected to an ISP modem connected which is capable of broadcasting and receiving signals such as radio frequency (RF)

absolute reference

references using a full URL

Synchronous communication

requires that both the sender and the receiver are active at the same time ex: sending or receiving simultaneously

Nyquist rule

sampling rate must be at least twice as fast as the fastest frequency

page's pathname

sequence following the IP address: /homes/Snyder/index.html → tells the server which file or page is requested and where to find it

software stack

series of layers of programs that implement user applications (user > software > hardware > device)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

simplifies the task of creating beautiful yet complex page designs


size of difference between darkest and lightest portions of the image; add smaller amount for dark pixels or larger amount for light pixels


small changes in brightness


small differences in color


small files stored on the client computer by the server, and returned to the server with each page request


small points of colored light arranged in a grid to form a computer display (RGB)

white space

spaces that have been inserted for readability (exception: preformatted → <pre></pre>

image tag

specifies a file that contains an image;<img src="filename" alt="description"/>

logic operator

specifies a logical relationship between the words it connects (ex: the word AND)

singleton tags

tags that do not have a matching ending tag beginning with a /. It is replaced by /> (ex: horizontal rule <hr/>, break <br/>

ADC (analog to digital converter)

takes the continuous wave and samples it at regular intervals (ADC-CoDec-DAC

sampling rate

the faster the rate, the more accurately the wave is recorded

User Experience (UX)

the feeling a user has when interacting with a system → how easy it is to manipulate the application in general

anchor text

the highlighted link text, which is inside <a....> tags, describes the page it links to


the http:// part, which stands for Hypertext Transfer protocol → tells the computer how to handle the file → other ways to send via the File transfer protocol (FTP)

open source

the program code is publicly available and any programmer can contribute improvements to it (ex: firefox)

client/server structure

the protocol the internet uses → client refers to any situation where one computer gets services from another computer, the server

Asynchronous Communication

the sending and receiving occur at different times ex: post cards and text messages


the use of multiple copies of info.

User Interface (UI)

the way a user interacts with a system and how this responds to such interaction (ex: colors, contrast, button interaction, touch feedback, hover on feedback)

descriptive text

title anchor text meta top-level heading tag alt attirbutes


to change the representation in order to use fewer bits to store or transmit info.

analog to digital: sampling

to digitize continuous info, we must convert the data to bits; take measurements at regular intervals


transition from one router to the next

binary system

two patters (PandA encoding has 2 patterns: present and absent)

list tags

unordered lists; ordered lists; definition lists

ordered lists

uses tags <ol> and </ol>, it replaces the bullets with numbers


web page creators can add a <meta name="description" content="travel photos"/> tag in the head section which is a several sentence description of the page as in

World Wide Web

web servers (files and their services) do not confuse with the internet

authoritative sources

what experts say


what's being sent


words or abbreviations enclosed in angle brackets < and > Start tag and end tag; ex: <title></title>


words/search terms

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